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University of Colorado Design/Build/Fly 2009 - 2010: Process to Designing an Aircraft in Athena Vortex Lattice

Sarah Burleson, Chelsea Goodman Drew Gottula, Luke Pederson, Aaron Russert, Vicki Thiem, Jeff Wheeler University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309

This paper will discuss the steps necessary to analyze an aircraft in Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL). The input of aircraft geometry and control surfaces will be thoroughly discussed in order to start the user off in the right direction. Cruise, roll rate, constant turn, stall and crosswind run cases will be discussed in order to allow the user to analyze their aircraft in a variety of conditions. Lastly, eigenmode analysis of the aircrafts stability will be examined to ensure the aircraft will be stable. This paper is geared toward first-time users of AVL, particularly those wishing to safely design an aircraft for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Design-Build-Fly (DBF) Competition and obtain the necessary aerodynamic characteristics expected to be present in said competitions report. AVL reduces several errors when hand calculations are present. The equations of motion can be analyzed with a tolerance of 10E7 while hand calculations would leave large numerical errors. Reducing these errors as well as analyzing the aircraft as a whole unit are two crucial issues that AVL solves in aerodynamic design.

AIAA AoA AVL CG DBF Alpha Angle Beta BRef CL CL, Cl = American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics = Angle of Attack = Athena Vortex Lattice = Center of Gravity = Design-Build-Fly = Angle of Attack = Airfoil Angle of Incidence = Sideslip Angle = Reference Span = Coefficient of Lift = Lift Curve Slope = Infinite of Coefficient of Lift = Perpendicular Infinite Coefficient of Lift = Reference Chord = Computer Aided Design = Airfoil Chord = Graphical User Interface = Acceleration due to Gravity = Mass = National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics = Dynamic Pressure = Reference Area t/c X Xhvec Xle XRef X_cg Y Yhvec Yle YRef Y_cg Z Zhvec Zle ZRef Z_cg .avl .dat .run .txt i = Thickness-to-Chord Ratio = Distance Measured from Leading Edge = X Location of Control Surface Hinge Vector = X Location of Airfoil Leading Edge = X CG Location = X CG Location = Distance along Span = Y Location of Control Surface Hinge Vector = Y Location of Airfoil Leading Edge = Y CG Location = Y CG Location = Height Measured from leading Edge = X Location of Control Surface Hinge Vector = Z Location of Airfoil Leading Edge = Z CG Location = Z CG Location = AVL Geometry Input File = AVL Body Input File = AVL Run-Case Input File = Text File = Angle of Attack = Induced Angle of Attack

CRef CAD Chord GUI g m NACA SRef

1 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

I. Introduction
AVL uses horseshoe vortices to model lifting surfaces and source doublet lines to model bodies. The horseshoe vortex distribution over a wing is depicted in Fig. 1.1 The vorticity can be calculated at each vortex station and the total circulation for the wing can be found by integration. More importantly, a differential circulation can be formed from which lift and drag can be calculated at each station by use of the Kutta-Joukowski Law. Control surface deflections can be found on the surface in question to satisfy force or moment balances about the entire aircraft.
Figure 2. 2009-2010 DBF Aircraft in AVL Editor GUI

II. Geometry Input File (xxx.avl)

Creating a .avl geometry file is the first step in

Figure 1. Horseshoe vortex distribution.

analyzing an aircraft in AVL. This file may be created in a graphical user interface (GUI) called AVL Editor, which can be downloaded from Cloud Cap Technology.2 Though this GUI will create an acceptable .avl geometry file, it is not preferred due to its ability to detach the user from the construction of the file and the style in which it defines the aircrafts surfaces. It is best used for visualization of the manual construction of a .avl file using the notes provided by Drela and Youngren.3 For the purpose of this paper, the aircraft designed by the 2009-2010 University of Colorado DBF team will be used to provide examples. Fig. 2 provides a visual depiction of said aircraft in the AVL Editor GUI and Fig. 3 shows the .avl file for said aircraft. The first few lines of a .avl file provide some characteristics of the aircraft and flight conditions such as the freestream Mach number for Prandtl-Glauert correction (Mach); definitions of symmetry about specific planes (iYsym, iZsym, Zsym); reference area, chord and span (Sref, Cref, Bref); the CG location (Xref, Yref, Zref) and any default profile drag coefficient to be applied at the center of gravity (CG) location (CDp). It is important to note that either the

