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China explores afforestation to boost carbon sinks

By Mi Xingang in Doha, Qatar 2 Comment(s) Print E-mail, November 30, 2012 Adjust font size: China will construct a pilot demonstration area of bamboo forests in Zhejiang Province to promote the expansion of carbon sinks, according to a seminar themed "Forestry Carbon Sinks" held at the China Pavilion during the UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar, on November 29.

A seminar themed "Forestry Carbon Sinks" was held at the China Pavilion during the UN Climate Change Conference in Doha, Qatar, on November 29.[Photo/] China's exploration of sustainable bamboo management to address climate change has been ongoing for years and has already made numerous breakthroughs in the field, said Liu Nuyun, executive deputy director of the Climate Change Office in China's State Forestry Administration. During the seminar, he primarily announced the official release of China's Bamboo Carbon Afforestation Methodology, which is the first of its kind in China and is deemed a globally advanced scientific result. It has established technical standards for the bamboo forests carbon sequestration projects taking place across the nation and can serve as reference material for other countries, Liu said.

Initiated by the Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University, the methodology was developed by the joint efforts of both domestic and foreign experts and has been repeatedly appraised during international meetings, including the Asia Pacific Forestry Week and several side events of the 2011 Durban Climate Change Conference, according to Liu. At the conclusion of the seminar, representatives of China Green Carbon Foundation, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University and People's Government of Anji County, Zhejiang Province, signed a framework agreement on the construction of a demonstration area for bamboo forests. The project will conduct further research on the development of both carbon sink and the carbon sequestration measurements of bamboo products in order to increase the planters' income through carbon transactions, as well as make constructive contributions to the mitigation and adaptation to global climate change. Several other government officials and scholars spoke about the practice and innovation of forestry carbon management in China during the seminar, which was attended by more than 90 delegates from the participating countries as well as international organizations.

China Green Carbon Fund - China Forest Carbon Sink

The Establishment of the China Green Carbon Fund China Green Carbon Fund has been established since 2008 as prelude for a full-fledged voluntary forest carbon market in China. Afforestation/reforestation, forest rehabilitation for climate change mitigation cannot simply rely on the effort made by the government; it should be a common effort made by the whole society. In China, on the one hand, the industry sector is the major emitters of the green house gases; on the other hand, the government has not set the cap for emission reductions for the industry sector given that China does not have commitment to emission reductions to the Kyoto Protocol as mentioned earlier on. Nonetheless, China has recognized that it is important to encourage industry sector to reduce their emission reductions by adopting clean technology and alternative clean energy forms through their voluntary participation. Considering that afforestation/reforestation and forest protections are important means for climate change mitigation, the State of Forestry Administration of China, China Green Foundation, China National Petroleum Corporation and Jiahan Forestry Investment Corporation jointly established the China Green Carbon Fund (CGCF) in Beijing in July, 2007. The China Green Carbon Fund attempts to encourage enterprises to invest in afforestation, increasing carbon sequestration, fulfilling social responsibility and promoting the establishment of a market for ecological services. The Fund aims to serve as a platform for industry sector to bank carbon credits for their futures possible commit ment to emission reductions and establish their social responsibility images.

The Operation of China Green Carbon Fund The Green Carbon Fund is under the management of China Green Foundation. It is the first public charity organization in China with a purpose of mobilizing enterprises, organizations and individuals to voluntarily take part in tree planting and forest protection activities to reduce carbon emission and mitigate climate change. The development procedure of the Green Carbon Fund can be divided into three stages. Stage 1: enterprises, organizations and individuals make donations to the Fund. Stage 2: the governments in forestry sector is entrusted by the Fund to coordinate afforestation/reforestation activities in light of rules and standards set for forest carbon project and be responsible for carbon accounting, monitoring and evaluation. Donors have their individual accounts in the Fund and their contribution to the Fund is publicized on the webpage of the Fund. Tree plantings will be undertaken on individually-managed lands or community lands, which are under the management of natural villages, the subunits of administrative villages in China.

Therefore, the individual farmer households or natural villages claim the rights of timber products, while the donators can claim rights over carbon credits. Farmer households can also benefit from employment opportunities generated from forest carbon projects (Li Nuyun, 2007). Stage 3: when policies are available and the carbon trade market is formed, the carbon credits generated by the forest carbon projects under the Fund can be traded in the market.

Indias Forest and Tree Cover: Contribution as a Carbon Sink

August, 2009. Ministry of Environment and Forests. Government of India. 8 pages.

Summary In India, they consider their forests a unique national treasure. Forests are responsible for Indias rich biodiversity India is one of the 12 megadiverse countries in the world. Forests hold within them unique wildlife, flora and fauna, and are also a source of sustainable livelihoods to over 200 million people.

Forestry is at the centre-stage of global climate change negotiations. This is because forests have the potential to be a carbon sink as well as a source of carbon emissions. India is actively participating in the discussions on forestry that are taking place under the Bali Action Plan (BAP) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). It is Indias view that India need an agreement on a comprehensive framework for compensation and positive incentives for forestry as part of the ongoing climate change negotiations.

It is important that any such agreement provides incentives not only for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), but also for Sustainable Management of Forests (SMF) and Afforestation and Reforestation (A&R). A REDD Plus approach that includes SMF and A&R is required in order to fulfill the principles of equity and efficiency. India has put forward a formal submission on a potential conceptual framework for such an agreement as part of the UNFCCC process.

This publication will provide a useful snapshot of the carbon value of Indias forests, and give a glimpse of the potential of Indias forests to offset Indias and the worlds carbon emissions.

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