Azusa Mukami Diabolik Lovers More Blood Translation

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[translation] Diabolik Lovers More Blood vol 4 (Mukami Azusa) cv: Kishio Daisuke

Aug. 17th, 2013 at 8:03 PM

I come with another translation~~~ Now i bring you another Diabolik Lovers, vol 4, Mukami Azusa. Yeah, the doSM vampire boy. He is S, but he si M too, he is too twisted to decide XDDDDD The seiyuu for this volume is no other than our very Kaname-senpai in Vampire Knight, Kishio Daisuke-san imagine kaname being M is quite a turn off for me LOL I think he done a very good job there... with those M-side of him... when the heroine cut him it feels like a real thing >.< and his every sighs and breathings killing me Ok I should stop ranting. i think you should hear this one. vampire? doM? where else you could fine this amazing thing? LOLOL

Track 1 Chasing Up, Catching Up 00:08 Is that her? The one that Ruki said, the sample girl. 00:20 Whats wrong? You suddenly run away. Is it possibly that youre running from me? Thats impossible, right? But because youre running away, I should chase you. Hey, why are you running away? Hey, I said! Why? 00:59 Dont follow me! you said? Why? Why did you say something like that? I just told to catch and bring you back, so, I was just run and try to catch you up. Wait! Are you okay? I wont do something awful to you. Relax. Im not lying. So hey plea- wai-! Its painful. *Azusa was fall to the ground. The heroine stop running and turn away, slowly get close to Azusa* 02:13 *heavily breathing* I cant breath You Didnt you want to run away...? You come back? Are you worried about me? Youre so kind but.... caught you! *Azusa putting some handcuffs on heroine*

Title : Diabolik Lovers More Blood vol 4 (Mukami Azusa) Produced by : Rejet >>> Seiyuu : Kishio Daisuke-san Rating : Hm, still don't know the original rating, but i should recommend for 17 y.o or more. Warning: as i said before i'm not a japanese or english native speakers, so there will be mistakes in translation or grammar. i'd appreciate if you point it to me. i'm super happy for your comments too, but my heart is not designed for abusing critics, so keep it and give me some advice instead :) ~

02:56 Its meaningless to be so violent like that. The handcuffs wont be undone. Eh? Why did I do something like this? Thats Ive told you, havent I? I was ordered to catch and bring you back home. 03:25 Before was just an act. Its because you were running away. Sorry. I know that lying is something bad to do. But it cant be helped. Because I promised, and I wont break it. 03:58 You asked who I promise to? I promised to Ruki and my other siblings that I would bring you back home. So, Im sorry. Now, lets go! 04:24 Eh? You asked who I am? Im sorry I forget to mention my name. I am Mukami Azusa. Because weve done self-introduction, lets go! Whats wrong? If you listen to what I told you, I wont do anything. Lets go! *Azusa pulling the heroine* 05:07 It hurts? Hm? Why? Is it because I pull you along? Even though its hurt, you feel good right? So, its fine. You dont have to worry. If being dragged is hurting you then, next time, should I get something too? But, since we have to go back now, I have to endure it. But, maybe a little bit pain would be good? But it will take some time to do so. 06:17 Hm? Did you say something? Ah, sorry. You said not to drag you? But we cant go if youre not being dragged. What? Youre wounded so it hurt? So youre injured? Track 2 Mukami Azusa 00:03 Show me your wound! No. But if I dont see 00:13 I cant? Why? That cant be. Hey, please. Its okay to see right? Now Ive seen it. Because youre being dragged, your thigh is scratched. Is

