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The Potential for Biogas and Biomass Combustion in Thailand

BiWaRE Biomass and Waste for Renewable Energy

Warinthorn Songkasiri, Ph.D. 9.12.04

Country Profile: Thailand


Northern Northeastern Central Plain Southern

76 Provinces Population: 62 million Agriculture to Agroindustries 24% of export earning [rice, shrimp, frozen seafood]

Energy Situation in Thailand

Current With the Use of Renewable Energy

Oil Renewable E Imported Coals

Natural Gas Lignite Imported Electricity

Oil Lignite

Natural Gas Imported Coals

Renewable E Imported Electricity

Biomass in Thailand
Agricultural Residues Farm Wastes

Industrial Wastewaters

Municipal Solid Wastes

Biomass Agricultural Residues

Sugar cane supplied to a sugar mill in Kalasin

Bagasse. The biomass residue left after extraction of the cane juice

Source: Biomass One-Stop Clearing House. Chapter 1 Biomass Fuels. Conversion of biomass to electricity and thermal energy Biomass Fuels 13-03-2003

Biomass Agricultural Residues

Wood waste at a furniture factory near Chonburi

Feeding of saw dust and wood waste into a steam boiler

Source: Biomass OneOne-Stop Clearing House. Chapter 1 Biomass Fuels. Conversion of biomass to electricity and thermal energy Biomass Fuels Fuels 1313-0303-2003

Example of Agricultural residues in Thailand

RICE Production in 2003: 26,057 ktons*

Residue Husk Straw

RPR** 0.230 0.447

Residue Generated (ktons) 5,890 11,447

Surplus Avail Factor** 0.493 0.684

Amount of Surplus (ktons) 2,904 7,830

Calorific Value (MJ/kg)** 10.24 17.86

Potential Energy (TJ) 80,175 18,254

* National Statistics Office

Agricultural residues in Thailand

Crop Production 2003 (ktons) 26,057 64,973 4,230 16,868 Residue Husk Straw Bagasse Top & Trashier Corn Cob Stalk Husk Coconut 1,418 Shell Empty Bunches Frond RPR 0.230 0.447 0.291 0.302 0.273 0.088 0.362 0.160 0.049 0.225 Surplus Availability Factor 0.493 0.684 0.207 0.986 0.670 0.407 0.595 0.378 0.843 0.809 Calorific Value (MJ/kg) 14.27 10.24 14.40 17.39 18.04 18.42 16.23 17.93 15.40 16.00 Potential Energy (TJ) 42,162 81,581 56,358 336,447 13,958 11,128 4,957 1,538 902 4.130

Rice Sugar Cane Maize Cassava

Agricultural residues in Thailand


Potential Energy (TJ) from Agricultural Residues Residue RPR 2003 Availability Value
(ktons) (MJ/kg) 12.66 19.44 14.49 19.23 17.86 17.62 18.46 9.83




Factor 1686, 0% 10229, 1% 1 Groundnut 112 Shell 0.323 458, 0% 13958, 2% 2059, 0% Stalk, 11128, 2% Soybean 11527, 2% 260 2.663 0.76 Leaves & Stems Stalk Leaves & stem Empty Bunches Fibre Oil Palm 4,903 Shell Frond Cotton

Potential Energy (TJ) 458 10,229 1,686 2,059

167913, 23%


3.232 1.252 0.428 0.147 0.049 2.604

1 0.648 0.584 0.134 0.037 1



392805, 53%

123743, 17%

21,888 1,702 164 125,504

Sugar Cane Maize


Male 0.233 Ground Bunches Nut Cotton

Oil Palm

1 Soybean


18,655 16.33 Sorghum

Potential Energy (TJ)

from Agricultural Residues in each Region
Agricultural Residues in the North
253 1516 7716 11520 22290 866 12986 Cassava Oil Palm Rice Straw Soybean Sugar Cane Top&Trashier 7001

