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CAST OF CHARACTORS The Book Jarvael By Janet Liu Mr. Strouss, living Ghost, Mr. Strouss dead Mr.

Mr. Stouder, Shape shifter magician Minions 1, 2 , and 3- Mr. Strouders slaves Apollop, spy demon for Mr. Strouder Master, Mr. Strouss master

Scene 1
TIME: Noon, 400 AD PLACE: In a small study room with shelves lining the walls. AT RISE: MR.STROUSS pacing around ink pentacle, talking to himself. MR.STROUSS: What should I do? Others before have tried and failed to find an entrance into the Other World. They call it impossible! Who am I to think I can do this? (Wrings hands) But I must try- for the good of my world and to help future magicians in times of need. But if the secret gets into the hands of evil people, the whole world is doomed a terrible death! But, this secret could also save the world if placed in the right hands? What should I do? (Paces faster) I must do this. My parents and brother have died in the process of finding this secret. I must finish this process, for the sake of my brother and parents!!! (Strides into pentacle, careful not to smudge it) Jarvael! I call you from the Other World. Respond to do my bidding! (Mutters some Arabic spell) JARVAEL: (Appears with great gusto in guise of a military general) Yes sir! (Gives a sarcastic salute) Jarvael here to do your bidding! What do you want? (Crosses arms) MR. STROUSS: I have been pondering about my decision to find the secret passage to the Other World... JARVAEL: (Interrupts) WHAT??? Youre still thinking about that stupid idea of yours? You know Im not going to help you! If I do, all the demons would be on my tail (Changes into the form of a cat, chases tail) trying to kill me. MR.STROUSS: (Disapprovingly) Do not be so overdramatic. This secret could one day save the world! I must try to follow my parents footsteps. They will not have sacrificed their lives for nothing, Jarvael. JARVAEL: Fine! Ask any other demon. Im not up for grabs on this quest. (Looks away) MR. STROUSS: But there is no other demon Id rather partner with that you! I trust you! JARVAEL: How nice of you to say that. (Changes to fox guise, slits eyes) I will consider doing this, if, and only if you protect it with magical and physical barriers that satisfy my standards. MR.STROUSS: Thank you very much, Jarvael. You dont know how much your agreement means to me. (Taps toe and walks out of pentacle, proceeding to rifle through a big book) JARVAEL: (muttered) I believe I do know how much my agreement means. (Walks out of pentacle) Well, Id better get going. Summon me again when you have found a lead to your answer, or when you need my help.

MR.STROUSS: (Absentmindedly) Yes, yes.

Scene 2
TIME: Evening, 5-23-2013 PLACE: At the edge of cliff Wells, overlooking the ocean AT RISE: MR.STROUDER wearing black tuxedo, talking to MINIONS 1,2, AND 3 MR.STROUDER: Are you absolutely sure this is where the Book is? MINION 1: The Book to the Other World? MR. STROUDER: Of course, you dolt, what do you think? (Fingers whip) MINION 1: (Cowers behind rock) Of course, of course, how could I be so dumb? MR. STROUDER: Answer my question! (Thunder roars in distance) MINION 2, 3: Yes, yes sir, very much sure. MR. STROUDER: THEN GET DIGGING!!!! MINION 1, 2, 3: Yes sir! (Bows, lowers self into intricate tube design) MR.STROUDER: If all goes as planned, I will have the Book soon. (Evil laugh) I must report back to my master. He will be very pleased with our progress. Soon we will be able to conquer the world, and take it back from the meddling humans. My master will reward me greatly for my loyalty. (Strokes goatee)

Scene 3
TIME: Midnight, 5-23-2013 PLACE: Peninsula Courtyard of Wells. AT RISE: JARVAEL in guise of passerby, GHOST (MR.STROUSS) sitting on stump, talking agitatedly. GHOST: How does Mr. Strouder know where the Book is? I didnt write it anywhere or tell anyone! JARVAEL: Well, this Mr. Strouder person obviously has inside contacts with you or your close friend, because he knows where the Book is. GHOST: Now that you say it, that name does sound a bit familiar. Mr. Strouder (taps finger to head)... Mr. Stouder. Boy is my memory getting spotty these days. JARVAEL: (Impatiently) Now is not the time to reminiscing your past life, Mr. Strouss. We have work to get done. GHOST: Mr. Strouder... THATS IT!! Mr. Strouder was the name of my fellow shape shifter colleague who shared my interest of learning about demons. Rather enjoyed the slicked back hair-do. What is he doing, looking for the Book? He knew that I had written it. I remember he was a rather decent person, even if his ranking was a bit low on the Magical Power Scale.

JARVAEL: Maybe thats why. He wants more power, so hes looking for the Book. Either that, or hes working for a more stronger, powerful master whos using him to find the book in exchange for a place of power when the world is reduced to nothing more than a crumbled charred land. GHOST: When you say it, you make it sound as though its no big deal. But, anyways, we must stop him from getting the Book. JARVAEL: (Rolls eyes) No kidding. Well, if Im walking to my doom, I might as well do it in style. (Changes into striped purple cat with Cheshire grin) (They walk off into the night, a transparent ghost levitating off the ground with a purple cat padding besides him)