it hurt? Of course, right? Your blood, is oozing out. *chuckle* What a cute wound. 00:54 Hey, can I touch it? Hm? Why cant I? You said, if I touch it, it will be hurt? I see. It hurt, right? So its fine then? Its okay if I touch it. L ook, I touched it. Looks so painful. So much blood seeping out. So good to be hurt. And your blood, have a really good fragrance. Hey, you still feel the pain? Should I give you more? 02:05 Why are you trembling? You like it right? Those Sakamaki guys alwa ys did it with you, dont they? Something like this? Hey, this scar, can I touch it and make it more painful? Its ok right? Look like this *chuckle* 02:42 What did I do? Im just doing something like this to your abrading wound. Ah your blood are oozing out again It looks so painful Hey, it hurt right? Ah, so good. 03:09 Ah, no good. Its no good If I dont quickly take you home. But, I want to play with you more. Moreover, if we come home late, things will become more exciting. Now we get the reason so we can be hit by the others. They must be angry to us well be hit, and kicked. *laugh* 03:49 Moreover, your blood seems so delicious. Its okay if I suck it a little, right? Hey, let me suck it your blood. I cant? You always reject me. Do you hate me? But, I like you. I love you. So you and I should accept it. You asked what would that mean? That means something like this. 04:55 It hurt? I see. It hurt, right? Now, Ill try to open your wound with my nail. You like to be hurt like this, dont you? The same as me. I see. You and I are similar. Right? 05:34 Im surprised. Just now, you wanted to knock me out? I see. Hey, more! You should hit me

stronger with all your might!(*) You dont have to restraint yourself. 06:09 Why? Its not like I hate it. I want you to assault me more! You too didnt hate it, did you? I knew it. Ah, I see. If I dont hurt you and make you feel good, I wont feel good as well. Right? Fine? Ill give you more paint. Its something that you like right? I can tell it by your blood scent. 07:05 Ah because last time I opened your cut with my nail, now your blood are gushing out. Its a waste. Ill lick your blood. *lick* Delicious. *lick* You want to die? It hurt? It will be more painful from now on. Youre happy, arent you? Track 3 Hurt Me? 00:07 Lets do it more, so later I can see the scar properly! Its ok right? No? But I want to see the scar sorry *lick* So this is your blood? The choosen blood. So sweet. 00:51 The others must be angry. Because I taste your blood first. Hey, is that true that theres something in your blood? Hm? You dont know too? I see. I just heard that theres some secret in your blood, but actually I dont really know. Sorry. 01:38 But, even though I dont know about your blood, I know about yourself. Now, Ill give you some more pain. Ok? Because I like painful things. You too right? See, because your thighs are so tender, when I thrust my fangs into you, it sure will be painful, wont it? *bite* 02:18 If I thrust my fangs into this wound, it surely will be hellish. So envious *bite* Its okay f I do more, right? Hey, If I hurt you more, will you do the same to me? Ok? *bite* 03:20 My body suddenly felt so light, your blood will be working soon right? Next is your turn. Do something to me too, something painful.

Anything will do. See, like this, strike me with your fist. You can suddenly hit me, with all your might. Quickly! I cant endure it anymore. You can do it right? Come on! 04:12 Im fine with it. As the proof, here, look! Here is the wound from Yuuma hit me yesterday. Numerous time, with all his might. And here is the scar where Kou had pressed me with hot iron. Its because I did something awful to him. He said it was a revenge. But actually I did it on purpose. Because I want to be hurt. And then this is a scar of Ruki cut me. Therefore the scars was added one by one in my body. Somewhat I thought of this scar as something dearly for me. 05:25 You too, arent you? As the proof, here! Im interested from before, this fangs scar in your nape so envious this, is theirs (The Sakamakis) right? So painful that you were feeling good, werent you? Hey, I want you to bite me too. Ok? Hey, with all your heart, youll hurt me. Ok? Come on, quickly! 06:22 Its different from us, this vampire scent. To be bitten by sharp vampire fangs, surely, it must be painful right? Because, it pierces through your flesh, and breaks your nerve and bone. Ah with the same manner nail pierces your skin. Hmm It must be a painful that beyond words to describe. Right? 07:08 Hey, here! With all your might. Its unfair if youre the only one who feel good. Hey, here. Its a shame that its not fangs. Hm? Whats wrong? Youre so surprised. Hm? My body is filled with scars? Are you envy me? *chuckle* They are all my important scars. Hey, from now, Ill bite you, and you too will bite me. Its ok, right? Track 4 The Matched Ring 00:04 Now, beside this scar, Ill give you another one. You should anticipate it. *suck* Next is your turn! As you please, hurry up! *suck* Hey why dont you hurt me with all your heart? If I put my finger inside your mouth, will you bite it? You will, wont you? Here, with all your might! Its fine if you use

