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Love marriage or arranged marriage, Between following your heart or obeying your parents

Your Research Paper Should Have the Following Sections & be Between 3-8 pgs (but on average probably 4-6 pgs): I. Introduction to the Topic - 1 pg Research Qs Did you know that 55% of marriages in the world are arranged and that the average divorce rate globally on arranged marriages is only 4%? In India 90% of marriage are arranged and divorce rate is 1.1% (according to UNICEF, 2012). In US divorce rate is 50%, each year from the totals of 2.2 million marriages, are granted 1.1 million divorces . The statistics made me wonder: Is it possible that an arranged marriage to be better and to last longer than a love marriage? As we know people around the world have many forms of mate selection because culture plays a major role in marriage. Low divorce rates in traditional societies, like India where arranged marriages is the norm, indicates the success of the arranged marriage. On the other hand, high divorce rates in industrial and postindustrial societies , like US where love marriage is the norm, indicates that this type of marriage might not work as well as we would think. The risk of dysfunctions of a love marriage (marriage of choice)- risk of a divorce or a separation- overcomes the manifest function of an arranged marriage that starts without love II. Methods 1 pg Research Population/Background Characteristics The target group to be studied is young people from USA and Indians that wants to get married)Marriage is a group's approved mating arrangements, usually marked by a ritual of some sort. Include Interview Qs (Appendix) Participant Observation or field work : Where/What you Did

Secondary analysis was used =when I analyzed data that someone else already collected and analysis of document. III. Results/Findings ' Succes in marriage depends on the way we approach marriage. Different backgrounds det dif ideas of love. For Americans love just "happens"and can happen anywhere, anytime, while for indians love develops little by little in right conditions, marriage being that right condition. Americans get married bc they love each other, while Indans love each other bc they are married. And what is amazing and surprising marital satisfaction is very similar for both of the target group. Doesn't matter the cultural path you follow, if you find love on that journey.

For U.S. couples being in love was an indication that their marriage was good. Not for Indian couples that have a different standard of measuring marital satisfaction as they expect love to grow slowly in time.

Why do they have different perspectives about love? Because, as we know, culture is shaping our perspective of life, culture is the lens we perceive life. According to Dr. William Cornell, a Marriage and Counselor professor at the University of Florida," culture plays a large role in deciding whether a love marriage is better than an arranged marriage- it is all a matter of perspective". Culturedefine who we are.........sociology book def.? Did you know that Indians don't expect love to occur before marriage? Indian with low divorce rate bc they don't think ab better marriage, the couple think ab making their marriage get better. And the Indian couples family work in the same direction, too, intervening and mediating conflicts. In US culture love is a a very important factor in choosing future spouse, being perceived as the only proper basis for marriage. But being in love is not a good reason or at least not enough for having a happy marriage. What make s marriage successful? sociologist Jeanette and Robert Lauer(1992),base on interview of 351 couples, concluded 14% were

unhappy but still together after 15 years for religious reasons, to respect family tradition or because of their children. The rest were happy because; thhey like their spouse and consider them to be est friends, and think that marriage is sacred a log term commitment . Why an arranged marriage worked so well for centuries? -same culture (same religion, same dietary preference , same language) - same socioeconomic background -starting marriage with low expectations, cant be disappointed opposite than in Us love marriage with high expectations and a lot of disillusions as time goes by. -involvement of both families. (Extended family concept- includes people as grandparents aunts uncls, cousinsin addition to nuclear family.) In Indian family male everything is well defined and accepted in regards to authority :male holds authority (patriarhal authority), in a US family because authority is divided more equally( more egalitarian authority) , tensions and strainsmight occur in terms of authority. Mate selection in India follows the norms of endogamy( marriage within one's own group) The basic rule is familys reputation is most important. It is understood that matches would be arranged only within same social class. In India, marriage is as much a concern of the families as it is of the individuals. Why? Because being an extended family, couples ussually reside with the groom's family.( patrilocal residence) I remember talking with an Indian boy I workd with who was waiting for his wife to come from India. They were waiting for one year her visa to be approved and all this time she lived with her husband's family not with own parents. When I asked him what is the reason, he answered " because she is married now". Young men and women in India do not date and have very little social life experience involving members of the opposite sex. Castity is a norm for tha woman.

Indian Family place ads in magasines, on matchmaking Web sites, matrimonial agencies., payinf fees as much as 5000 $. Finding the right match is a long process, very detailed: even astrological match. Is family invoved in a US marriage? Am surprising study conclusion states that US "marriages are happier when the partners get along with their inlaws." (Briant, 2001). -a pshuichological suppor? Do Americans use machmaking Web sites? Dating sites offer thouseneds of potntial spouses Could be considered a arranged marriage if you marry somebody you meet on line? It is arranged by your computr. The coputer found the mach for you and yu can give a try. In India young people can meet and talk with more possible partners. Castity, virginity at marriage assures they know who is the children's father

If they don't like te person choosen they cus as an excuse : an asrological incompatibility. Unlike the past taoday they can say no.

