Thesun 2009-07-13 Page13 Property Industry Gets Positive Feedback After Fic Deregulation

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theSun | MONDAY JULY 13 2009 13


Property industry
gets positive
feedback after
FIC deregulation
KUALA LUMPUR: The positive that property investments are able
feedback received by the property to provide an attractive return after
industry from foreign investors fol- two to three years and as we know,
lowing the recent announcement our economy is expected to recover
on the deregulation of the Foreign by the end of the year or in the first
Investment Committee (FIC) quarter of next year,” he stated.
guidelines cannot be translated into Mukhriz said the average price
actual investment as yet, said the of property which was cheaper
Deputy Minister of International in Malaysia, had also made the
Trade and Industry Datuk Mukhriz country attractive to investors.
Mahathir. As such, he said the level of con-
“As the announcement was fidence among investors towards
made just a week ago, we did not local property was still strong,
expect to receive such a quick although the country’s economy
reaction from foreigners. had suffered a downturn.
“It is sufficient to say at this time This confidence, he said, could
that the response is very positive be seen when exhibitors at the
but cannot be translated yet into MAREIX 2009 stated they faced no
investments as we hoped, with the problems in selling their property,
opening of the property market,” irrespective of the location.
he said after officiating the Real “Maybe due to that, they want
Estate and Investment Exhibition to invest in property at this early
Malaysia 2009 (MAREIX) here on stage in the hope that the value
Saturday. will increase soon. The feedback
According to Mukhriz, al- from the property industry is that
though impacted by the economic they are not affected,” he said.
downturn, the property industry With amendments being un-
in Malaysia is still seeing high dertaken by the FIC to a number of
demand from buyers both locally policies to attract foreign investors
and overseas. to Malaysia as well as liberalisa-
“We may be experiencing an tion, Mukhriz said it will surely
economic downturn but demand increase the number of foreigners
for property from local and over- buying property in Malaysia.
seas buyers is still at a level that He said the support and coop-
can sustain the industry,” he said. eration of all agencies involved
He said of late, property in the in the property sector will help
country has succeeded in attract- developers, contractors as well as
ing the interest of investors from bumiputra suppliers especially, to
China, Indonesia, Singapore, Korea continue to expand and enhance
and the Middle East. their network and market.
“Among the reasons for this is – Bernama

Qatar offers €7bil for stake

in Porsche: Report
BERLIN: The Gulf emirate of Qatar has offered €7
billion (RM34.3 billion) for a stake in Porsche, which
would allow the German luxury sports car maker to
clear a large part of its debts, a report said Saturday.
According to the weekly Der Spiegel, the Qatar
Investment Authority would take 25% of Porsche Au-
tomobil Holdings and options on Volkswagen shares
currently held by Porsche.
In addition Volkswagen, which has proposed buy-
ing 49% of Porsche’s core sports car operations, has
upped its bid to more than €4 billion (RM19.6 billion), ‘Rio arrest
Der Spiegel said, without quoting sources. bad for
Porsche has scheduled an extraordinary meeting
of its supervisory board on July 23 to discuss offers by China’s
Qatar and Volkswagen, sources said on Friday. business
Porsche has run up some €9 billion (RM44.1 standing’
billion) in debt it accumulated in a failed attempt to
increase its holding in VW, the biggest European car pg 14
It currently owns about 51% of VW, which has
made its counter offer in a boardroom drama between
the car makers’ dominant influences, the Porsche and
Piech families.
A takeover of Porsche by VW would reinforce the
power of Ferdinand Piech, a major shareholder in
Porsche and head of the VW supervisory board.
A deal with Qatar would boost Wolfgang Porsche
and give his company a chance to renew its takeover
bid for the much bigger VW, and preserve the chances
of Porsche boss Wendelin Wiedeking keeping his
In late June, the Porsche group rejected VW’s
counter offer, saying it “is not a practical solution.”
On Friday, the Porsche spokesman said however
that for the automaker, “the goal remains the creation
of an integrated group” with VW. - AFP

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