10 Commandments of Marriage 50 Copies Each

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(For Married Man) 1. You shall have no other woman > Do not set your heart or mind or eyes on any other woman than your wife 2. You shall take care of the image of your wife > Dont keep remembering her image at 20 years old > Dont impose on her the image of another woman; she is uniquely her 3. You shall not misuse the name of your wife > Dont make your wife a laughing stock > Dont let others make a joke of your wife 4. You shall devote one day a week to your wife > Take time to be with your wife > Date her; take her for a walk, for shopping etc, to keep the love and romance alive 5. You shall honor your wife > Express words of love, affection, appreciation and affirmation constantly > Introduce her to your friends > Make her feel good and special > She becomes what you feel about her 6. You shall not murder your wife > You must certainty not murder her physically, or even abuse her physically > You must be careful not to murder her with your attitude, words, or even neglect 7. You shall not commit adultery > Adultery destroys families and ministries > The consequences are serious and long term 8. You shall not steal from your wife > Invest your family by giving your wife a generous monthly allowance > Buy her things before you buy things for yourself 9. You shall not give false witness > Guard your home against murmuring and gossips, whether against your wife or against others. 10. You shall not covet > Guard yourself against greed of others possessions; including someone elses spouse > If in need, pray for Gods provision

(For Married Man) 1. You shall have no other woman > Do not set your heart or mind or eyes on any other woman than your wife 2. You shall take care of the image of your wife > Dont keep remembering her image at 20 years old > Dont impose on her the image of another woman; she is uniquely her 3. You shall not misuse the name of your wife > Dont make your wife a laughing stock > Dont let others make a joke of your wife 4. You shall devote one day a week to your wife > Take time to be with your wife > Date her; take her for a walk, for shopping etc, to keep the love and romance alive 5. You shall honor your wife > Express words of love, affection, appreciation and affirmation constantly > Introduce her to your friends > Make her feel good and special > She becomes what you feel about her 6. You shall not murder your wife > You must certainty not murder her physically, or even abuse her physically > You must be careful not to murder her with your attitude, words, or even neglect 7. You shall not commit adultery > Adultery destroys families and ministries > The consequences are serious and long term 8. You shall not steal from your wife > Invest your family by giving your wife a generous monthly allowance > Buy her things before you buy things for yourself 9. You shall not give false witness > Guard your home against murmuring and gossips, whether against your wife or against others. 10. You shall not covet > Guard yourself against greed of others possessions; including someone elses spouse > If in need, pray for Gods provision

(For Married Woman) 1. You shall have no other man > Do not set your heart or mind or eyes on any other man than your husband 2. You shall take care of the image of your husband > Dont keep remembering his image at 20 years old > Dont impose on him the image of another man; he is unique 3. You shall not misuse the name of your husband > Dont make your husband a laughing stock > Dont let others make a joke of your husband 4. You shall devote one day a week to your wife > Take time to be with your husband > Date him; take him for a walk, for shopping etc, to keep the love and romance alive 5. You shall honor your husband > Express words of love, affection, appreciation and affirmation constantly > Introduce him to your friends > Make him feel good and special > He becomes what you feel about him 6. You shall not murder your husband > You must certainty not murder him physically, or even abuse him physically > You must be careful not to murder him with your attitude, words, or even neglect 7. You shall not commit adultery > Adultery destroys families and ministries > The consequences are serious and long term 8. You shall not steal from your husband > Invest your family by giving your husband a generous monthly allowance > Buy him things before you buy things for yourself 9. You shall not give false witness > Guard your home against murmuring and gossips, whether against your husband or against others. 10. You shall not covet > Guard yourself against greed of others possessions; including someone elses spouse > If in need, pray for Gods provision