Didnt happened to you to say: he/she would make a good spouse, but I dont love him/her.?or It's a nice guy/girl but is so boring? Why love marriage is the norm in US? Respects individual autonomy( individualism) - has the right to choose who you want to spend life with -Informed decision- decide to get married because you know your partner We are nothing without love- idea of romanticism

Am surprising study conclusion states that US "marriages are happier when the partners get along with their in-laws." (Briant, 2001). Us family is a nuclear family , child usually is leaving home after high school. Nuclear familycnsiss of husband, wife children. Today, because of prelonged educaion, high cost if living by themselves., 18% of students stay longer with parents, depent financialy aon parents, allowing parent sto be more controling. In Indian family the a lot of women

don't work,a nd a lot of boys are working in a family bussiness that contribute to increas of children dependence. EX boy I have secred girlfrien, whr should I go? 1-2 pgs

Stats, Tables, Diagrams, Categories

Descriptions of Answers/Major Points IV. Sociological Significance 1-3 pgs Use at least 3 sociological theories or key terms from the class to analyze the results 1. Functionalism imagines society as a whole composed of parts that work together(rRobert merton) and functions referre to the positiv, beneficial consquences of people's actions that keeps society in balance. Manifest funcion, intented to help the society. From functionalist perspective, . The Family - Vital Cell of Society, As the cell is to the living organism, so is the family to society. Family is universal, and fulfills same six basic survival needs of every society : economic production, socialization of children, care of the sick and aged, recreation, sexual control, and reproduction.( Heslin). As we see "love" was no listed among the basic survival needs. When looking for a spouse for their children, Indian family look for somebody that can fulfill all of the survival needs plus their specific cultural needs and social stratification patterns.
respected cultured family", seeking an alliance for our "very handsome, tall, fair, engineer son" with an MBA, a Masters in Business Administration, working in a US-based top software company at a salary of $100,000 a year. "Girl", "must be tall, beautiful engineer or doctor, not more than 28 years old, from status family". The "boy" would be visiting India this month ad placed in a paper by parents in rural Punjab. "Family seeks homely, convent-educated girl for son. Caste no bar. But must be able to drive tractor. Photo of tractor appreciated."

This is a task with a check list and reputatin of the family is very important.It is a long meticulos process because if a mistake is made by parents, they have not only ruined the life of our son or daughter, but they have ruined the reputation of their whole family as well.

And that will decrease chances make it much harder for their other sons/daughter they might have to get married.

Functional thoery=Manifest function of arranged marriage overcome the disfunctios that might occur. Dysfunctions are consequences that harm society, and disturbs the social equilibrium. Us family, being a nuclear family, is predisposed to more isolation and that might be the cause of its dysfunction. A conclusion of a study in 2001 states that US "marriages are happier when the partners get along with their inlaws." (Briant, 2001), that means that the in-laws relationships help nuclear family to function beter, with less dysfunctins. The members of the Indian extended family, can count on more people for emotional and financial support, so they overcome the stress better because the emotional overload is spread among larger number of people they have in their kinship network. Another dysfunction of an arranged marriage being stuck with aperson you barely know and with whom you don't have a lot in common. Women not happy, no divorce bc financial, no jobs. Male can be in love with somebody that is not aproved by family, but bc they depend on parents financialy, same house parent gave car, work in a family business. EX Ypung man U tube truck company x in the talk show australi- one of the gussts povestes they rebell first when asked to meet a perspective wife, girls amana the meeting sayin: It is a strain between children and parents . role conflict might be present in the life of indian young, between the son/daughter status and its role of being a good son/daughter who accept parent's strict marital guidance and athe status of a young individual who makes own choices regarding when and whom to marry..Role conflict is thae conflict that someone feels between the roles assigned to twho different statuses because the expectations are incompatible with one another. Conflict perspective , conflict may arise at some poin the marriage, conflict being part of marriage. The most imp cause of conflict and source of strain in a marriage is authority struggles. Who has the lead in the family? In Indian family everything is well defined, firmly established and accepted in

regards to authority : male holds authority (patriarhal authority). In a US family because authority is divided more equally( more egalitarian authority) , tensions and strains might occur often when married couple struggle to demonstrate who has the control over the family.

V. Conclusion What did you learn? Future Research Ideas?

- 1 pg

Americans get married bc they are in love, while Indans fall in love bc they are married. This is why the result is a satisfacted marrige Culture plays a large role in deciding whether a love marriage is better than an arranged marriage- it is all a matter of perspective". For Americans love just "happens"and can happen anywhere, anytime, while for indians love develops little by little in right conditions, marriage being that right condition. Americans get married bc they love each other, while Indans love each other bc they are married. And what is amazing and surprising marital satisfaction is very similar for both of the target group. Doesn't matter the cultural path you follow, if you find love on that journey.

For Indians living in US and even in India love marriages are becoming more and more popular. dIVORCE Statistics apply for all marriages and not for each individual marriage (heslin) that means if he divoerce rate were %0% taht doesn't mean your chances of getting divorced are 50%. The way we approach marriage is imp. QS How can you go along with this? I must let my parents choose a boy for me because I don't know who is right for me. They have more experience. I can't asume the risk.

I don't want to worry about whether I'll will meet a man and get married. This is our parent's responsability/

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