Scene 4
TIME: 5-23-13 Midnight PLACE: Edge of cliff Wells AT RISE: MR. STROUDER surveying work progress. MR.STROUDER: Are you almost done? MINIONS 1, 2, and 3: Yes sir, down to the very last inches of dirt before we hit home. MR.STROUDER: (Crosses arms) Hurry up! We cannot afford to be delayed. (APOLLOP runs in, huffing and puffing) APOLLOP: Mr. Strouder, Mr. Strouder (takes deep breath) MR. STROUDER: (Impatiently) Well, what is it? I dont have much time. APOLLOP: A demon of the name of Jarvael and a ghost, presumably his master are coming this way, sir. MR.STROUDER: A demon and a ghost? Tell me more. (Strokes tie) APOLLOP: They were very queer. The ghost seemed to be in charge, but of course hes a ghost, so he couldnt have possible summoned the demon. MR.STROUDER: Interesting, indeed. Was the demon bound to the ghost in any way on any planes? APOLLOP: Not that I could detect, sir. MR.STROUDER: (Doubtfully) So youre telling me that the demon was existing in a friendship with a ghost magician without trying to tear him apart? APOLLOP: Thats what I saw, sir. MR.STROUDER: Queer indeed... You are dismissed; go back to your duty. (Waves with hand) (APOLLOP leaves) MR.SROUDER: A ghost magician and a demon, existing in a mutual agreement, possibly a friendship. That reminds me of someone. Way back in the days of my non-powerful shape shifter life. That

outlandish colleague of mine. The head magician of the House of Magicians, on the project for learning about demons. Didnt he try to find the secret of the passage to the Other World? Odd, right after he told me his decision, he quit his job and became a recluse. (Eyes widen with surprise) Could it possibly be? Did he actually find the secret, and write it in this book? Could he be the writer of the Book we are trying to find? No way! (Mutters to self a bit, then looks up) Hurry up- you almost done there? MINION 3: Yes sir. Weve hit the grave. MR.STROUDER: Make way for me then, Ill disenchant the warding spells. (Lowers himself into hole and begins muttering spells. Bright green and blue flashes ensue afterwards) APOLLOP: Master, master!!! (Pants with exhaustion) MR.STROUDER: (Caught up in spells, doesnt play attention) MINION 1: Sir sir MR.STROUDER: BE QUIET! CAN YOU NOT TELL THAT IM BUSY?? MINION 2: What is it demon Apollop? APOLLOP: The ghost and the demon Jarvael from before have completely disarmed and taken hostage the whole guard sentry. I was the only survivor. MINION 2: How terrible! We must fight them! APOLLOP: There is no way. I wasted all of my leftover essence trying to fight them off. I must soon return to the Other World or perish here. (Puts head into hand) Mr. Strouders useless. He has not enough ability to defeat the ghost magician or the demon, and the ghost magician most likely will not be affected with your guns and knives. We will all die, and it will be because of that evil, evil man! MINION 2: Now now, calm down. (Pats APOLLOP on back uncertainly) I have a plan that might get us killed, but is virtually guaranteed to get Mr. Strouder killed. APOLLOP: (Greedy look on face, leans in closer to hear) MINION 1, 3: (Walks over to listen in on conversation) MINION 2: When the ghost and the demon come, we will pretend not to see them, and, since Mr. Strouder is so caught up in his spell making, he will not notice the demon/ghost coming up behind him. Then the ghost magician and demon will defeat him and save us! APOLLOP, MINION 1, 3: Are you sure thatll work? MINION 2: I said that there might be some complications MINION 1: Well, Im in. Anythings better than being his slave.

APOLLOP: Sure, why not. MINION 3: (Reluctantly) I guess Ill have to be in now. APOLLOP: Shhhh. I think I hear something. JARVAEL: (Enters courtyard in wind wisp guise) Theres a trip string here, watch out, step over it right there! Good, now go to the left a bit- theres an elemental sphere there. Does a little turn clockwise to avoid the Pestilence spellMR.STROUSS: Jarvael JARVAEL: WATCH IT!!!! You almost stepped into the Tra-(bumps into APOLLOP) APOLLOP: (Puts hands up) Dont kill us, I can explain! We hate our master, so we have devised a plan to kill him! (Murmurs plan to JARVAEL) MR.STROUSS: Do you think we can trust them? JARVAEL: All of my senses say that they are not lying (MR.STROUSS and JARVAEL walk to the deep hole, and climb down the ladder) MINION 2: Well, I sure hope that that Mr. Strouder nuisance gets rid of, once and for all. APOLLOP: Just think about it- freedom from that wretched person. (Curses and yells come out from hole; purple flashes of light join the green and blue flashes. Suddenly the green and blue flashes wink out, and MR.STROUSS floats out of hole followed by a rather satisfied looking cat) JARVAEL: That was simple. Id have expected more defensive spells from a shape-shifter magician like him. (Licks paw) MR.STROUSS: You young people and demon are now freed from this terrible being. (Puts hand on APOLLOPS shoulder) I hope your future magicians are a lot kinder to you, but now we must leave. Go back to the Other World, demon, and regenerate your broken essence. MINION 1, 2, 3 and APOLLOP: Thank you very much, Jarvael and ghost magician Mr. Strouss. I do not know how to repay you for all you did. MR.STROUSS: No need to. Just let me take the Book to a safer location, and your debt is repaid. MINION 1: Take all you want sir, and good bye! (MINION 1, 2, and 3 walk off, APOLLOP disappears) MR.STROUSS: That was a day well spent, Jarvael. Let us go back on our journey of information-tell me more about that enemy of yours, Sharquel (They walk off into the rising sun, hand in hand)

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