Agricultural Residues in the Central Plain

69 4472 3059 13865 26827 1189 1329


146379 Groundnut Maize Rice Husk Sorghum Sugar Cane Bagasse

24520 Cassava Oil Palm Rice Straw Soybean Sugar Cane Top&Trashier

Groundnut Maize Rice Husk Sorghum Sugar Cane Bagasse

Agricultural Residues in the Northeast

168 5800 3182 15441 29877 1894

Agricultural Residues in the South

1336 2586

160619 Groundnut Maize Rice Husk Sorghum Sugar Cane Bagasse


Cassava Oil Palm Rice Straw Soybean Sugar Cane Top&Trashier

Oil Palm

Rice Husk

Rice Straw

Biomass in Thailand
Agricultural Residues Farm Wastes

Industrial Wastewaters

Municipal Solid Wastes

Example of Farm Wastes in Thailand

Cows Number: 5,208,541 heads*
# (heads)
4,900,614 307,927

Cattle Dairy Cow

Manure (kg/head/d)
5 15

Collectible Factor
0.5 0.8

Solid Ratio
0.174 0.174

Volatile Solid Ratio

0.134 0.134

Dry manure (ktons/yr)

80,175 18,254

Cattle Dairy Cow

# (heads)
4,900,614 307,927

Biogas 3 (m /kg vol solid)

0.307 0.307

Biogas Potential (106 m3/yr)

183.5 55.4

Potential Energy (TJ/yr)

3,855 1,163

Farm Wastes in Thailand

Type Number (heads) 4,900,614 307,927 1,72,223 791,024 791,024 2,123,663 4,400,326 325,140 172,247,561 27,884,041 2,178 Manure (kg/head/d) Collectible Ratio 0.5 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 0.5 Biogas (m3/kg vol solid) 0.307 0.307 0.286 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.217 0.242 0.31 0.241 Biogas (106 m3/yr) 183.55 55.36 96.95 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 24.90 6.14 6.60 0.83 Potential Energy (TJ/yr) 3,855 1,163 2,036 523 80 351 1,745 129 1,713 139 17

Cattle Dairy Cow Buffalo Swine F Swine M Swine Piglet Swine - Khun Swine-Native Chicken Duck Elephant

5 15 8 2 2 0.5 1.2 1.2 0.03 0.03 40

Biomass in Thailand
Agricultural Residues Farm Wastes

Industrial Wastewaters

Municipal Solid Wastes

Example of Industrial Wastewaters

Type Unit Production (unit/yr) 1,165,000,000 WW/product (m3/ton) 4.12 WW (m3/yr) 4,799,800 COD (mg/L)





COD Loading (kg/yr) 11,365,926

Removed COD (kg/yr) 9,092,741

Biogas Potential (106 m3/yr) 4,546,675

Potential Energy (TJ/yr) 109


* Department of Livestocks

Industrial Wastewaters in Thailand

Industrial Type Unit Production (units/yr)
Slaughter House Sugar Alcoholic beverage Beer Raw Milk Canned Pineapple Frozen Seafood Canned Seafood Soda and Beverages Cassava Starch Palm Oil Ton Ton Liter Liter Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton Ton FFB 225,846 6,447,000 75,380,000 1,165,000,000 491,370 391,282 495,174 558,297 1,381,000 2,225,125 3,256,000

Wastewater/ product (m3/ton)

74.54 11.82 3.4 4.12 4.05 4.98 31.14 31.14 9.3 24.72 1

Biogas (m3/yr)
15,380,055 89,371,512 2,593,675 4,546,371 1,014,925 12,849,745 16,036,507 47,295,157 12,247,371 166,269,386 67,724,800

Energy (TJ)
369 2,145 62 109 24 308 385 1,135 294 3,990 1,625

Biomass in Thailand
Agricultural Residues Farm Wastes

Industrial Wastewaters

Municipal Solid Wastes

Municipal Solid Wastes

Potential Energy (TJ) in MSW by Region
Region Bangkok Central North Amount Organic Ratio 15404, 12% (%)** (ton/d)* 9317 9079 5893 9869 4521 50.05 58.9 61.3 Organic (tons/yr) 1702053 1951849 1318529 1966793 912541 7851765 Calorific value (MJ/kg)** 19199, 15% 11.28 16.99 18.76 16.09 16.88 Energy (TJ/yr) 19199 33162

