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16 theSun | THURSDAY JULY 9 2009


High-Speed Broadband project to boost Takaful Malaysia

GDP by 0.6% by 2017, says TM eyes over 50%
KUALA LUMPUR: The High-Speed Broad-
band (HSBB) project is expected to boost the
said TM group chief executive officer Datuk
Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa in a statement
capability to undertake HSBB-related work.
On the physical infrastructure side, TM has
market share
national gross domestic product (GDP) by yesterday. committed over RM600 million for the deploy- KUALA LUMPUR: Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Bhd
0.6% and create 100,000 jobs by 2017, says “TM has also invested resources and is ment of Fibre-to-the-Home (FTTH) Passive aims to capture more than half of the takaful indus-
Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM). continuing to do so in boosting human capital infrastructure over the next three years. try’s total asset market share within the next two years
The telecommunications company said the development to ensure that the workforce “While local companies and businesses amid the current economic slowdown.
investment to date in building the HSBB infra- involved in the project is equipped with the have been major beneficiaries of the imple- Group managing director Datuk Mohamad Has-
structure had benefited Malaysian companies relevant skill sets and know-how,” he added. mentation of the HSBB network to date, the san Kamil said the industry’s total assets amounted
considerably, with related contract work given In line with TM’s efforts at boosting the continued rollout of the RM11.3 billion project to between RM11 billion and RM12 billion while the
to about 200 local vendors from 2008. development of human capital related to in the coming years, will bring more benefits to company’s share currently was RM4.05 billion.
“Even at this early implementation stage, the HSBB project, the company has also a broader cross section of Malaysian society. “We will grow slightly above the current taka-
the HSBB project is already benefiting Malay- launched a three-year vendor development “This is in terms of capacity building, local ful market rate, which is between 20 and 25% per
sian companies and businesses. This boost programme. content development, Internet Protocol (IP) annum,” he told a media briefing after signing an
also comes at a time of difficult economic This is to ensure that its external local technology transfer and end-user experience,” agreement with Standard Financial Planner Sdn Bhd
conditions for local vendors and businesses,” contractors have the requisite capacity and Zamzamzairani said. – Bernama (SFP) here yesterday.
SFP, which was set up in 1999, is one of only 10
licensed financial advisers in Malaysia.
It is a member of the Australian-based Professional
share of the BToto group of 32.68 sen Investment Group of Companies that operates across

B-Land raises
for the financial year ended April 30, seven countries.
2009, it said. Hassan said under the agreement, SFP would
The placement was not subject to the market Takaful Malaysia’s products through its na-
approval of any authority and the share- tionwide network of more than 300 representatives,
holders of B-Land, the company said. of which 75% were licensed financial advisers with
As a result of the placement, B-Land Bank Negara Malaysia.
group’s total equity interest in BToto He said the addition of SFP to its existing portfolio

RM190m from will be reduced by 3.18% to 596.27 mil- of distribution channels would boost the company’s
lion shares representing 47.48% of the revenue by 10%.
paid-up share capital of BToto, it said. “This will enhance the penetration rate of our
Tan Sri Vincent Tan, a major share- family and general products into the middle-upper
holder of B-Land, had also concur- Malaysian market as well as making them more ac-
rently placed out a total of 15.6 million cessible wider customer base.
shares in BToto, thus reducing his “We will work closely with SFP’s financial advis-

BToto placement direct interest to 54.5 million shares ers to offer comprehensive insurance, investment
representing 4.34% stake in BToto. and saving options to satisfy the holistic demand from
Therefore, Tan together with the customers,” he said.
Berjaya Corporation Berhad group Takaful Malaysia posted a pre-tax loss of RM11.461
(including the B-Land group) now has Husband million for the third quarter ended March 31, 2009
on aggregate of 53.01% stake in BToto, and wife compared with a pre-tax profit of RM11.07 million in
B-Land said. the same quarter last year.
sparkle Revenue declined to RM187.667 million from
KUALA LUMPUR: Berjaya Land Bhd 15, 2011. The company also noted that in
(B- Land) announced it has placed out The balance of the proceeds, if any, spite of the weak market conditions, as ‘health RM280.678 million previously. – Bernama
a total of 40 million shares in Berjaya will be for working capital purposes of there was ample interest to absorb a watch’
Sports Toto Bhd (BToto) for RM190
million or at a placement price of
RM4.75 per share.
the group, B-Land said in a statement
on Tuesday.
The placement price represents
total of 55.6 million shares or about
4.5% of B-Toto, raising some RM264.1
million cash.
pg 18 Firefly to add three
The net proceeds from the
placement will be utilised to meet
a discount of 30 sen or 5.94% below
the average market price of BToto
The inclusion of BToto within the
30-stock index of the FBM-KLCI and the more aircraft
part of the redemption of B-Land’s shares for the past three days and a success of this placement is further tes- KUANTAN: FlyFirefly Sdn Bhd (Firefly), a subsidiary
RM848.1 million five-year 8% secured price-earnings multiple of 14.53 times timony of BToto’s good standing within of Malaysia Airlines (MAS), will recieve three more
exchangeable bond maturing on Aug based on the unaudited earnings per the investment community, it added. ATR72-500 turbo-propeller aircraft next year.
Firefly managing director Eddie Leong said the
aircraft which cost US$18 million (RM63.8 million)

