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Scripture 8-16-12 Bible- Innerant and inspired word of God. 73 books gives us gods plan for salvation.

salvation. One Story- God created us perfect in the beginning, but our first parents sin by using free will and brought death on them and descendants. Sacred Scripture- not our only authority for our faith, the church is an authority too, At Pentecost God poured out the Holy Spirit upon the disciples Reading scripture and the Eucharist are connected by the word of God comes directly to us. Magisterium- church teaching office God is the ultimate author of the bible Books of the bible are both human and divine 2nd natures of human, divine and scriptures o Jesus took on human flesh o Bible took on human language Bible 2 sense: o literal- what authors intended to express o spiritual- the meaning expressed when read under the influence of the holy spirit. No contradiction between literal and spiritual Religion as the word itself means binding Religion is what held everything together Bible is unbiased Difference between our history and bible history??---bible history is unbiased Salvation history- history of Gods plan to save us. Difference between o Covenant- agreement between God and man based on love o Contract- business agreement. The (7) different covenants: 1. Adam 2. Noah- never to flood the earth again 3. Abraham4. Israel- through moses 5. All humanity- through Jesus 6. All nation- David and Solomon 7. covenant- all eternity till end of time

Intro to Scripture Faith book Hebrews believed God caused everything critical approach o putting ourselves in biblical times when reading the gospel o endorsed by the Catholic church How the bible got here o oral tradition passed through generation by spoken word

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Written tradition copying stories down on paper Edited addition Putting the stories in order

knowledge- information we gain from our senses faith- information we receive by someone we trust or instilled in us Bible- Greek word meaning book that contains scriptures and the new and old testament. scripture- sacred writing testament- agreement conscious exaggeration- deliberately stretching the truth innerancy- no mistakes in religious truth etiology- fanciful account of already existing situation. attaching a story to something's telling how it happened for example the dog at my homework. Numbers #'s to know o 7- perfect complete o 70x7- infinite o 40 days- long time o 40 years- meaning lifespan, generation o 12- holy number

Chapter 1 Test Magisterium- the church teaching office Salvation history- stories of Gods plan to save us Literal- interpreting what author intended to express Contract- a temporary business agreement Spiritual- meaning expressed when read under the influence of the holy spirit. Religion- latin word meaning binding Liturgy- service of the church canon- greek word meaning rule covenant- agreement between god and mankind When early christians started the church not everybody could attend the liturgy of the word and the eucharist God is the ultimate author of the bible there are 73 books in the bible The old testament was written before the birth of Christ The 2 senses of the bible, spiritual and literal are meant to go together. The bible is human because because Gods life was meant to save us on earth therefore Jesus was human and this made the word of God human and it made it divine because innerant and inspired by the God through the Holy Spirit At Pentecost God poured the Holy Spirit on the apostles Too the ancient people god and their Religion helf everything together. Sacred scripture is like receiving the Eucharist but we are taking in the word of God.

Our history is different from the bibles because ours is biased the bibles innerant and unbiased. We are living in the sixth covenant period. Canon Pentateuch- Creation stories Historical-stories of Israelis Conquest Wisdom- collection of religious songs prophetic- warning israel of disasters to come. Genesis God created men and women in his image and likeness God commanded men and women to be fruitful and conceive and have dominion over all of the animals. According to the second creation story God told man that they could eat from every tree accept for the tree of knowledge of good or bad. Adam and eve had two children Cain and Abel. Chapter 1 Test Magisterium- the church teaching office Salvation history- stories of Gods plan to save us Literal- interpreting what author intended to express Contract- a temporary business agreement Spiritual- meaning expressed when read under the influence of the holy spirit. Religion- latin word meaning binding Liturgy- service of the church canon- greek word meaning rule covenant- agreement between god and mankind When early christians started the church not everybody could attend the liturgy of the word and the eucharist God is the ultimate author of the bible there are 73 books in the bible The old testament was written before the birth of Christ The 2 senses of the bible, spiritual and literal are meant to go together. The bible is human because because Gods life was meant to save us on earth therefore Jesus was human and this made the word of God human and it made it divine because innerant and inspired by the God through the Holy Spirit At Pentecost God poured the Holy Spirit on the apostles

