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Diary of Henry Tudor, Eight of his name, King of England 11th June 1509 Today, I married my sweetheart.

After all these years this family has finally done right by this honourable woman. God will grant us the heirs to secure the kingdom. She looked quite beautiful walking down the aisle to the choral choirs heavenly music. I must go now to her bedchamber and make her my true wife. I thank God that the pope granted us a papal dispensation so that I could marry my brothers wife though she assures me she was a virgin throughout her marriage to Arthur. I must go. 31st January 1510 My heart grieves. After these past months of hope, a girl was born stillborn. Not the heir that I require but a girl. Have I done wrong? Is God punishing me? I must go and pray for my immortal soul and for the soul of the child. Catherine is inconsolable with grief and does nothing but apologise for the death of the child. She must also pray for her soul. 30th October 1511 Today Catherine informed me that she is with child once again and feels for certain that it is a healthy boy. She is now restricted to the house and grounds so that the child will be born alive and well. I am so happy that I cried out in joy, praising God for this great gift! 1st January 1512 Today God and Catherine gave me a son. Henry is perfect. He is just what I imagined. Catherine is glorious and marvels at this tiny miracle. The country is now secure and at peace. I can continue to plan my French Expeditions. 23rd February 1512 A great tragedy has befallen me. Henry, my little boy has died. He moves no more. He smiles no more. He is gone. God is angry with me and has punished me with his death. Catherine has not spoken to anyone since they told her. I am to the chapel to pray for all our souls but most especially mine own. What have I done to incur Gods wrath? 15th April 1514 Today I met a beautiful young courtier in Catherines chambers. She is one of the Queens Ladys in Waiting. I have asked her to attend me this evening for dinner. I have need of a mistress since Henrys death. I only visit the Queen when she asks which is less often these days. What if God will not grant me a son? What shall befall the kingdom?

18th February 1516 Catherine gave birth to a girl. We have called her Mary. She is beautiful and will be a great pawn in the foreign games of power. But she is not the son I crave. Bessie tells me to wait and that with time Catherine will give me the son I need but I fear God has forsaken me. 15th June 1519 Bessie gave birth to my son today! Henry Fitzroy is a blessing. He is proof that God is not angry with me but only angry with Catherine! She is the problem here. He is a beautiful and lovely child. I shall acknowledge him as my own and he shall have all that I can give him. I must needs consult Wolsey as to the problem of Catherine. If she cannot give me a son and heir then I need to find a woman who can. 4th March 1526 Today I met an angel. I knew at once that I must have her. Upon enquiry her name is the Lady Anne Boleyn. She is divine and I have instructed Wolsey to find out everything about her that he can. 26th March 1526 Wolsey tells me that the Lady Anne is set upon marrying Thomas Percy, son of the Earl of Northumberland but Wolsey assures me that his father is against the match and that it shall not happen. This is good. A jealous husband makes matter more difficult. 27th August 1526 During a lunchtime of conversation with Lady Anne I have discovered that she is not only beguiling but intelligent as well. She told me of her time at the French court and assures me that the French King is pompous and not as handsome as me. 27th October 1526 Catherine complains of my lack of visits to her, but after 2 more stillborns I find it difficult to face her. Lady Anne, on the other hand is a breath of fresh air. I continue to enjoy her company but she continues to avoid my advances. I shall have to write her a pretty letter to try and turn her head. 20th November 1526 I offered to make Anne my mistress today and she refused! How could she? Does she not know that I am King of England?! I love her and have told her that but she refuses!

22nd November 1526 My anger has subsided and last night I dined with Anne. She told me that she cannot become my mistress as she will be a virgin for her husband. I can only respect such purity and so will not push the matter. But I still want her. I only wish that I was not married so that I could be that husband. 30th November 1526 I spoke to Wolsey today about annulling my marriage to Catherine. I feel that God has punished me for marrying my brothers wife. He has not given me the son that I need and desire. Henry Fitzroy is proof of my virility and so the problem lies with Catherine. He is going to look into the matter and tell me his thoughts. Once I get an annulment from Catherine I will be able to marry my true love. I can marry my Anne. 1st December 1526 Today I approached Catherine to talk about our union. I informed her that we can never have been truly married because she was my brothers wife but she insisted she was and that in her heart she was my true wife. I asked her to retire to a nunnery so that we can annul the marriage and I can marry and conceive a son but she refused! How can she be so obstinate? Can she not see the truth? She forces me to take further actions that I have no wish to take. 15st January 1527 Wolsey informed me that such a matter as my marriage to Catherine is too difficult to decide in a court in England and so the matter must be deferred to the Pope in Rome. I grow annoyed at the length of time this is taking. Anne grows restless too. She is eager to be my wife and I cannot deny that I am eager too. She still refuses my amorous advances tbough I have pledged her my heart. 17th April 1527 Grave news has reached us. The pope has been taken hostage by Charles V. As Catherines nephew he is sure to want to stop a divorce from happening. Darn him! Campeggio will not side with us for sure while his master is in that monsters hands. Anne is mutinous. She would likely harm Campeggio if she could though I keep her away from him to prevent this. We both need a distraction. I think I shall take her hunting. 30th November 1531 Today Anne and I talked of the power of the king and of the power of the Pope. She pointed out to me that the Pope has no mention in the bible. But as the King of England, appointed by God surely I should control all under my purview. This has made me think. Wolsey has often talked of how the church often take legal matters into their own hands though they affect secular matters. Appointed by God should have control of the Church. I should be head of it.

25th January 1533 My divorce from Catherine is finalised and Anne is my one true wife. At last we shall be together as husband and wife. I am Head of the Church and Rome no longer has any grip on my lands. I await most eagerly the son that God shall now grant me. 7th September 1533 Today Anne gave birth to a girl. I cannot even look at her or the child. She was supposed to be a boy. Is God not happy that I have saved my soul from living in sin with Catherine? 1st June 1535 I continue to be without a son. Anne assures me that one shall be born to us soon but she continues to have miscarriages just as Catherine did. God is not pleased with me and is once more punishing me. Wolsey tells me that rumours start to circulate about Anne and those she keeps around her. I have told him to investigate. 6th January 1536 Anne was found guilty of treason. She was found to be having affairs with Mark Smeaton and her brother. She is a monster. She beguiled me and seduced me. She must have something of the witch in her. She will be executed soon. On a brighter note I have met a lovely woman, Lady Jane Seymour. She is all that is good and pure. 19th May 1536# Anne is dead. She was beheaded today and she is no more. She can no longer control and destroy me. Jane and I enjoyed a lovely picnic and collected wild flowers. I have put them in a vase beside my bed so that they will be the first thing that I see when I wake up.

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