your teeth. Im getting excited. It must be really painful, right? Here! *The Heroine bite Azusas finger* 01:39 *chuckle*It hurt! *chuckle* Look, in my finger, theres your teeth mark. As if It is like our rings. That must be it right? I see. You and I must be lead by fate. In your finger too, can I make a scar that looks like a ring? I can right? With this were match. *bite* 02:39 I was biting you a little too much. I carelessly bit you too much here. But, you felt good right? What do you think? I too because of your blood, become absent-minded. Look. The scar-ring that matched with me? Your blood is still flowing. *lick* 03:34 Is it hurt? I see. But you still want more, arent you? Your body seems to expect it. I know it. You and I both are hoping for pain. Thats really great right? Im happy. Being able to meet you in this world, can be something joyful. You are the same, arent you? Lets declare this happiness more! Right, you too, stab me with all your heart! 04:27 This handcuff, were no longer need it right? Can I remove it? I can? Ok. Ill remove it from you. *As Azusa remove the handcuff, the Heroine suddenly run away and hide. 04:46 Where are you going? Hey. I understand. I see. You want to play hide and seek? You want to enjoy this night with me more? Fine. You and I are getting closer. Playing hide and seek is meaningless. Ill know your position. See. Youre here! 05:38 Are? Do you still want to run away? Should I enjoy it a little more? Ok. No matter how far you go, Ill catch you. Track 5 I Love You Though 00:02

I found you. Youre caught *laugh* 00:19 It hurt from my hand the blood the wound that you incised on me *chuckle*. It hurt 00:37 I see I think that you can play like this with me. *lick* Delicious but now, I want to lick your blood. 01:08 *lick* Caught you! For sure now! Ah, we fell youre too quick to catch. Isnt it boring? Im sorry. So, you can hit me with all your strength. Hm? You wont hit me? Why? I want to be hit. Hit me! Can you? *The Heroine slaps Azusa* 02:03 That cant hurt me! Moreover, why are you trembling? Scary? Me? Why? 02:18 Even though I love you. I wont do something frightening to you. Because being bitten is good right? 02:42 So, dont tremble! Hey, actually you knew it. Right? Hey, remember my fangs taste! Ill make you remember it. Come, look at me! Track 6 Pleasure Beside Pain 00:03 It feels really good. You too right? You still lack of my bite marks right? So, Ill give you more pain with all my heart. *suck* Your wrist is delicious too. *suck* Now, you have a bracelet in your wrist. But, when I give you joy, I feel good too. I found something good. Your blood is awesome. 01:32 There are also something that can make me feel good beside getting hurt. Im shocked. Hey, did you feel it too? Then, Ill do it more. I can right? Next, Ill suck you here *tearing sound*

02:07 Ah what a beautiful body. But I can found their (The Sakamakis) bite marks here and there. Finally the scars that I made, can join them too. Right? Youll let me right? First, should I start with your Achilles bone? *suck* Overflowing *suck* This is the proof that you were feeling good. 03:17 My body suddenly feel senseless. Its weird. But, I want to make you feel good. Moreover I want your blood more *suck* 04:10 Your smooth skin was filled with scars. So envious This is the proof of pleasure. I knew it. *suck* It keeps flowing, your hot-sweet blood. *suck* I feel really good. *suck* 05:28 My body seems to be full. It should be full already. But somehow Im not satisfied yet. Something like this *suck* 06:06 I feel good. I know you feel good too. Dont hide it! Hey, its true, right? Drinking your blood, could make me feel this good. Somehow I become to hate those fellow who suck your blood before, because they swarmed over you. Before I didnt have this kind of feeling. But, I become not wanting to lose you. What is this feeling? 07:19 Again and again I want to engraved your whole body with my fangs. No, even inside your body too. I want to hurt you, that youre mine. I want everyone to recognize that youre mine too. Not to mention, you, and your blood, theyre all mine. Right? *chuckle* 08:00 That enchanted face so cute let out that face more for me Track 7 I Wont Let You Go 00:06 I wont let you go. To the other guys, and also to them (The Sakamakis). I wont give you back to

