5 Elementos

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This is not something to be worried about, this is only concerning to the cosmic principles and feng shui.

The cosmic principles are very simple and they include chi energy-the universal breath of life; yin and yang-the opposing and complementary in the same time forces; the five transformations of chi energy-the five elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water;bagua-feng shui map, known as the Lo Shu Magic Square etc. The divine inspiration from gods is the spiritual meaning of the chi energy, on which the whole cosmos runs. It is created by light and information and it energizes the whole world and every living creature on our planet. The five elements are acting together in the order of the universe. Each of these elements represents a principle of existence and they can form the Cycle of Creation and the Cycle of Destruction.

In the Cycle of Creation Wood provides fuel for Fire; Fire creates Earth in the form of ash; deep in the earth, Metal is formed and the condensation on metal surfaces creates Water. Water provides nourishment for Wood. In the Cycle of Destruction Wood drains and exhausts Earth; Earth pollutes Water, making it muddy; Water douses Fire; Fire melts Metal and Metal chops Wood. The five elements are extremely helpful in the productive Cycle of Creation and they can be harmful in Cycle of Destruction. They have their directions, colors, images and shapes. The direction of wood is east (3) and south-east (4); The direction of fire is south (9);

The direction of earth is center (5), north-east (8) and south-east (2); The direction of metal is west (7) and north-west (6); The direction of water is north (1). The colors of wood are green and light blue; The colors of fire are red and purple; The color of earth is yellow; The colors of metal are white and metallic; The colors of water are black and dark blue. The image of wood is dragon; The image of fire is phoenix; The image of earth is emperor; The image of metal is tiger; The image of water is tortoise. The shape of wood is rectangular; The shape of fire is triangular; The shape of earth is square; The shape of metal is circle; The shape of water is curly, wavy.

The five elements have, also, bodily associations:

For water (1): kidneys, bladder, sexual organs, bones, nervous system; For earth (2): abdomen, stomach, spleen; For earth (5): hands, abdomen, stomach, pancreas, spleen and lymphatic system; For earth (8): hands, back, spleen, pancreas, stomach; For wood (3): vocal system, liver, feet, musculature; For wood (4): lungs, gall bladder and legs; For metal (6): skull, head, pineal gland, lungs, large intestine, skin; For metal (7): lips, the mouth, speech organs, lungs, large intestine, skin; For fire (9): blood, heart, small intestine, glands. Wood-upward energy: movement arises and starts to become active. Fire-active energy: expansion reaches a peak, diffusing actively in all directions. Earth-downward energy: at its extreme, yin turns to yang and the contractive half of the cycle begins. Then the condensation begins. Metal-gathering energy: the contractive tendency reaches its most compact, crystallized state. Water-floating energy: at this stage, yang turns back to yin. Solidification starts to dissolve, and expansion arises. - See more at: http://www.lifecoachview.com/the-five-elements/#sthash.oPQXefao.dpuf

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