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Introduction to Stars and Constellations Grade: 6 Subject: Science Topic: Sky Science

GLO: Students will: Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern and order in these movements. SLO(s): 1. Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify examples of those differences 2. Describe the location and movement of individual stars and groups of stars (constellations) as they move through the night sky.

ITC Outcomes:
GLO- C1: Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. SLO-2.1: Students will access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs) GLO-C6: Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems. SLO- 2.2 Students will use data gathered from a variety of electronic sources to address identified problems GLO- P1: Students will compose, revise and edit text. SLO 2.1: create and revise original text to communicate and demonstrate understanding of forms and techniques SLO-2.2: edit and format text to clarify and enhance meaning, using such word processing features as the thesaurus, find/change, text alignment, font size and font style

Instructor will introduce the topic using the motivation section of the lesson plan outlined on Science NetLinks page, which utilizes the Starry Night Sky Chart software. Students will use a search engine of their choice to collect historical and physical information on 3 of their favourite constellations in a word document, which will be submitted later. Then they will construct their own star finder using the link from (See resources section for links)

This activity is enhanced by the use of technology in several ways. First, the concepts are made very tangible for the students by using the constellation finder, instead of just talking about them. They become visible and therefore more interesting. Second, technology allows the students to collect information on their favorite constellations, instead of limiting them to what information can be found in the library: it also increases efficiency because they dont have to share the limited number of library resources. In addition, the creation of individual star finders allows the learning to continue at home. Finally, the use of technology helps the teacher be more engaging, and gives him/her greater access to information and lesson plan ideas. (Continued on following page)

Website Resources:
AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science). (2013). Looking at the Night Sky- Science NetLinks. Retrieved from Home - Science NetLinks: Simulation Curriculum Corp. (2009 ). Starry Night Education | Astronomy Software | Starry Night Online. Retrieved from Starry Night | The World's Most Realistic Astronomy Software: LatM=41.12406114248486&LatRG=N&LonD=112&LonM=47.633056640625&LonRG =W&HH=11&Min=00&AmPm=2&MM=10&DD=5&YY=2013&DST=Yes&SD=Yes& LocMMA=&LabStar=Yes&Lab=Yes&Cons=Yes&Hor=Yes&SG=&PW=4 Sky Publishing, a New Track Media Company. (2013). Make a Star Wheel! - Learning the Sky Retrieved from

Resource Search Strategies

To find these resources, I used advanced Google searches. I began by looking for grade 6 sky science resources, followed by make your own star chart and constellation viewers All of these were searched for as an exact phrase. I had to remove all sites with Moodle in them, because I kept getting teachers private websites, which were not terribly helpful. I initially had the regional settings to Alberta, but I wasnt getting the type of resources that I wanted, so I expanded it back to any region.

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