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Put the money

Malaysian’s move to snap up New- ing a major impact on Malaysian
castle could have a major impact football which has already hit

Highway threat on the development of football in

that country. That is the view of the
rock-bottom? Then, there is web-
TV which the ministry wants to
nation’s sports minister, Datur (sic) spend RM14 million on. It appears
to forest park Ahmad Shabery Cheek, as interest
in the club from the Far East hots
to be another syiok sendiri exercise
which benefits a few.

in local talent
IN LINE with the master plan for traffic up. He said: “We should be proud if The message to the minister
dispersal in the Klang Valley, a highway is it really happens that a Malaysian and all other promoters of glam-
being built to link Templer Park with Kuala is involved in such a huge transac- orous events, hoping that the tax-
Selangor. The Kuala Lumpur-Kuala Selan- tion. It’s not impossible and I hope payers will foot the bill, is that let’s
gor Expressway will form part of Kuala it goes through. It can have a big invest in local talent, especially the
Lumpur’s Outer Ring Road. impact on the development of Ma- youth. It’s no use hosting an ATP
I am concerned about the proposed laysian football.” tournament when we can’t even
Templer Park-Kundang section of the high- BRITONS first heard of him last Sounds familiar? If not here’s get past the first round of the Davis
way which will cut through the Common- spring. The English were brooding a re-cap of previous foot-in-the- Cup. The ministry, three years ago,
wealth Forest Park (CFP), thus inevitably that they had not qualified for the mouth quotes by spent an arm and
destroying the plants and scaring away the European Cup when he landed Malaysian person- Shabery should find a leg to bid for the
animals of this protected forest. his helicopter on the hallowed alities: Youth Olympics
Were the Malaysian Nature Society and grounds of the Lords with bags » Spending RM1.6 out how the funds which Singapore
World Wide Fund for Nature consulted? full of money. He offered US$20 million for Austral- of the National Sports eventually won.
Was there a proper EIA conducted? million (RM71.6 million) in a win- ian aerobic dancers Council dwindled from Such bidding
If the CFP section of the highway were ner-take-all cricket match between at the opening of an all-time high of RM400 exercises are
to be built at ground level, this would cut England and West Indies to be the Women in million to its near- always carried
the park into halves, thus depriving a free played in Antigua. Even before the Sports Games will out by Olympic
passage for the movement of wild animals match started, the British tabloids CitizenNades enhance Malaysia’s insolvency status now. associations and
in the area. In short, this would be the went to town with pictures of him image as a good not by govern-
beginning of the end of the park as one of with wives of cricketers sitting on by R. Nadeswaran organiser of sporting events. ments.
Selangor’s natural heritage. his lap. At the match which was » The forward base in Bricken- Why the ministry ventured into
I urge the Malaysian Highway Authority televised live, he had golfer Vijay sprawling financial empire. Bail donbury will help our athletes to it will perhaps make good read-
to realign the highway to avoid encroach- Singh for company, sipping cham- was refused and he’s still in jail. prepare and acclimatise for com- ing for those doing their thesis
ing into the CFP. In the worst-case scenario, pagne as the West Indians won Thereafter, all hell broke lose petitions in Europe. on government abuses. Shabery
an elevated section of the highway through and each player going home with a at the England and Wales Cricket » By sending a youth team to should find out how the funds
the park will have to be built to provide a million in cash. He was referred to Board which promptly cancelled Arsenal, our players will have of the National Sports Council
free passage for wild animals. However, at as the “Texan Billionaire” who was all dealings with him. So, these experience and they can enhance dwindled from an all-time high
best, this will only be an ad-hoc solution doing his little bit for the game. days when foreigners arrive with their skills. of RM400 million to its near-
because noise pollution from vehicles us- While the cricket season took wads of money wanting to buy Malaysian personalities, politi- insolvency status now. National
ing the highway will inevitably affect the a break over winter, he was in clubs in England, they are treated cians included, have the penchant associations are owed large sums
animals’ habitat. the news again. This time for with some trepidation. But not to shoot themselves in the feet of money and the ministry’s funds
The CFP was launched to commemorate a different reason and sans the so with media tycoon Tan Sri T. and trundle on as if they offered are being used to bail out a trou-
the 14th Commonwealth Forest Confer- three-piece suit. He was brought Ananda Krishnan, or AK as he is their best opinion but barely take bled organisation which was set
ence in Kuala Lumpur in 1993 and serves to a court-house in Houston, wear- better known in Malaysia. In fact, cognisance that they make major up to enhance sports.
as Selangor’s showpiece to the Common- ing an orange jump-suit, with his he did not even make a bid for boo-boos.
wealth that the state government has the wrists and ankles in chains. The Newcastle and yet the tabloids in Yes, the taxpayers’ money is not R. Nadeswaran and Terence Fern-
commitment to preserve the forest. flamboyant Sir Allen Stanford England went gaga over his sup- going down the drain a la Bricken- andez are in London to hone their
pleaded not guilty to charges posed bid. donbury or the World Youth Cup, skills in investigative journalism.
WCM that he orchestrated a US$7 bil- They quoted the Press Associa- but then, how does buying a club Nades can still be reached at citizen-
Rawang lion (RM25 billion) fraud at his tion which reported as follows: A in north England co-relate to hav-

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