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Gyuttoshite vol.

1 Translation- Serizawa Tsukasa (Hirakawa Daisuke)

Gyuttoshite vol. 1 This is my first time translating a drama CD by myself, although Ive done other translations before. Still, never translated anything just by ear before whooo. How I felt afterwards in a word? Exhilarated. I feel so proud of myself~ Even if I also feel like I did terribly XD I recently became a fan of Fortissimos adorable drama CDs, and I have to say that this new series is just too darn cute. Everything they do is adorable, but this series has full 3D sound, a new feature for their stuff, making it all the more potent. Then we add in that Hirarin himself can be so very cute, plus this character is cuddly cute and its a deadly combination. Especially since he makes even innocent kisses sound sexy Anyway, this series, Gyuttoshite, features a huggable boyfriend who considers being able to hug you as well one of lifes greatest gifts. There are only two volumes currently released (as of May [day], 2013), so I cant say for certain that this is going to be

entirely consistent, but this volume and volume two are too darn fluffy cute! Your boyfriend in this volume is Serizawa Tsukasa, age 25. Hes your childhood friend from next door is and a sweet older brother type guy, kind and good at cheering people up, especially those he really cares about, yet he has a bit of a mischievous side when he feels like it. Id give him a solid A on the boyfriend material grading scale; hes not a guy youll ever get bored around and he doesnt totally smother, plus hes pretty talented and smart yet believable. It should be noted that both he and you live at home still, at least in the beginning of the album, so youre still next door to one another. As with other Fortissimo albums, he narrates the entire story, sometimes repeating things you say. If you have the album, listen with headphones, because the 3D sound makes it soooo worth it. It should be noted that just Fortissimo always makes it clear when the characters just sleep together and when they do

more than that, so only assume that something happened if its really heavily implied. I left out sound effects here for the most part because Im lazy |D I know it reads a little funny, but again, I was lazy, so I didnt pay too much attention to the flow. As long as its comprehensible, Im good. I kept laughing translating this first track. Yes, Im terrible at English because its my native language and I havent been studying it as a major in college for years. XDD Additional translation notes are at the end. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Track 1: Prologue Youve finished all the questions? Good job. Then lets see what answers you came up with. First problem is correct. Second is unfortunately, incorrect. All right, Ive finished grading your work. Um, for your English tenses, you scored sixty points out of a hundred. Dont look so down! You might not be good at English, but I think you did your best. Dont cry. I understand that youre feeling impatient, but its all right. Youll definitely pass your college application. I guarantee it. After all, I know how hard youve been studying for the entrance exam. Do you remember when you first started studying for the entrance exam? Compared to then, youve learned so much. So have confidence in yourself. You can definitely do it. Good, youve stopped crying. Youll pass the entrance exam in one go, so lets keep working hard, okay? By the way, the college you want most to go to is the one Im attending, isnt it? There are so

many other colleges- why did you pick that one? Eh? You want to go to the same college as me? I see! That makes me really happy. Of course Im happy! Youre like a younger sister to me, after all! Why the sad face? Did I say something wrong? You like me? Its not a nuisance! After all, Ive loved you for the longest time. To be honest, I wanted to tell you so after you entrance exam but you said it first. Yeah. Right now, I want you to focus on your studies, because I want to attend the same college as you. But when youve passed your exam, may I confess to you again? Until then, keep studying hard. Good girl. Now lets continue studying. Track 2: Date at home Ahhh its raining out. And just when we were going to go to the amusement park too I cant help but be disappointed. Still, sometimes a carefree date at home isnt so bad either. Anyway, I should call her and ask what shes planning to do today instead. Hello? Haha, good morning. Did you just wake up? Have you seen the weather outside? Unfortunately, it looks like well have to save the trip to the amusement park for next week. Instead, why not come visit my house? Today my dad and mom went out and arent home right now. Ive got the romance movie you mentioned before, so lets watch it together. Haha, all right, Ill have your favorite orange pekoe tea waiting.

Oh, shes here. Welcome! That was quick, as expected of my neighbor! (1) Have a seat on the couch over there and Ill bring the tea right in. Here you are, enjoy. Is it good? Good. Then how about we start the movie? Hey, is it all right if I sit a little closer? Hugging you like this is so calming. Is it calming for you too? Then for the whole length of the movie Ill keep hugging you. This entire scene where the main character confessed to the heroine was really touching, wasnt it? Would you say words of love like that, you ask? Well its a little embarrassing, but I love you. You are all that I need. May I kiss those adorable lips of yours? Im sorry, the movie ended during that time! Haha, since the movie is over shall we continue? Track 3: A bar at night Its been a while since weve gone on a date after work. Ive been working overtime a lot lately and getting home late. What is it, that youre staring at me like that? Really? If youre saying I look cool, then Im glad I wore this suit. Since youve just returned from work too, your whole atmosphere is different as well. You look amazing. What do you want to drink? This place has many different cocktails to choose from. Hmm, what do you think of the Pink Lady cocktail? Its made of gin, grenadine syrup, lemon juice, and egg whites. As its name suggests, its a pretty pink colored cocktail. Is that good?

