Cray Canyon Cold Snap: Supernatural Horror in The Wild West

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In which a murderous miner, a little darkness, and the icy

rails go a long way . . .

Cray Canyon Cold Snap is an action-packed yarn of
terror on the rails, suitable for any Role-Playing Game
set the American West of the late 19th century. It is
designed to play from start to finish in a single evening
or afternoon session. Any 2-6 characters of moderate to
heroic ability will find it challenging. Moving the story
forward a few decades (which will change only a few
details) would easily recast it as 1920s horror, or a
Republic-Serial style action short.
It is mid-winter in 1882. The adventurers have boarded
the #40 long-haul, westbound over the Rocky
Mountains. Meeting the train just west of Denver in a
dining stop at Brown Creek, Colorado, they were among
the last passengers to board
before the haul up into the
snow-laden hills. Their bag-
gage checked, they have
settled into the trains third
Pullman car, and braced
themselves for the journey
westward. The people in the
cars are clustered forward to
the heaters, and the conduc-
tor is muffled for the weath-
er. Frost plays about the
edges of the windowpanes.
As tickets are taken, the con-
ductor and his staff assures the
passengers that theyre safe, despite the harshness of the
winter. After a few minutes, the train butch passes
through the cars selling newspapers and heavily salted
peanuts, returning a few minutes later to sell soda water
. . .
The spirits of the passengers are high, and early
card-games and recitations have already begun
as the dark forests begin to crawl beside the train,
and #40 moves into the mountains evening.
The route that #40 is taking is one long feared by
employees of the railroad. Any winter nights through the
high Rockies usually means terrible nightmares chilling
visions of smothering darkness and crushing weight
and the superstitious rail-people were quick to label the
route as the run of the devil. During the summers, the
bad dreams subside.
Stories of the nightmares havent spread beyond the rail-
road workers. Most passengers never take this trip more
than once, so they never realize how consistently they
haunt this particular route.
The dreams are the mental emanations of Rononatha, a
spirit entity inhabiting the mountain on the west side of
Crays Canyon, directly along the route. He is a primor-
dial spirit of the cold and dark, acknowledged and
feared in some form by all the local Indian tribes. 450
years ago, he and his son,
Haimannock, were cast into
separate pits at the cost of a
brave medicine mans soul.
Separated, the evil spirits
sank into despair. They
could not work their powers
over the living when sepa-
rated and imprisoned. It
seemed that the shamans
loss had brought a great vic-
tory for mankind.
Haimannock was reawak-
ened, however, when the
North Colorado Mining
Company began drilling into the bowels of his mountain
prison. He has waited all summer, holding his anger in
check lest he frighten the miners away. Now midwinter
has come, and he could bring his power to bear on a sin-
gle weak-willed miner named Anthony Berstock.
Presently in Anthonys body, the old spirit seeks
out his father. By bringing together the right
blood elements, in offering, Haimannock can
awaken his father from his deep slumber. 1
S. J
S. J
This Cumberland G&D sample adventure isnt tied to
any single set of RPG rules. It contains all the charac-
ters, locations and conflicts you need for an evening of
excitement on an icy night in the old west. Our adven-
tures describe the action in plain English, so its easy
to cast it into game-terms for your favorite system. The
terms Ability Check and Skill Check are used as
generic guideposts for the GM. If you enjoy this
adventure, visit the Cumberland Games & Diversions
website at for more!
These details should be
modified to suit the individ-
ual campaign. The line
described in this adventure
is fictitious, and could be
any one from Colorado
northward to Canada. If
the campaign is set west of
the Rockies, a trip eastward
works just as well (replacing
the Zulu cars with freight or
sleepers). While the year is
given here as 1882, the
train described could exist
as early as the mid 1870s,
and be modern well into the 1890s. If at all possible,
deceive the players about the nature of the adventure.
They neednt know its a horror game until the horror
decides to strike!