Islamic fund growth stalls but investable each, will boost the company’s plan for network
expansion and passengers.
“Currently, Firely operates with seven ATR 72-500
assets grow, says Ernst & Young planes with each flight carrying 72 passengers,” he
told reporters after announcing the commencement
of the Kuantan-Singapore route here, yesterday.
by Tim Leonard management of US$20 million (RM71 ing and in the first quarter of this year, Firefly’s maiden flight into Singapore is slated for million) or less. the average returns of commodity funds departure from the Sultan Ahmad Shah Airport here
Some 25 Islamic funds were liqui- stood at 10%, a substantial increase from on July 22.
KUALA LUMPUR: The 3rd Annual dated last year and the first quarter of the -20.01% experienced last year. Leong said the four times weekly flights will
Ernst & Young Islamic Funds & Invest- this year while 18 were liquidated in Islamic cash funds remained con- further strengthen its network while focusing on
ments Report (IFIR) 2009 indicated 2006 and 2007. The number of new stant, providing an average return of commuters for business and leisure.
that Islamic indices performed poorly funds launched dropped from 271 in 3.9% last year as compared with 3.4% “Singapore is an important hub for Firefly to tap
worldwide in the face of a global eco- 2006 and 2007 to only 89 last year and in 2007. In the first quarter of this year, into. Our target market will now expand to not only
nomic slowdown. the first quarter of this year. average returns were at 0.7%. Average include Singaporeans but also Malaysians working
The report, released at the World This mirrors the severe market returns from real estate funds dropped in the country, the expatriate community and transit
Islamic Funds and Capital Markets correction shown by a 50% decline in from 8% in 2007 to -11% last year and passengers,” he said. – Bernama
Conference recently, saw average the MSCI Index for the period of No- -5% in the first quarter of this year.
returns from Islamic equity funds to vember 2007 to March 2009 compared Sukuk issuance has slowed as
have fallen to -39% last year compared with a 40% return in the period May spreads widen – sukuks worth US$15.5
with a 23% return in 2007.
In the first quarter of this year, the
2005 to November 2007.
The report also states the largest
billion (RM55.03 billion) were issued
last year, compared with US$47.1 bil- Maybank says it never sold
average returns stood at -3.7%. Aver-
age Islamic fixed income fund returns
concentration of Islamic funds remains
in the Middle East and equity funds
lion (RM167.2 billion) in 2007.
Ernst & Young’s IFIR 2009 report any Lehman product in M’sia
dropped from 3% in 2007 to 1% last lead the field for choice of asset type. estimates that sukuks around the
year and the first quarter of this year. An average of 19% and 23% of value of US$27.5 billion (RM97.63 bil- KUALA LUMPUR: Maybank describe the issue and measures
The report also stated that syariah- Islamic funds are domiciled in Saudi lion) will be issued this year. yesterday said it never sold any taken by banks involved,” he told
sensitive investable assets last year in Arabia and Malaysia respectively. Abdul Rauf Rashid, Partner, Ernst of Lehman Brothers structured a press conference here.
the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and Saudi Arabia holds US$19.28 bil- & Young’s Islamic Finance Services products in Malaysia. A New York-based global finan-
Asia touched US$736 billion (RM2.612 lion (RM68.34 billion) in total assets Group (IFSG) and head of Assurance “I think the structured products cial services firm, Lehman Broth-
trillion) as compared with US$267 bil- under management for Islamic funds Services of Ernst & Young Malaysia ... most banks sold it but we did ers’ parent company, Lehman
lion (RM947.85 billion) in 2007. while Malaysia holds US$4.579 billion said: “Last year, we highlighted the not sell any of Lehman products in Brothers Holdings Inc, declared
The figures were derived from (RM16.25 billion) in assets. phenomenal rate of growth experi- Malaysia,” Maybank’s chief execu- bankruptcy in 2008.
computing the total asset size this year The untapped markets in Asia and enced in the Islamic asset manage- tive officer Datuk Seri Abdul Wahid Wahid said member banks of
and includes Awqaf and Endowments, MENA are a source of growth for the ment industry”. Omar said. the association have agreed to fol-
Takaful operators in Malaysia, sovereign Islamic funds industry due to their “The landscape has changed sig- A report yesterday stated low the measures which cover a
wealth funds in the Middle East & North inherently large Muslim populations. nificantly now, yet the fundamentals that the Singapore Central Bank range of governance and assurance
Africa (MENA) region and Asia, besides These markets, where Islamic of the Islamic fund industry remain fined 10 banks including Maybank processes, training and compensa-
including the markets of Pakistan and finance is still in its infancy, include strong. With almost US$50 billion Singapore that sold structured tion of sales personnel, consumer
South East Asia - all of which were not Indonesia (207 million), Pakistan (161 (RM177.5 billion) in fund assets under products and bonds linked with education and enhancements to
included in last year’s figures. million), India (150 million), Bangladesh management and a large, expanding Lehman Brothers. the sales process itself.
This translates into a potential an- (132 million), Turkey (71 million) and and untapped Muslim population, “This is actually an industry The level of proactiveness
nual revenue pool of US$3.86 billion Iran and Nigeria (both at 64 million). there are likely to be considerable issue in Singapore. displayed by Maybank Singapore
(RM13.7 billion) for the Islamic asset The report also mentions that opportunities in the future. This is a “The Association of Banks resulted in the bank receiving the
management industry. commodity prices declined during the time when strategic choices have to be in Singapore had already issued lowest or shortest fine, he added.
Fund sizes however remain small, second half of last year, but signs of made and market participants have to the press statement yesterday to – Bernama
with over 50% having assets under recovery in this asset class are emerg- adapt to survive,” he said.

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