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Anil Ku mar C S, Res. Tel: +91

“SAMR UDHI”, Email :
anilre ddycs@y aho m
2 nd C ross, 1 ST Ma in, Lakkasandra,
Wi lson- garden Banga lore - 560030, INDIA.

EXP ERIENC E: I hav e 6. 5 yea rs of expe ri enc e and

wor ke d as T est D ev elop me nt on Set- Top- Bo x.

EDUCATION : Bachelor of Engineering in Comp uter Scien ce &

Engineerin g at


Language C, C++.
Core skill s DVB- SI, DTV, DV R/PVR ( Chan nel Recording/ Net way-
re cording, a/v Syn c), E PG, VOD, IPT V, and C arousel
generation, S oftware download
DVB table c reation & DLI Cer tification (M HW -Philips/
KBW- Huma x/SES- Amino/I BM P ower PC 405).

Black bo x & Whi te Bo x testing, Fun ctional t esting,

Regression Testing,

Test Direc tor- ME RCURY Quality cen ter, Sanity Test Plan,
Software Test Plan and De taile d Test Plan. Bugs repo rting,
Verify ing th e Bug re ports, Analysis of Bug repor t using
Rational Clear Q uest.

Do cumen tation: Weekly p rojec t stat us re ports, C CB repor ts,

Mont hly PMR (Proje ct Management review) review and
Assist Developer wi th defect resolu tion (Suggestions and
New Ideas).

I possess good skil ls in co mmuni cation, presen tation wit h

demons trated abi lities in le ading and mo tivating teams t o
achieve organizational goals.

 Working as a S r.Soft ware Engineer - QC at N D S S ervices Pay T V
TECH NOLOGY (P) LIM ITED, BA NGALORE, during the month of
August - 2007 to till date...

 Working as a Member Tec hnical Staff – Soft ware at REL IANCE

during the month of April- 2004 to June 2007.

 Worked as a S oftware Engineer- QC for MIS Division at ISEVA

SYSTEMS LI MITED, BANGALORE during the month of December 2002
to March-2004.

I) Title : Premiere Fusion Upgrade

Team Size : 80
Duration : April 2008 t o Ti ll Date
Role : Zapper Bo x Testing.
Client : Premiere.
Descrip tion:

Created test cases for Digital Television set-top box used in

subscription. Perform testability analysis of requirements and identify
necessary improvements to the test process. Produce User Case tests for
on-screen message display priorities and Conditional Access card
security. Use the test lab manual runner feature to execute the test
plans at regression testing levels. Ensure requirements have been met
and system is suitable for release. Log all defects using Bug-portal.
Assist Developers with defect resolution.


Test plan, Test cases and CCB to priorities the bugs

Tested following features,

 STB Installation & Service Scanning,

 Software update & STB system identification,
 Premiere channels and other channels ranges configuration,
 Favorites Management,
 Parental control & Smart Card Information,
 Live navigation features,
Update task, EPG, SCART, Embedded configuration files.

STB Environ ment : MHP – SAT _PHILIPS

II) Title : Te lecolu mbus

Team Size : 20
Duration : August 2007 to A pril 2008
Role : Te lecolu mbus zapper bo x Testing.
Client : Premiere-KBW.

Descrip tion:
Created test cases for Digital Television set-top box used in
subscription. Perform testability analysis of requirements and identify
necessary improvements to the test process. Produce User Case tests for
on-screen message display priorities and Conditional Access card
security. Use the test lab manual runner feature to execute the test
plans at regression testing levels. Ensure requirements have been met
and system is suitable for release. Log all defects using Bug-portal.
Assist Developers with defect resolution.


Test plan, Test cases and CCB to priorities the bugs.

Tested following features,

 STB Installation & Service Scanning,

 Software update & STB system identification,
 Telecolumbus channels and other channels ranges
 Favorites Management,
 Parental control & Smart Card Information,
 Live navigation features,
 Update task, EPG, SCART, Embedded configuration files.

