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GENERAL INFORMATION Name: Caitlyn McLaughlin Lesson Title: Art Movements: Cubism Grade level(s)/Course:3rd grade Dates taught:


Content Standards (NAEA Visual Art Standards)

6.B 5.C, 4.B, 1.A, 1.B, 1.C, 1.D

Enduring Understanding and/or Essential Question:

What is cubism? How does Cubism relate to other forms of art?

Instructional Objectives:

After a discussion students will be able to identify a cubism artwork


Focus/Purpose Statement Procedure

Students will create a cubist artwork by making 2 drawings and weaving them together. Thus making two prospective visible at the same time. Day 1 I will select groups based on learning styles or choice ( for instance: I need 7 volunteers to be on team blue. if only 4 volunteers raise their hands, I will select 3 more I feel would benefit from reading opposed to listening.) Red Group: I will select learners to listen to an interactive website featuring Cubist work. Yellow Group: I will present to a group of students a power point on abstraction and cubism. Blue Group: Another group of students will read a book over cubism. As a group we will highlight key components of cubist works using evidence from the activity. And communicate our findings to the rest of the class. Students will be asked to identify cubism painting We will define cubist painting as a class I will introduce the corresponding project

Day 2 Go over painting and oil pastel basics (let students choose their medium) I will have students paint shapes on their 1 st paper. Student may use watercolor paint on white paper. Students who are more interested in dry media can use oil pastels on colored paper. Day 3 Students will paint different shapes on their paper. Shapes can be simple or complex. I will encourage students who are more familiar with the media or show advanced ability to make more complex images. Day 4 I will demonstrate cutting the paper (stress correct measurements) Tie to measuring for math class Students will measure out and cut one paper into 1 inch strips Students will cut the other paper into 1 inch strips leaving of an inch at the end of the paper. Day 5 Teach about weft and warp. Students will weave paper into each other. Discuss how final product is like cubism Highlights denote differentiation based on ability or interest.

Materials and Resources

Example (if needed) PowerPoint Resources (cubism pictures) Computer (online access to _r=0#/%231#cover) Childrens Book of Art (pages 72-73) Pencil ruler Colored paper (9x12) White paper (9x12) Watercolor Oil Pastels paintbrush scissors

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