The train involved (the number 40) is a fictional exam-
ple of a typical train of the early 1880s. It is modern for
the period, with air braking, flexible canvas guards
between cars, Janney coupling (automatic car-links that
eliminate the need for dangerous manual linking of
cars), and so on. Some of the cars are mapped for ref-
erence. Others (such as the freight cars) can be easily
extrapolated if the need arises. All cars except the
caboose have interior and roof dimensions of about 63
by 10 feet, and measure 70 feet in length. The 29 cars
are as follows, moving backward from the engine:
The Porters Cars: These are a humbler version of the
Pullman drawing-room, where employees may sleep,
wash, etc. The first car is for the porters and baggage-
master, while the second is for the butch, telegrapher,
conductor, etc.
The Drawing-Room Car: This is a comfortable
Pullman car, with six staterooms and an open draw-
ing room area where passengers relax. It is richly deco-
rated, with large mirrors, fine leather, etc.
The Smoking Car: This is a large lounge car. At the
fore end is a bar. The rest of the car is sitting areas, which
will be crowded in the evenings with Whist-players and
talking passengers. The Butch tends to lurk in this area
when not on his runs.
4 Pullman (Passenger) Cars: These are where
the heroes are, along with the rest of the ordinary
passengers of the train. Each compartment has
cloth-upholstered couches that fold out into
beds, and can be closed off for privacy by cur-
tains. The open area is
a sitting area, and
the floor near the
foot-warmer (an open grill
by the heater) is a popular
spot in the cold weather.
The Baggage Car: This is
where the passengers per-
sonal cargo and luggage is
kept. The baggage-master
sleeps in the first porters
2 Zulu Cars: These are
crowded and dirty, with
hard, un-upholstered wooden seats. Each car has
approximately 90 passengers aboard, mostly immigrants
bound for the west. Entire families are here, crammed
into the seats and occupying the floors. At night, the pas-
sengers of the zulus sleep on boards laid across the seats,
with whatever bedding they can devise. Pets and chil-
dren are constantly underfoot in the aisles. The cars are
springless (for a very rough ride) and are poorly venti-
lated. The rail company offers tickets west on such cars
at very low fares, in order to profit from the vast waves
of emigration.
7 Freight Cars: Four of these have just been added at
the last stop. They are loaded with timber, cloth goods,
or whatever else the GM deems appropriate depending
on the location chosen for the adventure.
The Caboose: Home and workplace for the long-
hauls brakeman.
The scene begins at about 9:30 PM. The PCs are in the
smoking car, mingling and socializing. Outside it is dark,
with only rushing shapes of black trees against the occa-
sional grey field of snow. The moon is out in full. The car
is cold near the windows, but the crowd of anxious pas-
sengers is enough to keep the air cozy.
Paris Moses is presently playing hymns on his accordion,
and an odd mix of grubby miners, cowboys, and
wealthy-looking city folk are singing along or politely lis-
tening. At one table, Hadrian Cook, a Kentucky gam-
bler, is running a serious game of high-stakes poker. The
table is surrounded by grim-looking easterners, but
Cook would welcome a new player or two. Minimum bet
is 5 dollars. The train butch, Joe, is moving
among the passengers doing business, and the
conductor is present. See the NPC section for
details on these characters.
The characters should be allowed about 10 minutes
mingling and roleplaying to start. Introduce some the
NPCs, or some of your own, to set the scene and allow
the PCs to establish how they behave. The attitude
among the passengers is positive, but any conversation
with the Chester (the porter tending bar) will reveal him
to be tired and worried. He prefers not to talk about his
mood. Characters that insist on pressing questions will
recieve chillier responses to attempts to gain informa-
tion from the porter.
There are 250 passengers on board #40, 180 of which
are in the Zulu cars. The GM should feel free to develop
as many as he sees fit for roleplaying purposes, and to
include them at any logical opportunity. Interaction with
the NPCs should be encouraged by reward asking the
right questions could help the PCs a great deal, for
instance. The following NPCs play some part in the
adventure as written. If game statistics are needed for
these characters (unlikely), assume human-average abil-
ities and unremarkable levels of skill. Theyre just ordi-
nary travelers.
Paris Moses, Lawman and Preacher: This is a tall,
gaunt fellow with a thin, hoarse voice. His smile is per-
petual, and he is very kind. He and his wife, Deborah,
are travelling west where Moses is to be a new sheriff in
California. When speaking of matters religious, Moses
voice grows powerful and resonant. He will actively
attempt to aid the PCs with advice, and has a .32
revolver in his bag on Pullman car #1.
