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Cheats Battlefield 2

All weapons Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "" file in the "\python\bf2\stats" folder. Change line 44 from "defaultUnlocks = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]" to "defaultUnlocks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]". Faster game loading Note: This procedure involves changing game files; create backup copies before proceeding. Enter the "\ea games\battlefield 2 demo\mods\bf2\movies" folder and delete or move all of its files. There will now be no ads or movies at the start of the game. This can also speed up the menu because there will be no movie in background. Note: This also can be done in the demo version of the game. Cheat Codes Press ~ to display the console window. Then, enter one of the following console commands on a server to activate the corresponding cheat functions: Result Command Invincibility aiCheats.code Tobias.Karlsson Bots cheat aiCheats.code BotsCanCheatToo Kill bots aiCheats.code Thomas.Skoldenborg Kill enemy bots aiCheats.code Jonathan.Gustavsson New spawn location aiCheats.code WalkingIsWayTooTiresome Toggle frame rate display renderer.drawfps [0 or 1] aiCheats.code Toggle AI stat TheAllSeeingEyeOfTheAIProgrammer Toggle pausing the game gameLogic.togglePause Toggle HUD renderer.drawHud [0 or 1] Toggle access to in-game console renderer.drawConsole [0 or 1] Record current game as demo in \mods\bf2\demos demo.recordDemo [filename] folder Stop current demo recording demo.stopRecording List map ID number, name, mode, and mapList.list number of players Set path to "_mapList.con" file mapList.configFile Reload "_mapList.con" file mapList.load Save current map list to "_mapList.con" file Show total number of maps in current mapList.mapCount map list Show the map list ID number of current mapList.currentMap map Clear current map list mapList.clear Remove specified map from map list mapList.remove [name] List players connected admin.listPlayers End round and start next map on map list admin.runNextLevel View map list ID number for current map admin.currentLevel View map list ID number for the next map admin.nextLevel to be played Restart current map admin.restartMap Kick indicated player admin.kickPlayer [ID number]

Ban indicated player by ID; see below for timeout values Ban indicated player by CD key hash; see below for timeout values Ban indicated player by IP address; see below for timeout values Ban CD key hash; see below for timeout value Remove indicated IP address from ban list Remove indicated CD key hash from ban list List banned IP addresses List banned CD keys Clear all ban lists Ban values

admin.banPlayer [id number] [timeout] admin.banPlayerKey [key hash] [timeout] admin.addAddressToBanList [ip address] [timeout] admin.addKeyToBanList [key hash] [timeout] admin.removeAddressFromBanList [ip address] admin.removeKeyFromBanList [key hash] admin.listBannedAddresses admin.listBannedKeys admin.clearBanList

Use one of the following values with the banning commands: Result Permanent ban Until next map Number of seconds Epoch expiration date; seconds since 1/1/1970 First weapon Value perm round [whole number] :[whole number]

Get 1,000 global points on ranked servers to unlock your first weapon. You will not obtain any points you have earned on a server unless you play until the round is over (until the map changes or a team wins). When you have gotten over 1,000 global points in your BFHQ window, quit the game and return to get a special pop up window congratulating you on your new rank and a message stating that you can now unlock your first weapon. Be very careful on which weapon you choose, as you will not be able to change it afterwards. The next rank requires 10,000 global points. Unlockable weapons Anti-Tank's DAO-12 Type: Full Auto Damage: High (can shoot through protective glass on vehicles) Accuracy: Low Best Range: Near Clip Size: 12 Reload: Very Slow Reload Type: Per Bullet This is probably the weapon that is least unlocked. This weapon should only be unlocked if you like to use Anti-Tank at close range. Its very powerful, but the reload time makes it very difficult to use. Recommended for commando types who like to destroy vehicles and eradicate the remaining survivors from close range. Assault's G3

Type: Full Auto / Single Shot Damage: High Accuracy: High Best Range: Medium/Near Clip Size: 30's Reload: Medium Reload Type: Clip This weapon is the best in the game. It is highly recommended if you like playing as Assault. Great for anyone who likes to capture flags and take on many enemies at once. Engineer's Mk3A1 Type: Full Auto Damage: High Accuracy: Low Best Range: Near Clip Size: 7 Reload: Slow Reload Type: Clip This weapon is very good at close range and will easily protect from usually only one soldier at time. You should know how to use your pistol if there is more then one enemy against you. This weapon is great for those that like to stick together. Medic's L85A1 Type: Full Auto / Single Shot Damage: Medium Accuracy: High Best Range: Medium Clip Size: 30's Reload: Medium Reload Type: Clip This is probably the most unlocked weapon since its accuracy is exceptional and does great damage. It is great for the kill then to heal or revive a person. Sniper's M95 Type: Bolt Action Damage: Very High (can shoot through protective glass on vehicles) Accuracy: High Best Range: Long Clip Size: 5 Reload: Slow Reload Type: Clip This weapon is recommended if you really like to snipe and can hit a target at long range. You must be very skilled at using your pistol for close range encounters. It can also shoot through bulletproof windows on some vehicles like helicopters. Spec Ops' G36C Type: Full Auto / Single Shot