(For Married Woman) 1. You shall have no other man > Do not set your heart or mind or eyes on any other man than your husband 2. You shall take care of the image of your husband > Dont keep remembering his image at 20 years old > Dont impose on him the image of another man; he is unique 3. You shall not misuse the name of your husband > Dont make your husband a laughing stock > Dont let others make a joke of your husband 4. You shall devote one day a week to your wife > Take time to be with your husband > Date him; take him for a walk, for shopping etc, to keep the love and romance alive 5. You shall honor your husband > Express words of love, affection, appreciation and affirmation constantly > Introduce him to your friends > Make him feel good and special > He becomes what you feel about him 6. You shall not murder your husband > You must certainty not murder him physically, or even abuse him physically > You must be careful not to murder him with your attitude, words, or even neglect 7. You shall not commit adultery > Adultery destroys families and ministries > The consequences are serious and long term 8. You shall not steal from your husband > Invest your family by giving your husband a generous monthly allowance > Buy him things before you buy things for yourself 9. You shall not give false witness > Guard your home against murmuring and gossips, whether against your husband or against others. 10. You shall not covet > Guard yourself against greed of others possessions; including someone elses spouse > If in need, pray for Gods provision


(For Single Man)
1. Be wise Know what you will and wont do ahead of time. Recognize temptation before it gets too big for you to handle. Flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). 2. Dont go where you shouldnt go Are there parties you know you shouldnt attend? Are there hangouts where youll fall back into your old (bad) habits? Dont go there! Dont go where you shouldnt emotionally and physically. 3, Stay in the light If it has to be done in the dark when no one is watching, its wrong|! 4. Be able to spot sins many disguises Arm yourself with whats right so youll know wrong when it comes. Know the truth so youll call the lies for what they are. Temptations looks enticing on the outside, but one bite and you realize looks arent everything. Satan likes to wrap sin and lies into pretty packages but the consequences are more deadly than a mouthful of plastic. 5. Dont hang out with wrong people Choose Christian friends who challenge you to step your faith up a notch; not friends who drag you down. If you play in the mud with white gloves on, the gloves always get muddy, the mud never gets glovey. 6. Draw your lines carefully Draw the solid line of what you will and wont do. Talk to your now-girlfriend or your someday girlfriend about the boundaries youve set. 7. Dont let yourself get worn down Youre most vulnerable when youre tired, lonely, depressed, angry, or struggling in a relationship (Luke 4:13). Satisfy yourself with Christ, then sin will seem less attractive (John 6:35). 8. Dont believe everyones doing it Sex outside of Gods plan has consequences: sexually transmitted infections, destroyed reputations, emotional pain. Dont be deceived into believing that no one will know (Numbers 32:23). 9. Know a trap when you see one Ask a trusted, godly man (your papa, your grandpa, a family friend or youth pastor) about some regrets hes had in his relationship with girls. What have these regrets meant in his life? Together, think about some guys you know whove gone too far and the consequences that have resulted. Talk about some people you know whove made purity their goal and the blessings that have resulted in their lives.


(For Single Man)
1. Be wise Know what you will and wont do ahead of time. Recognize temptation before it gets too big for you to handle. Flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). 2. Dont go where you shouldnt go Are there parties you know you shouldnt attend? Are there hangouts where youll fall back into your old (bad) habits? Dont go there! Dont go where you shouldnt emotionally and physically. 3, Stay in the light If it has to be done in the dark when no one is watching, its wrong|! 4. Be able to spot sins many disguises Arm yourself with whats right so youll know wrong when it comes. Know the truth so youll call the lies for what they are. Temptations looks enticing on the outside, but one bite and you realize looks arent everything. Satan likes to wrap sin and lies into pretty packages but the consequences are more deadly than a mouthful of plastic. 5. Dont hang out with wrong people Choose Christian friends who challenge you to step your faith up a notch; not friends who drag you down. If you play in the mud with white gloves on, the gloves always get muddy, the mud never gets glovey. 6. Draw your lines carefully Draw the solid line of what you will and wont do. Talk to your now-girlfriend or your someday girlfriend about the boundaries youve set. 7. Dont let yourself get worn down Youre most vulnerable when youre tired, lonely, depressed, angry, or struggling in a relationship (Luke 4:13). Satisfy yourself with Christ, then sin will seem less attractive (John 6:35). 8. Dont believe everyones doing it Sex outside of Gods plan has consequences: sexually transmitted infections, destroyed reputations, emotional pain. Dont be deceived into believing that no one will know (Numbers 32:23). 9. Know a trap when you see one Ask a trusted, godly man (your papa, your grandpa, a family friend or youth pastor) about some regrets hes had in his relationship with girls. What have these regrets meant in his life? Together, think about some guys you know whove gone too far and the consequences that have resulted. Talk about some people you know whove made purity their goal and the blessings that have resulted in their lives.


