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Top 10 Biggest Turn-Offs for Men on a First Date

10. Over Make-up

Majority of men loves to date a woman who wears less make-up, and some prefer the natural look. Nonetheless, since its a first date, women need to showcase their feminine side, but overdoing it will not impress their date, but it will create disaster instead. If your date will happen at night, its advise to wear a darker shade of colors, but still depends on your skin tone. Hence, if you would have a date at night, a much simple make-up will do, and its a standard tip to all women if they are attending specific occasion or event. They still love a feminine yet simple look. 9. Acting too Dainty

This tip is for women who happens to have their first dates, and they act in a seemingly strange way that it seems that you are the most demure woman that they ever in their life. Dont be too girly that he needs to treat you as a special woman that day although its good for women to feel that they are different, and they need to be treated in a distinctive manner. Just act normal, and show him who you are, but not in a sense that you will become too much comfortable being with him. This is another edge that you have to watch that it might look like that you are sending a message that you want something more, or you are expecting that he likes you right away. 8. Poor Hygiene

This is not just a big NO for men, but for women as well. Make sure that you check your look, and smell your breath before leaving. To keep breath fresh the whole time that you are with him, you could bring any mint to freshen your breath up. Moreover, check your nails if they are properly trim especially if you are going to wear an open-toe shoes which also goes with your hand nails. Just any regular hygiene that you have to maintain proactively during regular days should be applied as well before you go on a date. Take a bath, apply perfume if needed, and of course apply deodorant. Some of the most complaints of men after their dates with women are body odor, and bad breath. 7. Aggressiveness

If there are women who are too demure and dainty on their first dates, there are others who are too aggressive thinking that the only way that they can get the man that they date is to have intimate moments right away. The wrong notion that men

are only after the sexual pleasure that they can have with their dates are just what the society has influences to the minds of the women. In fact, women will never have another date or would they expect a serious relationship if they see that they cannot respect you, and you are easy to get. Everything should be taken one step at a time. A simple kiss after your date will do, but dont give an impression that you want it. Despite that we are living in a modern world where one could say that women can do anything what men can do, but it does not include losing your virtue, and modesty. Remember that its your first date, it does not mean that you are going to marry that man when you date him, and he would be your boyfriend although thats one of the aims. Hence, dating only allows you to get to know others where you could make proper choices and selections. 6. Sharing Portfolio

Its nice that you get to know pieces of information from each other, but most of the women based on mens observation that they tend to over impress them by sharing the kind of profile that they have. Men dont need your resume, what they want is to know you in a different way. You dont need to tell them that you have finished this specific course, and you are working in this company, and so forth. If

he really needs that, he would rather ask your curriculum vitae. Its not really appropriate to discuss that because you are on a date not unless the guy asks you about that then you can share quick and short information. Just focus on getting to know each other by discovering each other likes, interests, and other stuff. 5. No Fair Share

It is true that when you are on a date that the traditional belief that men should shoulder all the expenses on your first date. Its now that you think, but they also expect some courtesy that you would also offer some share even a quite percentage. Remember that its just a date, and you are not going to marry him yet. Be extra cautious especially if the bill that he has to pay is a bit expensive and you are enjoying every bit of it. Of course, you would not expect that any man will ask you that you have to pay your share since its very unethical and rude to hear that. Hence, at the back of their minds they want you to give a portion on the total cost. 4. Big-Mouthed

Women are expected to talk much, and to be dominant when it comes to everything. Nonetheless, ladies dont bring that kind of behavior when you are on a date. Your date does not need chatter, he goes and approves on a date because he wants to mingle and get to know other women. Hence, if you would babble stuff like about your past relationships, and insignificant topics that have nothing to do with the reason why you go on a date. It should be a two-way communication where both of you can share and discuss things without him listening at you all the time. Be sensitive if you are taking the whole time talking, and he does not talk anymore, and would just listen on what you have to share and say more. Be sensitive in non-verbal gestures if he gets irritated and bored with you. 3. Dont be too nice

A guy would know if a girl is trying to show her too good to be true side. No one was born saint. It does not mean that you have to show the negatives that you have which everyone has. Nonetheless, dont limit yourself saying that you like the food being served on your table, although its exactly opposite. Being true to yourself and to your date is better than being too nice and saying repeatedly this answer Im okay. If you feel that you are not comfortable in the place where you date has brought you, just tell the guy straightly that you want some other place. Dont forget to say it nicely without offending the guy. Choose appropriate words where you could send the message to your date that you want to know him more, but there are things that you dont like about the food, and the place. In short, be honest. 2. Dont Make an Interview Questions

Ladies dont get an impression that you have to know everything in one sitting. You could not get to know the girl in one day when you go out with him. Take one step at a time even if you have this feeling that you already like him. Stop asking too much questions that might make him feel uncomfortable that you are intruding his private life, the fact that its your first meeting. Moreover, dont sound like that you are interviewing him especially if the pattern is like an interview questions that you tend to asks more and he answers more. Expect then that there will be no follow-up dates after this date. 1. One-Word Responses

If you would rarely talk, and be silent the whole time that you were on a date, you might send a different message to your date that you are not interested in knowing him more, you dont have any confidence on yourself, and you are bored. Stop

saying these lines Yeah, Im okay, Really?!, niceand a lot of short-line responses that he might even count how many words you have uttered the whole time that you were with him. Guy may not like the woman who talks that much; it does not mean that you will not talk either. In fact, this is the major turn-off for them that they have shared about the things that they hated the most with the women that they have dated. Its okay if you are nervous, but take a deep breath because he feels the same thing. Just relax.

Top 10 Disadvantages of Getting Your Ex Back

10. More Tears

Just remember the time that youve been together, you have experienced heartaches, and disappointments, so youll have to expect much of it when you get back together again. In fact, even the best relationships that you have ever known in your life also experience and feel the weight of indifferences because of different background that both of you have. It does not mean that when you gave a second opportunity to revive the broken relationship that everything will go well the second time around. In fact, you have to ready yourself to be hurt again, and she more tears. Its part of foreseen results that you have to accept because loving means that you have to be hurt in order to face the challenges that you would have with the person whom you feel deserve the second break.

9. Deal with the Same Person Again

You have no choice since you are tossing-up for another luck that your relationship with your spouse, fiance, and even your significant other will get better than the first time that you had been together. Of course, since you know each others strengths and weaknesses, you have to adjust more as to how he or she sees things. Yes, of course, most of the couples who got back in each others arms again have promised that they would do things that would make each others happy, and would avoid things that would cause pain, sorrow, and heartaches. Hence, you have seen already and experienced yourself how being with that same person feels like. Instead of mumbling, and gambling over his or her attitude if there is any, then decide now, if you want to really deal with the imperfections that he or she has. 8. You Know Each Others Weaknesses

This point could serve as an advantage and disadvantage on your part. Since it will be a second chance for you, you know exactly how to approach him or her when certain situations come. You know exactly the reaction, and the limits that you can do especially to those coupes who have been together for more than a decade or two, and have decided to quits, and later on got back to each other again. They know exactly every odd thing that his or her spouse has which could be advantageous because he or she has already adjusted or used to it. Hence, the major setback on it, it will either make the situations worse or if possible solutions can be made then that would be wonderful, but in most cases, there is a thin line of working everything successfully especially if one of his or flaws was the cause of the first separation. 7. Paranoia

