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By Arthur R. Lindgren
Multi-Directional Magnetizing (MDM) is defined as two or more magnetic fields in different directions, imposed on a part sequentially and in rapid succession. Its advantage? The method saves time. Should a part require two or even three processings and inspections, MDM can sometimes do it with only one. MDM does have a downside. Since processing is rapid, it does not allow as much time for particle buildup at a leakage field as single shot processing, but a paste on defect can verify adequate inspection sensitivity. MDM has been used to process magnetic jet engine blades both at manufacture and at overhaul since 1950. In this application, each blade receives three shots: a head shot, coil shot, and a contact dovetail shot. Fluorescent magnetic particles are used, oil suspendable. MDM was also successfully used in the years that followed on aircraft bolts, studs, wrist pins, gears, spindles, con rods, and small castings and forgings. Since defect orientation could never by reliably anticipated, a BALANCED flux field for all areas had to be attained. Sometimes even a slight change in headshot current could knock out the effect of coil current completely. Therefore, there was always one basic set-up requirement: each application had to be qualified using a group of parts containing minimum size defects. This was not always easy to do. In addition, the set up had to be requalified each time another run of parts was to be inspected. For production inspections the added time could be justified For small parts, the MDM Dynamic Method was used. This consisted of some type of swinging field concept using two AC circuits or a version of it, such as combining AC with DC. Many of the first MDM circuits used involved DC on all shots (Static Method). Where large parts are to be processed, three phase, full wave magnetizing was, and still is, used for the majority of applications. (Fig. 24.1) Primary use is on parts such as steel castings, using clamps and cables and a fluorescent particle bath. Typical unit outputs are 12,000 and 20,000 amperes. They usually include a reversing DC demagnetization feature. The first general purpose MDM units for small parts made use of two magnetizing coils wired aiding to provide a uniform longitudinal field. However, many of the parts considered for MDM processing had a low L/D ratio requiring the addition of pole pieces. These are high permeability, low retentivity ferrous parts placed next to each side of a part when the part is being magnetized in a coil. The L/D problem was solved by winding the two coils around pole pieces. See Fig. 4.1 for a modern version of a general purpose MDM unit using pole pieces. During those early years the search went on for some type of paste on defect which when glued to critical areas of a part could be used to qualify a MDM installation. When it was realized that no artificial defect could be developed to represent all possible natural defects, another approach was

(Fig. 4.1) General Purpose MDM units

considered. Many firms felt, after processing many known defect parts, that if BT at critical locations could be maintained at 30 to 60 gauss, the set-up could be qualified. The numbers were conservative and allowed for some normal depreciation of Black Light intensity, bath concentration, inspector fatigue, etc. With the advent of the certification programs, the practice of always keeping these other inspection variables to an absolute minimum allowed many firms to drop the qualifying numbers to 15 to 30 gauss. In the early 1990s a paste on defect called the QQI was introduced. Its circle indication was specifically developed to assure a balanced field condition. In MDM production applications, threshold but readable indications were produced at 5 gauss and bright indications at 15 gauss. Single shot processing results were even better, 3 gauss and 10 gauss. The height of the actual flaw, as well as its depth below the surface, was closely controlled during the etching of the defect. Today inspectors know that a sharp flaw open to the surface like a grinding crack requires only about one or two gauss of BT to indicate it. Most open seams require the same. If the seam is rolled over and closed at the surface, three to five gauss may be required. Forging laps also fall into the 3 to 5 gauss area. For a time in the early 1990s a QQI containing several flaws having variable depths was offered, not just a single one at .0006 inches (.015 mm). Only a few were ordered, indicating the users didnt want their QQI indications too easy to find. They like that threshold of three to five gauss. Now, having a reliable but conservative QQI to qualify our MDM set-up, the next step is to develop a System Performance Sample. Go back now and again and review Section 22. With a System Performance Sample in place, selection of current type and amount for each shot is next. Dynamic MDM units make use of three types of current output: AC, FWDC and HWDC. AC is used, with its added sensitivity for locating surface defects, to find grinding or heat treat defects. HWDC or FWDC can be directed at areas which might have laps or other rolled in flaws.

(Fig. 4.2) If your MD unit has a third circuit, it can be directed to a portable, moveable coil to provide flux in hard to reach areas. Also, if the third circuit is available, you might consider using all circuits in the x, y, z mode. Use your Programmable Logic Controls. If you can program a VCR at home, you can set up this Logic Control.

(Fig. 4.2) Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

This MDM conveyorized unit is designed for the inspection of Motor Blocks at Overhaul. Each block is subjected to two longitudinal fields at right angles to each other while an operator sprays down all surfaces with a water suspension. All critical areas are magnetized properly as verified by 20 QQIs during set-up. Earlier we talked about two coils connected in the Aiding mode, producing a uniform longitudinal field for part processing. Should the two coils be wound Apposing, the fields that each coil produces would buck each other as they meet in the area between the coils. This concept is used in the production inspection of railroad wheels at manufacture. Two coils, in the bucking or apposing mode are wound around pole pieces and placed on each side of the wheel near its center (hub) area. The resulting field enters the wheel in the area of the hub and travels radially to the outside diameter of the wheel. This field picks up any circumferential defects. A central conductor shot picks up all radial defects. The units are MDM, and an adequate field at all critical locations is verified using a QQI.

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