STB Environ ment : KBW – SAT_ Humax

II I) Title : ME TRO
Team Size : 50
Duration : August 2007 to A pril 2008
Role : BT V and PVR STB Testing.
Client : ME TRO.
Descrip tion:

Created test cases for Digital Television/PVR/VOD set-top box used in

Subscription and Video on Demand environments. Perform testability
analysis of requirements and identify necessary improvements to the
test process. Produce User Case tests for on-screen message display
priorities and Conditional Access card security. Use the test lab manual
runner feature to execute the test plans at regression testing levels.
Ensure requirements have been met and system is suitable for release.
Log all defects using Bug-portal. Assist Developers with defect


Test plan, Test cases and CCB to priorities the bugs.

Tested following features,

 PVR: Time shifting and Time shifted mode recording.

 VCR controls and audio video sync.
 Favorites Management,
 Parental control & Smart Card Information,

STB Environ ment : SES - IP_ AMINO


Team Size : 20
Duration : April 2004 t o Ti ll Date
Role : D- TV and VOD Testing.
Client : Re liance infoco m.

Descrip tion:
Created test cases for Digital Television/VOD set-top box used in
Subscription and Video on Demand environments. Perform testability analysis
of requirements and identify necessary improvements to the test process.
Produce User Case tests for on-screen message display priorities and
Conditional Access card security. Use the test lab manual runner feature to
execute the test plans at regression testing levels. Ensure requirements have
been met and system is suitable for release. Log all defects using Bug-portal.
Assist Developers with defect resolution.

CHOIS (Cable Based Home and Office Intera ctive Services ) and
CHOISSt reamer
Involved in Testing of IP set-top box software and functionality, which
provides features like Internet, video on demand and digital channels on any
Tested CHOIS Streamer Fun ctionality .
CHOISStreamers takes ASI signal as input from satellite receivers and
multicast extracted channels over the Net way. The methodology used here is
called MPEG over IP. Each channel will be transmitted on a pre-defined
multicast group address. Audio stream and Video stream of a channel will be
multicast on a same group-IP with different port numbers. The
CHOISStreamer extracts pre-defined channels from the TS and multicast the
MPEG payload onto the Ethernet port. It will also monitor other channels of
the same TS (bouquet) which are suppose to be multicast by its counterpart.
Incase it finds them absent it will also multicast the missing channels of that
bouquet. Thus a pair of CHOISStreamers per TS will provide cent percent
redundancy. On the receiving side joining to the channel group-id through
IGMP (Internet Group Management Proto col ) request plays specific

 Tested the functions to extract payload of channels and transmit
the audio and video packets on Ethernet.
 Tested monitoring functions, which are responsible for
monitoring channels, to provide redundancy.
 Used Command Line Interface (CLI) which displays all
streaming and monitoring channels information like channel
name, group id, data rate etc. Also tested console commands to
start and stop specific channel (Eg: command: Chanstat).
 Used IBM-Tx commands like START, DUMP, STAT, and
CLEAR STAT to check the PAT PMT status.
 Used IBM-a/v commands like PLAY STOP, MUTE, UMUT,
ABORT etc…

Server based digital c hannel reco rder

 Tested Net-recording utility to record popular programs of TV
 Tested jbx files, which contains Iframe and pts values from
recorded mpeg video file.
 Tested chois_stack utility, which displays the maximum usage of
stack sizes by all tasks on the hyper terminal.

Environmen t: C, pSOS, IBM Power PC 405.

Tested EPG (Elec tronic Progra m Guide /Personal Program G ui de)

Func tiona lity.

With the expansion of TV content, digital networks and broadband, hundreds of TV

programs are broadcast at any time of day. This huge amount of content has the
potential to optimally satisfy individual interests, but it makes the selection of the
programs to watch a very lengthy task. Therefore, TV viewers end up watching a
limited number of channels and ignoring the other ones. In order to face the
information overload and facilitate the selection of the most interesting programs to
watch, personalized TV guides are needed that take individual interests and
preferences into account. As recommender systems have been successfully applied to
customize the suggestion of items in various application domains, such as e-
commerce, tourism and digital libraries to apply this technology to the Digital TV

When somebody asks for a recommendation, the system suggests those items that
have been positively rated by the users with the most similar profiles. Although
collaborative filtering suits Web-based applications in an excellent way, we believe
that personalized EPGs should rely on recommendation techniques that can be
applied locally to the user’s TV. In fact, an EPG embedded in the set-top box may
continuously track the user’s viewing behavior, unobtrusively acquiring precise
information about her preferences. Moreover, the guide can be extended to become a
personal assistant helping the user to browse and manage her own digital archive.

