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Wei Xiang† Steven S. Pietrobon‡ , and John Leis†

† ‡
Faculty of Engineering and Surveying Small World Communications
University of Southern Queensland 6 First Avenue
Toowoomba, QLD 4350, AUSTRALIA Payneham South SA 5070, AUSTRALIA
E-mail: {xiangwei,john} E-mail:

ABSTRACT coder structure is used for the decoding of the PDCCs.

The remainder of this paper is organised as follows. Sec-
We recently proposed a new class of turbo-like codes
tion 2 briefly reviews the encoding and decoding aspects of
called parallel data convolutional codes (PDCCs). The dis-
PDCCs. Section 3 is dedicated to the EXIT chart analysis
tinct characteristics of PDCCs include parallel data input
of PDCCs, and simulation results are presented in Section 4.
bits and a self-iterative soft-in/soft-out a posteriori proba-
Section 5 presents some concluding remarks.
bility (APP) decoder. In this paper, we analyse this turbo-
like code by means of the extrinsic information transfer chart
(EXIT chart). Our results show that the threshold Eb /N0 2. PARALLEL DATA CONVOLUTIONAL CODES
point for a rate 1/2 8-state PDCC is 0.6 dB, which is the
same as the threshold point for a punctured rate 1/2 16-state In this section, we briefly describe the parallel data convolu-
parallel concatenated convolutional code (turbo code). tional code that we proposed in [6]. The most distinct char-
acteristics of PDCCs include parallel data input bits and a
self-iterative soft-in/soft-out a posteriori probability (APP)
1. INTRODUCTION decoder. Sections 2.1 and 2.2 are dedicated to the encoding
and decoding aspects of PDCCs, respectively.
The original turbo codes proposed by Berrou et al. [1] are
binary turbo codes in that those codes accept only single bi- 2.1. PDCC Encoder
nary inputs. The so-called non-binary turbo codes are based
on a parallel concatenation of RSC component codes with A new class of turbo-liked codes called parallel data con-
m inputs (m > 2) [2]. The advantages of non-binary turbo volutional codes (PDCCs) were recently proposed in [6].
codes include better convergence in iterative decoding, large Fig. 1 depicts a PDCC encoder in its canonical form which
minimum distances, less sensitivity to puncturing patterns, adopts as the constituent convolution code the circular re-
suboptimum decoding algorithms and reduced latency [2]. cursive systematic convolutional (CRSC) code proposed for
Double-binary turbo codes [3] (m = 2) usually possess the DVB-RSC standard [5]. The π block is an interleaver.
better error-correcting capabilities than binary turbo codes It is assumed that S10 is the MSB (most significant bit) and
for equivalent implementation complexity and coding rate. S 0 = 4S10 + 2S20 + S30 .
This observation led to the use of circular recursive sys-
tematic convolutional (CRSC) codes by Berrou et. al. [4]. A0
π X0
CRSC codes have the advantage of a graceful degradation
with increasing coding rate, and are less susceptible to punc-
turing and suboptimal decoding algorithms. As a conse- + + S10 + S20 + S30 + Y

quence, a CRSC code was chosen for the DVB-RCS stan-

dard for return channel via satellite [5] as an alternative to
concatenated Reed-Solomon (RS) and non-systematic con- + + W

volutional codes due to their outstanding performance.

Parallel data convolutional codes (PDCCs), a new class Fig. 1. PDCC encoder.
of turbo-like codes, were recently proposed by us in [6].
The PDCC encoder inputs are composed of an original block As depicted in Fig. 1, the block of data sequence to be
of data and its interleaved version. A novel single self- encoded A and its interleaved version A0 constitute two in-
iterative soft-in/soft-out a posteriori probability (APP) de- puts into the encoder. The fact that a PDCC encoder has
two parallel data inputs is the reason that we name it paral-
lel data convolutional codes. X and X 0 are two systematic
outputs, whereas Y and W are two parity bits. ZAa

