6.3.7 Lack of Appreciation: P A G E

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It has been observed that there are delays in sanctioning of cases form the head office,which results in customer

dissatisfaction. 6.3.7 LACK OF APPRECIATION Another very important thing which is ignored in the bank is appreciation if the employeeo n t h e i r g o o d p e r f o r m a n c e . I f h a r d w o r k a n d p e r f o r m a n c e o f e m p l o y e e s i s n o t recognized and appreciated they become dishearten whi c h r e s u l t s i n d e c l i n e i n performance. 6.4 PERSONAL MANAGEMENT ANALYSIS 6.4.1 NEED FOR BETTER TRAINING PROGRAM Need of training is greatly emphasized all around the world. Training of the personnel ispart of human resource management. It has been noticed that the training program of NBP is not adequate.Once the candidate is selected and placed on the respective job. It becomes essentialto train him adequately for the task. They should learn new methods for motivatingcustomers. The training programmed of the bank should include scientific techniques toimprove the decision making and interpersonal as will individual needs of the employeeboth specialized to fresh as well as on job to maintain the high standards of service. 6.4.2 DEVELOPING MANAGERIAL LEADERSHIP Leadership is a practical term of visible, clear on objective and communicating better control on financial and administrative matters. Manager is not only responsible for their own units in business, but also in people terms i.e. training, recruiting, grievanceh a n d l i n g a n d t a k i n g i m m e d i a t e i n i t i a t i v e i n c r i s i s s i t u a t i o n t o t a k e m a j o r d e c i s i o n affection the future of the bank and banking community. 6.4.3 RECRUITMENT POLICY Human resources are the lifeblood of the organization. If the personnel are recruitedcarefully they can become asset to the organization in the case of carelessness aliability on the organization. Bank is not following its recruitment policy properly due tofavoritism, nepotism and political pressure. Both the top authority and staff union triestheir best recruit their favorites, indulgence of political pressure add salt to the wounds. 39 | P a g e

The persons selected through these channels are infantile and do not work for thebetterment for the bank. 6.4.4 PROMOTIONS Promotion in NBP is purely on the basis of seniority, so the new young person havinghigh qualification remains behind for quite a lot of time. Top management and staff u n i o n p u t p r e s s u r e f o r t h e p r o m o t i o n o f t h e i r f a v o r i t e s , w h i c h g i v e s a s e n s e o f deprivation to the deserving employee and their efficiency is affected. As the concept of promotion is attached with better in terms of greater responsibility, more prestige,g r e a t e r s k i l l s a n d i n c r e a s e d r a t e o f s a l a r y. T h u s a b e t t e r a n d i m p a r t i a l p o l i c y o f promotion needs to be followed. 6.4.5 TRANSFER Transfer means when a person is shifted from one place to another place. It is doneeither that person is needed more on the other branch or for improving his skill variety. Itis the policy of the Bank to transfer each employee 3 to 4 years. 6.4.6 MARKETING AT DESK Bank employee come in daily contact with many people who happen to deal with thecasual remittance, travelers cheques, safe custody, pensioners, depositing license feeand variety of other functions and variety of other people with whom the Bank has noaccount or regular business relationship. The Bank employees are doing very little ontheir own to explore the possibilities of selling banking services to them as a marketingcontributor. The entire Bank community should make a conscious effort in addition totheir normal work to explore the possibilities of selling banking services to them. Themarket opportunities are hidden in every dealing a banker handles; the question is thatif he has the art and urge to seize such opportunities. 6.4.7 LACK OF BUSINESS COMMUNICATION

There is no proper way to give information to their customer. To avoid t h i s m i n o r dissatisfaction and tension in the mind of customer, and deficiency of the service, it isrecommended that the bank should provide brochures etc containing information indetails.Some general information should be placed in information notice board on the entrancewhere customer can see it easily or it should be self-attractive.

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