GD & T

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Pro/ENGINEER supports the creation and maintenance of ANSI Y14.5M-1982, ANSI Y14.

5M1994 and ISO 1011 standard Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) frames.

Figure 1 In fact, GD&T is a fully associative Modeling application in Pro/ENGINEER. As you saw in the previous Lesson, tolerances in the system are part of the dimensional constraints that control the size of the model. GD&T annotation is merely an extension of these dimensional references. To this end, the GD&T functionality supported by the system is highly integrated into the features themselves. Datum Planes and Axes are used as GD&T datums. The tolerancing scheme, which references these datums and model features, is based on relationships you establish when creating the frames.

Figure 2 As in the figure above, the datum flags were created from datum planes named A and B. The dimensions were simply converted from existing dimensions. The Position frame was created by entering a tolerance and selecting the datums (A and B). By extending this principle, you can quickly define all of the necessary GD&T annotation required on a drawing.

Figure 3 You can define your tolerancing scheme while in Modeling as part of the design process, if this works best for you. If you do so, showing the related annotation on the drawing is just a matter of Showing the dimensions. If you are used to creating this type of annotation in the drawing environment, this is also a viable alternative. However, there are some considerations you must take into account when you are modeling the part. First, you must define and name the primary, secondary, and tertiary datums as Datum Planes or Axes in Modeling. If you intend to define a dimension as a datum, this can be done while in Drawing Mode. You must also consider the rules of GD&T as you are modeling the part. The annotation is simply an expression of the dimensioning references you establish when modeling. If you do not define the reference correctly, you will not be allowed to create the annotation. For example, the best way to define the holes in the figure below, is to create the first hole, then Pattern the others. In this way, the dimensional references required to create the Basic dimensions will be correct.

Figure 4 If you loc cate the hole es individual lly, the basic c dimensions s will not be correct and you will hav ve to double di imension the e features to get the Posi ition toleran nce to display y (the extra dimensions d will have to remain Erase ed). You wo ould also wan nt to make sure that the references for fo the first hole h were crea ated to the Datum D Plane es. This agai in would avo oid extra dim mensions. You caus se the system m to display the proper datum d flag on n the drawin ng by selectin ng the datum m plane and d then choos sing the Prop perties optio on, either fro om the Edit menu, or fro om the RMB B pop up menu.

Figure 1

The system displays the Datum dialog and allows you to name the datum and then select the type of display for the datum callout.

Figure 2 When you set a datum, the system displays the GD&T standard flag at the origin of the Datum name. You can then move the flag to an acceptable location. The system displays the flag in any view on the drawing where the datum plane is perpendicular to the screen. Some companies require that a flag (e.g., - A - ) can only be displayed once on the drawing sheet. This means that you normally will have to erase some of the datum flags that are displayed. You create a datum using the Datum dialog:

Figure 1 This dialog allows you to assign a new name to the datum (if you have write access to the model) and allows you to specify where the datum should be created. You can attach a datum flag in several ways: to a Dimension, to a Surface (depending on the type of datum it is), or by the Default method, which is by an extension line to the Datum Plane feature. If you choose the Dimension option, the system prompts you to pick a dimension. The system places the flag at the same location where it places any other GTOL object. This location is controlled by the Drawing Options file parameter, gtol_dim_placement. You will probably find that you need to clip the extension line of a datum flag displayed via the Default method. To clip a datum flag, you simply pick the flag, pick the handle at the end of the extension line and drag the extension line to a new location. Objectives In this Segment and the next, you are going to add the required GD&T annotation to a provided drawing of a tooling block. In this demonstration, you are going to set the datum flags and clean up their display. Working Directory : detailing

Figure 1 1. Open gdt1_drawing.drw. 2. Set the datum flags.

Figure 2 Turn on the display of datum planes (remember to Repaint) Select on the datum name: DTM1 in the top view

Figure 3 Right click and choose Properties This brings up the Datum dialog as shown below.

Figure 4 Double-click on the text DTM1 in the name field at the top of the Datum dialog Type A

Choose the

flag Type button

Choose the OK button Select on the datum name: DTM2 in the top view

Figure 5 Right click and choose Properties Double-click on the text DTM2 in the name field Type B Choose the flag Type button

Choose the OK button Select on the datum name: DTM3 in the front view

Figure 6 Right click and choose Properties Double-click on the text DTM3 in the name field Type C Choose the flag Type button

Choose the OK button 3. Erase the extra datum displays.

