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Explain the importance of employee relationship management in an organization Explain Edgar Scheins level of organization culture What is various

methods through which organizational communication can be improved List the essential pre-requisites of a grievance procedure What are objective of trade union Suppose you are appointed a manager of a mining company. You find that most of the lower tier workers are uneducated and there have many instances of conflicts and physical fights among the workers. What are factors you would keep in mind while trying to ensure the organizational discipline? Explain the approaches for management of overseas branches What is employee participation ?give example Write a note organizational justice Explain the steps in formal grievance Redressal procedure What are different types of disciplinary problem What are the benefits that an organization enjoys by implementing employee participation Describe the different system in organization that use employee relation management tools What are the reasons for mainatainng good industrial relations in an organization What are four strategy level s of an organization Suppose you are an HR manager of an software company and that company is facing a severe financial loss to recession. What action would yoy take to keep your employee positive and motivated? Every organization faces disciplinary problems from employee. Explain the major types of problems faced in the organization. Explain the challenges that the international employee encounter What are the different types of leadership styles that are adopted by the manager as per the managerial grid model What are provision of human resource information system What are provision of the factories act 1948 that ensure social security measures of workmen in a factory Imagine yourself as an HR manager of a steel company and you find that for members of a production team in your organization are in conflict and this has affected the productivity of the team What step will you take to resolve the conflict and improve the team productivity Define conflict management. What are the causes of the workplace conflict? What are the various strategies to be adopted to resolve the conflict

What is meant by organizational culture? What are elements and dimensions oforganizational culture? Explain the importance and features of human resource information system(HRIS) What is meant by grievance Redressal? Explain the three stages of grievance Redressal. What precautions are to be taken while handling grievances? What are trade unions? What are the objectives and activities of trade unions? Write a brief note on stress and employee wellness in organizations. List the core issues of employee relations management What is organization culture? What are the elements of organization culture Explain the trait theory of leadership Vikram is a trade union leader with fifteen years of experience in a motor parts manufacturing factory .One of the labourers in the factory met with an accident while on duty. What will be the different means by which he will ensure that the labourer is well compensated for the work-related injury List the advantages of collective bargaining Write a note on common application of human resource information system What main actors are in involved in industrial procedures Section A MCQ 1. There are _____ approaches to manage overseas branches. a. Four major c. Five distinct b. 3 Major and 2 Minor d. 2 Primary and 2 Secondary

2. Relational creativity focuses on establishing good relations with __________ in the workplace a. Strategic interventionists c. Diverse groups b. Partners

d. Placeholders

3. Organizations usually go international because of _____ reasons a. Two b. Expansive c. Multiple d. Differential

4. This technique tries to achieve harmony between the parties involved in the conflict a. Sorting b. Resolving c. Smoothing d. Compromising

5. Which of this is not a symbolic recognition by an organization a. Plaques b. Coffee mugs with inscribed names d. Both (a) and (b) are symbolic recognitions

c. Both (a) and (b) are not symbolic recognitions

6. In discipline, ____________ is more severe than reporting late to work a. Insubordination b. Improper feedback c. Neither (a) nor (b) d. Both (a) and (b)

7. A portion of a persons pay is considered at risk. This happens in: a. Base pay reward system b. ESOP c. Variable pay reward system d. Gainsharing

8. In this approach, the local conditions, values and systems are taken into consideration in a company a. Polycentric b. Tertiary c. Organocentric d. Focal-centric 9. Which of these is not a part of the essential HR building blocks that provide a productive workplace? a. Compensation Systems b. Policies & Procedures c. Training Programs2 d. Good Job Descriptions 10. Grievance may be defined as a complaint or __________ against any unjust or __________act. a. Dissatisfaction, Unlikely b. Issue, Problematic c. Resentment, Unfair d. None of the above 11. Employee empowerment can be effective only if it is properly implemented and has the support of _________________ a. Employees b. Top management c. Trade Unions d. All of the above 12. Organizations usually decide to go international because: a. It faces competition outside its national borders b. It finds cheaper resources c. Neither (a) nor (b) d. Both (a) and (b) 13. EQ stands for a. Exceptional Quality b. External Quota c. Employer Quorum d. Emotional Quotient 14.Absenteeism is corrected by employing ___________ a. Progressive discipline b. Strict measures c. Substitute workforce d. Negative Punishment 15. Third parties with specialized skills are used as arbitrators, mediators or ______________ to resolve conflicts. a. Interventionists b. Counsellors c. Liaison specialists d. Ombudsmen 16. In collective bargaining, Assembling potential trades is part of which process? a. Preparing b. Signalling c. Packaging d. Closing 17. The employee commits to the organization because he wants to. This is a. Synthetic commitment b. Tactical commitment

