Gang Stalking - The Link Between Community Mobbing and Mass Shootings

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Community Mobbing and Mass Shootings

Canada, COINTELPRO, DHS, domestic terrorism, ECHELON, FBI, fusion center, Gang Stalking, group stalking, Kenneth Westhues, LAPD, mass shootings, McCarthyism, MIAC fusion center, Mobbing, New York, Nobel Prize, NSA, Patriot Act, police misconduct, Professor, Rampart Scandal, RCMP, RCMP VIP Program, Red Scare, Sandy Hook, social engineering, surveillance abuse, University of Waterloo

The Link Between Community Mobbing And MassShootings

April 10, 2013

This website is dedicated to analyzing WHY there has been a dramatic rise in rampage murders on the collegecampus,intheworkplace,andelsewhere.
While the scope of the problem has been identified by the mainstream media, its analysis is largely superficial:

Of the 12 deadliest shootings in U.S. history, six have taken place since 2007DavidBrookshighlightedthisdiscrepancy back in July. For much of the 20th century there were, on average, a handful of mass killings per decade. But that number spiked in 1980, and kept rising thereafter. This has happened even as the nations overall violent crime and homicide rates have been dropping. (Source: -are-mass-shootings-becoming-more-frequent/)

The NYPD Active Shooter Manual found 271 active shooter cases between 1966 and December 21, 2012. The NYPD study reveals that more than half, or 153 of the active shooter events, happened since 2000. See page 9, Table C and page 11, Table D of the NYPD Active Shooter Manual linked below: Most of the people who go postal, however, in academic as in other workplaces, have been mobbed there in preceding months or years. -Dr. Kenneth Westhues The mobbing which Dr. Westhues has described has found its way to our communitiesandcanbelinkedtothedramaticincreaseinmassshootings.Dr. Westhues confirms this fact in his communications with Keith Labella, Esq., as recounted below.

Dr. Kenneth Westhues on Mobbing and Mass Shootings

Doctor Kenneth Westhues, Professor Emeritus of Sociology at the University of Waterloo in Canada, is also a notable author, published in overadozenlanguages.Westhueshaswrittennumerousbooksand articles on the subject of workplace and academic mobbing. He has

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provenadirectlinkbetweenmobbingandmassshootings. From Wikipedia: Mobbing in the context of human beings means bullying of an individual by a group in any context, such as a family, school, workplace, neighborhood, or community. When it occurs as emotional abuse in the workplace, such as ganging upby co-workers, subordinates or superiors, to force someone out of the workplace through rumor, innuendo, intimidation, humiliation, discrediting, and isolation, it is also referred to as malicious, nonsexual, nonracial, general harassment.

In the following email correspondence with a licensed attorney from New York, Dr. Westhues clearly states his opinion that community mobbing (also known as gang stalking) is responsible, in his opinion, for about ONE-THIRD, or HALF, of all mass shootings! Mobbing represents a significant public health and safety risk, and is currently being systematically ignored by our elected officials, law enforcement, and the media.

Email Exchanges between Dr. Westhues and Keith Labella, Esq.

In the following series of email exchanges between Dr. Westhues and Keith Labella, Esq., Westhues specifically acknowledges his awareness of gang stalking. Westhues also opines that Christopher Dorner was likely a victim of mobbing. Here are the Westhuesemails relating to community mobbing a.k.a. gang stalking:

Please note that in each of the following four email exchanges, Dr. Westhuesresponse is first, followed by Keith Labella, Esq.s initiating email.

First e-mail exchange: -----Original Message----From: Kenneth Westhues <> To: Keith <> Sent: Sun, Jan 6, 2013 5:48 pm Subject: RE: Mobbing and Mass Shootings Dear Mr. Labella: Thank you for your email. I appreciate your encouragement in the research on mobbing. I believe the evidence supports your contention of a link between mobbing (whether in workplace, community, church, or wherever else) and rampage murders not in all cases of such violent outbursts, so far as I can see, but in maybe a third or a half of cases. And, of course, it is only in a tiny minority of mobbing cases that the target lashes back violently. I plan to write more about this link as soon as I find time, and I'm grateful to be prodded toward that end by your email. All the best in the new year. Respect and regards, Kenneth Westhues ________________________________________ From: Keith [] Sent: 05 January 2013 10:51 To: Kenneth Westhues Subject: Mobbing and Mass Shootings I have read some of the work that you and your colleagues have written exposing the nexus between community mobbing and rampage shootings. I wonder why, given the quality of the work exposing this link, you and your colleagues have not made a media statement regardin
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the alarming increase in violent mass shootings. It seems that some of your books are being priced out of the market in the U.S. I also understand that the media is largely controlled, and, that it is no accident that the causal connection between mobbing and violence is being "missed" by the MSM. However, you could comment about the tre on your webpage, and, also publish an open letter about it. Sandy Hook captured the attention of the U.S. and the world. I believe that your work is too important for you not to weigh in promptly on these events. You would be deserving of a Nobel Prize if the attention you brought to the issue stopped one future massacre. Respectfully, Keith S. Labella, Esq. (licensed in New York). Second Exchange: -----Original Message----From: Kenneth Westhues <> To: Keith <> Sent: Tue, Jan 15, 2013 8:47 pm Subject: RE: Mr. Labella: Yes, I did have a chance to look at several of the links, and I thank you for sending them to me. I'm hoping to write something about gang stalking in the next few weeks, and I'll plan to send it to you if and when I get it done. With best wishes, Ken Westhues ________________________________________ From: Keith [] Sent: 15 January 2013 09:28 To: Kenneth Westhues Cc: Kenneth Westhues Subject: Did you get a chance to look at any of the links I sent to you? Do you have any impressions or opinions about community -based harassmen networks a.k.a. gang stalking? Thanks again, Keith Labella Third Exchange: -----Original Message----From: Kenneth Westhues <> To: Keith <> Sent: Thu, Feb 7, 2013 8:48 pm Subject: RE: Mr. Labella: I appreciate your drawing this news to my attention. I've now read Dorner's manifesto, as well as the report of the house tribunal that adjudicated his complaint against his fellow officer. To judge by his account of the tribunal, this would indeed appear to be a case of workplace mobbing, or more specifically, administrative mobbing, and one of those very rare cases in which the target retaliates violently. Dorner is an obviously bright and perceptive fellow, and much of his manifesto is compelling. On the other hand, as Dorner admits, and as his murderous intentions and alleged actual murders demonstrate, he is a deeply disturbed person. However bright he is, he is obviously not thinking straight: killing innocent people is

