Thesun 2009-07-14 Page06 Residents Say Sorry To Guan Eng

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6 theSun | TUESDAY JULY 14 2009

news without borders

The Kampung Buah Pala Issue

Dead tilapia mystery

Residents say at Mengkuang Dam

‘sorry’ to Guan Eng

by Himanshu Bhatt average of 30 dead fish every day over the last 10 days.
Jeyabalan also said the staff
GEORGE TOWN: Hundreds of members have been asked to beef
tilapia fish have been found dead up enforcement against fishing,
in Mengkuang Dam in Penang over which is disallowed in the dam.
the last 10 days, raising anxiety “We have yet to determine
among visitors who frequent the if the situation is harmful to
by Opalyn Mok site. humans,” he said, stressing that The Penang Water Supply the PBAPP was awaiting a detailed
Corporation (PBAPP), which microbiologist’s report from the
GEORGE TOWN: After manages the dam, has conducted Fisheries Department.
much quarrelling between the stringent checks on the quality of the He said the public should still be
residents of Kampung Buah water after being alerted by work- cautious about consuming affected
Pala and the state government, ers there, only to find its condition fish which are illegally caught
the residents finally decided to to be normal and uncontaminated. from the dam due to the presence
resolve their differences with the
But a preliminary examination of bacteria that may have killed
administration by apologising to
on the dead fish by the Penang them.
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
Kampung Buah Pala Resi- Fisheries Department
dents Association chairman found traces of bacterial
M. Sugumaran was at Dewan infection in their bodies.
Sri Pinang after the investiture The mystery has
ceremony in conjunction with deepened as the bacteria
Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun appears to only affect the
Abdul Rahman Abbas’ 71st tilapia adults, and not any
birthday celebrations for a of the fry or other species
brief meeting with Lim in the that inhabit the dam, the
afternoon. largest in the state.
“On behalf of the residents PBAPP corporate service
of Kampung Buah Pala, I wish manager K. Jeyabalan
to extend our apologies to the expressed surprise over
chief minister for what had why only tilapia adults
taken place recently and we on Level 28 in Komtar. also jumped on the bandwagon Sugumaran were being affected when
hope the chief minister will The Kampung Buah Pala to help the residents “fight” for shakes the fry would normally be
accept our apologies,” he said. issue, dubbed Penang’s “High their cause. hands with more susceptible to such
Lim said the apology was Chapparal”, was in the news The state government has Lim after infection.
accepted and it is the residents’ after the Federal Court decided since de-classified the minutes apologising He said the raw water,
right if they want to meet him, the residents did not have of all state executive council to the chief which is left untreated in the
as he is also their chief minis- locus standi and had ordered meetings held by the previous minister dam, has been found to be
ter. the residents to deliver vacant state government that are re- on behalf not toxic.
“What is important now is possession of the land without lated to the transfer of the land of the “This is the first time that
how we can work together to compensation. ownership to Koperasi Pega- residents. such a thing is happening in
resolve this situation. Sugu- The affected residents have wai Kerajaan Pulau Pinang this dam,” he said, adding that
maran has agreed to arrange refused to move out and asked Bhd and Nusmetro. the authorities do not suspect
a heart-to-heart talk between the state government to help The residents had wanted foul play.
us and the affected families on resolve the issue by procuring to meet with Lim a few times Workers have found an
Thursday at 8pm,” he said. the land so that they can con- before but he had refused to do
Lim said each family can tinue living there. so if they were accompanied
send a representative to meet Other non-governmental by outsiders, including lawyers
him on Thursday at his office organisations such as Hindraf and Hindraf members. Service centre vandalised again
GEORGE TOWN: DAP state executive vulgar SMS in Chinese directed at him,