The data stream A and its interleaved version A0 are fed Lc RA + A ZAe π

into the decoder at the same time. However, A0 is decorre- ZAa 0

Lc RA0
lated relative to A due to the presence of the interleaver. For π + A0 ZAe 0 π−1

a reasonably good interleaver, like the S-interleaver used in

our simulations, this should not adversely affect the perfor- Decoder
mance of the code. The systematic bit X 0 is not transmitted Lc RY Y
as X 0 is the interleaved version of X. Thus, the PDCC en- Lc RW W
coder shown in Fig. 1 can typically provide a code rate of
1/2 by transmitting the systematic bit X and the parity bit
Y , and a code rate of 1/3 by transmitting the systematic bit Fig. 2. Self-iterative PDCC decoder.
X and the parity bits Y and W . It can also provide other
coding rates through puncturing the parity bits Y and W if 0
needed. coder reconstructs Lc RA by interleaving Lc RA . The idea
of self-iterative decoding comes from the fact that RA is the
interleaved version of RA , so that the extrinsic information
2.2. Self-iterative PDCC Decoder 0
of RA can be fed back as the a priori information for RA
The key difference between the MAP algorithm for PDCCs after interleaving and the extrinsic information of RA can
and the MAP algorithm presented in [7] is that the PDCC be fed back as the a priori information for RA after deinter-
encoder has two input bits and four output bits, including leaving.
two systematic bits A, A0 and two parity bits Y, W . The We denote the a priori information of RA and RA by
a a 0
MAP algorithm described in [7], however, is applicable to ZA and ZA0 , while the extrinsic information of RA and RA
e e
the soft decoding of rate 1/2 systematic convolution codes are denoted by ZA and ZA0 , respectively. The self-iterative
which have one input bit and two output bits, including one MAP decoder computes the APP of the information bit A.
systematic bit and one parity bit. The LLR output of the decoder can be expressed as
Assume the outputs of the PDCC encoder depicted in a e a e
Fig. 1 at time index k are the systematic bit Ak , and the Lout = Lc RA + ZA + ZA + ZA 0 + ZA0 . (2)
parity bits Yk and Wk . These outputs are BPSK modulated
and transmitted through an AWGN channel. At the receiver The self-iterative PDCC decoder proceeds as follows.
a a
end, the received symbols at time index k are denoted as At the first decoding iteration, ZA and ZA 0 are initialised
RAk , RYk , and RWk , respectively. A0k , the interleaved ver- to zero. For the subsequent iterations, ZA is interleaved
sion of the received symbol Ak , is obtained by interleaving and fed back as the a priori information for A0 , i.e., ZA a
0 =
Ak at the receiver, and thus will not be transmitted. It can π(ZA ) where π(·) denotes an interleaving mapping. Like-
be shown that the branch metric γki,m , which denotes the wise, ZA 0 is deinterleaved and fed back as the a priori in-

branch exiting from Sk = m with Ak = i, can be expressed formation for A, i.e., ZA a

= π −1 (ZAe
0 ) where π
(·) de-
as notes a deinterleaving mapping. At the final iteration, the
 decoder delivers the log-likelihood output Lout . The self-
γki,m = χk ξki ξk0j exp − Lc RAk Ak + RA0k A0k + RYk Yk iterative decoding process can be clearly seen from the two
e a e
 feed back connections between ZA and ZA 0 , and ZA0 and
+RWk Wk (1) ZA in Fig. 2.

