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Highspire Borough Council Minutes

April 17, 2013

Council President Kay Sutch called the Highspire Borough Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. The prayer was offered by Member Marie Hoch then followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken: Council Members Present:

Carolee Roman Charles Dengler Marie Hoch Michael Anderson Tyler Thatcher Dorothy Matesevac A Kay Sutch John Hoerner John McHale John Ingiosi Von Hess Deanna Proctor Dave DeLuce Robert Lauriello

Mayor: Borough Manager: Public Works Superintendant: Authority Member: Administrative Assistant: Borough Solicitor: Borough Engineer:

Mayor Hoerner presented the 2013 Citizen of the Year Award to Robert D. Condon. Minutes President Sutch presented the meeting minutes from the March 19, 2013 Council Meeting and asked for questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the March 19, 2013 Council Meeting minutes was made by Member Matesevac and seconded by Member Anderson. Motion approved unanimously. Financial Reports President Sutch presented the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of March 2013 and asked if there were any questions regarding them. Hearing none, a motion to accept the Treasurers Report and Financial Statements for the month of March 2013 was made by Member Anderson and seconded by Member Roman. Motion approved unanimously. Mayors Report Mayor Hoerner noted he attended the following meetings and events: 3/21 School Board meeting; 3/26 EAB meeting and Zoning Hearing Board meeting; 3/29 Highspire Community Good Friday Service; 4/6 Dauphin County Commissioners Jeff Haste and Mike Pries fundraising event; 4/8 Fire Department TMI table top exercise; 4/9 2013 State of the County Address; 4/11 Bicentennial meeting; 4/13 attended the Steelton Highspire school play.

Police Department Report President Sutch presented the Police Department Report for the month of March and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the March Police Department Report could be filed. Fire Department Report President Sutch presented the Fire Department Chief report for March and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none, she noted that the March Fire Department Chief could be filed. President of the Fire Company Shirley Sundy noted that the hose testing went well as well as the ladder testing. However, a lot of their hose did not pass inspection and will need to replace it. They contacted Representative Kim who will contact other Representative to see if other departments have any unused hoses that they can help out with. She also noted that the department received an accommodation letter and plaque for helping other departments. She noted that the TMI Drill went very well on the fire department side. President Sutch noted that it was very nice to see all the fire department personnel who arrived at the Borough to help complete and support the TMI drill exercise. South Central Emergency Medical Services Report President Sutch presented the South Central Emergency Medical Services report for March and asked if there were any questions regarding it. Hearing none she noted that the March report could be filed. Citizens Comments None Correspondence A memo from the Dauphin County Office of Community & Economic Development announcing the 2014 CDBG Program. Manager McHale noted that with all the funding available the Borough should take the opportunity to apply for funding to help with street repairs. Motion made by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Anderson to allow staff to work with Rettew and coordinate the funding opportunities available and put together a 2014 CDBG grant application. Motion approved unanimously. A letter from Kenneth Glaser, 395 Market Street, requesting an exemption from Real Estate Taxes as a Disabled Veteran. This property is already exempt as this is just part of the renewal process and required no action at this time. A letter from several of the Business Owners located in Highspire Borough asking Council to allow them the ability to negotiate their own trash collection contracts. Manager McHale noted that the current contract ends at the end of this year and the Solicitor along with the Sanitation Committee will need to develop the new contract.