Its normal if you think evil against your spouse or fiance after you made amends. Its not easy to be complacent and trustful especially if things have been redone repeatedly. You could think that he or she is cheating on you, or you may start creating stories out of nothing. You cant avoid it especially if that has been the main issue with him or her. You may forgive that person after you got back to him or her, but you cannot assure yourself that everything will go back to normal. In reality it will not be restored to the same blissful relationship that you have had with him or her. What you can only do is to set things straight with him or her about your fears, confusions, and even disillusion so you could meet halfway and if he or she is really honest that working for the second time your relationship is worth another try, then give it, but doubt would always be part of it. You have to face it, or else youll get crazy. 6. Accounting & Counting

You cant avoid of bringing up the disagreements, and problems that you have had in the past even after you made amends with each other. In fact, it commonly happens to women. In fact, there is really a belief that women always initiate the long-ended story from the past especially if it has something to do with fidelity, and trust issues. In order to be part of the winning battle over certain argument, this will be the next battle ground that can be pinpointed against you or against your spouse. As much as you wanted to avoid of digging deeper of the history of your separation before you cannot really thwart the idea of not bringing the mess-up to him or her especially if you are in a heated argument. 5. Same Issues

There are couples who got over on the same issues and roots of their separation with their spouses before, but there are some who are in the hardest and toughest road of overcoming the misunderstanding with the same issues again. In fact, expect that it will happen, none of you is perfect, although, you love each other, and that is the reason why you gave another chance to your relationship, but a promise cannot guarantee 100% free pain, arguments, and tears. In fact, you have to deal with the same root cause of the problem not until you have totally eradicated the poison that might kill the second opportunity of rekindling the love again. 4. Trust Decreased

Yes, you may have reached in agreement that one of you will not repeat or do the same mistake again, but you cannot assure yourself that you can trust your spouse or fiance again. Trust will automatically decrease not just as instantaneous as it should be, but in the process of time, the gradual mistrust has been developed. As much as you wanted to extend your total confidence in him or her, you cannot do it again anymore. In fact, it will take years until you have proven yourself that he or she has changed, and you have not notice any situation that put you on the same dilemma. Since both of you want it, you have to allow the time to heal all wounds, and get things back to normal, but not in the wink of an eye, but in the proper time. 3. Too Much Expectations

Dont expect that your spouse or fiance would be a person for you after you gave him or her second chance that he or she wants. Of course, since both of you came from different families, with different backgrounds and beliefs that the things that have grown with him or her cannot be shunned away quickly. Of course, you have made a promise to each other which every couple done who gave their relationship a second try, because of the thought that he or she will meet your expectations since its a second break for you. Consistency is the challenge since both of you have weaknesses to overcome, and attitude to change then you have to take time, wait, and dont force that person to do it at once. 2. Changes Do Not Happen Overnight

It is true that there are people who are willing to change for the cause of their love, and relationship. Hence, it does not mean that it can be overnight. You have to know that person has feelings, appetites, and of course weaknesses. He or she needs your help so he can change not for the better, but a change for a permanent cause. Since you gave that person a second try, then give as well time wherein she or he can acknowledge her or his fault. No one really changes not until that person has reached a full comprehension of what he or she has done wrong. Realization is the key for anyone to turn into a new leaf. 1. Pain Remains

It is true that you can forgive, but it does not guarantee anyone that the heart can also forget the cause of that pain of your separation after youve just gotten back from each others arms again. You would still feel the pain because you love that

person especially if its still fresh. It will take time and effort not just for you, but to the side of the person who is the cause the heartache to trust you again. You cannot rush things, the same way in letting go of the pain. Time will come that you will no longer be hurt, but since you wished to stay with him or her again, then, you have to cross that bridge of releasing the pain until you have gained the full confidence towards him or her, where you can smile again, and love that person even more.

Top 10 Most Bizarre Hotels in the World

10. Rotel Tours

If you love travelling in a literal way of touring and exploring even the remote places, then take advantage this rotel or better known as rolling hotel where you could enjoy their coach, and hotel into one comfortable unit. You may be familiar with sleeper buses, but this is different because you can tour around the whole cities and other places along with your family while enjoying their company and time. This is being offered by a German Tour Company called as Rotel Tours wherein it offers a six-foot-long bed or equivalent to 3 feet wide by 3 feet high that can accommodate specific numbers of passengers. It has been operating for about 50 years, and it has been one of the exciting hotels that foreign visitors look forward to. Yes, its one of the favorites of the people outside Germany who want to experience the coolest vacation, travel, and hotel in their lifetime.

9. Ice Hotel

This is not just unusual, but totally bizarre especially if you are a kind of person who does not want to stay in ordinary, but love to experience the odd things in life. You can find this Ice Hotel in Kiruna, Sweden. It was opened to the public in 1990 and it holds the title as the largest hotel which is made pure of ice and snow. Hence, its being built yearly from December up to April. Of course, it possesses the same amenities that you can find in a regular or standard hotel such as beds, and chairs, but everything is built out of ice blocks and snow. Imagine that you have to endure the 23 F or equivalent to5 C. There are also other Ice Hotels erected in different parts of the world, but this one is the rarest and beautiful edifice more than just a hotel description. 8. Tree House Hotels

Everyone is familiar with the tree house, but incorporating this idea into tree house hotels is indeed interesting. There are different tree house hotels in India, and its one of the best places that most of the people prefer to stay at because of the ecofriendly jungle feeling which is specifically situated in Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary. You would literally book lodging in the trees wherein you would spend the whole night or few days depending on your options. 7. Jail Hotel

This is also known as the first prison hotel, and its literally a prison which was developed into hotel. To those who would want to cut on their cost, and find budget-friendly, yet offers complete features just like any other luxurious and even standard hotel has. This prison was actually in existence since 1800s, and has been operating as one of the jails in Switzerland until 1990s. Visitors may stay grab this one of a kind accommodations especially that it allows full access to all local

sights and sceneries around Lucerne, Switzerland. In fact, the original materials for each prison cell have been retained such as cell doors, and replete. Moreover, since its converted into a hotel, there are showers and toilets inside along within their spacious and bright rooms. You might find it creepy, but you would love experiencing being in jailed, but happy since you would have the chance to share it with other fellow hostelers. 6. Gamirasu Cave Hotel

It has started its operation in 1999 which is located in Ayvali Village in Cappadocia, Turkey. It has 30 rooms which were all restored monastic retreat where you could find the contemporary touches of convenience, but its built for spiritual rest, and rejuvenation of spiritual feeling. This place has been a place of habitation of the early ancestors of it over 5 thousand years already. This is one of the favorite hotels of the couple for honeymoon getaways, and other thrilling experience that some foreign visitors want to experience. You would also feel the magical feeling once you try to tour around the area of Gamirasu, and its indeed famous not just because its cave set-up, but the location is near the top tourist destinations in Cappadocia in Turkey. They are also offering activities and amenities to all their guests like body care massage, Turkish cuisine course, agricultural activities, and others. 5. Dockside Crane Hotel

You may find yourself building a structure using a crane once you book accommodations at Dockside Crane Hotel in Harlingen, Netherlands. Try spending a night here wherein the idea is out of the intelligent engineering which turned to be a temporary abode, and home where you could stay at. The ladders going to your room has a modern lift so you could go inside your room, and see the wonderful transformation inside. You may feel terrified when you see the heights, but once you check-in, you would surely recommend this place because of the comfort, and wonderful environment which is indeed cozy like ordinary hotels. 4. Drain Pipe Hotel