where χk is a constant, ξki = P r(Ak = i), ξk0j = P r(A0k = 3. EXIT CHART ANALYSIS OF PDCCS
j), and Lc = 2/σ 2 . The likelihood ratio λk associated with
each decoded bit Ak is compared to a threshold equal to one The extrinsic information transfer chart (EXIT chart) [8] is
in order to determine the decoded bit Abk . a powerful tool for analysing the convergence behavior of
The novelty of decoding the PDCCs lies in self-iterative iterative decoding of turbo-like codes. The essential idea
decoding. The self-iterative PDCC decoder operates like a of the EXIT chart lies in the fact that it can predict the be-
normal MAP decoder except it feeds the extrinsic outputs havior of an iterative decoder by looking solely at the in-
after interleaving or deinterleaving back as a priori inputs. put/ouput relations of individual constituent decoders. The
Fig. 2 shows a schematic of a self-iterative PDCC decoder. EXIT chart analyses the input/output characteristics of a
The inputs to the decoder are the soft outputs of a noisy single soft-input/soft-output (SISO) decoder by observing
channel Lc RA , Lc RY and Lc RW , respectively. The de- the extrinsic information at the output of the decoder for a
range of a priori input. It then uses mutual information to where nA is an independent Gaussian random variable with
2 2
describe the extrinsic information transfer characteristics of variance σA and zero mean, µA = σA /2, and π(·) denotes
an iterative SISO decoder. an interleaving function. Equation (6) implies that we could
The EXIT chart analysis is based on two empirical ob- use an interleaver to interleave the a priori input for x to
servations obtained by simulation. First, the a priori infor- yield the a priori input for x0 .
mation A remains uncorrelated from the channel observa-
tions Z for large interleavers. Second, the extrinsic output E
yielded by one constituent decoder approaches a Gaussian- 4. SIMULATION RESULTS
like distribution with increasing number of iterations.
In this section, we compare the performance of the PDCCs
As discussed in [8], the a priori information A is mea-
and PCCCs by means of EXIT chart analysis.
sured in terms of mutual information IA = I(X; A) be-
tween the transmitted systematic information bits X and A The bit error rate (BER) performance comparison be-
in L-values [9] as tween PDCCs and PCCCs was presented in [6]. The sim-
Z +∞ ulation configurations were that both the PDCC and PCCC
1 X have coding rate 1/2 and a block size of 8192 random in-
IA = pA (ξ|X = x)
2 x=−1,1 −∞ formation bits. An S-type interleaver [10] with S equal to
47 was used. It was shown that the performance of PD-
2pA (ξ|X = x)
· log2 dξ. (3) CCs is about 0.2 dB inferior to that of PCCCs at low BERs,
pA (ξ|X = −1) + pA (ξ|X = 1) although the performance difference of the two codes was
Similarly, the extrinsic output E of the SISO decoder negligible for low Eb /N0 up to 0.6 dB.
can also be measured in terms of mutual information IE = The relatively inferior performance of PDCCs was di-
I(X; E) between the transmitted systematic information bits agnosed to be caused by the so-called “self-terminating”
X and the extrinsic information E in L-values as phenomena of the PDCC. For the PCCC, an error bit could
1 X
Z +∞ cause the trellis path to divert from the two all-zero paths.
IE = pE (ξ|X = x) The same bit is interleaved and fed into the second con-
2 x=−1,1 −∞
stituent encoder. That bit would not cause the diverted trellis
2pE (ξ|X = x) path to re-emerge earlier. On the other hand, for the PDCC,
· log2 dξ. (4)
pE (ξ|X = −1) + pE (ξ|X = 1) an error causes a diversion from the all-zero trellis path. The
The convergence behaviour of the iterative decoder can same bit is interleaved and then fed into the same PDCC
be described as a mapping between mutual information IA encoder. That bit could cause an earlier trellis remerge and
and IE . thus self-terminating.
In order to investigate the convergence behaviour of the The PDCC performance using the BER measurement
self-iterative PDCC decoder depicted in Fig. 2, we apply the is largely dependent on the interleaver structure and size.
EXIT chart algorithm to PDCCs in this paper. The funda- However, the EXIT chart analysis will tell us the minimum
mental difference between the PDCC EXIT chart analysis Eb /N0 that can be achieved with an infinite size interleaver
and the parallel concatenated convolutional codes (PCCCs and infinite iterations. Fig. 3 graphically shows the EXIT
or turbo codes) EXIT chart analysis lies in the fact that gen- charts for the PCCC at various Eb /N0 values, whereas Fig. 4
erating PCCC EXIT charts does not need an interleaver, presents the EXIT charts for the PDCC. The PCCC used
while generating PDCC EXIT charts does need an inter- in our simulation is the original punctured rate 1/2 16-state
leaver. This is because the self-iterative PDCC decoder has turbo code with forward and backward polynomials (21, 37)
two received systematic channel inputs in parallel, with one in octal [1]. For the PCCC EXIT charts, the block size
systematic channel input LC RA0 being the interleaved ver- is 65536 and no interleaver is used. For the PDCC EXIT
sion of the other systematic channel input LC RA as shown charts, an S-type interleaver with S equal to 192 is used
in Fig. 2. As a result, we need to prepare two a priori inputs and the block size is also 65536.
to the self-iterative PDCC decoder for applying the EXIT As can be seen from Figs. 3 and 4, the Eb /N0 threshold
chart algorithm to the PDCC. for the PCCC is around 0.6 dB, whereas the Eb /N0 thresh-
Assume x and x0 are the two systematic information old for the PDCC is also around 0.6 dB. Therefore, for an in-
data inputs of the PDCC encoder. In the EXIT chart analy- finite size interleaver and infinite iterations, the EXIT chart
sis, the two a priori inputs A and A0 to the PDCC decoder analysis indicates that the performance of the PDCC is com-
corresponding to the two information data inputs x and x0 parable to that of the PCCC, although the BER performance
can be modeled as follows of the PDCC presented in [6] is inferior to that of the PCCC
due to the “self-terminating” property of the PDCC. Future
Ax = µA · x + nA (5) research will examine PCCCs with the constituent code in
Ax0 = π(Ax ) (6) Fig. 1, to allow a fairer comparison with the code used for
the PDCC. Monte Carlo simulation. However, the EXIT chart analysis
results presented in this paper reveal that the performance
PCCC at Eb/N0 = 0.6 dB of the PDCC is close to that of the PCCC. Future research
0.9 PCCC at E /N = 0.7 dB
b 0 in this area includes designing self-terminating resilient in-
PCCC at Eb/N0 = 0.8 dB