A letter from Steelton Borough announcing the date for their 2013 Steelton Veterans Appreciation Day Parade on Saturday, May 11, 2013 at 2:00 pm. A letter from Jerry Beaver, Exelon Emergency Prep, announcing the Senators Game for volunteer radiological emergency workers and their families, Friday, May 3. Committee Reports Public Facilities Member Matesevac noted that the tulips are blooming in the planters and two planters have been moved due to the traffic signal being installed. She also asked what was going on at the bridge at Memorial Park. It was noted that PennDot is repairing the bridge. Sanitation Committee Member Dengler had nothing to report. Bi-Centennial Committee Member Matesevac presented the banners that were sold in conjunction with the bicentennial. She noted that they would be hung on Second Street within the next few weeks. Finance/Administration Member Roman had nothing to report. Personnel Member Roman had nothing to report. Community Development Member Hoch had nothing to report. Public Safety Committee Member Anderson had nothing to report. Staff Activity Reports Manager McHale noted that the Finance committee has met to discuss the options regarding a new bucket truck. He noted that in the packet is the breakdown of leasing a new truck. Finance Chairman Member Roman asked for a motion to purchase a new bucket truck from Hoffman to replace the old white bucket truck for the Highway Department. Purchase price to be $56,255.36, based on costar pricing and as described in the proposal prepared by staff. The bucket truck is to be purchased using a lease purchase through 911 Leasing, with the purchase price to be paid over a 5yr/6yr period. First payment due at the time of delivery; the 2013 budget authorizes the replacement of the blue ford tractor and leaf collection. Staff recommends the tractor replacement be put on hold until next year and the expense of the lease payment be split between the General Fund and the Property & Equipment PLGIT as described in 430.327 of the Budget for the equipment. Motion made by Member Hoch, seconded by Member Matesevac. Motion carried unanimously. Manager McHale noted that the Open House for the new addition is scheduled for June 8 from 2:00 5:00 pm. Invitations will be mailed out to the town representatives. He also noted that the Police Department switched over to a County wide police records system. President Sutch noted that she had talked to Chris Knarr regarding funding for the Wilson House to help pay for repairs. She noted that he did some research on funding which she will pass along to the Historical Society. Manager McHale noted that staff opened a new bank account at Citizens Bank for the Highspire Veterans Memorial Park project. Public Works Superintendent John Ingiosi noted that the rainspouts at the new garage have been installed and that Codes Officer Terry Watts is working on the concrete quotes for the garage.

Motion made by Member Thatcher, seconded by Member Anderson to approve the Staff Activity Reports for April. Motion approved unanimously. Solicitors Report Solicitor DeLuce had nothing to report but requested an executive session to discuss legal matters. Engineers Report Engineer Rob Lauriello noted that United Water has submitted the road cut permits for Rhoda Ave where they will be lowering the water line at Rhoda and Hammaker. He noted that UGI will coordinate their work for lowering their lines with the contractor when the project goes out to construction. He noted that they still have not heard from the County regarding the 2013 CDBG awards. He noted that the traffic signal project is ongoing and being completed with hopefully a completion date by the end of the month. Old Business None New Business Motion moved by Member Hoch, seconded by Member Dengler, to approve a request from Lower Swatara Twp Municipal Authority to return overpayments to the O&M Account based on the 2011 Audit. Refund Amounts Lower Swatara Authority, $139,003; Highspire Sewer Admin - $78,192. Motion approved unanimously. Motion moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Dengler, to approve a request in the amount of $1,046 from the Neighborhood Watch to purchase supplies needed for the 2013 National Night Out on August 6, 2013; funds to be paid out of the Recreation Fund. Motion approved unanimously. Motion made by Member Hoch, seconded by Member Anderson to approve a request from Roxanne Julian, 231 Penn Street, to give her credit towards her sewer bill for plumber costs incurred due to a blocked sewer main in the area of her residence. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Anderson, seconded by Member Dengler to direct staff to release the April 2013 contribution to the Highspire Fire Department as indicated in the 2013 General Fund Budget. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Thatcher, seconded by Member Anderson to approve and authorize the Council President to sign the Local Share Municipal Agreement, Grant #2013-33, between the Borough and Dauphin County; conditioned on the approval of the Borough Solicitor. Motion approved unanimously. Moved by Member Roman, seconded by Member Anderson to approve a request from the Highspire United Methodist Church to hold a Chicken BBQ in Memorial Park on September 14, 2013. Motion approved unanimously.

Moved by Member Matesevac, seconded by Member Roman, to approve payroll and bills for April 2013. Motion approved unanimously. Executive Session: Reconvene: 7:51 pm 8:45 pm

President Sutch asked if there was any other business to be brought before Council, hearing none she adjourned the meeting at 8:46 pm. Respectfully submitted, Deanna Proctor Administrative Assistant

John McHale Borough Manager

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