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4. M€nwhile, mrke the syrup. Bring the lson iuice, z€t, wat€r, lnd sugar, to a boil

!r,'nL*W. .1.(,orrk'r i),lr;rrlist

over high heat and cook until it is r€duced tg yr cup, about 15 minutes. Allow syrup to
cooi bdore dnzling ontg the cake.

5. Transfer the cake to a wire rack and cool for 10 minut6 Drizzle half of th€ syrup

i:i;l* ",-".,r-* go #;;1Ii;?:: $hiffiil;e*

over the cake. lnvert onto the rack and brush with the remainiog syrup. Cool completely

Reprinted frcm SACK TO THE TABLE The Reunion of Food and Famity By Art Smith. O
tj!!{.i Fjg iil i,\l a)ti
Recipes/ LemonSourCreamPoundCake 2001 by Art Smith.
Reprntcd wlth Frmbrrcn from Ad smff
Iufrr/ ltY a/nlt-$ilx?
Prlni vlrglor
,&ltter..., customergervicaI About us I F Q'5 | slom EventsI Employmentoppoftunttics
,ritw/ 7k- Lemon-Sour
CreamPoundCake Q & A I slt. Ind.x I Prtvacy Polt<y I R€questA C.talog I Afflliat. program
i'; a.+f:lii:0xt
For asslslnncc.oll 455 32a-5412.To placean order by phone,call aoo 243-Oa52
M a k e s1 2 s s v i n g s

; :t tia r i.t F: Sour cream is the sgret mgredient in many a pound cake. Thts one s bas@ on a lemon
pound cake from my family's recipe collection.
l: t:'r: {nrt--
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f:ii:?-t Ingredients
:l.r(ritt arnla

I-:rir!;r: Cake

!$ai l? Sf,i|!:-1 3 cups ail-purpose flour

"-'*-:r1 Yz teasp@n baking powder
f31il;i: Y. teasp@n baking soda
% teas@n slt
t: 4i n ;4\t ug:il x {:!Aii f* 1 cut (2 stkks) unslted butter, at rw temperdture
3 cups sugar
at[.rx]Rr tRi.i,!P,tMs
6 large egqs, at room temperature (e Note, page 32)
3Tffi igiSfliJqtpi?r I teasrcon, vanilla extract
37t?i tYlli:s Gfated zest of 2 lemons
li,Sf NffirsiR? 1 cup sour crem, at room temperalure
ri,f Y <8ft4s
ttlsf ,)f.q6 l,€mon Slrup

iied. iTEat
. Zst of 1 lmon
tZEr: lt i ...!-t !*A . l cup fr$h lemon juice
Snt f,: ftl:dt . rA cup watg
rtE;:F-'i9 . 2/3 cup sugar


1. To make the cake, positEn a rcck in the center of the oven ind prelqt to 325
degre6 F. Butts and flo!r a 1,0-inchfluted tube (Bundt) pan, and tap out the qcess

2. Sift the flo!., baklng powds, baking $dr, and salt together; *i asid€. Beat the
butter and sugar in a large bowl with a hand-heh €lstric mixs on high sped until lght
and fluffy, about 3 minutes Bst ln the egOs,one at a time, then the yanilla and zst
On low speed, add the flour in 3 additiss, alternrtlng with 2 additiqs of th6 sou.
cream, beginning and sding with the flour, and bert until sm€th, scraprng down the
sid6 of the bowl often with a rubber sp.t!la. Spread €venly In the pan.

3. Bake until a wooden skewer in*rted jn th€ cenber of the cake com$ out clean, about
1 % houB.

application,reipe details.cftn?RecipelD=i26 llil8/2003 http:iiwwrv,,
details,cfin?RecipelD=126 1li18i2003

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