c. Intellectual commitment d. Affective commitment 18. Organizations that have trade unions tend to offer ___________ wages compared to non unionised industries. a. Higher b. Competitive c. Lower d. Pre decided3 19. Industrial tribunal has _______________ nominated in it to adjudicate industrial disputes a. A committee of 3 members b. Only one person c. Voluntary representatives d. Union members 20. Trade unions bargain with __________ on behalf of __________ a. Employers; union members b. Union members; the respective state governments c. Office bearers; Union representatives d. None of the above 21. The ______ perspective views the organization as an integrated and a harmonious system a. Unitary b. Collective c. Integrative d. Industrial 22. Employee engagement is described as a combination of commitment and __________. a. Involvement b. Analytical capacities c. Organizational clarity d. Organizational citizenship 23.Studies have shown that employee recognition and rewards of _________ basis show a greater return on investment than do _________ a. A monetary; promotions b. A team; individual awards c. A non monetary; cash awards d. None of the above 24.Recognition elicits a _________ benefit whereas reward indicates ___________ benefit a. Egoistic; dominance b. Respectful, an achievement c. Psychological, a physical d. Power, an esteem 25. The Indian Labour Conference has adopted the ______ grievance procedure a. Incremental b. Centralized c. Model d. Lateral 26. _________ intend to increase productivity and help resolve any personal issues. a. Counselling Programs b. Buddy mentoring programs c. Employee Assistance programs d. None of the above 27. The __________ Model was formulated by Richard Cyert, James March and ___________. a. Garbage, James Fraunkenburg b. Carnegie, Herbert Simon c. Garbage, Robert Mudroch d. Carnegie, Hertz Mintzberg 28. Which of these is a type of organizational justice? a. Distributive b. Normative c. Affective4 d. Relational

29. ___________ employees are less productive and may even become hostile a. Blue-collar b. Autocratic c. Demoralized d. None of the above 30.Communication needs to be _______ and _______ a. Smooth; lateral b. Assertive; positive c. Hierarchical; forward-oriented d. None of the above 31. In HRIS employees can use the self service module to __________________________ a. Apply for training b. Analyze the overall training costs c. Reduce the total number of hours of training d. None of the above 32.According to the Participation of Workers in Management Bill of 1990, every industrial enterprise needs to constitute one or more _________ a. Joint Committees b. Trade Unions c. Joint Management Councils d. Shop Floor Councils 33. Musicians Union would be a ________ union a. Exempted b. Regularized c. Craft of skills d. Nationalized 34. What occurs when there is competition between different hierarchical levels like foreman and shop workers? a. Lateral Stretch b. Resource Conflict c. Vertical Strain d. Employee Dissatisfaction 35. Which of these is not a type of an organizational survey? a. Ethics survey b. Culture survey c. Neither (A) nor (B) is an organizational survey type. d. Both (A) and (B) are organizational surveys 36. Which of these is one of the three basic organizational liability standards a. Avoidance b. Negligence c. Centralism d. All of the above are 37. Which of these can be a reason for grievance? a. Work environment b. Supervision c. Work Group d. All of the above 38.As part of the formal grievance redressal system, an employee who has a grievance meets the shift-in-charge. This is part of _____5 a. Negotiation Stage b. Preliminary Stage c. Stage-1 d. Stage-2 39.Based on activities undertaken by trade union, their functions are classified as: a. Positive, Negative b. Collabrative, Revolting c. Militant, Fraternal d. Cooperative, Uncooperative 40.As per Likerts System 4 Theory, which style is Consulatative?

a. System 1 b. System 0 c. System 2 d. System 3 41. This method involves negotiations where both parties gain and neither loses. a. Integrative Bargaining b. Cooperative Bargaining c. Neither (a) nor (b) d. Both (a) and (b) 42.As per the Payment of Bonus Act , the minimum bonus payable is ________ and the maximum is 20% a. 5% b. 7.5% c. 8.33% d. 10% 43. Which of these is a negotiation approach in collective bargaining? a. Creative Approach b. Advocates Approach c. Partnership Approach d. All of the above 44.As part of the strategy variable, the organizations align their strategies with their goals and define _____________ a. External dependencies b. A set of expectations c. Internal issues d. None of the above 45. In a common disciplinary procedure, after issuing a letter of charge, the next step is: a. Full-fledged enquiry b. Show cause notice c. Consideration of explanation d. Appealing 46. To emphasize teamwork, the organization should emphasize sharing and _____________. a. Cross utilization of resources b. Enable conflict resolution c. Transparent communication d. None of the above 47. Organizational values influence ___________ a. Organizational strategies b. Firms culture c. Employee behaviour6 d. Individuals performance 48. Which of these is not a part of the Red Hot Stove Rule? a. Forewarning b. Impartiality c. Simplicity d. Immediacy 49. _______ discipline requires intense supervision a. Primary b. Lateral c. Negative d. Auxiliary 50. Which of these is a pre-requisite of a grievance procedure a. Training b. Simplicity c. Clarity d. All of the above Section - B (2 marks each) 1. Scheme of 1983 regulating employee participation was applicable to all __________ enterprises. a. Private b. Multinational c. State Owned d. Central Public Sector 2. As per the Managerial Grid Model 1,1 represents _________ leadership style

