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SUN RISE ON DOWNS MORNING The view is dimly lit, cannot see much, except the outline of hills in the background. TIME LAPSE is used to capture the sunrise that begins to come up between and behind the hills and fields in the distance, capturing the movement of the clouds and the changing colours of the PINK, ORANGE, YELLOW, PURPLE, BLUE sky. When the Sun is visible through the hills a voice over is heard of an ELDER LADY. ELDER LADY I first met William on saturday night in 1957. The girls and I met up at the train station and we aboarded the train all the way to South Port which is where the Floral Hall was. People used to travel grom all over the country to come to the Saturday night dances as famous bands performed there every week. When we arrived, we all realised this was going to better than any other Saturday evening [she blushes] Outside the Floral Hall was the biggest group of soliders in their uniform conversing with one another. The image of the ELDER LADY, SHORT BLONDE HAIR, WEARING A WHITE BLOUSE, PINK PATTERENED JACKET AND TROUSERS is sitting in a chair fades into the image of the sunrise. It is made apparent to the audience that she is being interviewed as you can see a boom in the top right hand corner of the screen. The two images are layered. I caught eyes with one of them on the way in. He was slightly tucked in to the back of the group, but I still noticed him. I think it was his beautiful blue eyes. Inside I was sitting down admiring the beautiful dresses and the wonderful music when my vision was blocked by a tall, muscular man in an army uniform. It was him. He asked me if I would like to dance . We spent the rest of the evening dancing, talking and laughing, and as I left he asked if he could see me again, and take me out on a date. EXT.OUTSIDE A BLOCK OF FLATS NIGHT The camera cuts to a high angled shot of a smart looking block of flats. On the road and entering the block of flats there are around 20 TEENAGERS aged between 17-19, some are smoking in little groups passing round a single lighter, while others are talking to each other and

greeting one another while entering the block. The boys are all wearing jeans with a variety of shirts and tshirts. The girls are all wearing dresses or skirts with a variety of flats and heels. They are all carrying a selection of different branded bags;Tesco bags, Sainsburys bags and just plain blue bags and crates of beers, strongbow, stella and budweiser. The camera focuses in on one particular teenager. The BRUNETTE GIRL is wearing a BLACK BODYCON DRESS, A BLACK DENIM DRESS AND CONVERSE and carrying a bottle of rose in her right hand, whilst she has a half empty bottle of vodka in her left. She is with a group of five of her friends, two boys and three girls. She stumbles into the door of the block of flats hysterically laughing and screaming. We follow her through the floor of block and into the door of the flat in a POV flat, everything is spinning suggesting the group of people who are at the party are very drunk and possibly on other substances. As we enter the flat, the corridor is crowded with people. Everyone is drinking, some people are lying on the floor which we step over when walking in. The music is overlayed but almost blurred to suggest a out of body, spaced experience. INT. DRESSING TABLE MIRROR- DAY The ELDER LADY is sitting at her dressing table. On the table is a variety of perfumes, moisturisers, make up compacts, various bottles of different foundations and creams, lipsticks and nail varnish. In the mirror we can see her powdering her nose whilst speaking to the INTERVIEWER through the mirror. ELDER LADY Ive had this mirror since I was 18, I can remember sitting in front of it for hours doing my hair and make up before the date. He told me to wear a smart dress and be ready for seven pmI bought I new one especially. I can remember my mum and dad gave me money especially. There was a knock at the door and I found him waiting under the porch in suit and tie with a bunch of flowers. He bought me a train ticket and took me all the way to South Port to one of the most expensive restaurants around. Id always wanted to go thereseeing elegant women and their rich business men husbands go in and now I was being taken there, on my first date.

INTERVIEWER Did you kiss on your first date? ELDER LADY [she giggles and blushes] Oh no! Ha ha ha! It was all very formal and sophisticated. People didnt become intitmate straight away in those days. We all took things much slower. However he did put me on the train home. We lived in opposite directions you see. I was looking out the window on the way home, I just wanted to see him again.

INT. SITTING ROOM NIGHT We see a smoke filled sitting room of all the TEENAGERS dancing, singing, drinking, dancing and making out. Some girls are just in their underwear and some boys just in their boxers. Close ups of peoples faces show the sweat and their drunken state. We see close ups of people kissing and feeling each other up and people being sick in the toilet. We also see people passed out and rading cupboards. We then focus in on the BRUNETTE GIRL who is dancing provocatively with a BRUNETTE BOY. We turns round and we see a close up of her getting closer and closer to his face. She grabs his neck and starts kissing him in a sexualised, lustful way. He grabs her bum and hair and pulls her closer. We then see a high angled overview of the party from the corner of the sitting room, creating a warped view. INT. BEDROOM DAY The ELDER LADY is sitting in the chair next to the dressing table. On her lap she has a PHOTO ALBUM. She is talking into the camera. ELDER LADY We had only been together a year when he proposed [laughs to herself] I was making an egg pie in his Dads house, when he got down on one knee and proposed to me in front of his whole family in the kitchen. I

knew my egg pie was good, but I didnt know it was that good! He gave me a ring with three diamonds in it. I was spoilt! [beat. starts to tear up with a smile] We had a the wedding a year later, it was a beautiful, grand white wedding. William treated me like a princess. He insisted he spend all of the money he had because he was only going to be married once and wanted me to have my dream day. The photos are still beautiful