Joe the Butch: Joe is the fourteen-year old rail butch
on this route. He makes regular runs through the pas-
senger cars, selling all manner of items, from newspa-
pers to biscuits and fruit to discreetly offered adult lit-
erature, all at terribly high prices. An employee of the
company for two years, hes a fountain of gossip and
info for the PCs, should they decide to ask. He has a
broad larcenous streak, and will demand a few cents for
Mary Henderson, Writer: Mary is a popular travel
writer, reporting on the trip. She spends most of her time
reading or writing in the Observation Room in the smok-
er. She is, however, a true journalist of rare form. Once
trouble begins, she will place herself in nearly any dan-
ger to get details for her editors. She lacks any real
empathy, and may seem cold and tactless, which she is.
Hadrian Cook, Gambler: Hadrian is a rotund, beard-
ed Kentuckian heading west to seek his fortune as a
gambler. He is a heartless con man by trade, and has
decided that running a few games on board (and clean-
ing up on travelers nest eggs) would be a way to pass
the hours. He wears a heavy black coat and a shiny red
vest. He keeps a rear-slung Smith & Wesson Russian
under his coat. He is a coward, but will make a show of
wanting part of any action that might occur, backing
out at the last minute due to a sprain.
Conductor Morris Hawthorne: A western gen-
tleman, Hawthorne carries himself as the perfect
representative of the company. He is present
throughout the adventure, trying early on to
keep the passengers under control and safe. He
speaks with a deep voice and a slight drawl. His
face bears huge blonde sideburns.
Scene #1: Berstock Cuts Loose
At 10 PM, the train crew will walk through the Pullman
cars, making up the beds. As the passengers begin drift-
ing out of the smoker and into their cars, the distant
crack of rifle-shot is heard toward the back of the train,
not more than a few cars behind the lounge! Some of
the women cry out, and Cook reaches under his coat for
his revolver. The conductor will try to maintain order,
telling the passengers to remain where they are. He will
take a few armed men as volunteers (the PCs are prime
candidates, of course) and head back to investigate.
As the group enters #3 Pullman, they will meet those
who have fled from the #4. All they can get from the
frightened, confused passengers is that one man shot
another, and a woman is dead. The lights in #4 Pullman
have been put out, and the conductor grabs a lantern
from a wall and moves forward with the party.
The spirit Haimannock, sensing that he is near is father,
and surrounded by such warm blood, could not contain
his instincts. With the car mostly deserted, Berstock
slipped in and strangled a woman, and proceeded to
tear her apart. A British traveler, napping in the back of
the coach, took up a rifle to shoot at Berstock. After two
shots, Berstock grabbed the rifle, and shot the man, and
then the passage lamp.
When the adventurers reach the coach, they will see
Berstock holding the rifle limply over the two mangled
bodies, his mouth dripping with blood. He wears a tired
smile and hums loudly to himself. A large bloody spot
can be seen under his shirt where the rifle-shots hit him.
Berstock raises his new rifle to shoot . . .
Scene #2: The Great Outdoors
As soon as the PCs fire, or he runs out of bullets,
Berstock will run back through the rear door and close
it. He will then proceed to rip the safety canvas away
and climb up to the roof of the car. He is confused and
regrets his impulsive action, and seeks to hide from his
new tormentors.
The players may think of several methods of pursuit.
They could easily head Berstock off by running for-
ward through the cars, and climbing up ahead of
him. By sending some men from the rear, he
could be trapped. Or, the PCs could chase him
from behind, in which he would turn to be rid of
them. In any case, the scene is likely to become a fight
and chase on top of the moving train.
This is hazardous, with or without Haimannock. It is
nighttime out, with clouds and light snow. The tops of
the cars are covered in layers of snow and ice. This com-
bined with the wind is likely to
hinder the mobility of any
except Berstock, who revels in
it. The GM should require
moderate ability checks peri-
odically for characters to
remain on their feet, and more
difficult checks for those
attempting to move at any
speed greater than a careful
walk. Grievous failure indi-
cates that the character is slip-
ping towards the edge, and
may fall if not aided. Anyone
falling off the train is likely to
be out of the adventure.