A Pink Lady and a gin tonic, please! Since I come here a lot to drink for work related reasons, naturally Ive learned a lot of the tonic names. The atmosphere of this bar is nice, isnt it? One of my seniors from work showed me this place. The cocktails are here. Lets toast. Well? Is it tasty? Im glad you like it! Eh? Youve already drank it all? Eh!? Another!? Excuse me, another Pink Lady please! Here it is. Dont you think your pace is a little fast? Are you all right? If you keep drinking like tha- uwaa!? What is it, hugging me so suddenly? Hey now, people are staring. If youre this sweet when this drunk I dont know if Ill be able to keep my own reason about me. Eh? She fell asleep!? And the atmosphere was just getting good too It cant be helped. Itd be a shame to wake her, so Ill have to carry her home. Barmaster, Id like my check please. Oof It looks like this time your low capacity for alcohol put you out too soon. But youre so cute when drunk. Track 4: Stargazing Here, Ive brought hot cocoa. Drink this to warm up. Well? Are you a bit warmer now? Youre still shivering poor thing. I know, Ill hug you and warm you up that way. The last time we did this, we search for the constellation Leo. Back then we were both just in elementary school (2) and snuck out of our

houses together, but we got caught by our parents when they came to find us. We didnt get to see it in the end You said, We didnt get to see a shooting star! and cried so much. Ive never forgotten that. (3) Thats why this time I was determined to show you Leo. Ah! A shooting star! Look, another, and another shooting start! Its so beautiful! Thats right! If you spot a shooting star, youre supposed to make a wish! So, what did you wish for? I wished to always be with you, of course. Track 5: A depressed day Hello? Calling at this hour whats the matter? You made a big mistake at work and they got mad at you? If youre that upset, Ill come over right away. Wait just a bit. Dont worry about me. If things are hard for you, I want to be at your side. Ill be there soon. Good evening! May I enter your room? Youve been crying on your bed, havent you? May I lay next to you? Ill hold you like this until youve calmed down. Will you tell me just what happened? So something like that happened I see. Even though you worked so hard, you still messed up. You know, when I first started work where I am now, I made the same mistake you did. The customer got mad, and I was really depressed about it.

"Failure is the mother of success." In other words, you can learn from this failure and get it right next time. Youll feel much better then. See, youll be all right. I know youll get it right next time. It looks like your tears have stopped. Thank goodness. If youre ever having a hard time, just call me and Ill come running right to you. If its all right with you could we sleep like this together in your bed? Somehow the thought of parting right now makes me feel lonely. Thank you. If youre here with me, Im certain Ill have a wonderful dream. Good night. Track 6: Memory album You can come in! Welcome, I was just looking at a photo album from when we were young. Would you like to look through it together? We were as close as family, so there are lots of pictures of us together. Look, do you remember this photo? Its from the first time we went to the ocean together. "We were at the ocean but there are no pictures of me swimming," you say? Thats because you didnt actually go in the water. "The waves are so scary!" you cried and put up a real fuss. Eventually, instead of swimming, we had supper in the house by the ocean and went home. Well, thinking back on it now, it was still a fun memory. Oh, look! This ones so nostalgic. Its a picture of you giving me a kiss. Whats more, it wasnt just the one time, but lots of times~

You dont remember? When we were little, you always wanted to kiss me. I want a kiss, a kiss! youd say all the time. Just like back then, weve kissed so many times Are you embarrassed? Then Ill Well? Do you remember from when we were young yet? Your reactions after I kiss you are too cute. I want to see more of them. Track 7: Cooking together Hmm ground beef, onions, nutmeg, potatoes and carrots canned corn, milk, and fresh cream. Today well be making hamburgers (4) and corn soup! Thats right, your favorite foods. Our families will be having lunch together today. Usually I cook by myself, but what new wind is blowing that youd want to cook with me? You want to show me your home skills? Hahaha! Im sorry, its just that Ive never seen you cook before! All right, if you insist, Ill observe your cooking skills! Lets finishing shopping quickly so we can return home. Okay! All the ingredients are gathered, so we can finally start cooking! Hmm, why dont you start by mincing the onions? Heres the kitchen knife for the onions. Take care not to cut your hand. In the meantime, Ill take care of chopping up the other vegetables. Hmm? Whats the matter? Youre handling the kitchen knife very stiffly. Is it because you dont know how to mince the onions?

