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NOGALES Files for CONGRESS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2008 Metrobank-MTAP-NCR Math Challenge Division Orals - Grade 1 A.

15-second questions 2 points each 700 101 18 14 38 32 21 P96 2

1 2

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is the value of 7 in 3735? What number comes after the smallest 3-digit number? What remains if you take 7 tens from 50 plus 38? What is the remainder after taking six 11s from 80? What even number comes after the sum of 19 and 18? What is
2 of 48? 3

What number is N in 150 + N + 8 = 179? Three big apples cost P48; what is the cost of 6 apples? Dora practiced for 150 minutes. How many hours did she practice?

10. What is N in 22 N = 35 21? E B. 11. What is the 7th letter in the word A R I T H M E T I C?

30-second questions 3 points each P60.75 P115.25 1. 2. 3. 4. I have 3 ten-peso coins, 6 five-peso coins and 3 25- coins. How much do I have? A drawing set costs P60 and a book costs P55.25. How much will the two cost? Arrange

1 1 2 3 , , , 5 3 4 4
13 years

3 1 2 1 , , , from smallest to greatest. 4 3 4 5

1 1 years old. Her brother is 3 years older. How old 2 2 will her brother be in 3 years?

Angel is 6

21 8

5. 6.

A vendor had 3 dozen papayas. He sold 15 of them. How many remained? How many numbers between 11 and 99 end in 0?

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NOGALES Files for CONGRESS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL C. 1-minute questions 5 points each 8 9 1. 2. Mother bought 6 dozen flowers. Each bouquet needs 9 flowers. How many bouquets can she make? A big chocolate cake is cut into 36 equal pieces. How many parts 3 remain if of the cake is eaten? 4 Rita and Liz each has P115. A gift for mother will cost P300. How much more money do they need? A vendor had 3 dozen mangoes in one basket and 2 dozen melons in another. He sold 22 mangoes and 15 melons. How many fruits were not sold? A 200-peso bill is changed into 20-peso bills and 10-peso coins. If there are six 20-peso bills, how many 10-peso coins are there? I gave the cashier a P200 bill for a pentel pen. I received P149.25 as change. How much does the pentel pen cost?

P70 23

3. 4.

8 P50.75

5. 6.

Clincher questions 41 19 1 h 2 min 1. 2. 3. Pete has 21 one-peso coins. Nick has 4 5-peso coins. How many pesos do they have together? There are 10 fives in 50. How many fives are there in 95? Ray walked to the bus stop for 15 minutes and waited for the bus for 18 minutes. If the ride to school took 29 minutes, how long did it take Ray to get to school? Express the answer in hours and minutes.

Do-Or-Die questions 29 yrs 1. Lyn is 7 years old. Rose is 2 years less than twice as old. What will be the sum of their ages 5 years?

Filename: Division Orals_2008G1.doc

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