Too the ancient people god and their Religion helf everything together. Sacred scripture is like receiving the Eucharist but we are taking in the word of God. Our history is different from the bibles because ours is biased the bibles innerant and unbiased. We are living in the sixth covenant period. Canon Pentateuch- Creation stories Historical-stories of Israelis Conquest Wisdom- collection of religious songs prophetic- warning israel of disasters to come. Genesis God created men and women in his image and likeness God commanded men and women to be fruitful and conceive and have dominion over all of the animals. According to the second creation story God told man that they could eat from every tree accept for the tree of knowledge of good or bad. Adam and eve had two children Cain and Abel. Patriarchs Joseph 4 sons 2 sons 2 sons 2 sons 1 sons - Joseph, Jacob's favorite- first born son till Rachel and Jacob Benjamin youngest child of Jacob and Rachel Israel Israel was Gods first born son Everybody hated Joseph Brothers sold Joseph into slavery and sent him to egypt Joseph went to prison after false accusal of Dope Joseph interpreted dreams identify pharaoh as king of Egypt Joseph told pharaoh his dream meaning that their would be a famine. Pharaoh liked Joseph so much Joseph was promoted to governor Joseph brothers go to get wheat when simeon went to jail then brothers bring Benjamin and reconcile Pharaoh changes name once Jacob become Governer Name ZepenthPaneah Mount Moriah is where Isaac was to be Sacrificed.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

God told Israelites to smear blood over the door and the angel of death would passover their house Ceremonial feat- unleavened because they wouldn't have time for bread to rise Covenant of Sinai One GodKeep lords name holy Keep holy the Sabbath Honor parents Do not kill don't commit adultery shall not steal don't bear false witness Dont covet neighbors wife Dont covet neighbors goods

Chapter 4 Notes Evil Line of Canaan Nod- Town Cain went to wandering Enoch- Cain's son, named a city after him name enoch Lamech- 1st polygamist 7 generations down Seth- Righteous son of Adam God flooded the world but would Spare noah and Family due to 150 days of water Noah's ark ended at Mount Arab and rest in present day Turkey.

Genesis Days of Creation 1. Day and night 2. Sky and the sea 3. land and vegetation 4. sun and the moon Day and Night 5. birds and fish 6. animals and humans 7. God rested Genesis 1-11 8-28-12 God created man and women in his image and likeness Gods command to the man and woman after he created them was be fruitful and multiple fill the earth and subdue it have dominion over all living things and on earth According to the second creation store God gave man specific instructions regarding the various trees in the garden and to eat from any tree except the tree of knowledge. Eve and Adam had two sons names Cain and Abel The symbol used to represent evil is the serpent. Cain killed abel out of jealousy that abel offered a better sacrifice than he did. God sent a flood upon earth because of mans wickedness and no desire of good and leading them to evil , he regretted making man.

The reason noah and his family was spared is because Noah was a good man and blameless in that age and always walked with God in favor of the lord god instructed noah to make an ark of gopherwood and collect two of each living creature and transport it along with you family for the flood Noah was six hundred years and 2 months old the flood lasted for forty days and forty nights Noah knew the flood was over when the dove he sent out did not come back to the ark. the people wanted to build a tower to make a name for themselves otherwise they would be scattered all over the earth. God prevented them from building the tower by going down and confusing their language and spreading them throughout the earth. The city was named babel because here the lord confused their speech

Chapter 5 Patriarchs- founding fathers of the faith o Abraham father biblical faith, God asked Abraham to travel from Ur to Haran Abraham died at 175, Ishmael and Isaac bury Abraham next to Sarah o Isaac o Jacob- born grasping Esau's feet Jacob and Rebecca tricked Isaac. (Goat skin) Jacob flees to Haran where his uncle laban lives Matriarchs o Sarah- died and buried in field beside her house o Rebecca- clued in by God that her 2nd son would receive the birthright twins Jacob and Esau's is the hairy ginger Rachel