Haha, I thought you wanted to show me how well you cook. Im only joking. Dont worry, Ill show you how to cut them properly. If you can tolerate me standing behind you like this, we can chop these together. Being this close together makes the heart race a little, doesnt it? First, you need to slice the top off of the onion, after which you skin it. Next, cut it in half and then lengthwise, and then slice it finely. Right, just like that. Now turn it sideways and lay it down, after which you chop firmly in a downward motion. See, thats how you mince it. Well done! Try doing the next one on your own. Youre very welcome. You know, being able to cook together is really great, isnt it? Its sort of like were newlyweds. So just like newlyweds would chuu~ Track 8: A cold What shop should we visit next? Hmm? Your face is really red. Now that I think about it, you havent been as energetic as usual since this morning. Do you maybe have a fever? Hold on a moment, Ill check your forehead for a temperature. I knew it, you have an awful fever! Why didnt you say anything!? You idiot! We can go on a date anytime! Ill hail a taxi and well head right home. Lets go to your room. You should climb in bed straight away. Until your parents come home,

Ill stay right here with you so you wont be lonely. Ill get you some cold medicine. Is there anything else you want? There should be pudding in the fridge? All right, Ill just be a moment. Sorry for the wait. Here are the pudding and cold medicine. First, the pudding. Ill feed it to you. Are you all right with leaning against me? If Im holding you from behind, I can support you. Here, say ahh. Is it tasty? I see, thank goodness. Here, another bite. Say ahh again! Now for the cold medicine. Heres some water and the medicine. It looks like youve finally fallen asleep. Even though you werent feeling well, you still pushed yourself to go on a date with me thank you. But you shouldnt be so careless, especially not for me. Please, recover from your cold quickly. Track 9: At the Hot Spring Resort Wow, what a luxurious supper! As expected of a top class hot spring resort! Now we can eat! But first, a toast! Mmm, this Thai sashimi is so fresh and delicious! Its from the nearby harbor. Good, Im glad youre satisfied. Before now, weve been to a lot of French and Italian restaurants for your birthday, havent we? Thats why I thought that for a change of pace wed go to a hot spring resort. Besides, Ive wanted to come with you to one for a long time.

Ahhh, that was delicious. Are you full now? Now that weve eaten supper, why not enter the hot spring? This rented room has an open air bath- lets go together. When we were young, we used to bathe together a lot, didnt we? Here Ill help you take off your yukata. Lets go. Ahhh theres so much room here. This is paradise, paradise. Your skin is so pale and beautiful and so smooth. Are you embarrassed that I can see your body? Then if I embrace you like this, I cant see your body. Hugging while wearing nothing feels very good, doesnt it? I love you. Thanks to kissing you like this, I really want you. I think we should get out soon If we want to continue, well have to exit the bath Track 10: The next morning Good morning. Did you sleep well? Yesterday I was able to show you just how much I love you. (5) Right now Im very happy Youre so cute when embarrassed. I really want to be able to greet the morning with you like this from now on. Haha, Im not talking about coming to the harbor again together. What I mean is that I want to graduate from being just your neighbor. In other words I want to live together, with you as my bride.

Yes. I treasure being with you so much Will you marry me? Thank you for wanting to be my bride. Im so glad that we can become a real family. I love you, my adorable wife. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ Translation Notes: 1- He actually says, Otonari-san, so its more like Miss Next Door, but that sounds so odd 2- For those of you outside the USA, somewhere in the range of 5-12 years 3- lit, Ive kept that in my heart this whole time. 4- Japanese hamburgers are a little different from what were used to when we think of hamburgers. Theyre served without a bun and covered in a special sauce, usually with rice or sometimes potatoes as a side. Go HERE (

hambaagaa-japanese-hamburgers) for an easy recipe. 5- Theres got to be a better way to translate ai shi aete than that Thanks meruhincet for catching what he said at the start of track 7; I seriously just couldnt HEAR him OTL Listened to it like fifteen times and gave up. (Plus I dont like corn soup so I wouldnt know how to make it ^^;;) Final notes: Gah huge chunks of this seem soooo much more perverted when you cant hear how shyly or gently hes talking. Tsukasa is not a perverthes a man in love and is a bit of a romantic, plus hes very honest. Hes so very cute and sweet and without voicing, a lot of that is lost. Anyway, this went faster than I realized it would. I think Im going to get started on the next album very soon

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