Character / Muse Questionaire

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Character/Muse Questionnaire

Take any of your characters or muses that you are writing and run them through the list of questions below. A writer should know the characters they are giving voice to almost as well as they know a member of their own family or even themselves. The wonderful thing about this particular exercise is that sometimes the answers that you get back from the character can be quite surprising.

Name Also Known As (Nicknames) Age Birthdate Place of Birth Height Weight Body Type Physical Condition Eye Colour Hair Colour and Style Distinguishing Features (choose at least four) Physical Imperfections (Would most like to change) Characteristic Gestures Race Ethnic Group Religion Married / Divorced /Widowed (First, Second Third, etc. and how long for each) Spouse's Occupation Children: Family Background / Lineage Father's Current Status (Living or Deceased) Mother's Current Status (Living or Deceased) Years of Schooling Major and Minor Studies in College (if applicable) Degrees Grades achieved in school Special Occupational Training Skills, Abilities and Talents (Name at least four) Areas of Expertise (Name at least three) Occupation: Past Occupations (list as many as you like) Military Experience Short Term Goals (name three) Long Term Goals (name three)

Short Term Needs (name three) Long Term Needs (name three) General Personality Type Introvert or Extrovert? Eccentricities (name three if you can) Quirks: (however many) IQ Temperament Method of Handling Anger or Rage (Repress? Throw Things? Etc.) Admirable traits Negative Traits Bad Habits / Vices Prejudices Pet Peeves / Gripes Things that Make Uncomfortable or Embarrass Most Painful Things in One's Life Ever Been Arrested (if so, for what?) Arrests, and Convictions: (For what, for how long and sentences received) Medical Condition Political or Social Issues Most Important to Them. Opinion on Abortion Opinion on Environmental Issues Opinion on Homosexuality Opinion on Military Intervention Opinion on Progress Opinion on Crime and Gun Control Opinions Particular to Character Political Party Liberal, Conservative, Middle of the Road, Radical Income Sense of Humor (None, dry, understated, witty, radical, dirty, etc.) Fears (name three) Phobias Manias Physical Illnesses or Afflictions Mental Disturbances Hobbies Interests Sports Favorite Pastimes Favorite TV Shows Favorite Movies Favorite Music Favorite Travel Destination Pets - Do they have any? If so what? Why did they acquire them?

How Important Are They? How do they treat pets? Wild animals, etc.? Drinks Alcohol? How often? Favorite Alcoholic Drink Favorite Meal Favorite Books Diet (Rich, low fat, cholesterol, restaurant, etc.) Favorite Restaurant/Ethnic Food Grooming Posture and Movement: Walk, etc. Attributes about Character that are appealing to the Opposite Sex Sexual Turn Ons Sexual Turn Offs Traumas, Psychological Scars from the Past Clothing Styles, favorite outfits Favorite Pet Sayings / Words / Idiolect: Speaking Style (Talkative, taciturn, soft spoken, loud, formal, casual, accent, fast, slow, etc.) Philosophy on Life Type and Number of Close Friends Best Friend Other Friends Most Crucial Experience (or experiences that helped to mold character's personality or attitude) Home (apartment, tenement building, high rent, low rent, etc.) Decor, hoe so they live? Clean? Neat? Expensive Comfortable? Attractive? Neighborhod Car (or Horse) Colour Drive Fast or Slow / Obey Traffic Laws Major Problems to Solve or Overcome Solutions to Problems Minor Problems to Solve or Overcome Solutions to Problems Character Growth (by end of story) Character Change Lessons Learned Chronology of Actions from start of story to end) Attitudes about Money, (Prudent, Cautious and Saves, Spends, debt? Criminal activities to support bad spending habits) Dancing? Do they enjoy it? Theater? Outdoors? How does this character get along with their spouse? Best Friend? Children? Parents? Siblings? Opposite Sex?

Children in General? Neighbors? People more successful than he or she is? Less Successful than he or she is? Sleep: Who does the character sleep with in the same bed? What time do they wake up? What wakes them up? (Alarm? Dog? Rooster? Wife? Hunger?) What do they do during breakfast? (Read? Talk? Feed Kids?) Dressing: Is it a big deal to get ready in the morning? Do they look forward to or resent the day ahead? Does h e or she give the job honest attention and effort? Does He or She enjoy what they do? Why? Is he or she good at this job? Would He or She rather be doing something else? If so, What? How long and hard is the work day Do they stop for lunch? Where? Eating what typically? With Whom? Does He or She Enjoy the Meal? What does it consist of? What Goes on During Dinner? (Conversation? Fighting? Reading?) Who cleans up? What does your Character do on a typical Evening? Where? With Whom? How Much Does He or She Enjoy it? What would they prefer to be doing? Why Doesnt He or She Do That? Is the Evening Atmosphere, Pleasant? Calm? Tense? Frenetic? Wary Fun etc.? Bedtime: Does he or she go to bed consistently at the same time? What Time? With Whom? When does Bedtime Occur at Different Time Do they fall asleep right away? If No what is He doing in the meantime? Reading? Watching TV? Sex? Tossing and Turning? How much do they enjoy this activity? Does He or She dream a lot, little or never? Are most of his or her dreams scary, pleasant, sexual, etc.? Is any one dream recurrent (yes/no?) Does your character sleep peacefully throughout the night? Restlessly or very badly? What is his or her earliest memory? If they were to suddenly become much richer, what he or she do with the money? What is his or her stated dream in life?

What does he or she really long for? What event are they most afraid of possibly happening? Who does he or she in their wildest deepest soul really love best in the whole world? What would he or she be willing to die for if anything? What does he or she believe about God? About the purpose of life? About an afterlife? What does he or she actively work to gain or keep or protect - not merely say is important, but actually invest time and emotion in - money, fame, family, love, country, revenge, etc. How would he or she describe himself or herself if totally honest? In a single word, how would YOU the author (or Mun) sum up this character/muse's attitude toward the world, interested, optimistic, defeated, Exploitive, compassionate dissatisfied, power mad, controlling, happy, etc. Would your character or muse agree with your assessment Why or Why not?

Dynamic Character": How to Create Personalities that Keep Readers Captivated by Nancy Kress, 1998, Writer's Digest Books Building Believable Characters by Marc McCutcheon, 1996,Writer's Digest Books

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