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Rubric for Assignment 1: Focus on the learner In this assignment it is possible to focus on an individual learner or a group of learners.

Part A: Write a profile of the learner(s) In the profile it is important to include the following information about the learner(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. Level, nationality and mother tongue. Background and learning experience, with particular regard to learning English. Reasons / motivation for learning English and what you consider to be their needs. Preferred learning style(s) and the activities which they enjoy most and benefit from in class. 5. Details of their strengths and weaknesses. There should be a balance of grammar, lexis, pronunciation and the four skills (reading, listening, speaking and writing). This analysis will help you prepare for the second part of the assignment. 6. Refer to at least one reference book to support your observations.

Word count for part A: 550-700 words

Part B: Identify language problems and provide suitable activities from published material to address these. For this part of the assignment choose two specific language problems. Use your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses in part A to help you identify two key areas which the learner(s) need help with. Focus on problems with grammar, lexis and pronunciation, but avoid choosing two problems from the same area, e.g. two problems with grammar. Find one activity that could be used with your learner(s) for each problem. You need to find two activities in total. You should hand these in with your assignment. These activities must be from other published material, and not from coursebook material you are using, or have used, on the course. Give a rationale for why you chose each activity stating: 1. Why you have chosen to focus on that area of grammar, lexis or pronunciation. 2. What exactly the activity you have chosen practises. Do not include a description of how you would use the activity. 3. Why you believe the activity is appropriate for your learner(s). Consider whether it is engaging, meaningful and culturally suitable. Word count for part B: 200-300 words

Assessment criteria The assignment should be written in continuous prose, with clear headings and paragraphing. Although it might be necessary to discuss and share data with your colleagues, assignments must be written independently. Cambridge ESOL specifies that for the Focus on the learner assignment, successful candidates can demonstrate their learning by: showing awareness of how a learners / learners background(s), previous learning experience and learning style(s) affect learning identifying the learners / learners language/skills needs correctly using terminology relating to the description of language systems and language skills selecting appropriate material and / or resources to aid learners / learners language development providing a rationale for using specific activities with a learner / learners finding, selecting and referencing information from one or more sources.

Total word count: 750 1000 words

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