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Abu Dhabi University College of College of Arts and Sciences PHY201 Course Syllabus Fall 13 14 Course Name: Physics

s and Engineering Application II Course Number: PHY201 Course Pre-requisites: PHY102 Credit hours: 4 (3 Lectures + 1 Lab) Course Co-requisites: Instructors Name: Hikmat A. Hamad Telephone: 971-02-501-5630 Class Location: Sec1(AD-B-2F10) Sec2(AD-B-1F30) Class Time: Sec1(10:45-12:15) Sec2(3:00-4:30) Office Location: B2F-173

E-mail: Sec51(AD-A-1F30), Sec1-AA(AA-FF02) Sec51(12:30-2:00) Sec1-AA(10:45-2:00) Office Hours: see time table on the website

1. Course Description The course is intended to provide engineering and science students with sufficient understanding and knowledge of physics concepts in Electricity and Magnetism that can be relevant to their field of study. The course is divided into two parts; Electricity and Magnetism. The topics covered are; electric field, Gausss law, electric potential, capacitance and dielectrics, current and resistance, direct current circuits, magnetic fields, sources of magnetic field, Faradays law and inductance. 2. Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to: 1- Apply problem solving strategy in solving scientific problems and develop the ability to deal with the physical concepts quantitatively and qualitatively. 2- Relate physics concepts to applications utilized in science and Engineering. 3- Outline the basic concepts of static electricity, electric charges and electric field 4- Calculate electric field due to a point charges and the electric flux. 5- Apply Gausss law to calculate electric fields of continuous charge distribution. 6- Calculate the capacitance, charge, potential difference and energy stored in circuits of combined capacitors. 7- Define and measure current, potential difference, resistance and resistivity. 8- Use Ohm and Kirchhoffs laws to solve simple direct current circuits. 9- Calculate charge, resistance and time constant in RC circuits. 10- Identify the basic concept of magnetic field and magnetic force exerted on a current carrying conductor. 1 Page
Dr.Hikmat A.Hamad PHY201

11- Calculate the magnetic field and induced emf by Amperes and Lenz Laws. 12- Define self inductance, mutual inductance and use RLC circuits to calculate phase constant. 1. Weekly Outline Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Topics Electric charges (static), conductors and insulators, Coulombs law. Electric field of point charge Electric field of continuous charge. Motion of charged particles in an electric field. Gausss law, Application of Gausss law and derivation of the law. Electric potential due to a point and group of charges, calculating electric field from electric potential, electric potential energy. Capacitors, calculating capacitance, parallel and series connections, energy stored in capacitors, dielectrics effect on capacitors. Exam.1(10%) Capacitors, calculating capacitance, parallel and series connections, energy stored in capacitors, dielectrics effect on capacitors. Electric current, resistance and resistivity, Ohms law and electric power. Midterm Exam (20%) Direct current circuits, electromotive force (emf) definition, current, potential different and resistance measurement, parallel and series connection of resistors Multi-loop circuits and Kirchhoffs law, power in circuits. Charging and discharging of capacitors through resistor (RC- circuits). Ammeters and voltmeters. Magnetic fields, magnetic force on a current carrying conductor, torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic, motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field Exam.2(10%) Sources of magnetic field, the Biot-Savart law, Amperes law, magnetic field of solenoid and magnetic flux. Sources of magnetic field, the Biot-Savart law, Amperes law, magnetic field of solenoid and magnetic flux. . Exam.3(10%) Final Exam week Readings (Textbook) 23.1 23.4 23.5 23.7 24.1 24.5 25.1 25.8 26.1 26.7 26.1 26.7 27.1 27.6 28.1 28.2

28.3 28.4 28.5 29.1 29.4


11 12 13 14

30.1 30.5 30.1 30.5 Dec.4th-Last day of Classes Dec.(5-15)


Pedagogy- Learning Process

Dr.Hikmat A.Hamad PHY201

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Class format will include lectures, group discussion, writing and some group activities. In this course, the student will be expected to participate actively in his or her own learning. Both group and individual work will be expected. The student will be expected to read the text or other assigned reading outside of class and participates in critical evaluation of the material through group/class discussion and individual writing. The instructor does not expect students to be passive recipients of information. 5. Textbooks and Learning Material a. Textbook Jewett J.W and Serway R.A. (2010). Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 8th edition, Brooks/Cole. b. References 1- Halliday D, Resnick R and Walker J. (2008), Fundamentals of Physics, 8th edition. John Wiley and Sons. 2- Serway and Beichner, College Physics, 5th edition. Harcourt. 3- Young and Freedman, University Physics, 11th edition. Addison Wesley. c. Internet and World Wide Web Site 1- . This site supports the textbook. 2- . Interactive physics 3- Use the search engine Google or others to search for words related to physics. The internet is packed with fabulous sites in all fields of physics. d. Other Resources ADU Intranet, CSIT classes, University Library and Office hour discussions. 6. Assessment of Student Learning Assessment Tool
Exam I Midterm Exam Exam II Exam III Quizzes Final Exam