terleavers to push the PDCC performance using iterative de-
coding close to its theoretic limit revealed by the EXIT chart
Mutual information IE at output of decoder



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0.1 1070.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 [2] C. Berror, M. Jézéquel, C. Douillard, and Sylvie
Mutual information IA at input of decoder
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[3] C. Berrou and M. Jezequel, “Non-binary convolu-
1 tional codes for turbo coding,” Electron. Lett., vol.
PDCC at Eb/N0 = 0.5 dB

0.9 PDCC at E /N = 0.6 dB

b 0
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PDCC at Eb/N0 = 0.7 dB

0.8 [4] C. Berrou, C. Douillard, and M. Jezequel, “Multiple

Mutual information IE at output of decoder

parallel concatenation of circular recursive convolu-

tional (CRSC) codes,” Annals of Telecommunications,
0.6 vol. 54, no. 3-4, pp. 166–172, Mar.-Apr. 1999.
[5] ETSI EN 301 790, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB);
0.4 Interaction channel for satellite distribution systems,
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[6] Wei Xiang and Steven S. Pietrobon, “A new
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Proc. Australian Communication Theory Workshop
0 (AusCTW’05), Brisbane, Australia, Feb. 2005, pp. 78–
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Mutual information I at input of decoder
A 82.
[7] S. S. Pietrobon, “Implementation and performance of
Fig. 4. PDCC EXIT charts with an interleaver size of 65536.
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plied to PDCCs are presented. The PDCC features a par-
[9] J. Hagenauer, E. Offer, and L. Papke, “Iterative decod-
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ing of binary block and convolutional codes,” IEEE
Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 42, pp. 429–445, Mar.
Previous results by means of Monte Carlo BER simu-
lation showed that PDCCs may have inferior performance
compared to PCCCs. This is due to the PDCC’s undesirable [10] D. Divsalar and F. Pollara, “Multiple turbo codes for
self-terminating property. Therefore, the interleaver struc- deep-space communications,” in JPL TDA Progress
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has a strong influence on the performance of PDCCs using

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