Thesun 2009-07-15 Page11 Residents Call For Revamp of Local Council

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theSun | WEDNESDAY JULY 15 2009 11

Tea in aid of
Residents call for revamp cancer patients
by Alyaa Alhadjri drinks as well. But alcohol bev-

of local council erages are strictly prohibited.”
Hosts are required to spon-
A SOFT launch of “Jamuan Teh sor the whole jamuan teh and
Malaysia” was held recently at 100% of funds raised will be
the residence of Australian donated to BCWA and NCSM.
High Commissioner Penny Interested groups or
Williams. individuals have to register to
by Eva Yeong Another matter was malfunction- had also The event is modelled after be a host by contacting the ing streetlights on Persiaran KIP raised these the highly successful “Austral- organisers before Aug 13. They
Utama, frequently brought up to the grouses with ia’s Biggest Morning Tea” – an can get forms online at http://
RESIDENTS of KIP Sutera Apart- council as well as the Public Com- MPS but to annual fundraiser held by the jamuantehmalaysia.blogspot.
ments in Taman KIP, Selayang want plaints Bureau over three years, but no avail. Australian Cancer Council. com, or by calling 03-79540133
the Selayang Municipal Council which Ng said was not addressed “It is time Hosted in collaboration with / 03-26987300 to get an email
(MPS) to stop turning a deaf ear to until a complaint was made to Chief that we ask the Breast Cancer Welfare As- or fax copy of the form.
complaints on problems faced by the Secretary to the Government Tan Sri the Housing sociation (BCWA) and National “BCWA is an association
community. Mohd Sidek Hassan. and Local Gov- Cancer Society of Malaysia which offers psychosocial
“Our quality of life is affected by On July 6 this year, MPS’s engi- ernment Ministry (NCSM), it aims to raise funds support to cancer survivors
them,” resident Stephen Ng (pix) neering department finally invited and the state gov- for cancer-related services to especially because many
said. tenders to repair the streetlights. ernment to implement patients, survivors, families women are scared since social
According to him, complaints “Ratepayers like myself are ask- changes within the council. Enough and the public. stigma against them are still
have been made over various issues, ing: do we need to keep complain- is enough! Underperforming staff The launch of “Jamuan Teh very strong,” BCWA president
some 10 years ago, but have yet to ing? Do we need to hold banners should be replaced with people who Malaysia” will be on Aug 13 Ranjit Kaur said.
be resolved. An example, he said, is to protest their inefficiency? Do we are serious about their work,” Ng Australia and various jamuan teh will be NCSM, which started with
Jalan Usaha Ehsan which has been need to keep writing to the chief said. held from Aug 13 to 16. public education programmes
without streetlights since Taman secretary to the federal government Selayang MP William Leong
says “Hosts can run their jamuan in 1966 now houses medical
Ehsan was developed 20 years ago. before anything is done?” Ng asked. said a revamp of the system and the China teh as creatively as possible, at facilities offering a whole range
In 1999, residents brought up the He said ratepayers, who pay be- management of the local govern- stonewall- any time or place, but the same of cancer related services at a
issue, stating the dangers faced by tween RM300 and RM500 a month, ment is necessary to effect a change rule applies to the methods of highly subsidised fee.
road users such as accidents and are demanding better services and of attitude in MPS.
ing in spy collecting donations,” Williams “We are the only NGO in
crime, Ng said. that more attention is paid to the “We want to ensure the people’s probe said. the country that provides such
“Until today, the streetlights have state of public amenities and facili- interests are protected,” he said. “We pg 15 “Tea bags sponsored by holistic cancer treatment and
not been installed and the reason ties. want our councillors and MPS to be Boh will be provided to the support to patients and their
given by MPS is the budget alloca- Several others including local transparent in the way the money is hosts for the main beverage caregivers through all our
tions are not enough. We’re asked to councillor Zulnizam Shahrani and spent as the budget of RM120 million served at the tea party. clinical centres,” NCSM adviser
wait for next year’s budget.” state exco member Elizabeth Wong for all of Selayang is small,” he said. “Hosts can serve other Datuk Zuraidah Atan said.

The announcers with a mock cheque of the

contribution to develop the 2km trail.

1,000 join AMP’s Tree Party

ABOUT 1,000 people took chairman Mah Weng Kwai, teners mingled with AMP’s
part in the Tree Party hosted Malaysian Nature Soci- top radio announcers and
by AMP Radio Networks ety president Tan Sri Salleh planted four forest trees
(AMP) and its eight stations, Mohd Nor, and Wild Asia namely, Pittosporum ferrugi-
ERA, MY FM,, MIX founder and director Dr Reza neum, Pouteria obovata, Dip-
fm, LiteFM, SINAR, XFM Azmi, who launched the Tree terocarpus chartaceou and
and THR Raaga at the Kota Party. Buchanania arborescens.
Damansara Community For- Reza said it was important “I’m glad listeners came
est recently. for the community to con- to the Tree Party, I had fun
The event, from 8am to tinue instilling eco-friendly planting trees with them and
5pm, saw about 300 trees practises into their daily lives made a lot of new friends.
planted by individuals and in order to see its positive There is a fun nature trail
corporate organisations who impact. there too, you should go
pledged RM50 for each tree. On air and online promo- there!” said Rex of LiteFM.
The Tree Party, held as tion had been carried out “I had a fun time at the
part of AMP’s annual cor- with radio listeners being tree party, especially hiking
porate social responsibility urged to pledge RM50 which through the 2km nature trail”
project in conjunction with entitled them to one tree for said Dina of XFM.
World Environment Day planting with the announc- “I hope this event will
which falls on June 5 every ers, contribution to building be a yearly thing so we can
year, was co-organised with a 2km trail, an e-certificate, help make the environment
nature conservation groups, plus an organic gift pack. greener,” she added.
Wild Asia and Friends of All pledges were managed Visitors also enjoyed
Kota Damansara (FOKD). by Wild Asia and a portion guided nature walks, kay-
Among VIPs who were of the proceeds amounting aking, photo competition,
present to lend support were to RM5,000 was given to children’s eco-play sessions,
Subang MP R. Sivarasa, Kota Friends of Kota Damansara mountain bike time trial and
Damansara assemblyman Dr (FOKD) to develop a 2km performances by indie outfit
Mohd Nasir Hashim. nature trail in the forest. Joanna & Co and Bantus
Also present were FOKD From 9am to noon, lis- Capoeira.

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