Figure 7 Press and hold the key

Select the two datum flags in the right view and the datum flag A in the lower most view as shown below

Figure 8 Right click and choose Erase Select anywhere inside the graphics window Choose Edit Choose Regenerate Choose Draft 4. Move the datum flags to a better location. Based on your hardware, you may need to Repaint the screen after you perform one of the following edits.

Figure 9 Select datum -A- . Select and drag datum -A- to the location shown above Select datum -B- . Select and drag datum -B- to the location shown above Select datum -C- . Select and drag datum -C- to the location shown above 5. Clip the extension lines to gap properly. Select datum -C- in the bottom view Select the handle on the left end of the extension line Drag it until it the gap opens appropriately and release the mouse button

Figure 10 Clip the remaining two datum extension lines

OnceyourreferencedatumsareinplaceandthenecessarydimensionshavebeenconvertedtoBasic, youcandefinetheGD&Tframes.Whenyoudefineaframe,youmustspecifythecharacteristic(e.g., position,parallelism,profileofaline,etc.),thereferencedatums,thetolerancevalue,andthematerial conditions.Framesarealsoplacedeitherappendedtoadimension,freestanding,orwithaleader.

Based on the characteristic, the system allows you to specify all other required information. For example, if you are defining a position frame, the system allows you to select a feature the frame applies to and reference datums. If you are defining a form feature, such as straightness, the system allows you to specify the tolerance and the tolerance zone but does not allow you to select reference datums. Since tolerance zone is not applicable to a position tolerance, and since a diameter tolerance value is not applicable to a form tolerance, these items are not available for these tolerances. You must begin a frame by specifying the model to which it will be attached. If you want the frame to only affect the drawing, you can select The Drawing in the Model drop down list. However, frames created in this manner are Draft Entities and are not available when working in the Part or Assembly Mode.

Figure 1 You can select the model m from th he list or sele ect it on the screen by ch hoosing the Select Mode el button.

Figure 2 Once the e model is sp pecified, you u have two op ptions. You can place th he frame usin ng the defaul lt settings, or you can specify s the desired d settin ngs and come e back to the e Model Ref fs menu later r on to place the t frame. When yo ou place a fra ame, the syst tem allows you y to modif fy it as much h as required d using the existing Geometric G Tolerance T d dialog box. If f you place a frame, then n specify the e required da ata, you can watch w the fra ame change on the draw wing as you specify s inform mation. This s sometimes makes it easier to ant ticipate the effect e of the data you spe ecify. This is s why some users prefer r to place the e frame with a minimum amount of data d defined, , then chang ge the data. In most cases, c your next n step is to o define the Datum Refe erences for th he frame. When W you cho oose the Datu um Refs tab at the top of f the dialog, the t system changes c the display d insid de the box to o present th he required options. o

Figure 3 ou select the datums, you u are defining the order in i which they are written n in the fram me. When yo Normally y, the order of o primary, secondary, and tertiar ry is suppose ed to be alph habetical. Therefore, if you are defining a frame f that will w reference e more than one o datum, you y should select s m flags in alp phabetical or rder. the datum The default is none. To define a datum, you simply choo ose the Selec ct... action bu utton and sel lect the appro opriate datum m flag callou ut on the draw wing. Once a datum is selected, s it is s added to th he list and is av vailable for any a other dat tum (e.g., pr rimary, seco ondary, or te ertiary).

Figure 4 To specif fy the toleran nce, you cho oose the Tol Value tab at a the top of the dialog.

Figure 5 You can type in a value and choose a material condition modifier if required. The Symbols tab allows you to specify any special symbols that you require. The most common symbol is the Diameter symbol for the tolerance value. When this toggle is turned-on, a diameter symbol is placed before the tolerance value in the frame.

Figure 6 Objectives Change the necessary dimensions to Basic and add the required frames to the drawing.

Figure 1 Note: Open gdt2_drawing.drw, if you are not continuing this Segment from a previous Segment. 1. Change the dimensions that locate the holes to basic dimensions. Press and hold the key

Select the dimensions shown below

Figure 2

Right click and choose Properties Choose the Basic radio button in the Display area of the Dimension Properties dialog

Figure 3 Choose the OK button Unselect the dimensions 2. Add the position tolerance frame to the hole dimension in the top view.

Figure 4 Choose Insert Choose Geometric Tolerance Select the model GDT1.PRT from the Model list (if you started with GDT2.PRT, then select GDT2.PRT from the Model list) In the Reference: To Be Selected area, choose Feature from the list of types

Figure 5 Select the hole in the top view to which the .750 dimension points.