#*************************************** # AVL dataset for Buff Bambino6 # Generated by AVL Model Editor on 11 Mar 2010 #*************************************** Buff Bambino6 #Mach 0.0000 #iYsym iZsym Zsym 0 0 0.0000 #Sref Cref Bref #@Auto-generate 0.7511 0.3753 2.4608 #**************************************** # AVL Axes: # +X downstream # +Y out right wing # +Z up #***************************************** #Xref Yref Zref #@Auto-generate 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 #C Dp 0.0000 Figure 3. AVL file code.

English or Metric system of units may be used in defining geometry or run files, but consistency must be maintained. Only this aircrafts reference geo metry has been provided in the code in Fig. 3. It is preferred not to use the symmetry feature of AVL, nor define the location of the aircrafts CG in the .avl file, as it will be superseded by the values in a .run file discussed in Section III. Ground effect may be modeled by AVL by setting iZsym=1 and Zsym to the height of the aircraft above the ground. Surface and body data are defined next in the .avl file. This aircraft has only surfaces, as it incorporates the use of a Burnelli fuselage, and therefore does not have a body. The aircrafts Burnelli fuselage is defined in Fig. 4.

2 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

#****************************************** # Surfaces #****************************************** #===================Fuselage============ SURFACE Fuselage #Nchord Cspace Nspan Sspace 12 2.0000 32 1.0000 SCALE #sX sY sZ 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 TRANSLATE #dX dY dZ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ANGLE #Ainc 0.0000 #===========Fuselage section 1============= SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 0.0000 -0.2652 0.0000 0.5842 0.0000 NACA #Airfoil definition 2424 CLAF #CLaf = 1 + 0.77 t/c 1.1848 #===========Fuselage section 2============= SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 0.0000 0.2652 0.0000 0.5842 0.0000 NACA #Airfoil definition 2424 CLAF #CLaf = 1 + 0.77 t/c 1.1848 Figure 1. Fuselage surface definition.

The SURFACE keyword declares that a surface is being defined until the next SURFACE or BODY keyword. The Nchord parameter defines the number of chordwise horseshoe vortices placed on the surface. The Cspace parameter is the chordwise vortex spacing parameter. The Nspan parameter defines the number of spanwise horseshoe vortices placed on the surface. The Sspace parameter is the spanwise vortex spacing parameter. The values for Cspace and Sspace must fall in the range of -3.0 to 3.0. The relationship between the numerical values available and the spacing is provided in Fig. 5. A number between those provided above will result in a blended spacing distribution. This aircraft uses 12 chordwise horseshoe vortices on its fuselage with more located towards the leading edge (Cspace = 2.0). It uses 32 spanwise horseshoe vortices with more located on the ends of its span (Sspace = 1.0). The SCALE keyword allows a surface to be multiplied by a scaling factor, TRANSLATE shifts the surface in three-dimensional space and ANGLE allows for an angle of incidence to be established. The SECTION keyword defines an airfoil of infinitesimal span. A surface must be defined by no less than two sections. The origin of this aircraft is located in the center of the fuselage airfoils leading edge with +X running towards the aircrafts tail, +Y out the right wing and +Z up. From a top-down perspective, the fuselage airfoils leading edge is defined from left to right (Xle, Yle, Zle). A chord and angle of incidence are defined as well (Chord, Angle). It is important to define all sections in the manner of left-to-right, as to avoid inverted airfoils. Furthermore, the airfoils four number NACA identifier is defined following the respective keyword (NACA). Airfoils other than NACA may be used by replacing the NACA keyword with AFILE and providing a .txt geometry file of the
spacing ------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

parameter --------3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 -1.0 -2.0 -3.0

equal sine cosine equal cosine -sine equal

| || | || | || | |

| | | | |

| |

| |

| | |

|| | ||

| || | |

Figure 2. Spacing relationship definitions.