Damage from the fall (com-
bined factors of speed and
height) will be equal to a nor-
mal fall from 20 feet (about 6
meters). A faller will (at least)
be knocked out, or break a
Play these dangers up in your
descriptions. The players will have every reason to be
scared! However, the fight should end with Berstocks
defeat, provided the players keep cool heads. Berstocks
death should be dramatic, with the still-grinning body
flailing as it falls over the side into darkness. The players
should for a time believe that Berstock is gone.
Scene #3: Fears Realized
Back in the dry warmth of the train, the characters will
find Hawthorne and a crowd of passengers waiting.
Hawthorne asks the passengers to please turn in to bed,
now that the danger is over. Grudgingly, they will agree.
The Pullman containing the bodies is left alone, and the
passengers of that car are moved forward. Hawthorne
will then ask the PCs what happened, and then tell them
what he found out from Berstocks fellow travelers (his
name and work, little else). This is a good time for any
questions or requests the PCs may have, but the con-
ductor knows little outside of the normal business of
the train. Both of Berstocks victims were travel-
ing alone, and there are no living witnesses to
Berstocks acts.
All involved are very disturbed and worried, but the
Conductor assures both his fellow crew and the
PCs that things are fine, and tells everyone to
turn in. Provided there is no delay, they will have a
breakfast stop on the other side of Cray Canyon at about
10 AM. There, legal matters can be taken care of.
However, peace is not to be.
Less than an hour after the
characters bed down, a tiny
and distant scream can be
heard by any characters who
choose to remain awake. A
few minutes later, a woman
crying and speaking in a thick
German accent will run
through the car asking after
the conductor. She is followed
by a panting boy. Only the
boy speaks any English, and
he only haltingly. It seems
that, while they were sleeping,
a man grabbed his little broth-
er from his mothers arms and
ran. He was gone by the time
they were fully awake. No one
else saw the man, and the
baby is gone. These people
are immigrants from the first
Zulu car.
A porter will fetch the conductor, and Paris Moses will
arrive on the scene to comfort the grieving mother. Mary
Henderson will ask questions of all concerned, with an
alarming lack of empathy for anyones feelings.
Unfortunately for the grieving mother, Henderson
speaks fluent German. The mother remembers only icy
hands awakening her. Her baby, she said, did not make
a sound.
A search for the infant will reveal, after some time, a
bloody scrap of blanket behind the baggage car door.
Frozen solid.
Scene #4: Cray Canyon
At this point, nobody on the train is sleeping, and the
story of the strange missing infant and the murderer
Berstock has spread among the awakening travelers. All
are up in their compartments, many with guns in hand,
in varying degrees of alertness. Moses and his wife have
brought out their hymns in their own car, and
many passengers are there. Hawthorne, at his
wits end, is in the Zulu cars attempting to calm
frightened travelers, and using Mary Henderson
Anthony is strong, extremely agile, and almost
inhumanly resilient. He could break a jaw with a
punch and take several slugs from a pistol before
slowing down. Hes also a wickedly sharp shot
with his gun, given favorable circumstances.
Berstock cannot feel pain, and can speak very little.
Berstocks mind has completely given over to
Haimannock, who can access many of his physical
skills. Without Haimannock, Berstocks abilities
would be unremarkable.
He will not take the time to aim his gun, and will
drop it and flee to the roof if the PCs fire on him.
Hes already taken a nasty hit, so the GM may opt
to slow him down or otherwise limit him if need be
to give the PCs an even break. His rifle is a
Winchester 73, with 2 shots left. In the dim light,
even the supernaturally-enhanced Berstock cant
hit a moving man without a lucky shot.
as a translator. The porters are now speaking freely of
the dreams brought on by the route, and now is the time
for the PCs to hear that story. See above, and embellish
as needed.
And darker things are afoot. A few of the passengers
seem entirely too casual about the events of the trip. As
the night passes on, even Hawthorne becomes distant
and calm, his worry lines rapidly fading into a sincere,
relaxed grin. The players should suspect that something
is wrong. If they dont, someone else will point it out.
Only about 1 in 10 of the passengers are taken in by this
odd, cheerful apathy, and the others are reacting to it
with a mixture of fear and anger.