Damage: Medium Accuracy: High Clip Size: 30's Reload: Fast Reload Type: Clip This weapon does as much damage as an AK-74, has the accuracy of an M4, and the long range sight of the QBZ-97. It is recommended for Special Forces who like to destroy the enemy commander equipment. Support's PKM Type: Full Auto Damage: High Accuracy: Medium Best Range: Medium Clip Size: 100's Reload: Slow Reload Type: Clip There is not much difference from this and the MEC's RPK-74 except that this weapon takes slightly longer to get heated up and has better long range sight. It is better then all support's weapons, but it ties with the MEC's RPK-74 which is for the support. This weapon is only recommended for those who like to play as support most of the times and that do not like to take on enemies from close. Basic badge requirements To receive your badge you must play the entire round until it is over. Sometimes your new badge may require a few hours to arrive. All Basic Combat Badges (Sniper, Assault, Medic, Engineer, Support, AntiArmor, SpecOps): To get these Badges you must get 10 kills in one round with any weapon (not in any vehicle or anything of any kind). Basic Knife Combat Badge: Kill seven people with a knife in one round. Basic Pistol Combat Badge: Kill nine people with a pistol in one round. Basic Explosive Ordinance Badge: Kill ten people with C4 in one round. Basic Command Badge: Win 50 points as a commander before the round ends. Basic Engineer Badge: Get from 5 to 10 Repair Points On in one round. The only way to gain points from this is by repairing your Team's Commander Equipment (Artillery, UAV Trailer, Radar) or by repairing vehicles that you or someone on your team is in. Repairing a vehicle that no one is in will work some of the times depending on certain circumstances (time after last person left vehicle and if that person has died) and is not recommended if you want to get points for repair, since you might not get any points at all. Basic First Aid Badge: Get near 10 Healing Points people with First Aid in one round. Throw your kit on the floor as it gets points much quicker. You cannot get points by healing yourself.

Basic Resupply Badge: Get 5 resupply points in one round. Throw your kit in the floor as it gets points much quicker. You cannot get points by resupplying yourself. All Basic Vehicle Related Badges (Transport, Armor, Helicopter, Ground Defence, Air Defence, Aviator): You must be in one of these vehicles for 30 minutes. You must be the driver of the vehicle; ground defense and air defense are mounted on the ground. Ranks Get the indicated number of global points to advance to the corresponding rank: Private First Class: 500 global points Lance Corporal: 1,000 global points Rename your soldier To rename your soldier, which the game by default does not allow you to do, you must edit the "\Battlefield 2\Profiles\0001\Profile.con" file and change the first value, in the quotes, to whatever you wish your soldier's name to be. For example, change: LocalProfile.setName "defaultPlayer" to LocalProfile.setName "[your new name]" Crop circle in Wetlands There is a farm house and field in the center of the field in the Wetlands map. If you are in a plane or chopper you can see a crop circle there.
Skip Intro Movies To skip the intro movies when you load up Battlefield 2, delete the Dice, EA, Intro, and Legal Bink Video files from your EA GamesBattlefield 2modsbf2Movies folder. Play BF2 In a Window To play Battlefield 2 in a window, right click your Battlefield 2 shortcut. In the Target section, change "+ fullscreen 1" to "+ fullscreen 0" You will get a windowed version of the game. Cruise Control in Land Vehicles Once you are driving in a ground vehicle, hold the key that moves you foward, usually W, and press J once while you are moving. Your vehicle will now be in Cruise Control. You will still be able to rotate your cannon, talk, move your vehicle left and right, and everything else while your vehicle is in cruise control. This is useful for APCs when crossing across large bodies of water or on long drives across a map in a Jeep. Console Commands (1.0.1 or prior only) Press the "~" key to bring up the console and type these codes in to do the desired effect. If you see a "1" or a "0" Change it to the oppostie and it will turn it on/off. If you see any thing with "[]" around it you replace it with what it says. Cheat ~ Effect gameLogic.togglePause ~ Toggles pausing the game renderer.drawConsole 0 ~ Turns off access to the in-game console

demo.recordDemo [demoname] ~ Starts recording current gameplay and saves the file as demoname.bf2demo in your Program FilesEA GamesBattlefield 2 Demomodsbf2Demos directory demo.stopRecording ~ Stops current demo recording renderer.drawHud 0 ~ Turns the Heads Up Display (HUD) off renderer.drawFps 1 ~ Displays the current and average frames per second (FPS) in the top left corner on localProfile.setName [name] ~ Set Profile Name localProfile.setNick [nick] ~ Set Profile Nick

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