If you have experienced sleeping outside during camping, then, try visiting and booking a room at the Drain Pipe Hotel in Daspark Hotel in Austria. They have literally pipe rooms which are all stand-alone wherein you may feel like you are

one of the members of teenage mutant ninja turtles. Of course, its very private, but it has double bed, storage space, skylight window, 220V power, double door, and decorative wall art. If you feel that you will not achieve the same level of comfort that you can find in some inns, and hotels around Austria, you are wrong, because if you are after amenities, then you are in the right spot, the only difference is, its for adventurous people who love to explore and experience odd things a very extraordinary way. 3. Osaka Capsule Inn

The main purpose of developing Osaka Capsule Inn is to provide affordable and cheap accommodations to travelers especially those who would want to have a place where they can stay at which is especially built during the time of recession. Who would have thought that from an economical purpose that it will become one of the tourist attractions in Japan. In fact, each room is indeed small, which is the same reason why its called capsule inn. It is measured 2m x 1m x 1.25m dimensions. Nonetheless, it has wireless internet, TV, bed, and other luxurious things that you can find a 5-star hotel. It has become the favorite hotel of businessmen when they have business trips, and those who love spending their night life outside, and would just stay for a night at Osaka Capsule Inn. It was actually designed by Kisho Kurokawa and it started its operation in 1979. 2. Hobbit Motel

It is a motel built in farm which is actually near Waitomo Caves. This is actually built at Woodlyn Park wherein it has self-contained kitchens, shower toilet, furniture, decorations, and there are separate rooms along with its double bed and two set of bunks. This is not just a bizarre hotel, but its extremely included in weirdest ones as well, and its one of the prides in New Zealand. You might feel strange in the surrounding area, but it encompasses still the definition of comfort, and home. 1. Hotel Costa Verde

If you feel like flying without really fastening your seatbelt and exploring the whole world, definitely, you would love the coziness that Hotel Costa Verde in Costa Rica offers. Its also known as an airplane hotel at Boeing 747 Suite which is actually made out of the 1965 Boeing 727 Aircraft. This is actually perched or positioned on the tree after it has been dismantled and transported it to its homeland. Nonetheless, it is fully furnished like wooden teak furniture, flora and fauna experience, local wood paneling as part of its interior design, small kitchen, two bedrooms, dining area, flat screen television, and air-conditioned. Of course, you have to pay for the cost depending on the room of your preference which is priced between $300 to $350.

Top 10 Best Global Brands in 2012

10. Toyota Automotive

The number 10 spot was actually assumed by Hewlett-Packard under the electronic sector based on the 2011 ranking of the top 100 brands. Its brand value then was 28,479 ($m). This is a one step upward move by Toyota because it was ranked number 11 last year, which signifies improvement compared to previous years ranking and brand ratings. Its brand value this year has reached 30,280 ($m) for about 9%. Indeed, it has proven its acceleration in a literal and figurative way as one of the leading car makers in the world. Based on their report, they have repeat customers, and have focused their efforts to younger patrons while intensifying sales along with its incentives. It did work this year, despite of the downfall that it has experienced from 2009 to 2010. 9. Samsung Technology

Many have assumed that the sudden ladder-up of Samsung from 17th position in 2011, while in the 19th spot in 2010 and this year to the 9th spot are all attributed to the introduction of the Galaxy Note and Galaxy S III. In fact, a 40% increased is an obvious reason for its brand value of 32,893 ($m). Last year, it had 20% increased, and it doubled in 2012. This is really a remarkable impression of growth, and everyone agrees to the report because of their smartphones aside from other household devices that they have in the market which they are known for in the beginning. It has outshined and left Nokia that is in the number 19th spot this year, which was a signed of a decreased, compared to its last year number 14th position. Moreover, another contributory factor as well as was the recent London 2012 Olympics wherein they were one of the sponsors that has expanded brand awareness to about 14 million that it had reached. 8. Intel Technology

It went down to number 8th spot from last years 7th spot that had an increase of 10% or 35,217 in 2011 brand value ($m). It does not mean that its soaring down, but it incurred a 12% increased this year of 39, 385 ($m). With the continuous competition in the market with regards to high-end smartphones, and other computing technologies, Intel finds it harder to break the core. Nonetheless, based on the graphical presentations, there is a continuous rise of its brand value while strengthening and developing marketing programs, driving more customers, and targeting the next generations. In fact, it has included hiring and developing new leaders of the company despite of the major changes and evolution in the realms of technology. This spot was once belong to Apple Company which is one of the brands on this list that has grown tremendously. 7. McDonalds- Restaurants

This is one of the brands on this list along with Coca-Cola that actually market under the food sector although McDonalds caters to restaurant while the other one is on beverages. It ranked number 6 on last years list with 6% brand growth of 35,593. This year, its growth went up to 13% of 40,062 ($m). It still holds an exceptional foodservice retailer mark because of their continuous practices of consumer communication and interaction. It is true that they amidst of the progress that they are embarking, there are still critics that still leave unfavorable remarks and opinions about the health menu options that they are offering to their customers worldwide. They focus on other areas where they can better reposition their worth like doodling the designs of their establishments, and in fact some of their branches underwent renovation to make it more comfortable and appealing to the huge numbers of patrons of McDonalds. 6. GE Diversified

It was on the 5th spot since 2010 and 2011, but based on the report, it never had an increased securing 0% of 42, 808. Nonetheless, the good news this year, it has an increased of 2% of 43,682 of brand value ($m). They have made serious changes and they utilized a high-level form of communication in disseminating information to the public in order to reach more customers. They strengthened, and took advantage of the green technology promotion. It has also influenced greatly to their 2% growth the recent London Olympics 2012 since, they were also one of the sponsors of this event. 5. Microsoft- Technology

It ranked number 3 in 2010 and 2011 recurring a negative brand value of 3% of 59,087, and this year, that number -3% has slashed out one percent, making it -2% recording 57,853 ($m). Despite of the negative percentage that it shows, it still holds the title as one of the most reputable brands when it comes to technology. They recognized the statistics that they are indeed has a slow growth since the introduction of a better operating system in the market. In fact, they are competing against Apples boldest platform because of their revolutionalized OS. They are still working on positive resolve in making a comeback, and hopefully that would happen next year. They are now forming other plans to compete with other industries amidst the economic slowdown on their end. They know that their weakest area is on business users wherein they are to push on hardware market that will sufficiently put them back on the competition, and totally leash-off the negative figures on their brand growth. 4. Google Technology

It has maintained its ranking since 2010, and it has a remarkable brand growth last year of 27% of 55,317, and this year, it went down to 26% brand growth of 69,726. It has been a fruitful year for Google especially that the Google + has finally launched, and its teaming up to various Smartphone companies because of its Operating System, Android. Moreover, it has shaped up in a very significant portion when it comes to its search engine platform as to its market sharing. In addition, there are new products that were introduced like the Project Glass, Google Drive, and Google TV despite that it is also competing with Microsoft and Apple when it comes to mobile applications.