10% 20% 10% 10% 15% 35%

.Topics covered up to week4

Learning Outcomes
5-1 7-1 10 - 8 11-12 12 -1 12 -1

.Topics covered up to week 8

Ch23- Ch26
Topics covered after midterm .and between week 9 and 11 Ch27 Ch28 Topics covered after Exam.II .and between week 11 and 14 Ch29- Ch30 quizzes expected at the end of each covered chapter. Chapters 23- 30. It covers all topics and more emphases will be put on the topics covered .after midterm exam

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Dr.Hikmat A.Hamad


7. Grading Key Grade A +B B +C C +D D F I Percentage 90-100 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 Less than 60 Description Excellent Very good Good Very Satisfactory Satisfactory + Pass Pass Fail Incomplete Grade Point 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.0 0.0

8. Attendance For undergraduate students, absence is marked at a maximum of 30% of total class time. .Final dismissals (WA) will be posted at the ADU Student Portal Final Dismissal will not be waived under any circumstances. Office of the Registrar will only accept excuse forms to allow the students for their make-up examinations but absence will not be waived and final dismissals will not be removed from the student's .record Students may wish to continue to attend if they receive a final dismissal in a course but .are not required to submit assignments or take any exams Students will be considered tardy if they do not arrive on time for a lesson or they return late from a break. Tardiness will be counted as a half absence. Instructors have the right to refuse entry to students who are more than 15 minutes late, but if entry is permitted, .students must enter in such a way as not to disturb the lesson in progress Exams/Tests will be repeated when serious reasons similar to the following take place and documented evidence are submitted to the Office of the Registrar on the day student .returns to class Hospitalization, Contagious Disease, Death, may God forbid, of an immediate family member (father, mother, sibling, husband, son, daughter, grandparent), Car Accident, Job Requirement (special assignment), with prior written approval from the Office of the Registrar Al Haj

Undergraduate students who miss their examinations and/or tests will bring the excuse .for their absence to the Office of the Registrar the day they return to class 4 Page
Dr.Hikmat A.Hamad PHY201

Al Umra .Al Umra trips are not valid excuses for students to be absent Al Haj If the student wishes to leave for Al Haj, the instructor has to be informed in advance. If a mid-term exam happens to be scheduled during that period, the student will have the right for a makeup exam. If a final exam happens to be scheduled during that period, the student will be asked to file an INCOMPLETE with the Office of the Registrar. In this case, the student has to submit evidence that he/she has been to Al Haj (i.e. passport .(showing entry date to and/or exit date from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 9. Academic Integrity The mission of ADU includes developing students sense of ethics, morality, and social responsibility. Students at ADU have the fundamental obligation to conduct themselves with utmost integrity. To ensure an education environment characterized with Academic .(integrity (AI), ADU has revised its Academic Integrity Policy (AIP The revised Academic Integrity Policy (AIP) copies available on the intranet under the link of the Office of Academic Integrity (OAI) has identified violations of AI punishable by serious penalties, including dismissal from ADU. The types of violations identified in AIP, along with the description and examples of each violation, :are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Cheating Plagiarism Fabrication of data Presenting false credentials Collusion Free Riding

At the beginning of each semester, your instructor will review the essential elements of AIP in class and will describe the intrinsic values of compliance, and the consequences of non-compliance (i.e., penalties) with the Policy. In addition, OAI undertakes a widespread AI Awareness Campaign at the beginning of each semester to educate .students about AI issues and the ways students can avoid violations In view of resources provided by ADU in this regard, all students are expected to strictly comply with the tenet of AIP and conduct themselves with highest degree of integrity and ethical conduct. Students in need of additional information or assistance are requested to .seek help from OAI Failure to comply with the provisions of AIP will have severe consequences, including .dismissal from ADU 10. Miscellaneous Mobile phones: A student whose mobile phone rings during class will be asked to leave the classroom and will receive a half absence. Should this happen 5 Page

Dr.Hikmat A.Hamad


during an exam, the student will not be allowed to retake the exam at another time, while at the same time receiving a full absence. Eating/Drinking/Smoking: Students will be requested to refrain from engaging in these activities while in class. Only emails from university-provided email accounts will be recognized and used in this course.

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Dr.Hikmat A.Hamad


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