(For Single Woman)
1. Be wise Know what you will and wont do ahead of time. Recognize temptation before it gets too big for you to handle. Flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). 2. Dont go where you shouldnt go Are there parties you know you shouldnt attend? Are there hangouts where youll fall back into your old (bad) habits? Dont go there! Dont go where you shouldnt emotionally and physically. 3, Stay in the light If it has to be done in the dark when no one is watching, its wrong|! 4. Be able to spot sins many disguises Arm yourself with whats right so youll know wrong when it comes. Know the truth so youll call the lies for what they are. Temptations looks enticing on the outside, but one bite and you realize looks arent everything. Satan likes to wrap sin and lies into pretty packages but the consequences are more deadly than a mouthful of plastic. 5. Dont hang out with wrong people Choose Christian friends who challenge you to step your faith up a notch; not friends who drag you down. If you play in the mud with white gloves on, the gloves always get muddy, the mud never gets glovey. 6. Draw your lines carefully Draw the solid line of what you will and wont do. Talk to your now-boyfriend or your someday boyfriend about the boundaries youve set. 7. Dont let yourself get worn down Youre most vulnerable when youre tired, lonely, depressed, angry, or struggling in a relationship (Luke 4:13). Satisfy yourself with Christ, then sin will seem less attractive (John 6:35). 8. Dont believe everyones doing it Sex outside of Gods plan has consequences: sexually transmitted infections, destroyed reputations, emotional pain. Dont be deceived into believing that no one will know (Numbers 32:23). 9. Know a trap when you see one Ask a trusted, godly woman (your mama, your grandma, a family friend or youth pastor) about some regrets shes had in her relationship with guys. What have these regrets meant in her life? Together, think about some girls you know whove gone too far and the consequences that have resulted. Talk about some people you know whove made purity their goal and the blessings that have resulted in their lives.


(For Single Woman)
1. Be wise Know what you will and wont do ahead of time. Recognize temptation before it gets too big for you to handle. Flee from sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 6:18). 2. Dont go where you shouldnt go Are there parties you know you shouldnt attend? Are there hangouts where youll fall back into your old (bad) habits? Dont go there! Dont go where you shouldnt emotionally and physically. 3, Stay in the light If it has to be done in the dark when no one is watching, its wrong|! 4. Be able to spot sins many disguises Arm yourself with whats right so youll know wrong when it comes. Know the truth so youll call the lies for what they are. Temptations looks enticing on the outside, but one bite and you realize looks arent everything. Satan likes to wrap sin and lies into pretty packages but the consequences are more deadly than a mouthful of plastic. 5. Dont hang out with wrong people Choose Christian friends who challenge you to step your faith up a notch; not friends who drag you down. If you play in the mud with white gloves on, the gloves always get muddy, the mud never gets glovey. 6. Draw your lines carefully Draw the solid line of what you will and wont do. Talk to your now-boyfriend or your someday boyfriend about the boundaries youve set. 7. Dont let yourself get worn down Youre most vulnerable when youre tired, lonely, depressed, angry, or struggling in a relationship (Luke 4:13). Satisfy yourself with Christ, then sin will seem less attractive (John 6:35). 8. Dont believe everyones doing it Sex outside of Gods plan has consequences: sexually transmitted infections, destroyed reputations, emotional pain. Dont be deceived into believing that no one will know (Numbers 32:23). 9. Know a trap when you see one Ask a trusted, godly woman (your mama, your grandma, a family friend or youth pastor) about some regrets shes had in her relationship with guys. What have these regrets meant in her life? Together, think about some girls you know whove gone too far and the consequences that have resulted. Talk about some people you know whove made purity their goal and the blessings that have resulted in their lives.

