Subcontractors EHS Audit Template

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Power Turbo Systems


CHAPTER 1. Documentations




Reference to the EHS Plan

Questionnaire Items
1. Is the last version of the EHS Plan available? Are all the necessary procedures referred in the EHS Plan available? 2. How are communicated changes of the EHS Plan to the employees? 3. Does the company have any EHS organization chart? 4. Are EHS Policy and objectives available and displayed? 5. Does the EHS responsible have a formal job description to show his duties, responsibilities as well as accountabilities? 6. Are weekly EHS inspections records available? Are records of corrective actions (with the date of close-out) available? 7. Are Minutes of EHS weekly Meeting recorded? 8. Are Toolbox Meeting records available? 9. Are the records of the risk assessments of all activities and method statements available? 10. Are records of accidents/incidents



and near-misses available? 2. Lifting equipment testing and certification 1. Are Cranes Load chart, registration, insurance documents and inspection copies available? 2. Are equipments inspected and certified by third party? 3. How does the company ensure that EHS rules are communicated and implemented before starting lifting activities? Is the Construction permit to work system implemented for Overhead Cranes? Are they recorded? 4. Are lifting equipments (slings, tackles, etc.) clearly identified, certified and of good condition? Is there any system implemented to ensure the identification and maintenance of any defective equipment and to permit the use of equipment in good conditions? 5. How does the company make sure that lifting loads are under load limits of lifting equipments? 6. How does the company make sure that operators are appropriately qualified and trained? 7. Are records of maintenance of the equipments available? 3. Scaffolding 1. Are scaffolds erected, altered and dismantled by competent person? Are scaffolds complying with site regulations?

2. How do the company make sure that scaffolders are appropriately qualified

and trained? 3. Are scaffolds designed according to international standards, including: i) Sound construction, adequate strength and manufacture (full platforms, appropriate distance of platform spacing, appropriate access ladders with sufficient height above their landing space) Hand-rails, middle-rails and toe-boards are correctly installed Uprights provided with base plates Footings, standards, ladders, boarding and bracing in condition


iii) iv)

4. Are the full body harnesses provided to all workers working in unsafe elevated places above 3 meters? Do the workers wear the full body harness and attach it? 5. Are Full Body Harness inspection registered? Are records available? 6. Is scaffold registering system available? 7. Does the company maintain records of weekly inspections for the scaffolds? 8. Is tagging system fully implemented for scaffolds? 4. Excavations 1. Are barriers and barricades put all around excavations to prevent falls 2. Are daily inspections of the excavations carried on and documented?

3. Is Permit to Work system implemented? Are method statement implemented? Are drawings of the excavations available? 4. Are Work permits valid and posted at work place? 5. Are access ladders of appropriate length and of good conditions? Are they correctly arranged 6. Is the design of the excavations complying with EHS standards (Sufficient angle of batter, appropriate protection against risk of collapse, sufficient number of exit ways)? 5. Chemicals and hazardous waste management 1. What are the chemicals/hazardous waste used/generated by the company?

2. How are hazardous waste segregated from common waste? 3. Where are the chemicals / hazardous waste stored? 4. Are chemicals/hazardous waste containers labeled and correctly fixed? 5. Are Material Safety Data Sheets and risk assessment available and up-todate? 6. Who is responsible for the storage of hazardous waste? 7. On which time-base are the hazardous waste removed from the site? 8. What are the protective measures implemented to reduce risks associated to the specific characteristics of the chemicals/hazardous waste?

9. Is the emergency spillage kit available? 10. How do the responsible people for hazardous waste management get information about the necessary protective measures to be implemented? 6. PPE 1. What arrangement does the company have for identifying the needs, provision and upkeep of protective clothing, both standard issue and that require for specialized activities? 2. Does the company maintain a system for recording issuance of PPE to the workforce? 3. Does the company provide training in the use of PPE? 4. What standards does the company specify for the purchase of PPE? 5. Are PPE appropriate to the hazards identified ? Are employees using the required PPE ? Are PPE correctly used ? 7. Site and camps health/hygiene 1. How many toilets per worker are available? 2. What are the local requirements in term of welfare and hygiene ? Is the company complying with these requirements? Are first aid equipment and facilities available ? 2. Are lighting and ventilation sufficient in toilets? Are they maintained clean? 3. Are wash basins, water, soap and towels clean? 4. Is drinking water available at site?

5. Do the workers have any available cabins to get showers / to change their clothes? 6. Does the company provide a canteen / appropriate place for lunch? 7. What are the general hygiene conditions? 8. Fire Prevention 1. Are fire extinguishers marked and revised? 2. Are fire extinguishers easily accessible? 3. Are Hot Works conducted in safe manner, with portable fire extinguisher available? Does the company provide sufficient number of fire extinguishers for the activities? Are Permit to Work available? 4. Is fire protection plan implemented, with defined fire point (visible fire extinguishers with sign to inform on its location?) 5. Does the company have any emergency plan 6. Does the company provide training on the use of fire extinguishers? 7 How does the company make sure that the fire watches are appropriately qualified and trained? 8. Are there any responsible appointed by the company for the organization of emergency evacuation? 9. Are escape routes kept clear? 10. How emergency telephone numbers and contacts are communicated to the people?

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