3. IBM Business Services

It went down from 2nd spot to 3rd spot this year. It had a brand value increased of 8% of 69,905 in 2011. This year, it has remained on the same position of 8% increase, but its value is $75,532. It still consistent in making to the market especially that they have sustained in focusing to business clients with their reputation as sustainable, innovative, and profitable brands that offer their products not just in the United States, but in the world. Some of the things that contributed greatly to their brand growth are their low-cost photovoltaic cells, and new products that will incorporate their vision for 2013 goal. They also recognized that their revenue became weak during the 2nd quarter of 2012, but they are still set on making way to emerging markets and attention. 2. Apple Technology

Just like Samsung, Apple has made an upscale ascension from 17 th spot in 2010 and 8th spot in 2011. This year, it grabbed the number 2 position from IBM that it held for two consecutive years, 2010 and 2011. In fact, it had a soaring high rate brand growth of about 58% or 33,492 ($m). This year, it has recorded 129% increased of $76,568 despite of the competitions that it had with Samsung, and a literal battle on court. The passing of Steve Jobs did not weaken the companys perspective and its continuous progress to offer refined and defined technological products. The transformation of their products like iPhone, an iPad are truly remarkable despite of the hefty price tag that it actually sets. 1. Coca-Cola Beverages

Top 10 Universities in the World for 20122013

10. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Last year of 2011, California Institute of Technology was ranked #12 wherein last year, its overall score was 93.02, compared this year, it got 95.1 taking away this spot from Columbia University in the United States that got 95.28 overall score which was actually higher compared to what Caltech got this year. In fact, for 2012 score for Columbia University, it really went down to 94.7 overall score that put the university to number 11 spot. This school was founded since 1891, and the focus of evaluation is classified to the following areas such as Social & Sciences, Management, Natural Sciences, Life Sciences & Medicine and lastly the Engineering & Technology. You could find this university at 1200 East California Boulevard Pasadena California in United States.

9. Princeton University

It got a complete 5-rating score this year out of the research, internalization, innovation, specialization, and facilities. Its main strength or specialization is in Arts & Humanities. Its a medium-size type of university which was established in 1746 which was the 4th oldest yet advanced schools found in the United States. It got an overall score of 95.4 wherein the highest is the Life Sciences & Medicines wherein it got a 37 raw score. It ranked # 13 last year wherein it got an overall score of 91.91 which shows that it has improved a lot from the last years survey, but then the highest score still falls under the Life Sciences & Medicines with the raw score of 35. 8. University of Chicago

It still holds the number 8th spot with a little difference when it comes to its overall score. Last year of 2011, it had 96.08 and for 2012, it got 96.3 which a little bit higher since it has improved in two categories as the basis for scoring in Life Sciences & Medicines it went up to 2 points from 40 to 42, and 26 additional points from 2011 134 raw score for Engineering & Technology and just a point for Arts and Humanities. It was founded in 1890 under the management of the American Baptist Education Society. 7. Yale University

This is one of the universities on this list that went down from its high-positioned ranking, but still maintained being part of the top 10 list. This university has been in operation since 1701 and one of the four oldest universities ever built in the United States. Despite of its age, it never fails to improve and make further development just like any contemporary universities, and colleges in the world. In fact, they have proved that indeed an age does not matter because they were in number 4th spot in 2011 with an overall score of 98.84, and for 2012, it got 97.5 that made them slipped 3 steps lower from their previous rank. In fact, all factors for reviews went-up. It so happen that some of the universities on this list have improved a lot compared last year. 6. Imperial College London

It still maintains its number 6 ranking which it also got last year wherein it has received an overall score of 97.64, compared this year, it went up to 98.3 because of the major improvement in their Social Sciences & Management wherein it got 81 raw score against last year of 69. This was founded in 1907 which was located

at South Kensington Campus London in United Kingdom. In fact, its one of the top three universities that you could find in the United Kingdom wherein it has 14,000 students from different countries all over the world and maintaining more than 3,000 people who would oversee these student s. Hence, its best known to healthcare, industry, and commerce. 5. University of Oxford

Its another pride of the United Kingdom, the University of Oxford which was established in 1200 which was the oldest university on this list, wherein it caters to serve over 130 nationalities of students globally. Its best known as collegiate university because of the federal system that it actually implements. According to QS report, it got 98.6 overall score rating which a slight difference last year of 98.84 since it has maintained the number 5 spot for this years survey. The difference took place under their Engineering & Technology from raw score of 12; it went up to 13 this year which was also their main strength among all other basis for scoring. Its popularly recognized when it comes to entrepreneurship and innovation since its focus is on discovery and invention. It might the oldest university, but it has the most contemporary approaches, updates, and learning applications for students. 4. University College London (UCL)

It was ranked number 7 last year, and its now 3 steps ahead on this year top 10 universities in the world for 2012-2013. Last year, its overall score was 97.33, and this year based on QSs results it got 98.7 overall score. Hence, according to its ranking details, majority of the areas where surveys were applied really went down. Nonetheless, it also holds the title as part of the top-three multifaculty universities found in the United Kingdom. They are excelling in Engineering & Technology, Social Sciences & Management, and lastly the Natural Sciences. It has received various awards and citations wherein the recent happened in 2009. 3. Harvard University

When one hears Harvard University, it has never waived down the positive impressions that the people has for it since majority of the political leaders were tutored and graduated from this elite university in the world. In fact, it has maintained for years the number one ranking because of its prestige, and

recommendation from different renowned people. It was in 2009 that it held the number one spot, and in 2010, University of Cambridge got the first spot, and it was repeated in 2011. Nevertheless, everyone was really in shocked when Massachusetts Institute of Technology grabbed away the number one spot from University of Cambridge leaving away the second spot holder of 2010 and 2011, the Harvard University. Last year, it got 99.34 overall score, and this year, it went down with a slight difference of 99.2 which is not bad at all, but putting the university to 3rdspot, while University of Cambridge took the second spot. It was established in 1636 which is one of the oldest Americas institutions wherein their specialty is focused on Engineering & Technology. 2. University of Cambridge

It did enjoy the number one spot for two consecutive years, 2010 and 2011, but this time around, MIT took the limelight. It has an overall score of 99.8, compared last year; it got a perfect 100 overall score which was just a slight difference .2. Its area of strength is under the Social Sciences & Management. Its the second oldest university found in the United Kingdom since it was established in 1209. 1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

It is the very first time that Massachusetts Institute of Technology bravely took away the number one spot from University of Cambridge, and leaving two steps behind the Harvard University. Of course, it got the perfect overall score of 100, compared last year, it received 99.21 overall score. This university was founded in 1861, but first students were admitted by 1865. Their strength lies in Arts & Humanities which is followed by Social Sciences & Management. It has enjoyed its 9th spot since 2008 and 2009, and it gradually stepped up from 9 th spot until it has reached the number one ranking for QS. One university that not make it to the top 10, but are still part of the top 15 are University of Pennsylvania which ranked number 9 last 2011, and went down to number 12 this year.

10 Signs that Your Partner is Cheating on You

10. Instinct

Women are not just entitled to an almost accurate gut feeling or human instinct. Anyone has the ability to perceive if a partner is up to something or not, but the ladies have that special gift. Almost always based on the stories that have been shared by many couples who have experienced cheating had discovered their partners affairs, all by a simple unexplainable feeling.

9. Sudden Increased on Expenses/Bills

For most women, they are much concerned on the detail expenses at home from the electric bill down to spending that spouses do in the office and for transportation. If you are accustomed to typical expenses that you have been spending and there are sudden unexplained receipts and increased collection in mobile phone minute charges, then you better analyze and compare.

8. Financial Control

If there is a sudden secrecy when it comes to financial savings like amount of deposits in the bank if you have one, an abrupt change in the ATM password, or a request of separate accounts? You have to ask your spouse why, or observe further before making an action.

7. Frequent Lies

This is the common sign if there are consistent inconsistencies on the answers or reasons that a spouse gives to the other. For instance, like going late at home and not being able to attend special family events or kids activity.

6. More Time with Friends

If your partner tends to spend time or hang out with friends, especially if its with the opposite sex from work, then its time for you to think twice, particularly if it happens too often than enough.

