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<Super Squat Program>

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Super Squat 105 kg * 20 reps => 1 set (Goal) Program 1) 2~3 Easy warm up sets (40/40/50) 2) 1 Moderate weight (60) 3) 1 Super Squat set (80 ) <Full Squat> 4) Pullover 1 set of 20 ribs (stretching the rib cage) 5) Chin ups (Do a set of chin ups for as many reps as I can) 6) Rest a min 7) Dips ( Do a set of dips for as many reps as I can) 8) Rest a min 9) Decline Bench Sit ups ( Do a set of sit ups for as many reps) 10) <Tips> 1. 1 Gallon of milk (3L) 2. Add 5 kg for every second workout Do (5~9) this circuit 3 times total

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