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Heros Formula Derived

Karl Hahn
Q c 1998

Why We Need a Hero The area of a triangle is one half base times height. We all remember that. But what do you do if you dont know the height? Euclid showed us 23 centuries ago that a triangle is completely determined by the lengths of its three sides. So if you know those lengths, you ought to be able to determine the triangles area, right? But unless the triangle has a right angle in it, none of those three sides are its height. Then how do you find the area? Hero to the Rescue Here is a diagram of a triangle with sides of length a, b, and c. The height is shown as length, h, and the point on the bottom where the height segment intersects the base at right angles is shown as point, O. In this case we have side a as the base, and more importantly, Figure 1: Starting Point for Heros Formula we have chosen the longest side as the base. Whether we know the height or not, by the formula we learned in grade school, we still have for area, A: ah 2 But the height, h, does remains unknown. We can involve sides b and c in this by observing that, according to Pythagoras, the length of the line segment 2, and the length of the line segment to the right h 2 to the left is c of O 2. Also, the side, a, which we have taken as the base, is equal h 2 of O is b to the sum of those two. So 2 + c2 h h2 a = b2 1 A= 1

If you square both sides of this, you get, after a bit of rearranging terms,
2 2 2 2 2 2 4 a2 = b2 + c2 2h + 2 b c (b + c ) h + h

But we still have a nasty square root term in there. To get rid of that, we move everything that is not the square root term over to the left, and then we square both sides again.
2 2 a2 b c 2

+ 4 a b c

h + 4h = 4b c 4 b + c

2 2

h + 4h

Notice that I did not multiply out the (a2 b2 c2) term. Indeed, I 2 2 treated (a2 b c ) as if it were a single, indivisible term. There are two reasons for that. One is laziness. The other will become apparent shortly. But first, we get some marvelous cancellations in the above. The 4h4 terms both cancel. Also the 4b2h2 and the 4c2h2 terms all cancel, leaving only a2 b2
2 c 2 2 2 2 2

+ 4h a = 4b c

Magically we are left with only a single term containing the unknown height, h. A slight rearrangement of this gives 4h2a2 = 4b2c2 a2 b2 c2 2 But recall that A = 1 ah. That means that the left hand term is simply 16A2. 2 So what we really have is 16A2 = 4b2c2 a2
2 2 b c 2

In other words, we have an expression here for sixteen times the square of the area. Not only that, the expression is the difference of squares, which means we can factor it easily. My prior laziness pays off. When you factor the above equation, you get 16A2 = a2 b2 2bc + c2 b2 + 2bc + c2
2 a

Notice that the expressions involving b and c are both perfect squares. Hence this is the same as a2 and now we have two differences of squares, each of which we can factor further. 16A2 = (a (b c)) (a + (b c)) ((b + c) a) ((b + c) + a) 2 16A2 = a2 (b c)2 (b + c)2

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