As the ELDER LADY starts to show the photos of her wedding, the pictures become a montage scattering everywhere. Focusing in on certain photos and then focusing back out to an overview. These images then become a layer as the PARTY continues as we last saw it, but the photos of the wedding can still be seen, slowing fading out. INT. FLAT NIGHT The camera focuses in on the BRUNETTE GIRL who is making out with the BRUNETTE BOY. We see a close up of the BRUNETTE BOY grabbing the BRUNETTE GIRLS hand and leading her through the mass of people. He leads her through the door of the sitting room, down through the corridor and opens a door. They enter a bedroom with gold wallpaper and white carpets. In the centre of the room there is a white leather bed and either side there is two bedside tables with side lights on either side. One table also has an alarm clock. The boy stands with his back to the bed facing the girl. There is an close up shot of his face and then a close up shot of hers. The shot then pans out to a mid shot, the BRUNETTE GIRL pulls her dress off over head, and she is seen in her bra. She walks over to him and takes his shirt off and pushes him onto the bed. We see a wide shot of the girl from behind in her underwear standing up whilst the boy is lying on the bed in just his jeans. We see him begin to take them off and the BRUNETTE GIRL kneels onto the bed and the BRUNETTE BOY leans over and switches the side light on the right off. The room is pitch black. All that can be heard is sensual MOANING SOUNDS and the squeaking of the bed over the muffled sound of the MUSIC. Merging through the blackness we see liquids combining together, it has an oily effect. Representing the FERTILISATION OF AN EGG AND SPERM. Over the top of the

liquids merging a VOICE OVER is heard of the ELDER LADY speaking. ELDER LADY When I was 24, I found out I was pregnant. William was gardening, so I ran outside and told him. Id never seen him so happy yet cry so much. He was over the moon. We were ready for a child, a little girl in fact. We had just bought our first house together William took me to a shop straight away to buy some paint, so we could paint a room and turn it into a nursery. INT. BEDROOM MORNING An alarm clock on the bedside table shows 6.43am. We see the BRUNETTE GIRLS eyes peer out from under the duvet. She lifts up her head and looks around. She looks thoroughly confused, and then has a look of realisation to wear she is. She swings her legs out of the bed and reaches over and grabs her dress that is sprawled out onto the floor. Standing up, facing the wall she can be seen pulling her dress down and removing her hair that is stuck in the back of her dress. She picks her pants up off the floor and puts them on and pulls them up. Picking up her remaining items from the floor, she creeps out of the room and into the hallway. Looking around we see people passed out in the hallway, with bottles and pizza boxes thrown around. The BRUNETTE GIRL takes her jacket from the wall and puts her shoes on. She opens the front door and sneaks out the flat as quietly as she can. INT. BEDROOM DAY The ELDER LADY is sitting in the chair next to the dressing table. She is talking to the camera once again. ELDER LADY We both retired when we were 65. William being 4 years older than me retired first and spent those years in the pub with his friends. [laughing as if at a memory] Oh the things I came home too! We went on a lot of holidays together, they were the best years. It was like being young again. America in 1996 and Tenerife for a month every winter. Soon the grandchildren arrived and we spent a lot of time with them. It only felt like yesterday that we were bringing up

our little girls and now they had their own children we felt so old! INT. BATHROOM MORNING A pair of legs with pants round the ankles are seen sitting next to a toilet. A flushing sound can be heard and the pants are pulled up. An extreme close up of the BRUNETTE GIRLS eyes can be seen and a tear coming out of the corner of her eye. The shot then pans down to her hand in a POV shot on her behalf. We see close up shot of a positive pregnancy test. The test is dropped and in slow motion falls to the floor. EXT. SUN SET NIGHT The sky is getting darker. Time lapse is used to capture the sunset that begins to go down between and behind the hills and fields in the distance, capturing the movement of the clouds and the changing colours of the pink, orange, yellow, purple, blue sky. The shot slowly pans down towards a grave stone which says In memory of William Hill. The ELDER LADYs hand lays down a bunch of flowers. A voice over can be heard. ELDER LADY Relationships have changed these days. I dont think the younger generation go on dates anymore, everything seems so rushed and forced. There isnt true love anymore just the inimate part but not relationship. Its sad reallyto think that people these days wont experience the love that I received and returned. William and I had been together fifty one years when he passed away, and neither of us had ever been with or in fact loved anyone else After the gravestone is in full view the shot pans back keep the grave stone in focus whilst the time lapse captures the sun setting until blackness.

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