5. Disinterest in Intimate Moments

Special time together as a couple is one way of enriching the love that you have for each other. Hence, if that fire or excitement has gradually waned on his or her part, then thats the time that you discuss the problem. However, if your partner will rationalize work-related problems like Im tired, I dont have time, and other excuses to give an ample justification in avoiding intimate moments with you, then you have to be worried because it is one of the big signs of infidelity.

4. Communication Decreases

Talking before you sleep and sharing what happened the whole day where one of you has been out of the house working or both of you have been busy in other tasks, must be shared to each other as one way of assuring to your partner that your day went well and fine. Hence, if simple things cannot be talked about, even in as short as 15 to 20 minutes, then, dont be satisfied with the answer of same as usual, which would be followed by lets sleep. Another thing, if your partner rarely texts or calls you and could not express the language of love that you do, its already a big sign.

3. Becomes More Conscious on Physical Looks

Its good that your spouse makes himself or herself attractive or presentable, since it is part of personal grooming. Hence, if your partner changes the usual routine that he or she has before leaving the house like checking too much on the mirror,

buying new clothes which are not needed, becoming more vain, and other things, then its time for you to be alert.

2. Busy Texting on Mobile Phones/Computers

Does he or she spend more time on his or her mobile phones and computers when he or she gets home rather than with you and your kids? If this sign happens too much than frequent, then you have to think more than twice. Who are those people that he or she spends his or her time so much on phone? Is he or she too discreet on personal stuff like cellphones and laptops and he or she could not let you check them? Darn, thats the biggest hint that you could ever have.

1. Mood Swings

Mood swings are common to humans that everyone has that. There are times that you dont feel good because of factors like work, stress, problems, and other that influence your behavior and attitude greatly. However, if your partner is only different to you, but to everyone else he or she is acting okay, then be alarmed.

Top 10 Biggest Airports in the World

10. Hong Kong International Airport

It is also known as Chek Lap Kok Airport which is also the main airport found in Hongkong, and its situated at Chek Lap Kok Island, where its name was derived. Its operation began in 1998 that caters more than 40 destinations in Mainland China. It implements a 24-hour operation, and its designed by Lord Norman Foster who is a renowned architect from Great Britain. Its total area is 1,255 hectares, workforce is around 65,000, it operates 62 flights per hour which is the flight handling capacity of Hong Kong International Airport, cargo throughput is about 4.1 million tonnes, and 50.9 million as its passenger throughput. This airline is connected to bridges, railways, and striking highways. It could be reached in just 30 minutes if you would ride the MTR Airport Express train. You could find impressive terminals that have splendid and luxurious facilities for entertainment, leisure, and dining. Moreover, it is the worlds recognized outstanding airport in the world. 9. Frankfurt Airport

This is one of the busiest airports in Germany, and its named was based from its location which is built in Frankfurt, Germany. This is the best hub for Aerologic, Air Cargo Germany, Condor Flugdienst, Jet Executive, Lufthansa, and XL Airways Germany. This is being managed and operated by Fraport for public transport and its elevation is 364 feet/111m. There were series of expansion done in this airport, wherein additional transports, terminal sections, and other facilities in order to best serve the passengers of the airport. In fact, they have actually

predicted that there would be a growing number of travelers in 2020 that might rise up to 20 million, and this is the reason why another terminal was opened this week, October 10 2012 to cater additional 6 million patrons. There would be another terminal that would be opened by 2013. 8. Dallas Fort Worth International Airport

Stay connected to this public airport which is under the operation of DFW Airport Board, which is located in cities of Forth Worth and Dallas. Its land area is 18,076 or equivalent to 7,315 ha. This is also the largest airport found in Texas, and one of the busiest gateways in America. This is the best hub of UPS Airlines and American Airlines. Its elevation is about 607 ft/185 m. Some of the perks of the airport are the USO, sky train, and have nearby facilities for convenience of the passengers, but make sure that you ask questions if you arrive here since its literally big. It has Terminal A, B, C, International Terminal D, and Terminal E. 7. Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

Aeroport de Paris owns this airline and its primarily serves passengers of Paris. Its one of the busiest airlines in Europe which can be reached within 23 kilometers travel to the northeast part of the country. It could also be reached through limousines, RATP buses, and taxis since it provides easy routes for their passengers in order to arrive in the area quickly. You could find 3 terminals of the airport where you could enjoy free shuttle buses. There are also widest selections of facilities intended for both domestic and international flights like restaurants, services, and even bars. This is also the largest airport in France, and its name was derived from the leader and founder of the French Republic named Charles de Gaulle. Its land area is about 12.50 sq mi or 32.38 km. It has terminals 1, 2, collapse of terminal 2e, east terminal 2e, and 2f and 3. 6. Los Angeles International Airport

It serves millions of passengers who go and pass this airport, and its the largest airline situated in California. Its own by the city of Los Angeles and its operation is being handled by the Los Angeles World Airports which actually serves the Greater Los Angeles, and Metropolitan area. Of course, this is located in Los Angeles, California while its focus on cities like Allegiant Air, Air New Zealand, Qantas, Virgin America, Southwest America, and Volaris. This is the best hub for American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, Horizon Air, Great Lakes Airlines, and United Airlines. Its land area is 640 acres or equivalent to 1.00 sq mi, 260 ha. Some of the facilities that you can find in this airport are aircraft spotting, space shuttle endeavor, the theme building, and its terminals 1 to 8 and the Tom Bradley International Terminal. 5. Tokyo International Airport

It is an airport is located in Ota, Tokyo that has two primary airports and its also called as Haneda Airport. Its operation is under the Tokyo Aviation Bureau, Japan Airport Terminal Co., Ltd., Infrastructure and Transport and Ministry of Land. This is the perfect hub for Air Do, All Nippon Airways, Japan Airlines, Skymark Airlines, and Skynet Asia Airways. It began operating in 1931, but domestic operations started in 1951, and there were series of terminals added in order to cater to the growing passengers and needs of their patrons. An expansion is being undertaken since the 2011 announcement wherein an inclusion of a new 8gate, parking spots, and other new facilities that expected to be seen after its

completion in 2014. It has terminals 1 and 2 and International Terminal and it could carry 62.3 passengers. 4. OHare International Airport

It became the busiest airport in the world in late 1990s because of the number of passengers that they had that time. In fact, it was voted as the Best Airport in North America and its under the operation of the Chicago Airport System. It serves the United States, Chicago, and Illinois. This is the best hub for American Airlines, Air Choice One, and United Airlines. The name of this airport was derived from the World War II flying ace, Edward OHare. It carries 66.6 million of passengers, and commercial flights began in 1955 and it has 5 terminals, terminal 1 to 4, and International Terminal. 3. London Heathrow Airport

BAA Limited owns the London Heathrow Airport which is under the operation of the Hearthrow Airport Limited and its the perfect hub for British Airways. Its located at Hillingdon, London in the United Kingdom. It has carried 69,433, 230

passengers, and its indeed the busiest airport you can find in the United Kingdom. Its site is 12.14 square kilometers, while its land is 12 nmi which is equivalent to 22 km, 14mi. It was just a small airfield when it began in 1929, and its name was derived from Heart Row or Heartrow which was a local hamlet during that time that had orchards, and market gardens. Today, this small airline serves about 90 airlines and could fly up to 170 destinations in the world. It has 6 terminals including cargo terminal. 2. Beijing Capital International Airport