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not a way to recover one's good name. Hence I'm not willing, without further investigation and review of evidence, to take Dorner's word for what happened to him in the LAPD, or to call it a case of mobbing. He urges journalists to investigate, and I hope some first-rate journalists will do exactly that. This is for sure a tragedy. Let's hope he is caught before he kills still more people. With every good wish, Kenneth Westhues ________________________________________ From: Keith [] Sent: 07 February 2013 15:57 To: Kenneth Westhues Cc: Kenneth Westhues Subject: A former LA police officer, who also held a Top Secret Security Clearance in the Naval reserve, has gone postal. He has killed several officers in separate, ambush attacks, and, is now on the loose. His Manifesto, linked below, spells out programmatic workplace mobbing. This seems to be a textbook case based on your own case studies and mobbing checklist: Link to the Dorner Manifesto: Fourth Exchange: -----Original Message----From: Kenneth Westhues <> To: Keith <> Sent: Fri, Feb 8, 2013 9:22 pm Subject: RE: RE: Yes, thanks, as soon as I get to it. I put a little piece of writing on my website (like this one:, it gets tens of thousands of hits, and I spend the next two weeks answering emails in response to it. With every good wish. ________________________________________ From: Keith [] Sent: 08 February 2013 10:07 To: Kenneth Westhues Subject: RE: Thanks for taking the time to write me back. As you and Amelia Howard have pointed out, there is never an excuse for retaliatory violence in cases of mobbing. I agree with this wholeheartedly. However, even without justification, there can be an explanation for the victim lashing back. If Dorner's claims of mobbing are validated, and, I suspect that a thorough and independent investigation will validate many of them, then he would be another mobbing victim gone postal. Similar to Cho, and other cases that have been studied, there is clearly indicia of psychological pathology as relates to the shooter. This does not, in my opinion, repudiate the fact that mobbing is a toxic societal issue and represents a type of group pathology. p.s. Are you still planning to write something on the subject of gang stalking? End of e-mail exchanges
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Dr. Kenneth Westhues on the tragedy at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007:
MOBBING AND THE VIRGINIA TECH MASSACRE by Kenneth Westhues, Professor of Sociology, University of Waterloo November 2007 On April 16, 2007, Seung-Hui Cho, a fourth-year student in the English Department at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, murdered 32 professors and students and injured a further 25, then took his own life. This webpage points toward an explanation of the tragedy.

Excerpts: From information that has so far come to light, Cho appears to have been the target of an uncommon but distinct and devastating social process called workplace mobbing. It is the impassioned ganging up of managers and/or peers against a targeted worker, the object being the targets absolute humiliation and elimination from respectable company. It is a matter of turning a person who is different or troublesome into a nonperson, rubbing his or her nose in dirt. For more on this workplace pathology, click here or here. Mobbingrarely results in the target going postal: that is, retaliating in a violent rampage, openly and indiscriminately murdering co-workers (sometimes singling out specific mobbers), then committing suicide or being killed or captured by police. Most mobbing targets simply quit their jobs. Others become chronically ill or depressed. Some commit suicide. Some knuckle under. Only a tiny fraction lash back. Nor do all workers who go postal have a history of being mobbed at work. Charles Whitman gunned down 45 people at the University of Texas on August 1, 1966, before police shot and killed him. Kimveer Gill killed or injured 20 people at Dawson College in Montreal on September 13, 2006, before taking his own life. Neither Whitman nor Gill had been mobbed on the campuses they shot up. Their crimes have other origins. Most of the people who go postal, however, in academic as in other workplaces, have been mobbed there in preceding months or years. An adequate explanation of the Virginia Tech massacre requires becoming conscious of the scapegoating mechanism, transcending it, and then calmly picking through all relevant evidence, toward a factual, reasoned account of what happened and why. It requires accepting the awful truth of what John Donne wrote, that no man is an island, that every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main, that every mans death diminishes me. This does not mean trying to excuse Chos inexcusable crimes. Nor does it mean trying to shift blame and scapegoat somebody else. It means trying to get at the truth of what happened: empirical identification of the sequence of events, what led to what. Sound scientific explanation honors those who wrongly and unnecessarily lost their lives or suffered injury at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007, and gives promise of preventing repetition of the tragedy. End of excerpts

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FromCommunity Mobbing and Mass Shootings

One Comment



This is disturbing information although not surprising to anyone who has personally experienced gang stalking. I hope this website gets the attention it deserves. Everyone reading this should do whatever he or she can to spread the word. Keith Labellas analysis and legal efforts have advanced the cause of exposing gang stalking considerably. His information has been enormously helpful for me to better understand the subject. I posted my own observations on this topic at Reply

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