3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

desired airfoil in the same directory as the geometry file. The name of the file will follow the AFILE keyword. The CLAF keyword is used to better represent the lift characteristics of thick airfoils and is not a required keyword. It is used in defining this aircrafts fuselage airfoil though. It essentially dictates the coefficient of lift with respect to angle of attack partial derivative to be used by AVL. A good approximation is found from potential flow theory and is provided in Eq. 1.3 (1) The rightmost section of the fuselage airfoil is then defined, and the section is complete. In some cases an aircrafts body should be defined. This is not always the case, as most will provide little lift to an aircraft. Only lift induced drag will be measured by AVL, which there will also be little produced by most fuselages. Nevertheless, the flow interaction that a fuselage has with wings, tail, etc. may be beneficial to model. Use of the BODY keyword is provided in an example by Drela in Fig 6.3
#================Body============== BODY Fuse pod 12 1.0 # TRANSLATE -12.5 0.0 -1.4 # BFIL fuseBD.dat Figure 6. Body definition example.

In this example, the number of vortices (12) and their spacing in unit length (1.0) is defined after the body identifier (Fuse pod). The origin of the fuselage is shifted using the TRANSLATE keyword in both the x (12.5) and y directions (-1.4) from the overall aircrafts origin. The BFIL keyword is used to load a .dat (fuseBD.dat) file which contains the fuselages geometry, in the same manner that the AFILE keyword can be used to load non-NACA airfoils. Returning to the aircraft of Fig. 2, the right wing is defined next and the surface is built using the same conventions employed above, which is shown in Fig. 7. Some differences between the aircrafts fuselage and wing are discussed here. A sine spanwise vortex spacing is utilized to accurately capture the characteristics of the flow where the wing root protrudes from the fuselage airfoil (Sspace = 2.0). Airfoil sections are used not only to define the bounds of the surface but are also used to bound areas of an airfoil which employ a control surface. On the right wing, four sections are used to place an aileron on the wing. Section 1 is the wings root. Section 2 marks the beginning of the wings aileron, which is located at

#=================Rwing================== SURFACE Rwing #Nchord Cspace Nspan Sspace 12 2.0000 32 2.0000 SCALE #sX sY sZ 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 TRANSLATE #dX dY dZ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ANGLE #Ainc 0.00000 #===============Rwing section 1============= SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 0.2179 0.2652 -0.0470 0.2286 0.0000 NACA #Airfoil definition 2412 #===============Rwing section 2============= SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 0.2179 0.5547 -0.0470 0.2286 -0.6000 NACA #Airfoil definition 2412 CONTROL #label gain Xhinge Xhvec Yhvec Zhvec SgnDup Aileron -1.0000 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 #===============Rwing section 3============= SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 0.2179 1.1821 -0.0470 0.2286 -1.9000 NACA #Airfoil definition 2412 CONTROL #label gain Xhinge Xhvec Yhvec Zhvec SgnDup Aileron -1.0000 0.7500 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 #===============Rwing section 4============= SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 0.2179 1.2304 -0.0470 0.2286 -2.0000 NACA #Airfoil definition 2412 Figure 7. Right wing surface definition.

precisely 30% of the span. The CONTROL keyword is placed in this section to indicate that a hinge deflection at this section is to be governed by one or more control variables. The controls label is listed first directly below this keyword (Aileron). The control deflection gain or degrees of deflection per control variable is listed next. In keeping with proper aircraft control deflection, a positive rolling moment requires an upward right aileron deflection, hence the value (-1.0000). The percent chord of the control surface is then provided (0.7500). If this value