To prove our ideas, we developed the Personal Program Guide (PPG). This is a
personalized EPG that customizes the TV program recommendation and assists the
user in the retrieval of the programs she has recorded. The PPG runs on the user’s set-
top box and downloads information about the available TV programs from the
satellite stream. In order to obtain precise estimates of the individual TV viewer’s
preferences during the whole lifecycle of the EPG, our system relies on the
management of a hybrid user model that integrates three sources of information:

 The user’s explicit preferences that may be declared by the user.

 Information about the viewing preferences of stereotypical TV viewer
 The user’s viewing behavior.

Tested CARP Fun ctionality:

The main concept to implement CARP (Content Address Requested Protocol) is to

reduce Net way network traffic. The Net way Network is the private broadband
technology, which supports point-to-point network connection from one place to
another, as an example CHOISPad or Personal Computer can act as a both client and
server model Architecture .The Net way network technology is called Third
Generation Broadband Technology (3G Technology), which provides100 Mbps speeds
for streaming VOD (Video On Demand), streaming Channels, Internet, Magazine,
Telephony and many more services.

As compare to general network concept with implementation of CARP in network

makes huge difference in the existing network communication technology. In more
precisely, we Can’t say that changing the desired path in more efficient way that one
particular client i.e.CHOISPad will act as both a client and server in terms of fetching
and streaming contents. It can fetch the content for playing video also it can serve or
host its own video to others.
Behavior of CARP is to fetching the content by CHOISPad and same CHOISPad is
able to serve the content s to others.

CARP will work in such a way that it can reduce the network bandwidth using
minimum number of network component, as well as reduces network load on server,
which gives always better services to network users. This can be viewed in more
important aspects like it can fastens the process of streaming data on network. CARP
makes best use of network by eliminating the long distance traversing of packets. In
the existing system, CHOISPads request will reach to the server using fixed number
of network components and streaming of data from server will use the same path. To
eliminate several aspect of network we have implemented CARP scheme for the
existing network. The following aspect may be described in terms of points.

 Large number of CHOISPads is connected to servers through network, which

may leads to low performance of services.

 Heavy load on network, which results in network congestion and packet may
get delay or losses may occur while transmitting the contents, which causes
packets are retransmitted.

 As above estimated load on servers hat may prompts to refuse the connection
for incoming request from users to server.

 As keep increasing the load on servers in terms of CPU utilization will be high
and result will be getting delay for all existing connection in the server.

As above men ion points indicates may not get expected throughput from the
network when more number of users get increased. To avoid these types of drawback
in network, CARP is come in to the picture. CARP implementation is just have
changed the path from source o destination via network. This scheme can be viewed
to as facts of eliminating several problems from the network and gives best
performance o user. This can be state hat if requested content is available a nearest
CHOISPad in the network, this scheme allowed o CHOISPads o fetch those matched
content from nearby CHOISPad.

V) Title : Mana gemen t Information Sys tem

Client : Citibank
Team Size : 10
Duration : Dec 2002 t o April 2004

Descrip tion:
The Quality control procedures are defined to ensure that accuracy and
Integrity of the data and report that are generated and maintained in the
Role s:
 Repor t Sc hedule:
The report Schedule is the list of all the reports that have to be sent to
the client.
 Oppor tunities of errors:
The Opportunities of errors of all the reports that are system-
generated & manually created have been clearly defined & reviewed
 Verification pro cess:
Based on the opportunities of errors defined, the verifier manually
checks all the fields in the report. A re-check is done before the MIS-
Manager sends out the report to the client, to guarantee highest levels
of precision.

 Fac t Shee t:
This document is an error analysis report of the MIS team. The fact
sheet keeps track of the errors made and also lists the feedback and
the action plan. The deadline of the report delivery and accuracy of
the report from the key factors only after the authorization from the
MIS Manager.

 Bac k- ups:
All the important client data is regularly backed-up on the fileserver,
once in 3 months the data on the fileserver is burnt onto CDs,
which are kept fireproof safe. A copy of the mail that containing the
Daily client report is also saved on the local disk.

Pe rs onal Detai ls

Date of Birth : 11th October

Marita l Sta tus : Married

Gender : Male

Passpor t No. : E 1052354

Preferred Lo cation : Bangalore

I declare that the Information provided by me, at the above statement is current to
best of my knowledge.



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