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Media Release er Dick Quax Monday, 7 October 2013 Census Confirms Auckland's Ropulation Growth Less Than Planned

Statistics New Zealand confirme that New Zealand's population growth

has slowed over the last 6 years and according to Auckland Councillor Dick Quax this has huge implicat"ons for the planned growth and the Auckland Unitary Plan now out far submission. Since the last census in 2006 th

I population

growth for the entire country

has slowed dramatically to just 31,000 a year. "That is a drop from the year on ear nationwide population growth of 58,000 which occurred in the yejrs leading to the 2006 Census. During the 1990s the growth was 61,000 per year." The Auckland Plan which informs the Unitary Plan has always assumed a population growth of 1 million

er the next 30 years.

Based on the population informa ion released today the Department of Statistics Auckland is likely to ad6 just 500,000 extra people by 2041. "This has enormous implications for the future planning of the region including the highly criticised plan for future urban intensification which plans to accommodate 280,000 metropolitan urban limits." "Some of my Council colleagues and I, especially Chris Fletcher have always questioned whether the +pulation projections assumed by the


dwellings with the present

Auckland Council planners were realistic. It now appears they are not

realistic and I am calling on those planners to make the necessary adjustments to the Unitary Plan.

"No doubt the Government will b reassessing future infrastructure needs and the Auckland Council needs

do the same."

The Inner City Rail Loop is just ohe of the projects that need to be reassessed in light of the new grl wth figures according to Cr Quax. Ends Contact Dick Quax 021 286 776 or 027 490 2114

Dick Quax

09577 3340 0274902114 0212867766

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