Indeed, the attitude of comfort and safety descending on
some of the passengers is the work of Haimannock, who
wants his sacrifices to be happy. He is disturbed by their
lack of joy. They should be honored in their deaths. At
present, he is sitting atop the caboose, preparing his
thoughts, as the mountain containing Rononatha grows
ever closer.
The train arrives at the Cray Canyon Trestle at 5:15 AM,
still on schedule. This is a deep, wooded ravine, in the
very depths of the high mountain country. In the dark-
ness, all the passengers can make out is a few flurries of
snow falling into an abyss. The crossing takes only a
minute, and the former traces of the moonlit mountains
vanish suddenly as the roar and blackness of the Cray
Tunnel surrounds the train.
For a few seconds, the characters will notice an almost
electric quality in the air, and the passengers all fall
silent. At that point, a rending of iron screams against the
rocks, echoing throughout the tunnel. The train
comes to a jarring halt, and when the echo dies,
a distant, jubilant cry is heard from the back of
the train. A great gust of wind blows along the
tunnel, and some windows crack open. Every
gas lantern on the train flickers out.
Confusion follows. If the adventurers wish to
investigate, the first order of business is to regain the
lights. If the PCs have some form of light source, or the
means of relighting the passage lamps, then they may do
so. If they need to return to their Pullman, and are
presently forward of Pullman #2 (either in Pullman #1,
the smoking car, or the Drawing Room car), then go
directly to the frozen car, below. If they are rearward of
Pullman #2, then they can return with no trouble.
Under no circumstances should the PCs be in Pullman
#2 at this stage. See below for details.
The panicked crowd is also a polarized crowd. Now
nearly a third are merely sitting quietly, while the others
are afraid of what may have happened. The cold is now
in the range of 15 below zero (Farenheit), and all pres-
ent should take appropriate precautions against frost-
bite, etc. This degree of cold is dangerous with long
The Frozen Car: any attempt at movement through
Pullman car #2 will reveal that the car is frozen solid. A
sheet of ice two inches thick covers the car, including the
doors connecting it to the other Pullmans. It is also
frozen to the tracks. This was the first act of Rononatha
as he awakened to the cry of his son. The spirit is satis-
fied for now, and Haimannock/Berstock roams along the
tunnel gleefully preparing the train with chants. He is
being joined by many of his new followers, including
Hawthorne and Mary Henderson.
The PCs will catch a few of these leaving the train. They
will refuse advice to stay in away from the cold, saying
cryptically, I am to free my Father. They may be
forcibly held back, but will fight for all they are
worth if an attempt is made. Any movement by
any non-Possessed passengers (PCs included)
will cause from 1 to 6 Possessed to attack.
The Possessed are unremarkable, physically, and just barely above animal intelligence. Theyre circling the train in a curi-
ous pattern of moving triangles. They will attack all of those lesser honored who attempt to interfere. Few of them are armed,
and even those will attack with punches and grapples; they lack the presence of mind (literally) to use weapons.
On any encounter, roll a six-sided die. On a 1, Berstock is also with them. His stats are unchanged, and any damage he has
taken is still there, including broken limbs from the fall off the train, etc. However, his form cannot be killed. No matter how
much damage it takes, it will not cease to be animate. The PCs can cripple it normally, but this will do nothing to prevent the
ceremony from continuing (see scene #5).
If a Posessed Passenger is captured, hell revert to his own right mind. This will reveal the death-by-fire principle to the PCs,
as the passenger remembers the spirits fearing it. However, this information can only be gained after some sincere effort (a
skill check on the part of a skilled doctor, or at least a smooth-talking gambler), due to the state of panic on the part of the
formerly-possessed NPC. It is possible, of course, that the fire idea will simply occur to the PCs without prompting.
This scene and the following one are highly variable, as
the PCs must determine much of the endgame pattern.
They have the following things to discover, in any way
they can:
Many of the passengers are experiencing visual halluci-
nations. Some are mumbling the father is returning,
repeatedly, and so on. In short, the psychic presence of
the dark spirit is becoming felt as he awakens. Such rants
serve as a useful tool to feed the party information if the
scene slows down at any point.