The 5 Best Single-Parent Tips

1. Look optimistically at what God is doing in your life and in the lives of your children (Luke 12:7) Finding yourself in this situation may be a surprise to you, but it is not a surprise to Him. Be confident that God understands your situation and is always at work in your life. 2. Be conscious that your behavior influences that of your children. Avoid actions that would be embarrassing to share with your children later in life (Matthew 18:6). Children listen to every word and watch every action of their parents. There is no role model more important than that of a Mama and Papa. However, as a single parent, because you feel hurt, alone, and even rejected from time to time, you may tend to forget that you are setting examples of behavior that your children will imitate. 3. Discipline with the intent of teaching responsibility, not with the intent of punishing (Proverbs 3:12). Discipline is teaching and is never about being angry or getting even. Many single parents feel guilty that their children are in a single-parent household and, therefore, neglect discipline or teaching their children responsibility for their actions. Children need to feel secure in knowing that they are loved enough to be disciplined fairly and consistently. 4. Speak encouragingly and carefully to children so as not to exasperate them (Ephesians 6:3) and cause them to become discouraged (James 1:26). What you say to your children stays in their hearts for a lifetime. If it is harsh and demeaning, the wounds may never be healed. Your children are special treasures. Despite characteristics that may challenge you as a parent, God designed your children purposefully. Too often children become the verbal targets of anger and frustration in a single parent home. Each member of the family deserves respect at all times. 5. Break bad habits and you will reap the rewards of those choices immediately. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer (Proverbs 9:12). As a single parent, you may get stuck in a vicious cycle of impulsive actions and knee-jerk reactions that keep you and your children off guard for several years. It is not easy to find solid footing when life keeps swirling around you. But the godly counsel of many is critical.

The 5 Best Single-Parent Tips

1. Look optimistically at what God is doing in your life and in the lives of your children (Luke 12:7) Finding yourself in this situation may be a surprise to you, but it is not a surprise to Him. Be confident that God understands your situation and is always at work in your life. 2. Be conscious that your behavior influences that of your children. Avoid actions that would be embarrassing to share with your children later in life (Matthew 18:6). Children listen to every word and watch every action of their parents. There is no role model more important than that of a Mama and Papa. However, as a single parent, because you feel hurt, alone, and even rejected from time to time, you may tend to forget that you are setting examples of behavior that your children will imitate. 3. Discipline with the intent of teaching responsibility, not with the intent of punishing (Proverbs 3:12). Discipline is teaching and is never about being angry or getting even. Many single parents feel guilty that their children are in a single-parent household and, therefore, neglect discipline or teaching their children responsibility for their actions. Children need to feel secure in knowing that they are loved enough to be disciplined fairly and consistently. 4. Speak encouragingly and carefully to children so as not to exasperate them (Ephesians 6:3) and cause them to become discouraged (James 1:26). What you say to your children stays in their hearts for a lifetime. If it is harsh and demeaning, the wounds may never be healed. Your children are special treasures. Despite characteristics that may challenge you as a parent, God designed your children purposefully. Too often children become the verbal targets of anger and frustration in a single parent home. Each member of the family deserves respect at all times. 5. Break bad habits and you will reap the rewards of those choices immediately. If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer (Proverbs 9:12). As a single parent, you may get stuck in a vicious cycle of impulsive actions and knee-jerk reactions that keep you and your children off guard for several years. It is not easy to find solid footing when life keeps swirling around you. But the godly counsel of many is critical.

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