Figure 6 You are now going to place the frame so that you can see it change as you specify the remaining data. Choose the Place Gtol button Select the .750 dimension The system now places the frame on the dimension using the Position characteristic and the default tolerance value.

Figure 7 Specify the t rest of th he data to com mplete the fr rame using the t following g steps. Choose the Datum Refs s tab at the to op of the dia alog fr the Basic drop down n list Choose A from

Figure 8 Choose the Secondary tab t Choose B fr rom the Basi ic drop down n list

Figure 9 Choose the Tertiary tab Choose C from fr the Basic drop down n list

Figure 10 0 ab at the top of the dialo og Choose the Tol Value ta ck in the Ove erall Toleran nce text field d Double-clic Type .003 as a the toleran nce value and d hit In the Mater rial Conditio on option, ch hoose MMC as the maxi imum materi ial condition n sy ymbol that will w be added d following the t tolerance e value

Figure 11 Choose the Symbols tab at the top of the dialog Choose the Diameter Symbol toggle to place a check mark

Figure 12 This causes a diameter symbol to display before the tolerance value in the frame. Choose the OK button The position tolerance frame should be as shown below.

Figure 13 Adjust the views so the position tolerance frame is entirely inside the drawing border. Right click and remove the check mark from the Lock View Movement option Select the TOP view and move it until the position tolerance frame is inside the drawing border...also adjust the RIGHT view as necessary 3. Add the parallelism frame to the 5.000 dimension in the front view.

Figure 14 Choose the Create geometric tolerances icon to insert a new GTOL

Choose the Parallelism characteristic

Figure 15 Choose Surface from the Reference Type option menu Notice that the list is shorter for Parallelism than it was for Position . This is because Feature and Edge are not valid reference types for Parallelism .

Figure 16 Place your cursor over the center of the top view until the surface pre-highlights Right click to move the selection to the bottom surface (you may not see any visible difference on your screen) Select the bottom surface with the LMB

Figure 17 7 This sele ects the botto om surface of o the solid. Choose the Place Gtol button b Select the 5.000 dimens sion The syste em now plac ces the frame e on the dim mension using g the Paralle elism charact teristic and the data you defined for the previous s frame.

Figure 18 8 Specify the t rest of th he data to com mplete the fr rame using the t following g steps. Choose the Datum Refs s tab at the to op of the dia alog Choose the Primary tab Choose C from fr the list for f the Basic c Primary da atum

Figure 19 Choose the Secondary tab Choose none from the list for the Basic Secondary Choose the Tertiary tab just to the right of the Secondary tab Choose none from the list for the Basic Tertiary Choose the Tol Value tab at the top of the dialog Type .002 as the Overall Tolerance value and hit Choose MMC as the maximum material condition symbol that will be added following the tolerance value.

Figure 20 Choose the Symbols tab at the top of the dialog Choose the Diameter Symbol toggle to turn it off

Figure 21 1 This rem moves the dia ameter symbol. Choose the New Gtol ac ction button at the far rig ght of the dia alog

Figure 22 2 This caus ses the syste em to add the e frame you have been defining d to th he database and allows you to work on o a new fra ame. 4. Add th he flatness fr rame to the bottom b surfa ace of the blo ock in the fro ont view.

Figure 23 Choose the Flatness characteristic Choose Surface from the Reference Type option menu Even though Surface shows in the Type name box, you still have to select Surface from the list to initiate the feature selection process . . .

Figure 24 Place your cursor over the center of the top view until the surface pre-highlights Right click to move the selection to the bottom surface (you may not see any visible difference on your screen) Select the bottom surface with the LMB

Figure 25 5 This sele ects the botto om surface of o the solid. Choose Wit th Leader fro om the list in n the Placem ment Type op ption menu

Figure 26 6 Select the edge which th he leader sho ould point to o

Figure 27 Move the cursor over to the right and down and click with the MMB to indicate the origin of the frame

Figure 28 Choose the Tol Value tab at the top of the dialog Choose the check box next the Overall Tolerance to turn it off Double-click in the Value/Unit text area Type .002 as the tolerance Double-click in the Unit Area text area Type .5 as the square area over which the surface must be flat within the tolerance

Choose the RFS (no symbol) for the Material Condition The Geometric Tolerance dialog should appear as shown below.

Figure 29 Choose the OK button

Figure 30 5. Close the drawing and Erase all files. End of Demonstration Knowledge Check Please select the most appropriate answer. Question Answer

Options Datums must be set on a drawing before they can be referenced in other frames. 1 False True

Position tolerances can only be used when the locating dimensions are set to basic. 2



Frames cannot be attached to surfaces. 3



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