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1. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding cortical areas of the cerebrum: a) The motor area for speech is located in the middle frontal gyrus on the dominant hemisphere. b) The sensory speech area of Wernicke is in the superior temporal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere. c) The primary visual area is situated in the walls of the parieto-occipital sulcus. d) The primary auditory cortex lies along the inferior lip of the superior temporal sulcus. e) The angular gyrus lies above the intraparietal sulcus. 2 .Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding lesions of the cerebral cortex :a) A lesion of Brocas area causes sensory aphasia. b) A lesion of the superior parietal lobule causes astereognosis. c) A lesion of the angular gyrus causes neglect of the opposite half of the body. d) A lesion of the primary motor area causes apraxia. e) A lesion of the primary somesthetic area causes alexia and agraphia 3. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding cortical areas of the brain:a) The supplementary motor area occupies the anterior part of the precentral gyrus and the posterior parts of the frontal gyri. b) The angular gyrus lies around the posterior end of the posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus. c) The frontal eye field lies in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus. d) Wernickes area occupies the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus a) The primary auditory area occupies the middle of the inferior temporal gyrus.. 4. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding cortical areas of the cerebrum: a) The motor area for speech is located between the superior and inferior frontal and precentral sulci. b) The sensory speech area of Wernicke is in the superior temporal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere. c) The primary visual area is situated in the walls of the parieto-occipital sulcus. d) The primary auditory cortex lies along the inferior lip of the superior temporal sulcus. e) The angular gyrus lies above the intraparietal sulcus.

5. Which of the following statement is WRONG regarding lesions of the cerebral cortex:a) A lesion of the primary visual area can cause contralateral quadrantic anopia (Quadrantinopia). b) A lesion of the premotor area causes apraxia. c) A leion of Wernickes area can cause sensory aphasia. d) A lesion of the upper part of the postcentral gyrus causes taste hallucinations. e) A lesion of the primary auditory area causes diminution of hearing most marked on the contralateral side. 6. Which of the following statements is WRONG regarding lesions of the cerebral cortex: a) lesion of the visual cortex can produce the same hemianopia as a lesion of the optic tract or optic radiation. b) Lesion of the primary motor area causes contralateral loss of fine skilled movements. c) Lesion of the angular gyrus causes alexia and agraphia. d) Lesion of the Wernickes area causes global aphasia. e) A lesion of the lower end of the postcentral gyrus can cause hallucinations of taste. 7. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding lesions of the cerebral cortex :a) A lesion of Brocas area causes fluent aphasia. b) A lesion of the superior parietal lobule causes astereognosis. c) A lesion of the angular gyrus causes neglect of the opposite half of the body. d) A lesion of the precentral gyrus causes motor apraxia. e) A lesion of the primary somesthetic area causes alexia and agraphia. 8. Which of the following statements is WRONG regarding lesions of the cerebral cortex: a) A lesion of the visual cortex can produce the same hemianopia as a lesion of the optic tract or optic radiation. b) Lesion of the primary motor area causes contralateral loss of fine skilled movements. c) Lesion of the angular gyrus causes alexia and agraphia. d) Lesion of the Wernickes area causes global aphasia. e) A lesion of the lower end of the postcentral gyrus can cause hallucinations of taste.

9. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding the cochlear nuclei and their central connections: a) The cochlear nuclei are located on the surface of the middle cerebellar peduncle. b) The lateral lemniscus consists of cochlear and vestibular fibers. c) Fibers from the lateral lemniscus terminate in the inferior colliculus . d) Fibers from the medial geniculate body pass through the retrolenticular part of the posterior limb of the internal capsule. e) The acoustic radiation through the internal capsule runs with the frontopontine fibers. 10. Which of the following statements is WRONG regarding the visual pathways: a) Optic nerve fibers are the axons of the ganglion cells of the retina. b) Axons of the nerve cells of the lateral geniculate body form the optic radiation.. c) The geniculo-cortical fibers terminate in the upper and lower lips of the calcarine sulcus. d) Macula lutea is represented around the posterior end of the calcarine sulcus. e) A Lesion of the optic tract causes bitemporal hemianopia. 11. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding cortical areas of the brain:a) The secondary visual area surrounds the angular gyrus. b) The angular gyrus lies around the posterior end of the posterior ramus of the lateral sulcus. c) The frontal eye field lies in the posterior part of the inferior frontal gyrus. d) Wernickes area occupies the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus e) The primary auditory area occupies the middle of the inferior temporal gyrus 12. Which of the following statements is CORRECT regarding the optic radiation: a) Its fibers are the axons of the ganglion cells of the retina. b) It passes through the sublenticular part of the internal capsule. c) It terminates in the upper and lower lips of the calcarine sulcus. d) It is related to the roof of the posterior horn of the lateral ventricle e) Its lesion will cause bitemporal hemianopia. 13. Which of the statements is WRONG regarding lesions of the cerebral cortex: a) A lesion of the primary sensory cortex causes contralateral loss of discriminative sensations. b) A lesion of the primary motor area causes contralateral limb paralysis. c) A lesion of the secondary motor area( premotor area) causes difficulty in performing skilled movements.(motor apraxia) . d) A lesion of the Wernickes area causes global aphasia. e) Irritation of the lower end of the postcentral gyrus can cause hallucinations of taste. .

14. Which of the following statements is WRONG regarding the olfactory nerves: a) The olfactory mucous membrane is located above the level of the superior conchae. b) The central processes of the olfactory bipolar receptor cells form the olfactory nerve fibers. c) The olfactory nerve fibers are unmyelinated and are covered with Schwann cells. d) All the fibers of the olfactory tract end in the primary olfactory cortex on the ipsilateral side. e) Fractures of the anterior cranial fossae can cause bilateral anosmia. 15. Which of the following statements is WRONG regarding the white matter of the cerebrum. a) Forceps minor connects the visual areas of the two sides. b) Anterior commissure lies anterior to the anterior column of the fornix. c) Association fibers connect various cortical regions within the same cerebral hemisphere. d) Corticospinal tract consists of projection fibers. e) Arcuate fasciculus connects the Wernickes and Brocas areas. 16. Which of the following statements is WRONG regarding lesions of the cerebral cortex: a) Lesion of the visual cortex or the optic tract or the lateral geniculate body causes contralateral homonymous hemianopia. b) Lesion of the primary motor area causes contralateral loss of fine skilled movements. c) Lesion of the supramarginal gyrus causes alexia and agraphia. d) Lesion of the Wernickes area causes receptive aphasia. e) Bilateral destruction of the primary auditory areas causes complete deafness.

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