The second Pullman car is not solid ice, but the ice is
very hard to break through, requiring half an hour with
an axe to open a door. This turns out to be a waste of
time, especially considering sunrise (and the doom of
the train) comes at 6:30 AM, when the spirit of the dark
defies the sun in his awakening. The interior of the car is
coated two inches thick just like
the outside. Floor, ceiling,
and passengers included.
The sight of it will likely stun
or even traumatize those
unprepared for it. The bodies
do not seem in any state of
alarm the freeze was thor-
ough and instant.
General bits of the story of
Rononatha and Haimannock
can be gained by successful
skill checks involving occult
studies or local Indian beliefs.
Each successful check will
reveal one piece of the story,
about as much as can be contained in a single short sen-
tence. A few notable details:
Send Him Deep: Burying the form of Anthony
Berstock would trap the spirit here, and end the menace
temporarily. However, by consuming the body com-
pletely in flame, Haimannock would be destroyed and
Rononatha would be eternally powerless.
TNT: The fourth freight car contains 100 lbs. of dyna-
mite, in addition to any other cargo the GM has deter-
mined. If discovered (the porters are aware of it, but are
unlikely to think of it unless asked), this could be
extremely useful.
Light the Way: Berstocks dislike of light has grown
into an unreasoning aversion. Keep him in the light, and
hes powerless. If he fails to awaken his father at dawn,
hell be without power, and easily subdued and
burned in the daylight hours.
Scene #5: Cold Blood
The two ancient spirits plan to bring the cold wind into
the tunnel at daybreak, to freeze all the warm blood
solid, sacrificing the mortals for freedom. If this is suc-
cessful, then Father and Son will once again roam the
earth, ending daylight and pushing the world towards
their sunless, frozen ideal.
The goal of the PCs should be to end the madness
spread by Berstock and his father-spirit, with a minimal
loss of innocent life. Several solutions exist (see above),
and these listed suggest others. Imaginative groups will
come up with all sorts of things once the facts are made
As an option, the above methods (which are straightfor-
ward and conducive to a more action-oriented group)
could be bogus. Feel free to
invent your own. This is
necessary if some player
has read the adventure.
Perhaps the solution is to
expose Berstock to direct
morning sunlight, or to
destroy a totem image of
Haimannock, which is
secreted in Berstocks bag
in the baggage car. Perhaps
there is an Indian, or even a
shaman, aboard the immi-
grant car, who holds some
ancient key from his family.
Or some combination of all of
these. Any interesting cargo that you permit to exist is
bound to become the tools of desperate and creative
In previous runs of this adventure, most groups hit upon
the fire method, find the explosives, and blast the tunnel.
Some groups think to try to round up the possessed
innocents first (with the help of the other passengers,
who vastly outnumber the possessed), and some not.
And while the blast-the-tunnel method works well in
both burning and burying Berstock, it also stops traffic
along the rail for a long time . . .
The GM should suit the solution(s) that suit his groups
roleplaying and tactical style, and reward logical new
solutions that the players may invent!
If the lesser method of ending the awakening (burial
of Berstocks Form) is used, that the two spirits will
be active again within months. So that is, at best, a
pyrrhic victory. Any survivors can contact help by
using the telegraph lines that run along the rails. This
is true even if they collapse the tunnel, as the lines
run above the mountain, not through it. The winter
will quickly return to more survivable levels of cold,
and they will be rescued within a day, back within the
peaceful fold of frontier civilization.
Smoker Car
Lounge Area
card games
Direction of Travel
The #40 Long-Haul
Sleeper Car
Zulu Car

privy &
the Zulu cars have no heaters or privacy.
Beds fold into
comfortable benches
during the daytime.
Writing, design, graphic production and cartography by S. John Ross.
Playtest and Commentary by Tim Driscoll, Kevin Eagles, Marty Franklin,
Dan Moose Jasman, and Shawn Lockard.
An earlier version of this adventure appeared in the October/November 1991 issue of White
Wolf Magazine. This document is Copyright 1991, 2000 by S. John Ross. All rights reserved.
Permission is granted to create copies for personal use only; any commercial use is prohibited.
DIVERSIONS, and the Cumberland G&D logo are trademarks of S. John Ross.
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