Loanshark kingpins still on the loose councillor Phee Boon Poh received
threatening text messages yesterday
after his service centre in Sungai Puyu
but sent to a friend, at about 9.45am.
It said his service centre had been
“renovated” a second time.
SIX loanshark kingpins in the where debtors were chained and was splashed with red paint during “You still want to tear down our
country, who are targets of a police beaten that these kingpins and their pre-dawn hours. stalls? You want to die or not? I will kill
crackdown on illegal moneylend- Press Digest right-hand men started to feel un- This is the second time in five your whole family,” it said, apparently
ing activities, have operations both by Kong See Hoh easy and decided to go on “vacation” days that the service centre has been referring to action by the local authori-
within and outside the country. overseas. splashed with paint by an unknown ties against illegal hawkers.
According to a report in Oriental “Most of them have fled to Macau party. On July 8, the centre was “You asked us to vote for you
Daily News yesterday, these loan- the runners start to collect repay- or Shenzhen where they have long similarly hit with red paint early in the before the elections. Now we find
sharks have their runners stationed ments when the gamblers return to established good connection and are morning. illegal hawkers disappearing,” it said.
at casinos overseas to provide easy Malaysia. able to enjoy life as usual,” said the “The first time they did this, I The SMS also threatened to “renovate”
loans to gamblers from Malaysia. Following the latest crackdown source. treated it as an act of frustration,” his car.
It is learnt that the loanshark on illegal moneylending activities, “Police have said the six loan- Phee said outside his service centre Seberang Perai Municipal Council
kingpins also started to go big time the “top and second line” leaders shark kingpins were still in the yesterday morning. “But now I see this (MPSP) councillor Soon Lip Chee also
in the local night entertainment of these loanshark syndicates have country. But as far as I know, all as criminal intimidation.” got an SMS threat on June 21 in con-
industry three years ago to launder started to take refuge overseas two have fled the country except one. Phee, who lodged a police report nection with the council’s crackdown
their ill-gotten money. weeks ago. And their runners are “Of the six, who happen to be later, said he also got a menacing and on illegal hawkers.
Some of them are said to have said to be keeping a low profile. from Johor, four are Datuks and
fled the country two weeks ago to An insider source told the daily have been in the business for more
escape police arrest. that the six loanshark kinpins tar- than 10 years.”
According to the report, the
loansharks’ runners, who trawl for
geted by police got wind two months
ago that the men in blue were after
Meanwhile, Bukit Aman CID
director Datuk Seri Mohd Bakri
PKR guidelines on titles, awards
potential clients in casinos in Macau, them but were not convinced that Mohd Zinin told Oriental on Sunday GEORGE TOWN: PKR will introduce PKR member and former MCA leader
Melbourne and Las Vegas, are like they would be hauled up, now that police have arrested four loanshark a set of guidelines on the conferment Lim Boo Chang, Tan said there was
credit cards to cash-strapped gam- they are seen as legitimate business- bosses, including one with the of titles and awards for its members no basis for such talk.
blers, providing instant cash. men with some social standing. “Datuk” title. starting from next year. “I may have got some SMSes
Money changes hands once the It was not until some tough ac- He declined to disclose whether “We will need to look at some from members voicing their unhappi-
borrowers agree to the terms and tion taken by the police in the wake the suspects were among the six criteria, such as how long they have ness over Lim getting the award but
conditions set by the loansharks and of the expose on loanshark lock-ups kingpins they have targeted. served the party and their achieve- these are only differences in opinion
ments before proposing a member and does not signify a split within the

Ng, buyer can’t check out Khir’s mansion for any awards or titles,” state PKR
deputy chairman Tan Hock Leong
told a press conference after the
party,” he said.
He said Lim was given the award
based on his contributions to society
SEKINCHAN assemblyman Ng more than RM10 million for the He said he has appointed Kota investiture ceremony in conjunc- and the state in his almost 30-year
Swee Lim, who took up a challenge house. Shah Alam assemblyman M. Mano- tion with Yang di-Pertua Negri Tun career as a politician.
by former Selangor mentri besar The two could only take a peek haran as his lawyer and will ask Abdul Rahman Abbas’ 71st birthday “This is just the conferment of an
Datuk Seri Mohd Khir Toyo to find at the plush mansion as there were Mohd Khir to relax the conditions, celebrations at Dewan Sri Pinang award. The members should accept
a taker for his Shah Alam mansion no guards to open the door because like scrapping the 10% downpay- here yesterday. it,” said Tan, who is also the state
after he (Ng) claimed it was worth Ng has not fulfilled Mohd Khir’s ment to see the house and to extend He said the guidelines will be legislative assembly deputy speaker
RM24 million, brought a prospective condition that he must put a down the one-month period set to con- formulated to ensure that all aspects and Machang Bubok state assembly-
buyer to see the mansion but they payment of RM2.4 million for the clude the sale of the property to three are covered when considering a man.
were denied access to the property. property in order to inspect it. months or more. candidate. Lim said the final decision on con-
According to a report in China Ng told China Press he has yet to “To sell a property worth more On talk of a split within the party ferring him the award lay with the
Press yesterday, the prospective officially accept Mohd Khir’s condi- than RM10 million in one month? over the conferment of a Darjah state secretary, state government
buyer, a Malaysian with business tions to act as the latter’s agent for It’s impossible, I need at least three Johan Negeri award to newly-joined and the Yang di-Pertua Negri.
interests in Indonesia, has offered the property. months to close the deal,” said Ng.

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