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That which is legal in war is as illegal as war is legally ie Iraq War 911 Bushwhack A bird in the Bush as free

as the one in flight aided and abetted by the Satanic Judiciary as was Mulroney US armed forces given an ultimatum be a War Criminal or a posthumous hero for the option Let us Thank God (see last post) Whistleblower Harassers Implied Protection Exposes Righteous Sanctimonious Mulroney stole RCMP making his flight from justice inevitable The term "squatter sovereignty" is used by Jefferson Davis in his book A Short History of the Confederate States of America. This probably derogatory term referred to the influx of new citizens in order to manipulate the ultimate sovereign votes. Hawii A lie told often enough becomes the believed reality As war runs rampant accelerating to the really big one Good Night Nurse say again Y we finance the UN How many idolize their dummer marching to the satanic drummer Only way to Success is putting Human Family in Duress In his essay Politics and the English Language (1946), Orwell wrote about the importance of honest and clear language and said that vague

writing can be used as a powerful tool of

political manipulation. In Nineteen Eighty-Four he described how the state controlled thought
by controlling language, making certain ideas literally unthinkable. The adjective Orwellian refers to the frightening world of Nineteen Eighty-Four, in which the state controls thought and misinformation is widespread. Several words and phrases from Nineteen Eighty-Four have entered popular language. Newspeak is a simplified and obfuscatory language designed to make independent thought impossible. Doublethink means holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously. Thought Police are those who suppress all dissenting opinion. Prolefeed is homogenised, manufactured superficial literature, film and music, used to control and indoctrinate the populace through docility. Big Brother is a supreme dictator who watches everyone. From Orwell's novel Animal Farm comes the sentence, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others", describing theoretical equality in a grossly unequal society. Truth Trumps RPM BS Sap Boat Sanity a popular Belief of artificial truths

Fed up with eating Taurus shit advanced to Aquarius robotics that ate it up and spit it out flushing their woes away That which the Human Family need to know Not what the RPM Religious Political Media satanic need the Human Family to believe they know VISE Vital Insidious Satanic Existence Hence PRICK I FIBIB TRES P ASS Truth Righteous Essential Subterfuge Pry Assure Self Sabotage IRE In Reciprocity Expectancy And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. Free Elections Demonic Entrepreneur Responsible Accountable Lunacy FEDERAL Air As in reserve When in despair thrown arms in the air

You only THINK you know the word used loosely A de facto THINK Trust Human Instinct Nefarious Kink Can you say cancer and say what it means thus explaining just how mean our purported to be representatives are? What do ya mean what do I mean? Cancer excels in hierarchical willing cranium hosts ie PR Political Religious leaders have failed thy kingdom come quest since antiquity Virus passed on through their media Remove the debt ceiling ear to the ground 0 Make the IE - Illegally Extravagant pay making an IE of them Caution in crossing history and reality attests innumerable have had heads flattened as toads at ground level believing feet on the ground when attempting a road to Rome BS spews like lava too hot to shovel so jump in ultimate compromise Mummy will I be pretty will I be rich like son of bitch Shut up zombie dearest eat your brains for could be decidedly worse Banksters warn of fraud as Nobel armaments dealer takes the Prize WTF says the IF intellectually fed

Them believing without cancer throw no stones pebble brains of course cancer appears to attack the cranium most of willing hosts With insatiable lust for crap tune into CNN akin SEE self exposing entrepreneur VAMPIRES Venomous Arrogant Media Politically Inspired Righteous Evil-angel-ist Sanctimonious Of the incomprehensible belief we have no nose for their SS shit stinks They will rhetoric the medical crisis alas Wizard of the outhouse knows shit Books of many burnings and cover ups revelations Human family relativity not a theory AAA Awakening Amassing Abrogating SIN Sane Insanity Normalcy Coherence free for all freedom too alas the kink their think stinks Facts must have root 2 take root God coherency "Catch 22" must have semblance 2 catch doG chase tail A sucker born every minute for the SSS satanic sucker sandwich awakening recovery from SIN Self Induced Nuances