Lot- Abraham's nephew Descendants- all who believes as Abraham believes Concubine- surrogate mother ( Hagar) Hagar- Abraham's egyptian made Ishmael- child born to Hagar. God establishes covenant and sign of covenant is circumcision Isaac- son of Abraham and sara means ," Laugh" Abrahams test - god asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac the an angel stop them him and instead he sacrifices a ram Leah- Jacob tricked to marry leah, Jacob worked 7 yrs. then marries Rachel Rachel- is Jacob's true love Then Jacob wants to go back and live at his home and spends a night outside canaan and wrestles a being. Renamed "Israel"- one who contended divine human beings Esau greets Jacob=:)

Sodom and Gomorra Lot lived in sodom. Lot was hospitality Interest to Abraham Angels saw sodom of evil as rumored people of Sodom Surrounded Lots house and demanded strangers angels struck the mob blind and pulled lot inside Angels worn lot to leave his wife he looks back and turns to a pillar of salt. Everything was destroyed, left was the dead sea. Lot and daughters in cave get drunk and is tricked into taking care of kids

From this relationship would come the fathers of moabites and ammonites. 2 of Israel's most hated enemies. Jacob Lies So we learn the lesson and don't follow his steps

Although 9/11 killed a lot of people the us is more united. Isaac as a type of Christ 1. Father offers son 2. Son submits fathers will 3. Son carries the wood for sacrifice 4. God provides the sacrifice. Exodus Study Guide Pharaohs daughter found the baby , Moses, in a basket among the reeds. God told Moses to remove his sandals by the burning bush because the ground was holy. God gives himself the name, " I am Who I am." Why did Moses say he could not do what the lord wanted him to do because he had a speech impediment The first sign Moses was supposed to show Pharaoh with his staff was to throw it on the ground and it would turn into a serpent. What did Moses say the Hebrews wanted to leave Egypt and go on a 3 day journey and offer sacrifice to God? The three patriarchs are Isaac Jacob and Abraham. When Moses changed his staff into a snake the wise man sorcerers and magicians of Egypt threw their staff on the ground too. The Ten Plagues 1. Plague of Blood 2. Plague of Frogs 3. Plague of gnats 4. Plague of Flies 5. Plague on egyptian cattle 6. Plague of boils 7. Plague of hail 8. Plague of Locust 9. Plague of Darkness 10. Plague on first Egyptian born. The feast of the Israelites celebrating their departure from Egypt is called the passover because the angel of death passed over and killed egyptian first-born The lord told the Hebrews not to break any bones of the Passover Lamb because the lamb was a prophetic type of Christ. It was a sign of unity as well. God did not lead the Hebrews out of Egypt by a direct route because the direct route might lead them to war and they return to Egypt.

God wanted every first male consecrated to him because it belongs to him. The fiery cloud helped the Hebrews separate from the Egyptians When the Hebrews were starving in Egypt God gave them quail and bread from heaven to eat. God did not furnish them of food on the seventh day because of rest. When the Hebrews complained of water God gave it to them through rock after Moses Struck it When Joshua was I'm battle with Amalek Moses stood on the mountain with Hur and Aaron and helped moses and raised his hand. Jethro was convinced that the Hebrew God was great beyond all gods because moses told him all the good God has done for them and what he did to the Egyptians. Jethro advised to moses to represent the people for God and bring their cases and warn them about laws and make sure they know them and know how to walk and do of the Lord Chapter 5-6 Test Abraham was 75 years old when God called him to travel. Abraham's spouse Sarai was cruel to her maid Jacobs uncle tricked him into marrying Leah Sarah Child was named Isaac The sinful city was called Sodom God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. The sacrifice was to take place on the mountain of Moriah. Nahor was brother of Abraham As God Swore an oath with Abraham fire pot and torch crossed Jacob tricked his father into getting brothers blessing. Joseph went to live in Egypt agains his will. Jacobs name was changed to Israel. Jacob worked 7 years to marry Rachel Jacobs youngest son was Benjamin Jacob had 12 sons Zaphenathpaneah was Joseph's new name appointed by the Pharaoh Abraham had interest in Sodom because he had Family/lot living in the city.

