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Getting to Know God _____________________________________________________________

Knowing God is your lifes greatest knowledge need. Trusting God is your lifes greatest emotional need. By believing Gods heart to be pure love and pure goodness, deep attachment trust takes place. This enables you, by the Spirit, to begin to love God fully. Prayer: O Lord, by this letter to me and by your Spirit who indwells me, help me to know your true heart so that I may come to trust you in all things. Then, with your Spirit, I will love and serve you with my whole heart, mind, soul, and strength no matter what I may feel from hour to hour.
If, as you read, but one word about Gods character strikes you, do not press on. Stop! It is an oasis for your spirit. Be still and listen. God is present. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Dear ______ [your name],

[Also, fill in the other blanks with your name.]

If I, your God, were to speak all languages of the world (and I do), but have not love, I am not a God you want to love. And I certainly am not a God to whom you want to listen. I would simply be a noisy gong, a clanging cymbal, which you need to put far from your hearing. If I, your God, have the gift of proclaiming divine truths and can fathom all mysteries and have all knowledge (and I do), but have not love for you, I am not a God worth knowing. Flee from me, for I am unlovable. I am a deadly trap. If I, your God, have all power and can move mountains with a wink and can even raise the dead and change the events of time (and I do have this power), but have not love, tenderness and kindness in my heart for you, _______, than I am worse than no God at all. I am terrifying and destructive of your inner most being. You must flee from me, oppose me, and never serve me. And even if I, your God, should become one of you and surrender my body to death on the cross, but am not motivated by love for you, it is a worthless act and you gain nothing. But, I, your God, am love, pure love. I do love. I always love for it is my nature to love, to be merciful, and to do all in my power to bring you home to me. As love is patient, I, your God, am patient. My nature is to be kind; I am pure kindness. I am humble and not boastful. I respect your dignity; I confirm your freedom even when you use it to hurt my heart. I am never abrasive, nor sarcastic. I can never be so. Such thoughts and words are against my very nature. Just thinking of the hurt they would cause you would sadden me. I am never rude. I have never been rude to you, my son/daughter, not ever, not even once. And I will never be rude to you, _______, never, not even once. I, your God, am always considerate of all your needs. Even when you hurt me by your sins, I am slow to act upon the hurt I receive. I ponder the pain you cause me, see your own pain and your brokenness, and have great compassion for you. I never act off the first impulse of my anger. I keep no record of wrongs. I do not delight in any evil you do or any evil that befalls you. I rejoice with the truth. I rejoice when you know the truth of WHO I AM. That truth will break the chains that tie your heart down and it will free your spirit to fly joyfully to me on eagles wings. The Spirit is the eagle of Joy. Soar to me. I am the Truth. I always protect you. I always trust. I always hope you, _______, will come to me with all your heart, and pursue the good always. I always persevere in doing good for you. There is no end to my love. I AM PERFECT LOVE. That is WHO I AM. Once you truly believe that I AM WHO I AMno matter what you feelyou will love and trust me, even when faithfulness requires enduring effort. Then, my Son, the Spirit, you, and I will strive together to bring all relationships into the kind, warm and tender embrace of my humble, gentle and loving heart.
[Inspired by 1 Cor. 13]

Getting to Know Gods Love

As God is your Creator and your Father, God is your first family of origin and your primary birth parent. As such, God is your most important attachment figure.
In admiring Gods true heart, God begins to build up that deep attachment trust needed to love God fully. In loving God fully, you will know yourself as created in the image of a wondrous Father and as a new creation in Christ.

Directions: The text below is designed for contemplation and micro-contemplation. Through faith and through the Spirit, hear God speaking directly to you. If, as you ponder, an aspect of Gods character strikes you, do not press on. Stop! It is an oasis for your spirit. Be still and listen. God is present. Then, go to page 6 and do steps 7-10. If, during the day, your heart hardens toward God, quickly recall Gods pure and tender heart as described in the text below, or return here and contemplate Gods pure love. In faith, hear God speak humbly to you. (Ponder well because Jesus said: Be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect.]

____________________________________________________________________ I AM LOVE
I am patient. I am kind. I am humble. I am not boastful or arrogant.

I am respectful of your inner beauty, dignity, and worth. I am never abrasive, nor sarcastic. I am never rude. I have never been rude to you, not ever, not even once. I will never be rude to you, my child, never, not even once. I am always considerate of all your needs. I am thoughtful. I am slow to act upon the hurt I receive. I never act off the first impulse of my anger. I, the Lord your God, keep no record of wrongs. I do not delight in any evil you do. I do not delight in any evil that befalls you. I rejoice with the truth. I rejoice when you know the truth of WHO I AM. I am the Truth. I always protect you. I always trust you. I always hope you will come to me with all your heart. I always persevere in doing well for you. There is no end to my love.

I am perfect Love.
That is who I am, in heaven and on earth, when I say,

[Inspired by 1 Cor. 13]

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