By 2017, Beijing Capital International Airport will be known as Beijing Daxing International Airport after its announcement that it will be transformed into a new Mega Airport which is expected to be opened by 2017 wherein it would have a new hub of about 21 square miles, eight runways, ground transportation hub, and expected to service around 130 million passengers which would surpass its current capacity of 75 million passenger per year. Its operator is the Civil Aviation Administration of China that serves Beijing. Hence, its specifically located in Chaoyang District which is the hub for Air China, Hainan Airlines, and China Southern Airlines. It has been operating since March 02, 1958 wherein it started as a small terminal building, and not it has 3 big terminals, system, security, and luggage, airbus A380, Inter-terminal transportation, and ground transportation like car, bus, rail, and taxi. 1. HartsfieldJackson Atlanta International

This is not just the largest or the biggest airport in the world, but it offers competitive gateway, most advanced facilities, and maintains higher level of customer service. Its operation is under the Department of Aviation and its located at Hapeville Fulton & Clayton counties, and in Atlanta and College Park. Since, its the biggest, its expected that its also the busiest airlines in the world, and it holds that title since 1998 by accommodating a yearly 92.4 million of passengers with 923,991 flights and 252,000 daily passengers. It serves Asia, Africa, Central America, Europe, North, and South America. It started on abandoned auto racetrack that has 287 acres or 116 ha. Series of development and expansions were made since 1967 carrying different themes and until it has achieved the modernization plan where you could find the plane train, MARTA Station, seven concourses of terminals, domestic terminal, and International Terminal.

Top 10 Fashion Tips For Ladies to Look Thinner

10. Look Fine with a V-neckline

V is for vertical and for V-necklines. The stress on this phrase can never be stronger addressed as such patterns found in clothing makes a person taller and thinner. When the right line is worn, it actually improves facial features such as the cheekbone, the chin, the shape of the mouth, and even the neck. The V formation from the chest creates a virtual line from the shoulders going upward, making the face look more slender, the neck a bit longer, and the cheeks a bit thinner.

9. Wear Clothes that Have Vertical Lines

Vertical lines are not just about wearing stripes that go from the head down to the tummy area. If this is your perception, then these lines can also be replaced by seams, other fashion details such as curls or prints, and you can even utilize the vertical panel of the fabric. It provides the illusion that you are taller and that other bulging figures such as your waist or your pelvic area are slimmer and more subtle. Consider lines that are not too thick as it may defeat the purpose of actually making people perceive your enhanced height and stature. You may also opt to be more conservative with lines, especially if you are shorter, as too many lines can easily break the disguise you are trying to put up. Oh, and do not go with stripes with both upper and lower clothing. It may make you look ridiculous.

8. Look for Shoes with Pointed Toes and High Heels

When you wear shoes that have pointed toes and high heels combined, it makes the person look taller and more slender as the legs are lengthened with the point of the toes and the heels itself. In fact, when you take someones picture wearing such footwear, standing up straight, you will fall for the trick that the person is thinner with such leg lines enhanced. You may opt to wear ones that are plain in color and not too decorated as the silhouette look may become distracted. Also, when you decide to wear pumps, make sure that the toes are not too rounded or the sole too high as it can be too obvious on what you want to achieve. Wearing 4-inch heels may also help but it is more recommended for you to wear heel heights that are comfortable to the knees.

7. Jackets for Success

Jackets, aside from being great body warmers, can be used as accessories to make you look thinner, taller, and hotter. For the overall appearance of the jacket, purchase ones that have long or sleeves, lengths that end just above the hips, and do not have pockets or other distractions. All these features give off that taller feeling as the arms, shoulders, and legs are accentuated and focused. In order for it to help you become thinner, choose fabrics that are not too thick or bulky as it can add unnecessary inches for you. Make sure that closing the jacket does not create gaps or excessive openings in your bust as your bulges under the arms and around the waist can be too obvious. Plain colored jackets are greatly appreciated to make people concentrate on how you look and not what you are wearing.

6. Go Chic with Monochromatic

Monochromatic clothing, or simply defined as one color clothing, is the method of wearing one shade of color for your dress, which includes your upper and lower garments. Ideally speaking, black should be the tone that sets everything, when one needs to enhance the figure of the legs, the hips, the waist, and even the shoulders or arms. A definitive silhouette makes a person look taller and leaner. However, too much black will not always fit for some occasion. In case you need to shift a bit, you may choose darker shades of any color you could think of, or you may opt for some mix and match where the main color should be the darker shade and the lighter color should pair off with the main color of choice. Even small accessories like watches, scarves, and even earrings can alter things a bit.

5. Show Flair with Your Hair

Your hair, also known as your crowning glory, can also affect how thin or sexy you look. In fact, most people who have the appropriate kind of do may be able to add some additional fat or more refined lines on their face, where hairlines may affect the cheeks, the eyes, the nose, and even the neck. Raising or separating the hair from the shoulder can give an effect that you look taller. With the shoulders already bare, plus adding some dark-shaded clothing with a conservative vneckline, you will just look marvelous with it. Also, having the appropriate bangs can enhance facial features that attribute to facial lines that may appear flat, rounded, or chubby.

4. Sport the Right Skirt

The right skirt may be a bit tricky at first, especially if you are not that conscious on how your figure looks like. The goal of wearing the right clothing can only be achieved if it hides the lines between the pelvis and the thighs, if it improves the appearance of your waist size, and if it makes you look taller. The length of the skirt should be right about or just below your knee. Why? The knee becomes a hint for most people on what you are trying to show or hide. If its too low, then your calves become the next center of attention. If its too high, then your thighs are taken as the focal point. So having your skirt at the right length can do wonders for you. A-lines and straight skirts are also recommended as it does the trick of making your lines not too noticeable as it just goes with how you measure. Full skirts become a disaster as it may just accentuate the lines that you are trying to hide in the first place.

3. Slip in Jeans with the Right Cut

Jeans these days now have different styles and cuts to choose from. And with the trend these days, skinny jeans are in demand for the ladies that would like to flaunt their slender and tight legs. This does not work out for those who are a bit conscious because even though dark-washed jeans do not show how your legs really look like in skin tone, the very silhouette created already tickles the mind and makes people imagine things. What you need to wear are jeans that are either straight or bootleg cut. The lines that are established on the lower knee downwards make an impression that the legs are not that uptight, especially that the calf and the feet are given the right allowance.

2. Good Feeling with Well-Fitting Clothing

Well-fitting clothing can be asserted on how you would look and feel like if you have already worn your desired dress. When clothes are too loose, you may have achieved hiding your natural body lines, but you will appear bigger than you ought to be as people will be clueless of your curves and shape. However, if your clothing is too tight, all the bulges, the extra inches, and the hanging fat may be too emphasized that you may no longer feel like facing the crowd. Clothes that fit well are not too constrained, nor is it too baggy. Say about an inch may not be too much of comfort for you, but people will find it amazing on how your movement can become fluid with your dress. The right amount of allowance can go a long way.

1. Recompense with Confidence

At the end of the day, your confidence will be the one thing that matters to you. Although you may have followed the nine other tips listed in this list, but you may not feel comfortable with yourself, then all these may fail you. You need to understand that ladies are able to present themselves well not just because of the clothes. More importantly, self-esteem and confidence is important when you want things to work for your good. Wearing sexy plus looking and feeling thinner does wonders for you that people can even feel your fitter and thinner aura; making everything fall into place.

