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4 theSun | THURSDAY JULY 9 2009

news without borders

Geo-technical report
Anwar’s sodomy on sunken road
submitted to MPPP
hearing on Wednesday ZULKIFLI ERSAL/THESUN
by Opalyn Mok

GEORGE TOWN: A geo-techni-

cal report on the cause of the
sunken driveway adjacent to
remedial works by working round
the clock. The MPPP allowed us
to work 24 hours a day to repair
the road and, so far, we have
completed stabilising the road but
because of complaints by nearby
by S. Tamarai Chelvi and Hunza Properties Bhd’s super residents, we cut short our work-
Tan Yi Liang condominium and commercial ing hours,” he said. complex project, Gurney Para- He said the internal draining
gon, in Gurney Drive has been for the collapsed road would also
KUALA LUMPUR: The completed and handed over to the be completed soon and “we should
hearing of Datuk Seri Anwar Penang Island Municipal Council be able to fully complete the road
Ibrahim’s sodomy trial and (MPPP). in a few days’ time, hopefully by
his application for several Local government and traffic Sunday”.
documents, scheduled to begin management committee chairman “We will then submit our ap-
yesterday, was postponed to Chow Kon Yeow told theSun the peal to the MPPP for the stop work
next Wednesday as the lead report was completed on Monday order to be lifted,” he said.
defence counsel is unwell. evening.
High Court judge Datuk “The report was
Mohamad Zabidin Diah fixed submitted to the
the new date to hear the ap- council president
plication to obtain documents, for further action. So
while the sodomy trial and please contact the
application to strike out the president for more
charge was fixed for mention information,” he said,
on the same date. while refusing to
“Sulaiman Abdullah is, elaborate on the con-
unfortunately, still in hospital,” tents of the report.
counsel Edmund Bon told the Attempts to speak
court. to council president
He said they had written to Tan Cheng Chui
inform the court of this and proved futile as he
to request a new date for the was attending a meet-
hearing. ing.
Bon also said the defence Last week, a
had filed written submissions 10m stretch of the
last Friday and intended to file driveway between
further submissions. the Gurney Paragon
Solicitor-General II Datuk project and Gurney
Yusof Zainal Abiden, who a letter of demand on the Anwar and Park condominium
is leading the prosecution Nair told reporters later Su- prosecution team to disqualify his wife cracked and sank by
team, said he was concerned laiman was admitted to Kuala themselves last Friday. He said Datuk Seri Dr about 1.2m.
over Sulaiman’s health but Lumpur Hospital on Monday a notice of motion would be Wan Azizah Following the inci-
suggested the case should o to undergo examination for filed this week if there was no Wan Ismail dent, the MPPP issued
continue. sudden giddiness. The medical reply from the prosecution. outside a stop-work order
Lawyer S.N. Nair said examination was expected to Anwar is charged with the court on Gurney Paragon
Anwar’s instruction was that be completed this week. sodomising Mohd Saiful yesterday. until the completion
Sulaiman should represent Nair also said he had served Bukhari Azlan, his former per- of remedial works on the sunken Tan reportedly said he had
him. sonal aide, in Desa Damansara road. instructed the developer’s
Condominium on Jalan Se- Hunza had since taken respon- consultant to conduct checks on
tiakasih, Bukit Damansara, sibility for the incident and its all the project’s surrounding areas
between 3.01pm and 4.30pm contractors have started remedial to ensure that no other buildings
Expected rally shrink
on June 26 last year. works on the driveway, which are and areas were affected by the
The case was initially expected to be completed by the project.
fixed to be heard on July 3 end of this week. The MPPP also ordered the