Abraham was from Ur the angels miraculously intervened when the mob was outside of Lots house in sodom by blinding the Mob. Isaac was considered a type of Christ because he obeyed his father carried word and God provided Sacrifice. The promises God made to Abraham and tell which descendants fulfilled those promises were

The 2 fathers of the nations of the Moabites and the Ammonited were conceived out of trickery and evil because Lots daughter get drunk, Conceived. Chapter 4 Notes Evil Line of Canaan Nod- Town Cain went to wandering Enoch- Cain's son, named a city after him name enoch Lamech- 1st polygamist 7 generations down Seth- Righteous son of Adam God flooded the world but would Spare noah and Family due to 150 days of water Noah's ark ended at Mount Arab and rest in present day Turkey. Chapter 3 Review Questions The hebrew word that means to Swear a covenant is seven Augustine said Nothing , he didn't have the time pertaining to what God was doing before he created the world. We are like God by having intelligence, free will and the capacity to love. Because we bear the image of God our work has Dignity. We are co-creaters in the act of Marriage The first chapter in Genesis in hebrew refers to God as, Elohim, God of the Creator. God means when he say for Adam to keep the garden to be a priest and protect it from intruders. A serpent is used throughout the Old Testament to refer to powerful evil creatures. Early christian writers saw the their seed of the woman as Gods promise of a future reclaimer Cain's sin was murdering of his brother out of sin and envy. Chapter 3 Quiz

The term polytheistic mean belief in many Gods The true sin of Adam and Eve was trying to be equal with God. Pain during child birth and work would be a toil are to curses resulting in adam and eves sin. Cain said am i my brother keeper The tower of babel got its name because here god their language. Noah was 600 years old in the time of the flood. Genesis means the beginning. 7 Day of creation 1. Day and Night 2. Ocean and Sky 3. land and vegetation 4. moon stars and sun 5. fish and birds 6. animals and humans 7. rest

Patriarchs Joseph 4 sons 2 sons 2 sons 2 sons 1 sons - Joseph, Jacob's favorite- first born son till Rachel and Jacob Benjamin youngest child of Jacob and Rachel Israel Israel was Gods first born son God told Israelites to smear blood over the door and the angel of death would passover their house Ceremonial feat- unleavened because they wouldn't have time for bread to rise Covenant of Sinai 1. One GodKeep lords name holy 2. Keep holy the Sabbath Everybody hated Joseph Brothers sold Joseph into slavery and sent him to egypt Joseph went to prison after false accusal of Dope Joseph interpreted dreams identify pharaoh as king of Egypt Joseph told pharaoh his dream meaning that their would be a famine. Pharaoh liked Joseph so much Joseph was promoted to governor Joseph brothers go to get wheat when simeon went to jail then brothers bring Benjamin and reconcile Pharaoh changes name once Jacob become Governer Name ZepenthPaneah Mount Moriah is where Isaac was to be Sacrificed.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Honor parents Do not kill don't commit adultery shall not steal don't bear false witness Dont covet neighbors wife Dont covet neighbors goods

Chapter 7 9-27-12 After Josephs death the Israelites were to many and to powerful for the Egyptians. Pharoah orders all male Israelite children slain at birth Moses mother puts him in basket and floats him down river, moses is found by Pharaohs daughter Aaron- brother and spokesperson of moses miriam- moses sister Moses raised in house of pharaoh. Moses killed an egyptian slave driver and flees Egypt to Midian Jethro- where Moses stays an married his daughter Zipporah, Moses encounters God in a burning bush and god tells Moses to go to Egypt and tell Pharaoh to release the Israelite. Moses resists @ first and ask who shall i say sent me and god responds, " yahweh, I am who i am`." Moses tells Pharaoh to let people go he refuses and doubles their work load. God evokes the ten plagues