Top 10 Most Unique Beds in the World

10. Nest Bed

This nest bed was actually a concept created for the Green Garden Exhibition which was made by Gaston Zahr and Merav Eitan. You would have an actual feel as to how birds really rest and sleep on their nest. Its created to develop socialization and fun time for kids. Aside from the bed itself, it could also be placed in specific area at home where your kids can move and play around . Its the best bed where little kids rest, and be sent to their dream land wherein they could feel that bed is not just for resting or sleeping, but it can be their little habitation for fun. It has different sizes which also vary depending on the kind of room where this bed will be set-up and placed. In fact, the largest size of it is about 15 feet which could cater about 16 people. Some use it for social gatherings, meetings, and other informal events which are not just limited for kids bed purposes. 9. Sofa-Bunk Bed

Everyone is familiar with the sofa type of bed which can be converted as a bed or a sofa depending on your need and preferences. Hence, this one is totally different because it could save ones area from space, and its easy for cleaning p urposes. You might wonder how you could convert a sofa bed into a bunk bed in just a few seconds. Its indeed multifunctional in a different level and usage. The traditional one that most of the people know has been upgraded where you could have two beds in a one-sofa bed. Imagine you could enjoy two beds which you could share with one of the members of your family, and simply convert it back into sofa bed if you feel like relaxing, and enjoying watching your favorite movie at night. 8. Spacecraft Chair bed

If you are tired, and boredom has really hit you when it comes to conventional types of bed, then you could enjoy the scientific and technological touch of this spacecraft chair bed. This is a type of chair that can be converted to a bed which was programmed through an aerospace technology especially if you love gizmos, and other latest stuff in the whole technology realm of the market. It will bring you to a far better goodnight sleep as if you are not really sleeping in your room, but flying on space. 7. Knitted Bed

It may sounds or looks like weird and funny when you see this kind of bed. I bet those people who love or feel like that they are playing as a Gulliver, especially for kids who love this kind of idea, would get tired until they feel that they are sleeping on this big knitted bed of their own. There are other knitted beds that you can find in the market, but it does not look like this one, but it also provides the same comfort and imagination. This is solely for kids, and at times adults who love to explore around, and experience more than the routinely sleeping habits. 6. Up on the Wall Bed

You wouldnt judge it as one of the beds on this list because it looks like a couch, but less than a bed if you would try to observe and look longer on its unique creation and details. This is actually found in some of the shops in London, although there are other shopping stores in some countries that offer almost same designs. You could also use it as one of the furniture pieces at home where you

could place on the receiving area, or whichever or wherever you feel that you could dawdle around, and sleep after you wrestled in your tasks for a day. 5. Enignum Bed

It has a great combination of the traditional or primitive setting of tools, and a dreamy-land concept which allows anyone to really enjoy a sleep night, and sleep tight rest. The materials that were used and picked are all valuable on the way people have lived during the early times of human existence, and different kind of exploration because of the artistic touch of formation of linen, and the wood itself. It is also known as a canopy bed which was personally designed by Joseph Walsh from Ireland who is a known designer in various galleries, and museums. The artistic side that he has shown in this bed has really captured the redefined form and structure because of the combinations of arts, and shapes. 4. Cinderella Bed

Of course, its for little girls who are fans of a fantasy story of a girl who has found a prince who would free her from the abusive situations from her stepsisters and stepmothers. Despite that it has been a legacy already because it has been known since your grandmothers time; the concept of fantasy really tickles little kids minds. The girly concept of it is really inviting to little girls especially with the touch of pink or any color which they prefer to have. Its actually a carriage type of bed that carried Cinderella in one of the favorite fairytales ever told in the history. Its indeed fanciful for a price of $47,000 since every detail is handcrafted and made in fiberglass and wood in England. Of course, for a princess, the price is indeed set for a royal treatment, and sleeping. 3. Concealed Safe Bed

This is available at the Awesomer which is actually created out of 10 gauge steel fitted hinged doors that has a size of thick 140 lbs. Its concept is for protection against firearms and its available in king and queen sizes. It has two adjoining storage which was made for the purpose of total concealment, and its price starts at $2200. You would really feel a total security if you would have this kind of bed where you could hide, and could protect you against firearms.

2. Floating Bed

There are different kinds of floating bed which is being placed inside the room which is more of elevation from the ground. Hence, this specific type of floating bed is used if you are on a pool which you could place on top of it wherein youll never get wet, and feel like that you are having a voyage on the sea. This is

specifically designed by Ego Paris which is also a cool type of bed. This is a not a hanged-type of bed that makes you float. Its only used for pools. 1. Zipper Bed

Its a very innovative bed wherein you dont need to wear your streng th out in maintaining, and keeping it after using. You just have to zip it up in the morning when you wake-up and unzip it if you want to sleep at night or rest in between if you are a home maker. Its so simple, but the convenience that it gives to the us er especially to those who are not really in the habit of cleaning their bed when they wake-up, would definitely need to have a piece of it at home. Its first created by an Italian company specifically in Florida Furniture, and it becomes widely available in some places. It is really flexible when it comes to sleeping arrangements, and its easy to zip apart when its time for you to use it, and when youre done using it.

Top 10 Underwater Hotels in the World

10. Trilobis 65

It has a perfect touch of innovation because of the ability to navigate a home under the water world. The opportunity to see the beauty of the ocean from home is what Trilobis 65 is all about. In fact, its concept is more of a home rather than a hotel where it is better known as a floating apartment being half-submerged in the water. The name actually rings a bell in the prehistoric world, particularly with a fossilized creature known as the trilobite, which perfectly describes what this peculiar hotel unique offers to its curious visitors. 9. The Lifeboat Hotel

This is located in Harlington, Netherlands, which was used in saving people in the mid-part of 20thcentury. Now it serves as an excursion stop for people who want to

spend the night and supping to the elegant meals that they offer to their customers in one of the most peaceful places in the world. The Lifeboat Hotel is a known portable hotel wherein its crane can be adjusted with the lighthouse being a sure attraction of this ship. 8. The Apeiron Island Hotel

The Apeiron Island Hotel is a 7-star type of facility which is another pride of Dubai where most of the queer and unorthodox structures are found. It has 350 luxurious rooms, majority being built underwater. See sea life while talking a nap or staying in a room where the location of being near the coast for about 300 meters has its great advantage. 7. Hotel Conrad Rangali Island Maldives

This is one of the best underwater hotels for all couples, newlyweds, and other individuals who would be celebrating their wedding anniversary. After all, it has beach and spa water villas that provides complete comfort through lavish amenities that you will never let go of. You would really fall-in love in this private island because of its intrinsic charm and elegance. Most rooms are enclosed in glass, which gives you the pleasure of seeing schools of fishes before going to sleep; something different from counting sheep in catching 40 winks. 6. The Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa

Experience the peaceful effect of the Hilton Maldives Resort and Spa wherein you could enjoy dining and spa services while watching marine life swaying and playing above your head. Most of the rooms are found 5 meters below sea level and you would relish the panoramic glimpse that surrounds the place. 5. Poseidon Undersea Resort

Compared with other hotels on this list, the hotel, being named after the Greek God of the Sea, Poseidon, is found 40-feet below sea level where it has been rated as a 5-star type of hotel wherein you would personally experience marine life because of its peculiar depth. This is one of the best places where you could relax, which was literally made of transparent wall to enjoy every move of the water and the beautiful aquamarine life. 4. Hydropolis

Claimed to be as the city of water, Hydropolis is another of Dubais finest hotel that has amazing designs. It is built about the depth of 66 feet, spanning at a total land area of 27 acres. Each detail is really enthralling where its top view and the services that any client would experience is truly worth the cost and the price that you have to pay for a night or even for a few days is just worth every penny. 3. Utter Inn

