Thesun 2009-07-09 Page07 Macc To Investigate Allegations Against Khir

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theSun | THURSDAY JULY 9 2009 7

news without borders

MACC to investigate
allegations against Khir
THE Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commis-
sion (MACC) is to investigate allegations that
Selangor opposition leader Datuk Seri Dr Press Digest
Mohd Khir Toyo spent RM24 million on a by Kong See Hoh
Balinese-style mansion in Shah Alam during
his tenure as Selangor mentri besar.
MACC chief commissioner Datuk Seri afford the repayments on his assemblyman’s
Ahmad Said Hamdan said the commission monthy allowance of about RM8,000.
had not received any complaint on the mat- “Before I became the MB, I was a dentist
ter but had learnt of it and would obtain with a monthly income of RM60,000,” he
more details from the Selangor state govern- said.
ment. A probe can be launched at any time, Mohd Khir said he would sue Ng for
he said when contacted by China Press on defamation. “I will not let him go,” he told
Tuesday. Sin Chew.
On Monday, Mohd Khir, brushing off He also said a Balinese-style renovation
allegations that his property was worth RM24 is “not as expensive as one thinks”, adding
million, said he had secured a RM3.5 million that had he opted for Italian architecture, the
loan to buy the house five years ago. house would have cost more.
The Sungai Panjang assemblyman said “I spent only RM60,000 on renovation. All
that if Sekinchan assemblyman Ng Suee the transactions can be supported by docu-
Lim, who had made the allegations, was ments. I don’t understand how Ng came up
right about the price, the latter was welcome with the figure of RM24 million.”
to become his agent, sell the property and Mohd Khir said that apart from the new
take 50% of the earnings. house in Shah Alam, he owned another in
Ng has verbally accepted Mohd Khir’s Sungai Besar which he had bought before he
“offer”. became mentri besar. He said the contractor
On Tuesday, Mohd Khir showed Sin hired to renovate the house had absconded
Chew Daily documents to prove that he and he had no idea when it would be ready
had secured the loan from the Hongkong for occupation.
and Shanghai Bank and said he had had no Meanwhile, Selangor senior executive
problem in repaying the monthly sum of council member Teresa Kok has urged the
RM18,743, being now involved in a business Inland Revenue Board (IRB) and the MACC
from which he makes RM50,000 a month. to investigate Mohd Khir’s financial situ-
“I was a mentri besar for eight years; on ation. She said the IRB should conduct an
top of it my businesses are expanding, would audit of Mohd Khir’s tax returns for the past
I not be able to afford the house?” he asked, 10 years to ensure that taxes he had paid
in response to Ng’s query on how he could were in tandem with his lifestyle.

RoC rescinds show-cause order

against assembly hall
THE Kedah Chinese Assembly Hall (KCAH) will KCAH president Cheng Lai Hock told Sin Chew
not face de-registration after all, following the Daily he had received an official letter from the
decision of the Registrar of Societies to rescind RoC stating its decision not to pursue the matter
a show cause order issued against it. after the assembly hall had provided an explana-
The assembly hall has been in crisis over tion.
the last two months after it was directed by While expressing relief at the turn of events,
the RoC to show cause why it should not be Cheng said he hoped the RoC would conduct
de-registered over alleged anomalies including indepth investigations into a matter before taking
a claim that its directors had exceeded their such drastic action in the future. He likened its
powers in approving RM20,000 for the renova- issuance of the show cause order to “putting the
tion of its building. cart before the horse”.

MBPJ has poor planning With love from

skills, say residents Down Under
PETALING JAYA: The Residents Association of Section 5 PETALING JAYA: Malaysian
Petaling Jaya is questioning the local authority’s the effi- students in Sydney, Australia
ciency in planning and managing community projects. are pooling efforts to organise a
The association’s president Johan Tung Abdullah said charity event in aid of the Per-
this of the Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ), in reference tubuhan Penyayang Raudhah
to a stretch of pedestrian pavement along Jalan Gasing orphanage.
which had been replaced last December, although the The “With Love, Down Under
interlocking bricks were in excellent condition. Charity Gig” will feature Malay-
“These were torn up and replaced with another sian bands based in Australia,
surface, reportedly at a sum of RM1.2 million,” he said. Malaysian underground design-
In less than seven months, MBPJ decided to cut up ers and Malaysian foods.
several sections of the new pavement to install a sys- “Even though we are far
tem of disabled-friendly bricks – again with ratepayers’ away from home, we want to let
money, Johan said. The project is ongoing. our people know that we care.
“Why didn’t they plan it properly in the first place?” We would also like to increase
he asked, adding that while the association was all for awareness among young Malay-
disabled-friendly features in the neighbourhood, the sians abroad of the importance of
residents took the view that the local council had “bad giving back to society”, the event’s
planning” skills. director Erina Zahara Ellias said.
According to him, the council had also changed all A collaboration between
the road signs in Section 5 last year. Instead of using Australian Umno international
stickers on the signs, the entire signage including the clubs and the University of New
poles had been removed and replaced, which was South Wales Malaysian Students
unnecessary, he said. Organisation, the event on July
“We want to know how this accounts for ratepayers’ 11 will take place at the university
money. Is there a system where civil servants can spend in Sydney.
just because there’s a budget? There must be a proper Malaysian band Flop Poppy
system.” will be among those performing.
The association is also appealing for a reduction in Art exhibitions and films will also
the assessment rate – raised from 8% to 8.8% in 2006 be showcased.
– which it says is too high, especially when compared to
rates in Bukit Damansara (7%) and Bangsar (6%).
“There needs to be more responsibility and a uniform For more information and to
system. We want an explanation from MBPJ,” Johan make donations, visit http://with-

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