Chapter 8 The exodus was Israel's declaration of independence When Moses was atop the mountain the israelites had Aaron make a golden calf out of jewelry Calf resembled of strength and power Israelites had turned back to old egyptian ways Institution of the priest hood. God refers to Israelites as our people to moses Moses pleas to God on behalf of theIsraelites but then smashes the tables. Symbol of breaking the covenant with God Worshipping Golden calf was like sin because damaged relationship with God. Levites- priestly cast named after levite priests manual of holiness weaving worship into everyday life another example of punishment for running away from God is Aaron sons : Nadam and Abihu- burned to death after worshipping their own way. Sacrifice of atonement- Israelites would sacrifice animal to atone for sinning animals blood would be put on alter signified God Wom Kippur= day of atonement Book of Leviticus- Laws to live by ... book of Hammurabi Leave harvest for the poor Dont hold wages for laborer until next day do not curse the deaf on pit a stabling block in the way of the blind Dont take vengeance Dont be dishonest in weights and measures Dont apress foreigners

Chapter 9 Rise of the Kingdom Joshua Died at 110 years old Leader of Israel = God moses dies at 120 The Israelites couldn't drive out canaanites because of temptation of idolatry First target for the conquest of canaan was: Jericho walled city oldest city in the world very strategic at war because it was in the middle of promised land and very strong Spies go to Jericho and meet Rahab a prostitute who help Israelite spies. Hung a cord in window so that Israelites pass by her house Levite Priest step foot in river and it stops flowing. At other side they make a gangal a stone monument to commemorate crossing the Jordan. Shalom- deep peace with God people in Jericho march around walls and on the seventh day the walls fall down they save Rahabs house. Rahab became part of Christian history, she marries Israelite and becomes an ancestor of eventually jesus. The ban - devotion to destruction for god destroying everything and taking nothing Ai- a small town scouted by spies that defeated Israelites becaus ethe ban had been broken at Jericho Shecam- town where Joshua died and Israelites renew the covenant with God.

Judges Chaoter 9 11-13-12 Judges people chosen by God to deliver Israelites from persecution Cycles of sin 1. Idolatry 2. Persecuted 3. Repent and ask for help 4. God helps them Judges o Othniel- first judge and defeated king of Iran o Ehud- stabbed Egon in the stomach o Deborah- first female judge and a prophet tribe was controlled by Jabin ( Canaanite King) 900 iron chariots Heavy rain pours and chariots get stuck in the mud Sierra- general of king Jabins army Jael drive stake in skull of siserra and gets credited for the victory Gideon- by his tribe was controlled by the Midianites (desert and dwellers) and is very shy and not confident. o give 300 men torches and they tricked Midianites, Samson- born a Nazarite (dedicated to God at birth) and he couldnt cut his hair or drink strong drinks. o 2 weakness are temper and women Philistine is Samsons enemies Delilah is a philistine women who tricked Samson into sleep and telling her about his hair and philistine capture Samson and cut his hair then chain him to pillars of the temple, his hair grown back and tears down columns killing himself and others Samuel- prophet last judge, bridge between judge and king

God wanted every first male consecrated to him because it belongs to him. The fiery cloud helped the Hebrews separate from the Egyptians When the Hebrews were starving in Egypt God gave them quail and bread from heaven to eat. God did not furnish them of food on the seventh day because of rest. When the Hebrews complained of water God gave it to them through rock after Moses Striked it When Joshua was I'm battle with Amalek Moses stood on the mountain with Hur and Aaron and helped Moses and raised his hand. Jethro was convinced that the Hebrew God was great beyond all gods because Moses told him all the good God has done for them and what he did to the Egyptians. Jethro advised to Moses to represent the people for God and bring their cases and warn them about laws and make sure they know them and know how to walk and do of the Lord

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