to turnout of 150
but was postponed after Su- Hunza group executive chair- consultant to submit a complete
laiman, who was present in man Datuk Khor Teng Tong said: geo-technical report of the whole
court then, said he needed “We are trying to complete the area.
by Charles Ramend to seek treatment.
newsdesk@thesundaily. Outside the court, Anwar
at the High Court
yesterday on the first
ely 150 peo ple
day of Datuk Seri Anwa
tur ned up
r Ibrahim’s sodomy
sda y.
lamented that his sodomy
hearing was being delayed
by the prosecution.
Single mother claims trial
tponed to next We dne
hearing, which was pos
Thousands of Pakatan
ir suppor
yat (PR
t for
) sup
wa r
s had been expected
it did not material-
“Our position is clear.
We are prepared to start, to charge of abusing maid
to turn up to show the with the application for
ise. dila n Rak yat (PK R) Youth documents today. Who KUALA LUMPUR: A single house on Jalan 8, Kampung Baru,
mostly Parti Kea
About 30 supporters, ta int er- sta te bus terminal on Jalan is delaying it? Why is mother pleaded not guilty in the Ampang, at 1.20am on June 25.
the Du
members, gathered at rt at 8.4 5am . the prosecution taking Choo, Ampang magistrate’s court yester- The mother of two is charged
to the cou
Duta before marching Sen tul pol ice chi ef AC P Zakaria months to supply us with with face day to a charge of voluntarily caus- under Section 324 of the Penal
nel, led by
Dozens of police person ure pub lic ord er. the documents, which is covered, at ing hurt to her Indonesian maid, Code, which carries a maximum
in the vicinity to ens
Pagan, were stationed PKR lea der Sha ms ul Iskandar Mohd Akin our entitlement? Why the court Modesta Rengga Kaka. three years jail, a fine or caning, or
Clad in black and led by
, the gro up wa lke d across busy Jalan is it, for example, that to answer Choo Pei Ling, 37, is alleged either two of the sentences.
and his deputy Khairul ere the y join ed ano ther group of the CCTV footage has to charges of to have committed the offence on Prosecuting officer ASP A. Vasu,
court wh
Duta and headed for the who had arrived in a bus from Ipoh, led be given in stages?” he abusing her Modesta, 25, using a cane at her asked the court to set RM5,000 as
supporters, including tho Lih Kan g. asked. maid. bail in one surety, saying
Ch ang
by Teja assemblyman si” (re for ma tio n) in the court building “Even to get docu- the issue was serious in
They chanted “reforma ments, which is an the wake of the freeze in
lobby. rt following the entitlement under the the supply of Indonesian
war stepped out of cou ed around him
At about 9.30am, An the sup por ter s gat her law, is so difficult. Take, maids following numer-
e and
postponement of his cas for example, the CCTV ous cases involving them.
and continued chantin tio n bro ke out wh en several footage. At first, they Choo’s lawyer, R. Aru-
, a commo
Soon after Anwar left rap her fro m Per ak for al- gave still photographs. mugam, asked the court
ed a PKR photog
police detectives detain t discs believed to contain issues of the Then they gave a video to set a lower bail as his
legedly distributing com with still photographs. client was seven months
Perak state assembly. his 60s , wa s wh isk ed aw ay into a patrol And now, they gave the pregnant, had health and
Tan Kim Huat, who is in art ers . CCTV footage but it is financial problems and
tul police headqu
car and taken to the Sen ang trie d to inte rvene, urging police to incomplete.” was separated from her
Batu MP Tian Chua and aria tha t pol ice would decide on it He said he would husband six months ago.
told by Zak
free the man, but was press for more evidence Magistrate Azaraorni
pact disc.
after viewing the com and I do not un- to be released to him
ely distributed in Perak
Abdul Rahman, who set
“The CD has been wid to arr est him for tha t. They should and his legal team. Aug 25 for the mention,
ice hav e
derstand why the pol ion and not the oth er way around,” “On Wednesday, we allowed bail of RM3,500
ing act
view it first before tak will start with an appli- in one surety and ordered
said Chang. PKR supporters had left
. cation for documents Choo’s passport to be
By 10.30am, most of the from the prosecution,” impounded. Choo’s father
he said. posted the bail. – Bernama

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