4 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

is positive, the percent chord is measured from the leading edge and indicates a trailing edge surface and vice-versa. The hinge vector (Xhvec, Yhvec, Zhvec) is defined and signifies the location of the axis about which the surface rotates. A value of (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) for all practical purposes is an acceptable approximation for the fidelity of this aircraft. Lastly, the sign of deflection is defined and is merely a way to switch the deflection direction, but is more easily accomplished for multiple surface controls in the gain section. The aileron is ceased by Section 3 at 95% of the wings span, which is done to reduce the li kelihood of tip stall. The exact values used for the CONTROL keyword of Section 2 are used in Section 3. Differences in the hinge vectors location and gain values could be manipulated from section to section to model a blended control deflection if desired. The wings outer bound is defined in Section 4 and contains no control. Notice this wing employs a washout by defining a different angle of incidence in each section. The result is a linear washout between each respective section and a total linear washout of 2. The aircrafts left wing is defined almost identically, except for the sections begin at the tip and work towards the root in keeping with the leftto-right definition style. The left ailerons control gain would be positive (1.0000) in order for the ailerons to deflect in opposite directions. The horizontal stabilizer is broken up into two surfaces, a left and right because it is split by the aircrafts tail boom. They both utilize only two sections, both of which contain elevator control designations because the elevator spans the entire horizontal stabilizer as depicted in Fig. 2. The gain for the elevator is negative (-1.00000) because an upward elevator deflection creates a positive pitching moment in a statically stable aircraft. The vertical stabilizer is only one surface. It is different from the previous surfaces in that is protrudes from the X-Y plane vertically. This is done be specifying 0.0000 for the Yle of both sections and giving it span with different Zle distances. The rudders gain is -1.0000 because a left deflection is defined as positive. The parameters for the vertical stabilizer are shown in Fig. 8.

#==============V-Stab======================= SURFACE V-Stab #Nchord Cspace Nspan Sspace 12 2.0000 32 0.0000 SCALE #sX sY sZ 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000 TRANSLATE #dX dY dZ 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 ANGLE #Ainc 0.0000 #=============V-Stab section 1================== SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 1.1864 0.0000 0.0257 0.3792 0.0000 NACA #Airfoil definition 0006 CONTROL #label gain Xhinge Xhvec Yhvec Zhvec SgnDup Rudder -1.0000 0.8380 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 #=============V-Stab section 2================== SECTION #Xle Yle Zle Chord Angle 1.3404 0.0000 0.3053 0.2253 0.0000 NACA #Airfoil definition 0006 CONTROL #label gain Xhinge Xhvec Yhvec Zhvec SgnDup Rudder -1.0000 0.7273 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 Figure 3. Control deflection gain definition.

III. Run-Case Input File (

AVLs run files make use of known operating variables to solve for sought after unknowns. For every aircraft there are five variables which may be constrained by others (Alpha, Beta, Roll rate, Pitch rate and Yaw rate) and additionally each control surface for the aircraft may be constrained. Once an aircrafts geometry file (.avl) is loaded into the main menu of AVL, the oper command may be entered to take the user to the operating-point run case sub-menu. There

the f key may be entered to fetch a run case file. files may be pre-fabricated in a text editor by following some simple guidelines that emulate casespecific flight conditions (cruise, roll rate, constant turn, stall, crosswind, etc.). The run file for this aircrafts cruise condition is provided in Fig. 9. The five variables mentioned above are addressed initially, followed by the variables for this aircrafts ailerons, elevator and rudder. Each dependant variable may be defined by an independent variable or may be constrained to a certain value (zero if the variable is not defined at all). In the case in Fig. 9, alpha is driven to produce a specific CL value for the aircraft. The CL value is calculated using other independent variables via Eq. 2. (2) The Aileron and Rudder control variables are constrained to produce zero rolling and yawing moments, respectively. The Elevator control variable is driven towards a solution where a specific positive pitching moment is produced. This is done to offset the

5 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

-------------------------------------------------------------------Run case 1: -batcruisealpha -> CL = 0.47601 beta -> beta = 0.00000 pb/2V -> pb/2V = 0.00000 qc/2V -> qc/2V = 0.00000 rb/2V -> rb/2V = 0.00000 Aileron -> Cl roll mom = 0.00000 Elevator -> Cm pitchmom = 0.00335 Rudder -> Cn yaw mom = 0.00000

CDo = 0.00000 bank = 0.00000 deg elevation = 0.00000 deg heading = 0.00000 deg Mach = 0.00000 velocity = 14.6300 Lunit/Tunit density = 1.05500 Munit/Lunit^3 grav.acc. = 9.81000 Lunit/Tunit^2 turn_rad. = 0.00000 Lunit load_fac. = 1.00000 X_cg = 0.26790 Lunit Y_cg = 0.00000 Lunit Z_cg = -0.07080 Lunit mass = 5.57960 Munit Ixx = 0.36780 Munit-Lunit^2 Iyy = 0.71950 Munit-Lunit^2 Izz = 1.01970 Munit-Lunit^2 Ixy = 0.00030 Munit-Lunit^2 Iyz = 0.00020 Munit-Lunit^2 Izx = 0.01310 Munit-Lunit^2 visc CL_a = 0.00000 visc CL_u = 0.00000 visc CM_a = 0.00000 visc CM_u = 0.00000 Figure 4. Cruise condition run case.

