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Acts by the Numbers Acts chapter 26

And now I stand here on trial because of my hope in the promise made by God to our fathers. (Acts 26:6) And Paul said, Whether short or long, I would to God that not only you but also all who hear me this day might become such as I amexcept for these chains. (Acts 26:29)

Pauls Defense before King Agrippa

Summary Phrase

Memory Verses

1. As Paul rehearsed the words of Jesus on the road to Damascus, what was the purpose Jesus had given Paul for the rest of his life? 2. Why did Paul appeal to the Old Testament Scriptures before Agrippa? 3. What was Festuss response to Pauls defense?
Review Questions

Respect for Authority As Paul has gone through his trials, he has stood before several leaders who were crude and sinful. However, in each case, Paul has been respectful of these leaders. While Paul never condoned their behavior, he followed the laws of the land and common courtesy in these settings. Reviewing these interactions is a good way to teach your children how to respect those who may not follow the ways of God, but who are in positions of authority. Let them list some positions of authority they need to respect (teachers, police officers, coaches, etc.) and let Minute Activity them practice how to speak kindly to them despite disagreeing with them.

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