On either side of Human Family PR sense in common Another day another coherent human soon not pray but demand say Sovereign servants obey Benjamin Franklin expressed the concept when he wrote, "In free governments, the rulers are the servants and the people their superiors and sovereigns."[2] CATCHALL Cyberspace Accountable Transparency Central Humanic Archives Last Laugh A white lie of wimpies today for payback Black Tuesday Induced Gullibility accelerates satanic RPM Religious Political Media exponential Ne religiously encapsulated segue for political robbing hoods PRICK I FIBIB Political Religious Insidious Charlatan Kleptocracy inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss POOP N SCOOP Populace osmosis obsessed parishioners Nefarious sanctimonious organized outlaws propagandate LORDS Learned Osmosis Righteous Dominate Self

The gradual, often unconscious, absorption of knowledge or ideas through continual exposure

rather than deliberate learning

Wheres the beef query the quarry of the sandwiched meat?

Lethargic Osmosis Learned We all pay the PRICE "Thy kingdom come"
The request for God's kingdom to come is usually interpreted as a reference to the belief, common at the time, that a Messiah figure would bring about a Kingdom of God. Traditionally the coming of God's Kingdom is seen as a divine gift to be prayed for,

not a human achievement.

This idea is frequently challenged by groups who believe that the Kingdom will come by the hands of those faithful to work for a better world. It is believed by these individuals that Jesus' commands to feed the hungry and clothe the needy are the Kingdom to which he was referring.

Political Religious Implicit Complicit Explicit PRICE Political Religious Imperialist Capitalist Emperors

Like other financial empires in history, Smith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth, as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial-centers-of-capital. [1] Belloc estimated that, during the British Enclosures, "perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian", while roughly the other "half" owned and controlled the means of production. Now, under modern Capitalism, J.W. Smith claims fewer than 500 people possess more wealth than half of the earths population, as the wealth of 1/2 of 1-percent of the United States population roughly equal that of the lower 90-percent. When taxed to kill until death why not kill time shooting the bull Wizard of the outhouse knows shit Rule of Law The Rule of law in its most basic form is no one is above the law. Perhaps the most important application of the rule of law is the principle that governmental authority is legitimately exercised only in accordance with, publicly disclosed laws, adopted and enforced in accordance with established procedural steps that are referred to as due process. The rule of law is hostile to dictatorship and to anarchy. According to modern Anglo-American thinking, hallmarks of adherence to the rule of law commonly include a clear separation of powers, legal certainty, the principle of legitimate expectation and equality of all before the law. The concept is not without controversy, and it has been said that "the phrase the rule of law has become meaningless thanks to ideological abuse and general overuse" GO POE General Over-use Proclamations Only Elusivity publicly disclosed laws 52. (1) The Constitution of Canada is the supreme law of Canada, and any law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is, to the extent of the inconsistency,

of no force or effect.
Al libi indicted for murder being Bushes Alibi to the populace in the bush

A God given immaculate concept user friendly brain, a rule of law and a chain saw Meaningless burdens to shoulder inane to lug if not to fire up to clear the trees that stump us from seeing the nefarious Bush of the greedy seedy weedy needy creators needing the needy for sustainable growth Nearest to God they proclaim De jeur administering De facto identify Satan the God they proclaim HOLY SEE Hierarchical Oppressors Luciferian Yahoos Self Exposing Entrepreneurs Alien Middle East Nibiru Humanity - Family Undivided Sovereignty Inherent Onset Nuptials Ba Ba Black Sheep Have you any wool? QAQAS Questions Asked Questions Answer Self I say again When taxed to kill until death why not kill time shooting the bull To book a crook of many covers Family Tree awaken to space out the Aliens babble on All roads unequivocally lead to ROME Righteous Opulent Mastication Enslavement Arrogant Righteous Media Self-exposing ARMS Authentic Righteous Manifest Sanctimonious SIN Satanic Imposing Nuances No supposing conspiracy theory CHASM Conspiracy Humanity Asphyxiation Serpentine Mantra IF PFEE Ipso Facto Prima Facie Evidence Exposed Mapping the way HOME Humanity Only Majestic Enterprise Responsible Accountable People Chart Accountable Lucid Legal System Oh say cant you see and Y? OWL Osmosis weirdly learned? Of the DAY Dark Abyss Yolk "It is only the wisest and the stupidest that cannot change" If you aint got the money you feel you deserve Y wouldnt you change your ME Minds Enemy? Eh? Enemy humanity HE Humanity equals HIS Humanity is Science HIM Humanity Industrial Machine Co-op Reality is the Truth impervious to perception yet precisely due to perception
Truth is that which would be observed by God whether or not He exists or whether or not one believes He exists IDEAL Simply Reality Sanely Dealt With Invincible Triad Inalienable Spirit IT IS Sanity Epiphany Time SET