(3) The aircrafts stalling speed may be calculated by running a cruise run file for a range of velocity values, stepping through the range incrementally until specific airfoil stall angles are surpassed by alpha. For example, this aircrafts fuselage has a stall angle of 16.7 and the wings stall at 13.8. A good estimation of this aircrafts stall velocity is found for a velocity which produces an alpha greater than 13.8. AVL will solve the flow calculation for much larger values of alpha with no indication of stall, which is why this methodology to find the stall velocity must be employed. The aircrafts control response to a crosswind on landing can be found once the approximate stall velocity is obtained. The dependent beta variable is constrained to the value found in Eq. 4.5 (4) The velocity should initially be set to 1.15 times the stall velocity. Should too large of an alpha value be encountered, the velocity should be increased to remedy an indicated stall and it should be noted that in such a crosswind the higher landing velocity must be used. Once a proper run file has been generated and fetched by AVL, it may be executed by typing x in the oper sub-menu. This will solve the case-specific flow solution. The t key will then display a trefftz plane plot for the flow solution. The trefftz plane plot for the run case file above is displayed in Fig. 10. Alpha, beta, pitch rate, roll rate, yaw rate and control surface deflections are obtained from this window. The four lines depicted on the plot are perpendicular infinite coefficient of lift ( ), infinite coefficient of lift (Cl), coefficient of lift per unit span ( ), and induced angle of attack ( ). The first three of those values can be better conceptualized by Eqs. 5-7.2 , where ( ) (5) (6) (7) If there is no sweep, as is the case with the geometry file used to create Fig. 2, Eqs. 5 and 6 will be equivalent. By typing n with the trefftz plot window open, the surfaces producing each portion of the plots will be numbered. The fuselage (1), right wing (2), left wing (3), right horizontal stabilizer (4), left horizontal stabilizer (5), and vertical stabilizer (6) are all numbered in Fig. 10. Values for the finite coefficient of lift, coefficient of pitching moment, rolling moment and yawing moment are all displayed at the top of the window. Since this analysis is done using inviscid flow, the coefficient of drag displayed is only the induced drag and a separate program must be used in order to obtain an aircrafts viscous or parasite drag.

moment that five baseball bats (this aircrafts payload) hanging below the fuselage would produce. Knowing the drag produced by the bats and distance at which that drag acts allows for an easy calculation of the required positive moment to achieve level flight for the aircraft. Defined next in Fig. 9 are numerous independent variables required by AVL to perform the case specific flow calculation. The X_cg, Y_cg and Z_cg variables are the location of the aircrafts CG using the same body axis as the geometry file. The mass is then defined, followed by the aircrafts mass moments of inertia about the same axis as the center of gravity is measured. If the aircraft is meticulously modeled in a CAD program such as SolidWorks4, these ten variables are easily obtained. A roll rate run case file is constructed by changing the roll rate variable. A constant turn run case file can be constructed by changing the cruise run case bank angle and load factor variables so they adhere to Eq. 3.5

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Figure 10. Cruise condition trefftz plane plot.

IV. Stability Derivative Output File

A stability derivative output file will be generated by AVL if st is entered in the oper sub-menu after a run file has been executed. The derivatives are obtained from the stability axis, which is tilted by the angle alpha from the body axis. All essential partial derivatives are calculated by AVL, along with the aircrafts

aerodynamic center or neutral point. A sample stability derivative output file is provided in Fig. 11.