31646, 25%

33162, 24736 28%

31646 15404

Northeast South Whole Kingdom

24736, 20%



Central Plain





Comparison of Estimated Energy (TJ) from Different Types of Biomass in Thailand

Municipal Wastes, 757,704, 49%

Agricultural Residues, 735506, 49%

Industrial Wastewaters, 10,448, 1%

Farm Wastes, 11,750, 1%

Biogas Potential in Thailand






Elephant Sheep Human Horse

Biogas Produced (million m3/year) Total Potential Biogas Produced (million m3/year) Estimated Biogas Produced, no data (million m3/year)


Lack of successful references Lack of technical know-how High project development costs, lengthy permitting process Uncertainties related to long term biomass supply Wrong perception of environmental impact on communities Lack of favorable government policies Financial issues

Energy Policy and Strategy in Thailand

Development of Renewable Energy

Promotion of Energy Efficiency

Stakeholders in RE Development

Government Agencies & Public Utilities The Energy Policy and Planning Office The National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) Department of Energy Development and Promotion (DEDP) Electricity Authority of Thailand (EGAT) Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) Interest Groups (NGOs) Sustainable Energy Network (SEN) Appropriate Technology Association (ATA) Private Stakeholders The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) The Energy Conservation Center of Thailand (ECCT) COGEN The Cogeneration Public Company Limited (COCO) The Electricity Generating Public Company Limited (EGCO)

Energy and Renewable Energy Development Policies

The Energy Conservation and Promotion Act (ENCON) Energy Conservation Promotion Fund (ENCON Fund) established under the ENCON Act. Article 24

Money transferred from the Petroleum Fund Levies imposed on petroleum product producers and importers at a rate determined by the National Energy Policy Council (NEPC) Additional sources, e.g., surcharges on power consumption, government subsidies, etc.

Energy Conservation Program Privatization of the Energy Sector Price Policy Tax Reduction Supports for Renewable Energy

The Small Power Producers Scheme

The Small Power Producer (SPP) regulations

launched in 1992 and cover small-scale non-conventional power plants, including biomass Assistance from the EC-ASEAN COGEN programme to transfer EU technologies EPPO and EGAT are also proposing an additional subsidy of up to 0.6 Bt per kWh as an incentive for the new biomass-fired projects to offset the relatively high specific investment cost of such plants

Current Technologies for Substrate Usage in Thailand

Conversion Technology Thermal Fuel Densi fic. R R R R R C R C R R Direct combu st Carbonis. R/P/ C R R R R R R R R/D/C C R R/D/ C R R R R R/D R/P R R R R/D/C R C R C R R R Gasi fic. R/D/C R/P Pyrolisis R/D C Cogen. R/D/ C R Biochemical Anaer. Digest. Ligno cellulosis

Rice Husk Rubber wood waste Rubber leafy biomass Sugar Cane bagasse Sugar cane residues Cassava Stalks Cassava Food waste Palm oil waste Coconut waste Animal slurries Corn cobs Other food waste MSW

Legend :

R: Research & Development

D: Demonstration

C: Commercialisation

P: Pilot Plant

Additional Information

Decision Tree Structure

START Technological Considerations

Social-Cultural Considerations

Environmental Considerations

Economical Considerations END

Thailand Energy Profile 2002

Energy Production (ktoe) Import Export Final Energy Consumption Growth of Final Energy Consumption Consumption/Capita (toe/capita) Electric Power Installed Capacity (MW) Production (ktoe) Import (ktoe) Export (ktoe) Consumption (ktoe) Consumption/Capita (toe/capita)

45,227 47,423 8,194 52,979 6.9% 0.8 24,157 9,289 239 23 8,536 0.1

Current Status of Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)

Electricity Electricity production as of 31 December 2003 2003 Consumption for Thailand Capacity 0% 228, EGAT IPP Import or Exchange SPP 48,252, 45% High-voltage station Distributed to Residential
Industry Others 7,043, 7% 1,949, 2%

24,983 MW (100%) 23,315, 22% 14,431 MW (58%) 8,000 MW (32%) 640 MW (2%) 1,912 MW (8%) 24% 196 25,350, station 76 provinces Business
Agriculture Others EGAT direct Customer

Energy Demand Project by Types

Coal LPG Gas Motor Fuel Fuel Oil Electricity Traditional Fuel Total

1995 2000
3,654 279 780 423 3,637 2,801 4,174 4,778 298 872 446 3,700 3,079 4,128