a. Opportunistic b. Impoverished c. Concentric d. Fascist 3. _______ is the attitude and activity that places ones career above everything else a. Career escalation b. Ego-centrism c. Careerism d. Central Egoism 4. __________ is a state wherein people do not challenge organizational thinking even if they have different ideas. a. Lateral thinking b. Stiffness c. Groupthink d. Locus of control 5. Dues collections is a part of which of Collective Bargainings issues? a. Wages b. Hours c. Working Conditions d. Job Security 6. __________ is a web based talent management and HR management suite. a. Peoplesoft Xteme7 b. iVantage HRIS c. Orange HRIS d. Oracle i-Talent 7. It is important that the union negotiating team knows about the organization budgets and ___________ a. HR policies b. Market norms c. Strategic plans d. Consumer preferences 8. The _________ module empowers the employee to manage their personal data a. Employee self-service b. Psychological contract c. ERP d. Personalized relational software 9. Who deals with subject matters like wages, bonus, profit-sharing, provident fund etc? a. The National Tribunal b. Shop floor council c. Grievance committee d. Joint industrial council 10. In _______ style of decision making, managers trust their subordinates to make the correct decisions. a. Stewardship b. Submissive c. Analytical d. Delegative 11.A good HR infrastructure should support the _____, _______ and values of the company a. Mission, vision b. Identity, brand c. Owners, employees d. Strategies, stakeholders 12. __________ are based on promises made by both the employers and the employees. a. Psychological Contracts b. Pay spines c. Succession plans d. Memorandums of Certainty 13. In this approach , the HR manager contributes by being the voice of the employees and by supporting the employees a. Organizational Driver b. Employee advocate c. Liaison partner d. Change agent 14. The history of employee rewards dates back to the _______ a. Late 20th century b. Early 20th century c. Early 19th century d. Late 19th century 15. In ________ approach , very little power is vested in the subsidiaries

a. Decentralized b. Ethnocentric c. Organocentric8 d. Spatial 16. These are critical measures that identify that the employee is doing what needs to be done and at the level that it should be done a. Explanatory descriptors b. Organizational assessors c. Key performance indicators d. Concentric objectives 17. Which of these acts was established in 1948? a. Minimum Wages Act b. Factories Act c. Both (a) and (b) d. Neither (a) nor (b) 18. Positive discipline requires employee ______ a. Assessment b. Self-regulation c. Rationalization d. Core-assimilation 19. ESIC is a. Employees Socially Interactive Commission b. Employee State Insurance Corporation c. Employers Selective Induction Committee d. Elevated Society for Improved Creativity 20. The Marxist perspective focuses on the fundamental differences between ________ and ______ a. Harmony, Dissatisfaction b. Workers, Organizations c. Capital, Labour d. Positive, Negative influences 21. The Standing Orders Act was established in ____ a. 1927 b. 1937 c. 1946 d. 1956 22. The term negotiation is derived from the Latin word negitiatus which means _____ a. To bargain b. To become agreeable d. To carry on business

c. To mutually set goals and objectives

23. HRIS is very important for organizations as it _____ and automates the HR processes. a. Structures b. Streamlines c. Prioritizes d. Rationalizes 24.As per the Factories Act, the working hours cannot be greater than _______ a. 270 hours in a month b. 63 hours in a week c. 48 hours in a week d. 10 hours per day 25. Employee grievances are one of the factors that ___ establishing appropriate _____ a. Discourage; affirmative actions9 b. Encourage; norms c. Impede; work environment Hasten; work cultures Section C (10 marks each) 1. What is grievance? Explain the steps involved in grievance redressal procedure. 2. Explain in detail the approaches to manage overseas branches.

3. Describe the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid Model in detail. 4. What are the various types of trade unions? Describe each giving suitable examples.

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