V. Eigenmode Analysis
A run case file must first be loaded in the oper sub-menu in order for an eigenmode analysis to be performed. From the AVL main menu, mode should be entered to enter the eigenmode sub-menu. n may

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Stability-axis derivatives... alpha beta ---------------- ---------------z' force CL | CLa = 3.294484 CLb = 0.000000 y force CY | CYa = -0.000001 CYb = -0.163887 x' mom. Cl'| Cla = 0.000001 Clb = -0.047522 y mom. Cm | Cma = -0.482446 Cmb = 0.000000 z' mom. Cn'| Cna = 0.000001 Cnb = 0.076557 roll rate p' pitch rate q' yaw rate r' ---------------- ---------------- ---------------z' force CL | CLp = -0.000001 CLq = 4.205989 CLr = 0.000000 y force CY | CYp = 0.099699 CYq = -0.000009 CYr = 0.154182 x' mom. Cl'| Clp = -0.437145 Clq = -0.000001 Clr = 0.140423 y mom. Cm | Cmp = 0.000000 Cmq = -5.609949 Cmr = 0.000000 z' mom. Cn'| Cnp = -0.044323 Cnq = 0.000007 Cnr = -0.077606 Aileron d1 Elevator d2 Rudder d3 ---------------- ---------------- ---------------z' force CL | CLd1 = 0.000000 CLd2 = 0.003317 CLd3 = 0.000000 y force CY | CYd1 = -0.000158 CYd2 = 0.000000 CYd3 = 0.001852 x' mom. Cl'| Cld1 = 0.005376 Cld2 = 0.000000 Cld3 = 0.000152 y mom. Cm | Cmd1 = 0.000000 Cmd2 = -0.010534 Cmd3 = 0.000000 z' mom. Cn'| Cnd1 = 0.000331 Cnd2 = 0.000000 Cnd3 = -0.000904 Trefftz drag| CDffd1 = 0.000000 CDffd2 = 0.000312 CDffd3 = 0.000000 span eff. | ed1 = 0.000000 ed2 = -0.001186 ed3 = 0.000000 Neutral point Xnp = 0.322859 Clb Cnr / Clr Cnb = 0.343056 ( > 1 if spirally stable ) Figure 11. Stability derivative output file.

7 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Figure 5. Eigenmodes for cruise run case.

be entered to execute the eigenmode calculation using the case specific run file. x may then be entered to see the location of the aircrafts eigenmodes on t he realimaginary axis. Figure 12 shows the eigenmodes of the aircraft in Fig. 2 using the run case of Section III. For this flight condition, this aircraft has short period (1), phugoid (2), dutch roll (3), roll convergence (4) and spiral modes (5). Selecting a mode with the cross-hairs produces a window which allows further examination of that mode. Error! Reference source not found. 13 shows an examination of the short period mode.

VI. Conclusion
AVL is an extremely useful tool for the experimental flight dynamicist. It is essentially a virtual wind tunnel where countless trials may be conducted. To date it has been used to design numerous DBF aircraft, all of which have proven to be stable and controllable to the extent predicted by AVL. It is recommended that MATLABs6 fprintf command be used to create .avl and .run files since the design of an aircraft is ever evolving.

Figure 6. Short period mode.

8 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

The authors would like to thank their faculty advisor, Dr. Donna Gerren, for her continual support and guidance and their project sponsor, Dr. Brian Argrow, for his support on this project. The project graduate advisors, Jason Roadman, Eric Hall and Daniel Colwell, are extended many thanks due to the considerable assistance and guidance they offered on the topic of AVL. They eased the curve associated with learning the software and hopefully this paper will do the same for those to come.

2 "Cloud Cap Technology Downoads." Cloud Cap Technology. Modeling Tools/ [cited 11 Mar 2010].

Drela, Mark, and Harold Youngren. Athena Vortex Lattice (AVL) 3.26 User Primer. [cited 11 Mar 2010]. Solidworks. Software Package, Ver. 2009 SP4.0, Dessault Systems, 2009. Etkin, Bernard and Lloyd Duff Reid. Dynamics of Flight: Stability and Control. Third Ed. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996.
6 MATLAB. Software Package, Ver., MathWorks, 2009. 4

Kuethe, Arnold M. and Chuen-Yen Chow. Foundations of Aerodynamics: Bases of Aerodynamic Design. Fifth Ed. Canada: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1998.

9 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

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