them. I want a proper answer from you too. Please? Hit me properly, receiving a wound for me is an answer. If its too difficult to hit me, then with this knife, cut me! Like the way I injured you, I want you to engrave such wound in my body too. 01:06 Grip the knife properly! Hey, whats wrong? You dont have any strength? Is it because you feeling too good? I see. Then lets do it like this! With my bandage, lets bond your hands together. With this, you can wound me, right? Youre happy, arent you? Now, wound me here! On my neck! If you hurt me here, everyone can see the scar right? Right? Cut me.. cut! Cut me! 02:10 The scar I get from you, I want to show it to everyone. Because I want to give you many scars too! Right? Hey, like this 02:32 It hurt but, *chuckle* it feels so good really good! Is it because I sucked your blood? It might be. Somehow I feel like being too sensitive. I feel better than usual. I have never feel like this before. More hurt me more will you? Come on! 03:27 Im too joyous. The scar you gave me. Ill give you my bite marks more *suck* usually I dont feel the heat, my body is hot you too feel the same right? Is this my true desires form? Is that so? *chuckle* it seems you too feeling really good. Track 8 You Like Me, Dont You? 00:05 Your cheek, and your lips both are so red if we keep like this, Ill end up eat you. *kiss* Ah, lets eat you. *suck* Your lips dyed with blood. It become more bright red. *suck* 01:11 While sucking your blood, I feel like Im being reborn slowly. What does it mean? You dont know? I see. The others, when they touched by your blood, did they become like this too? 01:52

In this condition, if I bring you back home, youll be no longer mine. I dont want it. No Hey, you dont want it too right? Ok, I decided. Lets lock you in my secret place! You too like the idea right? If we do that, youll stay to be only mine. 02:42 That blood sure will drive everyone crazy. It will make everyone drunk. You dont want to be sucked by everyone, do you? 03:00 You cant go anywhere again, you know? But theres still possible if someone find and take you away. So, its better if you bind with this handcuff with me. Now, its already put in my wrist too. With this, we became one. If you want to break away from this handcuffs, you should consider to kill me. It is either cut your wrist or mine. *laugh* 03:56 Somehow I feel reassured. What is it, if were not bonded together like this, there must be someone out there wholl hurt you. The only one who can give you scar is me, and youre the only one who can hurt me too. 04:34 It shows how much I love you. You too, love me right? Dont be confused. Say it, that you love me! 04:53 Right you love me. 05:00 Youre not trembling anymore. Its because you finally understand me? Im so glad. I want to tell you more, with this fangs, things about me Track 9 Lots of Wounds 00:05 Now, where do you want to suck? Your inside part of mouth become cuter. 00:20 I am seeking for your blood right? The places that you want me to suck, should I aim t it? Here? *smirk* Here? Feel it! Your breast looks so delicious. I want to suck you until theres

nowhere in your body my fangs not familiar with. Every nook and corner, I want to be full by sucking you with my fangs *suck* 01:15 *suck* More your blood I want to taste it *suck* I want to discover more of your blood. *suck* 02:03 As expected, If I wound you so much, will they (The Sakamakis) lost their interest in you? Whats wrong? Your body is twitching. Youre feeling to good until you about to fly? Or, do you still want more? I see. Thats fine. Me too havent satisfied yet. Its strange. I sucked your blood, but it feels like it was just vanished away in my body. 03:05 Then how about with that knife, lets check my inner body? It would be hurt so much, right? Give me more wound. And with that only part, Ill become to love you. The part that I became to love, Ill let you suck it. Its ok right? Come on! Because you wont move, then Ill be the one who do it. *Azusa hurt himself* 04:07 So painful Another wound was made look at my body! The wound that you gave is getting more and more. *Azusa hurt himself again* 04:36 *laugh* My blood is flowing. This one and this one too, is the wound that you gave me. Right, hey my blood, will you lick it? Youre only being sucked by me. Like this, I have already sucked your blood so much. If you lick my blood, it must be really good. Right? Now, drink! *The heroine licks Azusas blood* 05:40 How? Hm? Bitter? I see. I myself dont know it. So my blood is bitter? Your blood is really sweet. Too sweet that my throat is about to burn. This sweetness is the first time for me. *suck*

