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vendor also vender

n. 1. One that sells or vends

(v n d r)

Seller; an individual who transfers property for sale; merchant; retail dealer; supplier. The term vendor is frequently used in reference to an individual who sells real property.
West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

noun \ven-dr, for 1 also ven-d r\

: a person who sells things especially on the street : a business that sells a particular type of product
Definition of VENDEE

: one to whom a thing is sold : BUYER

Buyer or purchaser; an individual to whom anything is transferred by a sale. The term vendee is ordinarily used in reference to a buyer of real property.

bailor n. a person who leaves goods in the custody of another, usually under a "contract of bailment", in
which the custodian ("bailee") is responsible for the safekeeping and return of the property. Sometimes the bailor is not the owner but a person who is a servant of the owner or a finder (say, of jewelry) who places the goods with the bailee until the owner is found. (See: bailee, bailment)

One to whom Personal Property is entrusted for a particular purpose by another, the bailor, according to the terms of an express or implied agreement.

bailee (custodian) n. a person with whom some article is left, usually pursuant to a contract (called a
"contract of bailment"), who is responsible for the safe return of the article to the owner when the contract is fulfilled. These can include banks holding bonds, storage companies where furniture or files are deposited, a parking garage, or a kennel or horse ranch where an animal is boarded. Leaving goods in a sealed rented box like a safe deposit box, is not a bailment, and the holder is not a bailee since he cannot handle or control the goods. (See: bailment, bailor)

pledge v. to deposit personal property as security for a personal loan of money. If the loan is not repaid
when due, the personal property pledged shall be forfeit to the lender. The property is known as collateral. To pledge is the same as to pawn. 2) to promise to do something. (See: pawn) PLEDGEE. The same as pawnee. (q.v.) PAWNEE. He who receives a pawn or pledge. 2. The rights of the pawnee are to have the exclusive possession of the pawn; to use it, when it is for the advantage of the pawner, but, in such case, when he makes a profit out of it, he must account for the same. 1 Car. Law Rep. 8 7; 2 Murph. 3. The pawnee is bound to take reasonable care, of the pledge, and to return it to the, pawnor, when the obligation of the latter has been performed. 4. The pawnee has two remedies to enforce his claim; the first, to sell the pawn, after having given due notice; and, secondly, by action. See. 1 Bouv. Inst. n. 1046, 1050.

The individual who owes another person a certain debt or duty. The term obligor is often used interchangeably with debtor. the person or entity who owes an obligation to another, as one who must pay on a promissory note.

One who owes a debt or the performance of an obligation to another, who is called the creditor; one who may be compelled to pay a claim or demand; anyone liable on a claim, whether due or to become due. In Bankruptcy law, a person who files a voluntary petition or person against whom an involuntary petition is filed. A person or municipality concerning which a bankruptcy case has been commenced.

debtor n. 1) a person or entity that owes an amount of money or favor to another. 2) in bankruptcy, the
party whose affairs are the subject of the proceedings is called the "debtor." (See: bankruptcy)

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