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Text 2 Mind Map Lesson

7th grade Health class

Introduction of concept mapping using Text 2 Mind Map website
( This lesson will use Health Curriculum information for
the outline and map. Students will learn how to use this specific website but also be able
to apply mapping skills in other ways such as handwritten maps.

Materials needed:
1. Computer access for each student or small group OR
2. Projection device to display the computer screen to the entire class
3. Health textbooks

1. Students will have scanned the Health textbook to be familiar with common
2. Whole class or small group discussion/brainstorm on possible Health topics

How to use Text 2 Mind Map:

 Look at the projection screen or the computer screen (whichever we are

using) and see/find the site

 The Text 2 Mind Map takes a list of words and creates a map.

 The words for the map need to be listed in an outline form using the tab key for
indenting and the shift-tab key for outdenting.

 The first word of your list will become the center of the map and therefore should
be the main title, subject, or topic.

 Look at the example on the Text 2 Mind Map site which uses the word months of
the year as the center of the map.

 Following in the outline form, next would be the seasons and then the actual
names of the months. The seasons are indented under the topic and the months are
indented under the seasons.

The physical look of the map can be altered to meet your needs after creating the map.
In the box in the upper right hand corner of the map page you will find several controls.

• “Full screen” and “freeze map” will make the map large enough to fit the
entire computer screen and hold the map in it’s place.

• “Font” gives you selection of color and size for the words.

• “Colors” shows the shading for the different levels of your map and coloring
method gives you the option of coloring by branch or level.

• “Lines” includes the color and width of the map lines.

• The last button at the bottom of this box is to save the map when you have

• The boxes on the map can be moved at different angles or closer/further to

each other.

Practice creating a map using an outline of health topics to be covered in our class. You
may want to refer to the textbook for reminders of topics but you may make the list your
own. After practicing, for homework, create a Mind Map for our Health topics and save
it on your flashdrive. Bring it to class tomorrow to share with your classmates. In small
groups you will critique your maps and make changes and additions as necessary.

Look for in the mapping:
1. original work, using the students’ own way of organizing the information
2. a good representation and overview of the topic
3. correct links
4. neat, easy to read and follow

Adapted from: Excerpt from: Classroom Ideas Using Inspiration.

Mary Anne McMurray, associate biology professor,
Henderson Community College, Henderson, KY.

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