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Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics & History Commentary Explosive Court Case: Secretly Forced RFID Brain Implants. MindControl!

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Societal and economics observer and commentator with anendtimes,futurehistoryperspective.Followmeat Twitter: socioecohistory

Mind Control Technology.

I have mentioned before that the 666MarkoftheBeastlikelyhasamindcontrol technology behind it. The Illuminists have plans to microchip entire population with the RFID. This is fact, not speculation. (See: Aaron Russo on RFID Microchip, New World Order, World Government By Banksters 666). My belief is that people implanted with the 666microchipwilllosetheirability,freewilltosayyestoJesusChristforsalvation.Theywill be under constant mind control, EMF attacks. In an earlier post (A Magnetic Field Applied to the Brain Can Alter People s Sense of Morality!) I have highlighted the advanced state of using microchip implant for mind control. You may think I am paranoid and highly imaginative. But I assure you what I write hasmuchfactualbasis.TheIlluministgovernmenthasbeendoingexperimentsoncitizens with mind control RFID chip implant technology. The recent court case between James Walbert, resident of Wichita, Kansas vs the US government proves my point. James Walbert won the case! James Walbert was implanted with an RFID mind control chip into his brain without his consent. He was a targetedindividual for experimentation and control. With the implant, targeted individuals can receive sounds, direct to the brain communication, thoughts, verbal orderseven electric shocks. You can read the entire articles here: Secretly forced brain implants: Explosive court case Forced brain implant MRI scan image, medical and investigative reports See also: Nick Begich: Mind Control TheRiseofInvasiveandOppressiveTechnology! Jesse Ventura: HAARP WeatherModification,MilitaryDefenceandMindControl! Military Use of Mind Control Weapons NickBegich:HAARP,WeatherControlandMindControl Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World by Dr. Nick Begich Holes In Heaven: HAARP and Advances in Tesla Technology ! Mind Control, WeatherModificationandWarfare!

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August 21, 2010 - Posted by mosesman | EndTimes, Science & Technology, Social Trends | Mind_Control

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1. [...]also:ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!A Magnetic Field Applied to the Brain Can Alter PeoplesSenseofMorality!NickBegich:Mind [...] Pingback by Electromagnetic Pulse Can Be Used To Disrupt Morality In The Human Brain! Socio-Economics History Blog | August 27, 2010 2. [...] By Banksters 666RFIDMicrochippingToBeginIn36MonthsUnderNewHealth Bill?!ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!Wal-Mart Plan ToUseRFIDSmartTagsRaisesPrivacyConcerns!CNNPushesRFIDMicrochippingAs[...]




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Pingback by All Human Cattle To Be Microchipped By 2017?! Mass Conditioning For 666ByIlluministMSM!Socio-Economics History Blog | September 2, 2010 3. [...]also:ElectromagneticPulseCanBeUsedToDisruptMoralityInTheHumanBrain! ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!AMagneticField Applied to the Brain Can Alter PeoplesSenseofMorality!JesseVentura:[...] Pingback by Nick Begich: Mind Control Technology (Coast To Coast AM) SocioEconomics History Blog | September 10, 2010 4. Hi i am also chipped. I was in a psychiatric prison. When i went out i hear voices in my head They told me u cant scan it and it will never be found Plz react (srry i am from belgium) Pieter Comment by Pieter vc | September 16, 2010 5. Wow. I urge everyone to read this & then think about everything that is going on in our world today with people getting sick & dying at an alarming rate. Think about this supposed slump in the economy that is supposedly responsible for so many of us losing our jobs after being with a company for umpteen years. Think about the powerlessness we all have without jobs, money or health care. Think about the new disorders that the med. industry has come up with & the potential reasons for why they are spreading false information to the public & nonconsensually dispensing RFID chips to everyone & then paying folks to watch us & hurt us with DEW. This is all very expensive! Think about this before you refuse to read this article or refuse to believe this is happening to everyone, not just overtly targeted individuals. They call it covert harassment because it is designed to target unknowing victims & those that figure it out get punished more heavily with more targeting to control them from telling others! Comment by cindy | October 9, 2010 6. If they want to obtain such and keep people from say yes to jesus christ or speaking of him that must prove that the word of god is very powerful and not wanted to be heard by satan and the devils that are right out of the pits of Hell anyway trying to to keep jesus out shows that he disturbs the devil. Comment by Jeff Ramey | December 18, 2010 7. [...](CoastToCoastAM)ElectromagneticPulseCanBeUsedToDisruptMoralityInThe HumanBrain!ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!A Magnetic Field Applied to the Brain Can Alter PeoplesSenseofMorality!JesseVentura:[...] Pingback by Stephen Lendman: Electromagnetic Frequency Mind Control Weapons! Socio-Economics History Blog | January 5, 2011 8. [...](CoastToCoastAM)ElectromagneticPulseCanBeUsedToDisruptMoralityInThe HumanBrain!ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!A Magnetic Field Applied to the Brain Can Alter PeoplesSenseofMorality!JesseVentura:[...] Pingback by Dr. Nick Begich: The Technologies of Political Control Over Its People! Socio-Economics History Blog | January 6, 2011 9. [...] By Banksters 666RFIDMicrochippingToBeginIn36MonthsUnderNewHealth Bill?!ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!Wal-Mart Plan ToUseRFIDSmartTagsRaisesPrivacyConcerns!CNNPushesRFIDMicrochippingAs[...] Pingback by William Pawelec: The Secret Government Has Made Billions of Implantable RFID Microchip Above Black Projects, UFO Alien Visitation Crafts, Electro-Gravitic (Anti-Gravity) . Socio-Economics History Blog | January 8, 2011 10. [...] By Banksters 666RFIDMicrochippingToBeginIn36MonthsUnderNewHealth Bill?!ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!Wal-Mart Plan ToUseRFIDSmartTagsRaisesPrivacyConcerns!CNNPushesRFIDMicrochippingAs[...] Pingback by Katherine Albrecht: Spychips, Implantable RFID 666ChipsComingTo America! Socio-Economics History Blog | February 19, 2011 11. [...](CoastToCoastAM)ElectromagneticPulseCanBeUsedToDisruptMoralityInThe HumanBrain!ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!A Magnetic Field Applied to the Brain Can Alter PeoplesSenseofMorality!JesseVentura:[...] Pingback by Are U.S. Government Microwave Mind-Control Tests Causing TV PresentersBrains To Melt Down? Socio-Economics History Blog | April 4, 2011 12. [...] By Banksters 666RFIDMicrochippingToBeginIn36MonthsUnderNewHealth Bill?!ExplosiveCourtCase:SecretlyForcedRFIDBrainImplants.MindControl!Wal-Mart Plan ToUseRFIDSmartTagsRaisesPrivacyConcerns!CNNPushesRFIDMicrochippingAs[...] Pingback by Alex Jones: Big Brother Unveils Online ID System to Track Your Every Move! Socio-Economics History Blog | April 18, 2011 13. [...] By Banksters 666RFIDMicrochippingToBeginIn36MonthsUnderNewHealth



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