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theSun | MONDAY JULY 13 2009 9

news without borders

Group wants more

English classes Jiao Zong does not agree with the
Press Digest proposal for further increase in the
number of Bahasa Malaysia periods in
by Kong See Hoh
Chinese schools, he said, adding that
“nine periods a week is enough”.
On the other hand, he said, the two
JIAO ZONG (United Chinese School periods taken from Chinese language
Teachers Association) president Ong when English was introduced to
Kow Yee says the number of English teach science and maths six years ago
language periods, and not Bahasa Ma- should be reinstated.
laysia, should be increased in Chinese “We are not against the learning
primary schools to achieve the aim of of Bahasa Malaysia but the Education
raising the standard of English among Ministry should not forget that SJKCs
pupils. are after all Chinese schools. Don’t
He suggested increasing the expect them to have (almost) the same
number of English periods to seven number Bahasa Malaysia periods as
(210 minutes) a week from the cur- the Chinese language.”
rent two (60 minutes) following the When the teaching of science and
government’s decision to scrap the maths in English was implemented
use of English to teach science and in 2003, the number of Chinese lan-
mathematics from 2012.
Ong told Nanyang Siang Pau on In Chinese primary schools, English
Saturday that the government had al- is taught for only 60 minutes (a
ready increased the number of Bahasa week), which is not enough even for
Malaysia periods from seven to nine a
week when it introduced the teaching the teaching of oral English skills. If
of science and maths in English in the government does not increase the
2003 and there is no reason for further number of periods for English, how are
increase when schools revert to the we going to raise the standard of the
teaching of science and maths in the
pupils’ own language (PPSMI).
language among pupils?”
– Ong Kow Yee
“In Chinese primary schools, Eng-
lish is taught for only 60 minutes (a guage periods in Chinese schools was
week), which is not enough even for reduced from 15 to 13 a week.
the teaching of oral English skills. If Meanwhile, the Youth section of
the government does not increase the Hua Zong (Federation of Chinese
number of periods for English, how Associations in Malaysia) welcomed
are we going to raise the standard of the government’s decision to revert
the language among pupils?” to PPSMI in primary schools but felt
Ong was commenting on the the teaching of science and maths
government’s proposal to increase in English should be maintained in
Bahasa Malaysia periods from nine secondary schools to better prepare
(270 minutes) a week currently to 12 students for tertiary education where
(360 minutes) when the timetable is science-based and maths disciplines
revised in 2011. are taught in English.

Women petition against China maids

SOME 20 Chinese women from Jalan Tengah in ally out to entice the menfolk. Some of them
Klang unfurled a banner on Saturday morning are seen flirting openly with their customers.”
to say “no” to any move to bring in domestic She said Chinese women are here for quick
helpers from China, Oriental Daily News re- bucks, using the so-called work as a front. As
ported yesterday. such, Chinese maids are not to be trusted, she
They also launched a signature campaign in said.
response to Wanita MCA’s call to reject Chinese Others who joined the signature campaign
maids. spoke of the negative reports about the illegal
Among those who responded to the activities of Chinese women in Malaysia.
signature campaign was Ngan Hui Ling who The group later presented a memorandum
personally witnessed how a woman from on its decision on Chinese maids to the wom-
China destroyed the 30-year-old marriage of en’s wing of the Kapar MCA division.
her parents. Meanwhile, the women’s wing collected
She said she severed her relationship with more than 350 signatures, mostly from women,
her father after he “chased” her mother out of on Saturday morning.
the house over the Chinese woman. Apart from the Jalan Tengah group, women-
“Many Chinese women are here ostensibly folk from Kapar and Bandar Baru Klang also lent
as peddlers of Chinese tea leaves but are actu- their support to the signature campaign.

MTUC calls for a V. David road

PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Trades “We suggest that one of the roads around
Union Congress (MTUC) yesterday called the WIT be named in his honour,” he said.
on the Selangor state government to name a David, who was known as “King David”
road after veteran trade unionist, the late Dr V. among local and international trade union
David, in appreciation of his life-long struggle circles, served as MTUC secretary-general
to fight for workers’ rights. from 1976 to 1992. He was also the Transport
Its vice-president A. Balasubramaniam Workers Union secretary-general from 1958
said there was already a precedent when to 1995.
Road 222 in Petaling Jaya was named after At the international level, he served as the
Dr P.P. Narayanan, another noteworthy trade executive board member of the International
unionist. Transport Federation and the International
He said David deserved the honour be- Confederation of Free Trade Union and had
cause he served the workers for nearly 40 represented Malaysian workers at numer-
years from 1958 until he fell sick in 1995. He ous International Labour Organisation (ILO)
died in July 2005. conferences in Geneva.
David was best known for setting up the Cuepacs secretary-general Ahmad Shah
Workers Institute of Technology (WIT) in Mohd Zin supported the proposal, saying
Port Klang in the early 70s, which provided union leaders should also be recognised “for
education opportunities for thousands of their struggles and sacrifices in improving
workers’ children over the years. the lives of helpless workers.” – Bernama

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