7,452 377 1,141 562 4,600 4,216 5,161

11,190 684 2,042 1,008 8,192 6,942 8,880

16,814 1,189 3,541 1,768 14,191 11,173 15,466

15,74 17,30 23,509 38,938 64,142 8 1

Biogas Plants
Industry Tapioca starch No 1 2 1 1 1 1 Rice Starch Brewery Alcoholic Beverages Frozen Seafood/ Canned food Oil Palm Swine Farm Petro chemical Slaughter House Soda and beverages 1 1 1 12 Chau Heng Bangkok InterFood Boonrod Brewery Surathip Group Beer Thai 5 1 20 1 1 1 1 2 Tropical Canning Group, Thai Union frozen food Asian Plam oil Large and Medium scale Farm CP TunTex Pitsanulok Province Greenspot, Surat Thani Sermsuk Name of Company Sa-nguan Wong Co., Ltd. National Starch and Chemical Thai Prasit Starch Thai wa General starch Process Anerobic buffle Reactor, Mesophilic UASB,Mesophillic UASB,Mesophillic Anerobic buffle Reactor, Mesophilic UASB,Mesophillic HssUASB UASB,Mesophillic AFF,Mesophillic UASB,Mesophillic UASB,Mesophillic UASB UASB,Mesophillic CSTR,Mesophillic Plug flow + UASB Cover Lagoon UASB,Mesophillic treating PET WW Plug flow + UASB AFF,Mesophillic UASB 2000 1996 2002 1999 2001 since 2003 1996 2004 1999 2004 2004 2000 2000 1994 1984 1998

List of Thermal Plants

Owner/developer A.T. Biopower Co, Ltd Patum Rice Mill and Granary Public. Co. Ltd. Mitr Phol Sugar Corp., Ltd. Electricity Generating Public Co., Ltd. Laem Chabang Industry Co., Ltd.* Industry Project developer Rice Sugar Wood Wood Location Central Thailand Pathumtani, Thailand Supahanburi, Thailand Yala, Thailand Laem Chabang, Chonburi, Thailand

Areechai Woodtech Co. Ltd.*


Srakaew, Thailand Panom Sarakham, Chachoengsao, Thailand Nakorn Ratchasima, Thailand Surat Thani, Thailand Surathani, Thailand

High Tech Paper Co. Ltd.* Chia Meng Co. Ltd.* TRT Parawood Co. Ltd.* The Southern Palm (1978) Co., Ltd.

Paper Rice Wood Palm Oil

Current Status (August 20, 2003)

SPPs Cogen
No. of SPPs Purchased Capacity (MW) Signed Contracts No. of SPPs Purchased Capacity (MW) Achieved COD No. of SPPs Purchased Capacity (MW) 26 1,852.0 26 1,852

Firm Renew
14 265.6 5 65.4

40 322.3 34 281.9

80 2,439.9 65 2,199.3

25 1,792.0

4 45.2

30 231.7

59 2,068.9

EPPO Master Plan for the Promotion of Renewable Energy

Request for proposal (43 proposals; 775 MW) Preliminary evaluation on technical feasibility, financial, etc. (31 projects approved, 491.3 MW) Public consultation hearing

10 km radius Community participation EIA Three party committee Government agent, community representative, and plant owner Environmental and Social Impact Assessment 20 projects approved; 243.3 MW; 1400 million baht support

Monitor and evaluation

ENCON Fund Biogas Plant

12 biogas demonstration plants for tapioca starch producing factories 166 million baht (30% of capital cost) Wastewaters 25 million m3 4 agencies

Department of Energy Development and Promotion (DEDP) (4 factories UASB) Department of Factory (3 factories UASB) BAU, Chiang Mai University (2 factories H-UASB) KMUTT (3 factories Anaerobic Fixed Film Reactor)

Biogas generated

36 million m3
44 MkWh/year 22 million liters (174 million baht)

Electricity Fuel oil


Biomass Fuels
Production of charcoal/activated carbon from coconut shells in Prachuap

Production of charcoal briquettes from waste after production of charcoal

Source: Biomass One-Stop Clearing House. Chapter 1 Biomass Fuels. Conversion of biomass to electricity and thermal energy Biomass Fuels 13-03-2003

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