Thanks to the ingenuity of Mikael Genberg, who conceptualized and initiated this project, this Utter Inn was built in Vasteras, Sweden in year 2000. You could sleep below a 3-meter deep room, wherein the inn has a resemblance of a buoy, being very unsuspecting to curious sightseers. 2. Jules Undersea Lodge

This is the first undersea hotel built in the world wherein other emerging architectures built in the water were all inspired because of the kind of tourism it brings to the country. In fact, it is one of the popular choices for all celebrities who would want to spend a relaxing vacation in a few days under the water. It is found in the coasts of Puerto Rico wherein this lodge became the extension of marine life. It was built in 1986, making it the oldest undersea water lodge ever created. 1. Water Discus Hotel

Dubai is indeed the place for the finest and luxurious structures, and it keeps its title now as it offers a new and better integration of hotel accommodation and innovation that would surpass the standard of Jules Undersea Lodge. In fact, the Water Discus Hotel has received the Gold Medal Award Technicon Innowacje 2011. Indeed technology plays an important role in achieving superiority, extravagance, and exquisiteness. Through the Deep Ocean Technology that would lead to the overall construction of the hotel, the layout would have two discs, which would be supported by three legs that have stairways. It has 21 rooms that provides a magical experience to its visitors.

Top 10 Worlds Most Picturesque Pools

10. Park Hyatt Pool

The Park Hyatt Hotel in Tokyo has an ultra-modern, sky-high, and full-sized 25metre indoor swimming pool, which is found at the 47th floor of the hotel. It is also known as sky pool that exudes not just beauty but uniqueness wherein its floors and ceilings are enclosed with glass windows. You could actually see the whole Tokyo and even the peak of Mount Fuji when you get to their pool, which provides a feeling that you are swimming in the clouds in case you are looking outside from the pool level.

9. Fregate Island Private, Seychelles

It is described as a hidden paradise, which has been critically planned and developed to suit the taste of visitors, not just for local residents but also for foreign visitors. You could find various villas in the area and each villa has a luxurious island that they can behold from afar. One of their biggest and most popular amenities is their big pool, which you can enjoy while seeing the majestic view of the Indian Ocean. The place is very peaceful, full of charm, and highly ecological, utilizing the beauty of nature as their best point, which gives you the impression that you are swimming in the ocean, despite of staying within the boundaries of the resort.

8. The Vine, Madeira

It has been a consistent part of the top 10 worlds most picturesque pools, which is situated in the temperate, tropical, and historic site of Funchal, Portugal. It is also known as a rooftop pool that allows anyone to see the whole city, and enjoy the vastness of the harbour from the top. It is one of the rare luxuries that boost up a relaxing lifestyle to their patrons. The glass, the pool, and the amenities located on the sides, create a pleasing effect that makes the breadth of the pool longer and bigger than it looks.

7. Hayman Pool

If you would happen to drop by at the Southern Hemisphere, you should not miss the Hayman Island that has developed the largest swimming pool in the south, which is actually equivalent to an Olympic sized swimming pool for the athletes, only about 7 times bigger! Aside from their iconic pool, you could also find their pool bar, and other accommodations that they are offering to their guests.

6. The San Alfonso Del Mar

This is the largest pool in the world, which is found in Chile. It measures 115 feet deep on its lowest point, more than half a mile in length, and it is being filled with 66 million gallons of water. In fact, the maintenance cost for this pool is $4 million in a yearly basis. It is located in a private resort but it holds the title as the largest crystalline water pool in the Guinness World of Records. The water being used for the whole pool comes from the Pacific Ocean, which is being pumped, filtered, and treated to fill the pool.

5. Hotel Joule, Dallas Texas Rooftop Pool

Experience the sophisticated, luxurious, and breezy area of the rooftop pool at Hotel Joule in Dallas, Texas. It is a perfect place where you could enjoy your vacation, plus the full-packed amenities, especially with its stylish rooftop pool. It has a glass end wall from its cantilevered water amenity.

4. Golden Nugget Pool, Las Vegas

You could really find a golden nugget in their hotel because of their pool that has a shark tank, 15 private cabanas, and a 3-story water slide. You would be amazed seeing that fish and sharks are swimming as you get yourself wet while enjoying the ambiance, the place, and the surroundings. You could actually find two kinds of pool at the Golden Nugget. One is the shark slide and the other one is the rooftop pool.

3. One & Only Reethi Rah Pool

This is one of the most sophisticated and well-visited pools, found in one of the huge islands in Maldives. It promotes a quiet, romantic, and perfect getaway for couples and loved ones. It has landscaped gardens, a villa of your own pick, various swimming pools in line with the villa that you have selected, and the best spot for privacy that compliments to its design, seeing bright blue shades arrayed in its pool.

2. Palms Hotel

It is not just one of the top 10 worlds most picturesque pools but has been cited as one of the most incredible pools because of their awesome features and designs. You could find in this hotel, the playboy Jacuzzi pool that has an amazing view from the top, along with its glass end walls, which is one of the features you could find in a rooftop pool.

1. Burj Al Arab Pool, Dubai

Everyone knows that the Burg Al Arab Pool in Dubai is known as the one of the most luxurious hotels in the world. The fact that it has received a star rating beyond standards is already an established foundation that it maintains. They have created laid-back and refined features like spas and a superb outdoor pool. Although they have separate water pools for men and women, but this hotel pool defines and stands for its excellent reputation.

Top 10 Largest Snakes in the World

10. Western Black Ratsnake

This snake is better known as Western Snake which is found in North America. It is also found in the farthest areas in Ontario, Canada. It measures about 8 feet and it eats birds, amphibians, chipmunks, squirrels, and other reptiles.

9. Indian Python

The biggest Indian Python is found in Koladeo National Park, and its 9.8 feet, but the typical measurement of an Indian python is between 7.9 to 9.8 feet.

8. Bushmaster

The largest bushmaster snake recorded in the history is about 10 feet in height which is also one of the known venomous snakes documented. It has a thorny spine and its comparable to rattlesnakes.

7. Boa Constrictor

Approximately, this kind of snake measures between 3 to 13 feet. Nonetheless, its female species are larger than the male species.

6. King Cobra

It is a known venomous snake in the world which typically found in the Philippines, Southeast Asia, India, and Indonesia. Its height is up to 18.5 feet which also could prey other snakes as well.

5. African Rock Phyton

The largest type of African Rock Phyton is found in Florida, but it actually exists in the whole continent of Africa where its name derived from. Its length could

reach up to 20 feet and it eats birds, small types of mammals, larger type of animals, antelopes, and even crocodile.

4. Reticulated Phyton 25 feet

It is also known as medusa that still under captivity which measures 25 feet in length and it eats deer, pigs, bird occasionally, and other large animals.

3. Scrub Phyton

This is a non-venomous type of snake which is popularly known as Amethystine because of its color. It is usually found living in Indonesia and Papua Guinea. It measures up to 26 feet. It eats kangaroo, small birds, frogs, reptiles, and fruit bats.

2. Green Anaconda 37 feet

The biggest green anaconda was found and reported in 1944 which measures 37 feet in length which was captured between the border of Columbia and Venezuela. It eats pig, capybara, wild pigs, and turtles.

1. Titanoboa 40 to 50 feet

It is the largest snake in the whole world that actually weighs about one-and-a-half tons which is as heavy as ten wheeler truck or so and measures between 40 to 50 feet. Its discovery has been made because of a group of scientists who went to coal mines located in La Guajira in Columbia. In fact, you could also find a life-sized replica of Titanoboa which is on displays at the National Museum of Natural History

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