Satanic Existence Titanic Epiphany a sudden intuitive leap of understanding, especially through an ordinary but striking occurrence

A titanic leap for humankind Jump Ship Sap Boat Sanity a popular Belief of artificial truths Damn we are all in the same boat dont take us down for Gods sake For Christ sake get with IT

David slings

Confused Confucius Unconfusionist WW III World Wide Insatiable Insurgence Inevitable ? WW III World Wide Invisible Invincible Inalienable Facts must have root 2 take root God coherency "Catch 22" must have semblance 2 catch doG chase tail A stitch in time saves nine KIT Know Invincible Triad aka

Also Know Alien Tradition Attorney General

Binocular involving or using both eyes, or relating to vision using both eyes You will note the majority of my scribd followers do not like Indicative of the Top and Bottom of the SSS satanic sucker sandwich

Genuine Democracy proclaimed Never been ? So wicked now even the procrastinators complaining now But ever evasive of the obtrusive truth obvious rule of thumb Obstruct Justice truth and source kill

To know the truth and prosper MBA Monkey Business Anonymous

Osmosis Wierdly Learned or Yes We have no bananas A sucker born every minute for the SSS satanic sucker sandwich SIN Self Induced Nuances On either side of Human Family PR sense in common Ne religiously encapsulated segue for political robbing hoods PRICK I FIBIB Political Religious Insidious Charlatan Kleptocracy inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss

Bliss get us Buy I say again we all pay the

Political Religious Implicit Complicit Explicit PRICE Political Religious Imperialist Capitalist Emperors

Like other financial empires in history, Smith claims the contemporary model forms alliances necessary to develop and control wealth, as peripheral nations remain impoverished providers of cheap resources for the imperial-centers-of-capital. [1] Belloc estimated that, during the British Enclosures, "perhaps half of the whole population was proletarian", while roughly the other "half" owned and controlled the means of production. Now, under modern Capitalism, J.W. Smith claims fewer than 500 people possess more wealth than half of the earths population, as the wealth of 1/2 of 1-percent of the United States population roughly equal that of the lower 90-percent. Ignorance our Albatross their Ammo of COURSE Coherence our unequivocal renaissance satanic exterminator When taxed to kill until death why not kill time shooting the bull

On 4 October 1943, Himmler referred explicitly to the extermination of the Jewish people during a secret SS meeting in the city of Pozna(Posen). The following is a translation of an excerpt from a transcription of an audio recording[77] that exists of the speech: I also want to refer here very frankly to a very difficult matter. We can now very openly talk about this among ourselves, and yet we will never discuss this publicly. Just as we did not hesitate on 30 June 1934, to perform our duty as ordered and put comrades who had failed up against the wall and execute them, we also never spoke about it, nor will we ever speak about it. Let us thank God that we had within us enough self-evident fortitude never to discuss it among us, and we never talked about it. Every one of us was horrified, and yet every one clearly understood that we would do it next time, when the order is given and when it becomes necessary. I am now referring to the evacuation of the Jews, to the extermination of the Jewish People. This is something that is easily said: 'The Jewish People will be exterminated', says every Party member, 'this is very obvious, it is in our program elimination of the Jews, extermination, a small matter.' And then they turn up, the upstanding 80 million Germans, and each one has his decent Jew. They say the others are all swine, but this particular one is a splendid Jew. But none has observed it, endured it. Most of you here know what it means when 100 corpses lie next to each other, when there are 500 or when there are 1,000. To have endured this and at the same time to have remained a decent person with exceptions due to human weaknesses has made us tough, and is a glorious chapter that has not and will not be spoken of. Because we know how difficult it would be for us if we still had Jews as secret saboteurs, agitators and rabble rousers in every city, what with the bombings, with the burden and with the hardships of the war. If the Jews were still part of the German nation, we would most likely arrive now at the state we were at in 1916 and '17 . . . . Heinrich Himmler, 4 October 1943

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