06:34 I dont know about the others, but, I love you. I really love you. Its not like I just wanted your blood. I want to hurt you, and I want to be hurt. If we can ascertain our love with this, it would be really good. *laugh* 07:22 The wound you gave me, is really painful. How about you? The wound from me, is it painful? Your blood is still coming out. How far it went to? Hey, can I lick it? I can right? *lick* Delicious. I dont want to give it to anyone. This blood, I want to monopolize it. Hey, will you promise me that youll be only mine? Will you? We have promised with our injured fingers. 08:46 But to bind promise is with pinky finger. Right? I want to hurt your pinky finger. My pinky fingers, emotionally, hurt me with your bite marks! Hey, its fine right? Hey! 09:25 That clueless face! Are your sense still hindering you? Until you have no sense, can I make you feel good? That must be it. 09:56 I see. I was invited by you. Right? Then, Ill give you more pleasure! With my fangs, Ill keep searching for pleasure inside you. Track 10 Love Me 00:04 Ah it smeared with blood completely. Because theres still some place that my fangs not familiar with, I should suck you more. 00:35 Your back is as expected, so white. This bite marks here, is theirs as well isnt it? So pitiful but, with my fangs, Ill add new wound above this scar. *suck* 01:38 More? *lick* You want me to do it stronger? Fine. *suck* It feels like a wave. Your pleasure, and your fear, say that it is really good! 02:23

My body is shivering. My head inside become white, and it would like to explode. And that will be repeating again and again. But I will need your blood again. I cant think anything beside that. You too, right? 03:01 The one that make me, my brothers, and the other guys happy to be given by, this is the first time I know about it. When I hurt you, and when I can suck your blood, Its not a big deal though. But, I think of it as an awesome thing. 03:39 From now on, I just want to be hurt by only you. Is it ok? Right? Like this 04:02 It hurt it really hurt but, its really wonderful. Look, now, the knife in your hands, had cut my palm. The blood is gushing out! *laugh* This wound is my treasure. Mine only. No one can steal it from me. So, I want to make the same wound to you, with this fangs. Your blood is important, but to me that scar is also important. 05:29 Your nape smells so good The natural scent that you bring with you. It mixed with your blood smell. *suck* 06:02 No, I still cannot fly. Its too early to go to heaven. *suck* 06:26 No, You cant! I cannot forgive that. Look here! Look at my face! 06:50 Hm now you can see my face. whats wrong? Sleepy? No way you cant sleep! You have to see me. See, like this Ill kiss you *kiss* 07:44 *laugh* I still want your blood. Can i? Why are you seducing me like this? Youre a bad girl! But, I love you. 08:14

*suck* Hey, look at that! Its a full moon! Since when it came out? Somehow, its not usual that I so excited over a mere blood. Of course, it have nothing to do with your blood power. 08:57 Ah so beautiful shone by the moon, your bright red-face coated by blood, when I think that I am the one who made you like this, I become unbearably excited. Hey, how about you? Your feelings move a little? *laugh* 09:39 Is it possible that we have become comrade? But I dont care about that anymore. Whatever you are, doesnt concern me. Being as yourself, as long as you have those blood inside you. 10:14 Let me here once again. Do you like me? Right? You like me right? Good. Im happy. Its a mutual feelings then. Right? So, I want to make you feel more good. So you too, should hurt me more. Please! You have to love me!

(*) Azusa said DON as an onomatopoeia (words that represent sound). Im not quite familiar with it, when I search it on internet, it has several meanings, so I assumed that the heroine want to knock out Azusa by hitting him. If you want to know more about onomatopoeia, you can visit ( or search on google, they have tons of it ^^

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