JFK Assassination

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Gabriel Garcia

Nellie Connelly turned around to say to the President Mr. President, you cant say that Dallas doesnt love you. Then she turned around and heard a loud bang. The first bang hit the president through his neck, the second hit Governor John Connelly, then the last hit the President and blew his head clean off. The First lady then yelled Help, Please, my husband is dead. I have his brains in my hand! At the moment our youngest elected President John F. Kennedy tragically had his life taken away in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963. Lee Harvey Oswald was the alleged killer who shot the three fatal bullets which tore through John F. Kennedy. Some may believe Lee did this all alone, but there are those out there who see this as a conspiracy. There are many things that point to Lee being the only killer, but the only way to truly determine this is to examine the facts. The first theory is that hes a lone gun man. After the shooting Oswald fled the scene and left his weapon, The Italian made Carcano, 190 ft. from where he shot the president on the 6th floor of the Texas Book depository. The shots each were fired within 8 seconds with the last one being fatal. Oswald wouldve had to manually reload each time after each. The Carcano also was proved by Unsolved History that this gun was an inferior weapon, yet the Sharpshooter expert did conclude that it was possible for him to pull this off. Yet some researchers insist that there were more than one gunner. Along the route were some storm drain on elm. Although the storm drains were each possible places for a shooter. Theres still no hard evidence of another shooter in either three of the storm drains. The first was along the road, yet there was no possible way for a shooter to be placed there because the view-point of the position didnt allow vision of the President in his motorcade when the last shot was taken. The second was on the south edge of the bridges storm drain. But that gap thats there now was not there when the president was shot. The last proves to be a good spot, but at the time there was a tree in direct fire to the presidents fatal hit. All in all none of these positions were good positions to declare another shooter. So we need to focus more on what Lee Harvey Oswald did after the fatal shot. After the shots, Lees movements concern many analysts. Just 90 seconds after the shots, Lee had to put his gun behind boxes 190ft. from his shooting perch. Then go down 4 flights of stairs, then be scene casually walking on the second floor lunch area, and be seen by Officer Marian Baker. After this encounter Lee would have to make it to another Dallas killing, which he was arrested for. Just before 1:00pm he walked into his boarding house just a few blocks from the Dallas book depository. Lee then left and nearly a mile away A police officer pulled a suspicious man aside and was murdered. I believe that Lee did this alone. Any evidence that has been brought to light by the warren commission has strayed away from any conspiracy theory. Only one shooter is most prevalent, Lee Harvey Oswald. Just previously test by Unsolved History had also proved most conspiracy theories wrong. With these facts and demonstrations I believe there isnt a conspiracy just an Ex-marine bent on killing his President.

J.F.K. Assassination

Gabriel Garcia

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